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Migration and rural poverty in China   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
We analyze two complementary household datasets from China's poor areas to examine whether the poor migrate and whether migration helps the poor. We find an inverted-U-shaped relationship between household endowments and the likelihood of migration. Over time, the poor are more likely to migrate. Using household panel data and taking prior village migration networks as an instrument, we find that having a migrant increases a household's income per capita by 8.5 to 13.1 percent, but that the overall impact on poverty is modest because most poor people do not migrate. Migrants remit a large share of their income and the amount of these remittances is responsive somewhat to the needs of other family members. Journal of Comparative Economics 33 (4) (2005) 688–709.  相似文献   

Climate change, health and migration in urban China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, I empirically investigate the effect of climate change on health and migration in China. Using urban survey data sets from different Chinese cities, I find that an increase in female morbidity is associated with current high temperature change, especially for the symptom of frailty; past hot weather is related to the exacerbation of health problems in women, and the effect on females is larger than that on males who migrate from rural areas to cities; past temperature change is also correlated with a higher probability of chronic symptoms for females. I also find that migration preference from a rural area to a city is correlated with avoiding exposure to hot weather shocks, which shows a regressive tendency. Finally, the migration preferences of male residents who migrate from one city to another city are not associated with the effects of past low temperature changes on health.  相似文献   

任晓静 《技术经济》2009,28(5):86-91
本文基于2008年对河南省农村280名60岁以下已婚妇女的调查数据,采用Logit模型,对妇女外出务工的影响因素进行了实证分析。结果表明:妇女受教育程度、丈夫当年是否外出务工、社区经济发展是否以农业为主和社区已婚妇女外出务工比例5个因素对农村妇女外出务工有显著的正向影响;妇女年龄、家中是否有3岁以下孩子和家庭人均耕地面积3个因素对农村妇女外出就业有显著的负向影响;婚前外出务工经历对农村妇女当年外出务工行为没有显著影响。  相似文献   

The formation of human capital is important for a society’s welfare and economic success. Recent literature shows that child health can provide an important explanation for disparities in children’s human capital development across different socio-economic groups. While this literature focuses on cognitive skills as determinants of human capital, it neglects non-cognitive skills. We analyze data from economic experiments with preschoolers and their mothers to investigate whether child health can explain developmental gaps in children’s non-cognitive skills. Our measure for children’s non-cognitive skills is their willingness to compete with others. Our findings suggest that health problems are negatively related to children’s willingness to compete and that the effect of health on competitiveness differs with socio-economic background. Health has a strongly negative effect in our sub-sample with low socio-economic background, whereas there is no effect in our sub-sample with high socio-economic background.  相似文献   


The existing literature suggests that worker’s cognitive and non-cognitive abilities have a significant impact on wages. However, presently there is little research in this area of ??China’s labor force, due to scanty data. To this end, this Paper conducted a CEES-based data research, which found that, the cognitive and non-cognitive abilities of male, skilled workers have a greater impact on their wages, as compared with those of the female, unskilled workers. The OLS regression based on the Mincer Wage Equation found that, the impact of non-cognitive abilities on wages is generally larger than that of the cognitive abilities. All cognitive abilities have a positive impact on wages, wherein English proficiency has the greatest elasticity of wages, which is 12.1%. Of all non-cognitive abilities, Conscientiousness has the highest wage elasticity, which is 13.6%, whereas Agreeableness has a negative wage elasticity of ?6.32%.

Abbreviations: CEES: Chinese Employer-Employee Survey OLS: Ordinary least squares  相似文献   

利用2011年全国流动人口抽样调查数据,运用多元logistic回归分析模型,研究迁移模式对农民工重构人际网络的影响。迁移意愿在迁移模式影响人际网络的过程中起到显著作用;迁移距离和迁移规模对两个阶段人际网络都产生负影响,迁移时间对两个阶段人际网络都产生正影响;农民工在初级人际网络建立阶段群体差异不大,呈现"内卷性"群体特征,迁移距离和迁移时间都不显著,而在新型人际网络构建阶段群体差异显现,三种迁移模式均显著,构成新型人际网络差异性的重要原因;受教育程度、就业身份等显著影响人际网络的构建。  相似文献   

农村居民迁居意愿影响因素分析   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
李君  李小建 《经济地理》2008,28(3):454-459
居住是反映居民基本生存状态的重要指标之一。随着经济社会的不断发展,各种因素的变化导致了人们对其居住需求的改变和居住区位的再选择,进一步影响着各种居住空间结构的变迁。文章基于1 234份农户调查数据,运用二元选择Logit模型对影响农户迁居选择的影响因素和迁居意愿进行了回归分析。结果显示家庭总人口、现住宅改造时间、出路交通、房屋面积及结构、地形是影响农村居民迁居意愿的主要因素。农村居民迁居意愿的产生是农户考虑主要影响因素后,家庭进行综合决策的结果。随着农村大家庭的逐渐消解,家庭结构的日趋小型化,人口较多的大户家庭还面临着进一步迁居的可能;山地农村居民更愿意迁居;出路交通和现有住宅结构还是居住环境中引起居民居住不满的主要因素。今后的农村居民点建设应适度从农户角度出发,合理引导居民迁居,不断完善居民点规划。  相似文献   

Policies to deter illegal entry and reduce the number of undocumented immigrants have a complex impact on migration patterns, border crossings, and duration. However, studies generally assume the method of crossing into the United States is exogenous with respect to migration duration. Using data from the Mexican Migration Project, this paper finds that the migrant's decision to hire a coyote (smuggler) to cross the border is endogenous with respect to duration. Instrumental variable estimates provide evidence that migrants who incur the cost of hiring a coyote have longer migration durations as they need to work longer in the United States. The migrants most likely to hire coyotes have less education, little migration experience, and/or come from rural communities. Results suggest that continuing to increase guest worker programs could actually decrease the number of Mexican immigrants in the United States by eliminating the need for coyotes which would reduce migration durations. This would better utilize the immigrant population in the United States by encouraging immigrants to stay while employed and to migrate home when unemployed, with the knowledge they can later return. Reducing coyote use would also reduce income flowing to Mexican cartels which have profited from human smuggling. (JEL O15, J61, J64)  相似文献   

This paper addresses the impact of active labor market programs on interregional migration in Sweden. The purpose of the study is to determine the extent to which the programs, which provide training and labor market assistance to jobless individuals, induce participants to migrate. Analysis is based on data registers compiled in 1994 and 1995 by Statistics Sweden and the Labor Market Board of Sweden. The paper specifies and estimates a two‐equation model of participation and subsequent migration. The model, which is estimated by the method of maximum simulated likelihood, accounts for the role of program participation as an endogenous choice variable in the decision to migrate. In an attempt to capture the effect of migrant self‐selection, the estimation approach also controls for unobserved heterogeneity in the participation and migration equations. Results of the study indicate a significant positive impact of participation on subsequent mobility for males. This result is robust with respect to alternative specifications of the migration equation and alternative formulations of the model for program participation. For females, the evidence of program impacts is mixed and it appears to be sensitive to the statistical formulation of the model. (JEL J38, J61)  相似文献   

Hugh Grant 《Applied economics》2013,45(20):2335-2345
This study applies a multinomial logit model of human-capital migration to examine the factors influencing the movement of physicians within Canadian provinces between 1976 and 1992. The empirical investigation covers general practitioners and specialists (it excludes interns/residents) between seven regions (Atlantic Canada, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia). The results suggest that differences in real income have a positive and significant effect on a physician's decision to migrate form one province to another. Provinces with the highest after tax income, highest expenditure per physician, and highest fee-per-service rates have the highest net rate of in-migration. Income differences are however, not the only factor influencing a physician's choice to move. Working conditions within a province, which we proxy with the number of hospitals beds and health expenditures per capita, are also important factors. Likewise, the ratio of rural to urban population, distance between the major city in each province and provincial population all have a negative impact on a physician's migration choice. Finally, a dummy variable is used to allow for language differences between Quebec and the rest of the provinces and find that language differences have a significant and negative impact on a physician decision to migrate.  相似文献   

In the aftermath of the global financial crisis, policymakers have been increasingly striving to support female entrepreneurship as a possible growth driver. This paper contributes to reconciling mixed findings in the literature on the effectiveness of entrepreneurial training with an analysis that links training and human capital, including tertiary education and non-cognitive skills, with gender gaps in entrepreneurial performance in Africa. We have found that while financial literacy training directly benefits men, it does not raise the sales levels of women entrepreneurs. Instead, tertiary education has a direct positive link with the performance of women. Consistent with our theoretical model where different skills are complements, tertiary education can act as a channel that makes training effective. Regarding non-cognitive skills, evidence shows that women entrepreneurs who are tenacious achieve stronger sales performance. Our results underscore the importance of including tertiary education and entrepreneurial training programs focused on a balanced set of skills, including non-cognitive skills, among policies for women entrepreneurs.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of savings behavior of Turkish households residing in W. Germany using survey data. It is found that there exists a statistically significant difference in the savings behavior of households who migrate from urban areas of Turkey and those who migrate from rural areas. The estimated savings function is non-linear with respect to household income. While education and the occupation of the head of household do not have statistically significant impacts on the savings of either group, age of the household's head has a statistically significant impact on the savings behavior of both groups.  相似文献   

He  Qing  Qian  Zongxin  Fei  Zhe  Chong  Terence Tai-Leung 《Empirical Economics》2019,56(2):735-754

In this paper, a duration dependence test for speculative bubbles in the Chinese stock market is developed. It is found that bubbles in the aggregate stock price existed before the split share reform. After the reform, we observe the phenomenon of bubble migration across industries. In particular, bubbles migrate from the telecommunications industry to the health care industry. Moreover, we find that monetary policy used to have a significant impact on the bubble size before the reform but the impact diminished after the reform.


本文描述了我国劳动力供给的总体数量以及变化趋势,并从劳动参与率、城乡结构、人力资本三方面进行考察,探讨人口老龄化对于劳动力供给的影响。我国劳动参与率还存在较大增长空间,将会是未来劳动力供给的重要增长点;农村剩余劳动力存量仍看似充足,但其老龄化情况较严重,难以维持当前农民工向城市转移的速度;另外我国年轻劳动力的教育程度和人力资本已有显著提升。因此虽然人口老龄化已经对我国劳动力供给产生了一定负面影响,但由于人口和劳动力的变化是一个长期过程,并不会给经济发展带来突发的、灾难性的冲击。  相似文献   

基于中国综合社会调查(CGSS)的数据,本文谨慎定义老龄家庭后实证检验了老龄化对我国家庭消费支出的影响。研究发现,老龄化将使家庭消费支出显著下降并对大多数消费分项支出产生较大负面影响,同时会大幅提升家庭医疗服务支出;收入是老龄化影响家庭消费的重要中间变量。基于城乡分类子样本研究发现,乡村家庭受老龄化冲击异常严重,乡村医疗服务供给存在较大缺口。基于分层的城镇子样本回归发现,老龄化对城镇家庭消费的冲击集中体现在较低分位家庭。  相似文献   

This study examines how cognitive and non-cognitive skills are valued in the labour market in Mexico. It uses a novel dataset which includes a wide array of cognitive and non-cognitive skill measures. Non-cognitive skills are rewarded in the market even after controlling for family background and educational attainment. Returns to non-cognitive skills are similar between men and women. However, controlling for educational attainment and family background, only men are rewarded for their cognitive skills.  相似文献   

人口迁移流动对于城镇劳动力供给和区域劳动力市场一体化均有显著影响。农村迁移劳动力与城镇居民就业存在一定的替代关系,但对城镇劳动力就业冲击不大。城-城迁移人口对迁入地人口的失业率和劳动参与率均无明显影响。我国劳动力市场从计划经济时期的高度一体化逐步演变为省际之间的分割,再次走向大经济区之间的分割和区内的融合。这种融合是借助农民工的迁移流动来实现的,因而在本质上依旧是分割的。  相似文献   

This study analyzes the influence of children on household migration decisions using data on current internal movement in Vietnam a country that has experienced significant rural–urban migration in the recent years. Families with children usually have three migration choices: move together, stay together or send only one parent to work afar. Using an instrumental variable approach, we show that having an additional child reduces the probability of household migration by 0.0115, while it increases the likelihood of fathers’ migration by 0.0121. These effects suggest that households with more children may be less mobile but may have a greater economic need for migration.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the effects of family decisions and individual decisions on rural-urban migration in India under 2 different rural institutions--family farm and wage labor systems. An analytical framework for explaining family migration decisions reveals that whenever a member of the extended family migrates, he gives up his share in the produce of the family farm. When this happens, the number of adult members on the farm goes down and the total product is affected. 3 case studies of Indian villages are analyzed for this study. 2 empirical relations are examined: 1) if individual migration decisions are predominant, and 2) if family decisions are important in determining the overall flow of migration. Relationships between migration decisions and other variables, such as: 1) number of males in urban areas; 2) urban wages; 3) daily wage rate; 4) average agricultural income; 5) railway distance between rural and urban areas; 6) size of the labor market in destination region; 7) probability that a migrant arriving in an urban area will find a job; and 8) comsumption expenditure, in urban areas estimated by working class consumer price index, are determined. Results show that: 1) the market determined wage variable does not play a very significant role in migration decisions; 2) distance is one of the most important variables in analyzing migration; and 3) the aggregate flow of migration is affected if migration decisions are predominantly family decisions. These findings have relevant policy implications for less developed countries (LDCs), especially because large flows of rural-urban migration in recent years have forced governments to adopt policies for controlling the flows to reduce the burden of unemployment in the urban areas. Government policies affecting rural institutions will have an impact on migration flow; those that lead to a reduction of uncertainty in agriculture will affect average per-capita consumption levels in family farms and hence influence the flow of migration.  相似文献   

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