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曼瑟尔·奥尔森的《集体行动的逻辑》是公共选择理论的开山之作,书中把经济学思维引入到社会现象和管理学中,系统地阐述了集体行动的理论,开创了研究集体行动理论的先河。因此,依托集体行动理论,尝试对当下城中村改造中面临的难题,予以解释,以期得出破解这一难题的合适路径。  相似文献   

集体行动与社会规范的演进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章描述了达成集体行动基础的两条研究路径,一是关注实验研究提供的证据及其可能的理论解释;二是考察真实世界的经验证据。关于集体行动的这两条研究路径是很活跃的研究领域,出现了很多重要的研究成果。其中一个重要的发现是,世界上的人有许多类型,有一些人会比另一些人更愿意为了集体行动的潜在收益而发起互惠行动。因此,一个核心的问题是,潜在的合作者如何相互发出信号,以及如何设计制度以促成而不是破坏有条件的合作。尽管还没有完全成熟的理论面世,不过,基于演化的一些理论对各种基于实验或者田野调查的研究发现的解释力也许是最强大的,因而有可能成为这一领域的核心理论。  相似文献   

在实现经济共享的道路中,共享单车的推广是一个趋势,其在缓解了“最后一公里”难题,为顾客提供了便利的同时,普遍还存在着“集体行动困境”,如随意停放、蓄意破坏、占为私用等不良现象.本文从“集体行动困境”的视角下解读这些不文明行为发生的原因,提出借用第三方强制力手段、市场治理、社会治理、自主治理等多种治理方式相结合的手段,解决“集体行动困境”的建议.  相似文献   

政府执行力的建设能够为广大政策执行人员提供指导,从而迅速将政府的决策转化为现实的行动.而公共政策的执行作为典型的集体行动,有着同样的运行规律和特点,本文通过对集体行动理论的借鉴,希望能为政府执行力弱化的现象找到根源,并提供行之有效的执行力建设途径.  相似文献   

开展集体行动不仅要考量其合法性,也要考量集体行动的效率。从经典的激励机制设计和社会选择理论中得不出能实现集体行动效率的现实可行途径。公共选择理论认为,集体行动效率的制度含义是达成对集体行动的一致同意,这种一致同意是可以在对集体行动的讨论过程中形成的。  相似文献   

特定群体面临共享资源自发治理的需求时,需要通过群体合作的集体行动来实现,因而集体行动的主要特征是共享资源治理的成本分摊和收益分享问题。本文从近年来逐渐受到重视的群体规范对于集体行动实现的影响机制入手,在清晰界定群体规范的含义基础上分析其在集体行动中的作用机制,并且通过模型说明群体规范的内生性形成问题,从而完整的得出群体规范促进集体行动实现的一般性理论,以期对当今社会和谐治理给出政策含义。  相似文献   

西方集体行动理论的演化与进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
集体利益的公共产品特性导致成员普遍的搭便车行为,形成"集体行动的困境".如何克服搭便车、走出集体行动的困境,就成为集体行动理论研究的核心内容.西方对集体行动的研究成果非常丰富,但是不同学者之间观点针锋相对、分歧很大.本文把各种观点主要归类为集体行动的理性选择理论、意识形态理论和社会资本理论三种理论流派.各种理论流派各有所长,但都有一定的局限性.  相似文献   

海南省东方市在经济社会发展过程中,积极发展低能耗、低污染、低排放的低碳经济,但是存在着集体行动的困境,主要表现在多方主体低碳经济意识薄弱、政府管理机构权责不明晰。本文基于集体行动理论的视角,从发展战略思想目标、任务分解、资源保障、机制保障等方面论述了东方市低碳经济发展战略。  相似文献   

朱宪辰  李玉连 《经济学》2007,6(2):581-596
集体行动是集体性物品生产或共享资源自发治理所引发的群体性合作问题,然而治理收益的非排他性决定了“搭便车”动机和行为的存在,导致集体行动实现的困难。本文通过引入异质性个体及其在集体行动实现过程中的策略互动来分析可能的动态博弈均衡结果,表明由于异质性的存在,决定了个体充当领导者、跟随者或者搭便车者的不同角色。本文利用这一理论模型解释了温州烟具协会应对欧盟打火机的反倾销诉讼事件。  相似文献   

皮建才 《经济学》2007,6(2):597-606
本文基于公平相容约束扩展了朱宪辰、李玉连(2007)的模型,扩展后的模型更具有现实解释力。集体行动能不能实现,除了要考虑组织者和参与者的个体理性约束以外,还必须考虑组织者和参与者的公平相容约束。符合组织者的个体理性约束但不符合其公平相容约束的集体行动照样不能实现。而且,搭便车者的破坏性作用是不容小视的。  相似文献   

Endogenous growth theorists argue that certain equity-enhancing social institutions enhance growth. Despite the centrality of inequality in these approaches, there is no sense in which economic actors exercise power or collective action to create and maintain social norms and rules that are personally advantageous but socially costly. This despite the work of neoclassical economists on rent-seeking, which posits that efforts to claim unearned revenues can pose significant costs for growth. The question of the impact of gender equity on economic growth is an instructive context for understanding these contradictions. Even though gender practices are inherently about the exercise of power, that they have become a feature of the neoclassical growth literature alights on obvious tensions in the neoclassical institutionalist paradigm. By incorporating insights from both the rent-seeking and feminist economics literatures, we will present analternative explanation of why gender hierarchies persist despite their obvious economic costs.  相似文献   

Social capital in community level environmental governance: A critique   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Social capital is often claimed to facilitate collective action regarding the management of complex environmental goods and services. However, there is little systematic analysis in the literature that explains the way social capital aids in fostering collective action. The paper integrates ideas from institutional ecological economics, sociology and anthropology to argue that power relations, involving struggle and resistance, should be acknowledged as they affect collective action. We address the question of why social capital should not be straightforwardly associated positively with common property resource management. To unravel the complexity of the links between social capital, collective action and common property resource management, the concepts of common knowledge and symbolic power are introduced.  相似文献   


Recent events in different countries suggest that institutional change is discontinuous and may lead to abrupt change. A specific case is shifts in social consensus. The article focuses on the latter. It argues that people make sense of their lives in relation to how they situate themselves within society. Their identities depend on the degree to which they are capable consciously to conduct their lives. Undesired economic change may disrupt previous identities and cause cognitive dissonance. At the collective level, it may trigger in-group versus out-group dynamics that provide a fictitious identity and either reinforce the status quo or suddenly subvert it.

Neoliberalism caused such undesired changes. A progressive alternative cannot rely just on convincing people that a change in conventional economic measures is desirable. It requires a recovery of people’s active and conscious self-identification. This involves overcoming their forced adaptation to the status quo through participation and collective action  相似文献   

花蕴  游春 《技术经济》2007,26(10):109-112
局部区域性共享资源的治理应当以社区自治为主,政府间接支持为辅的方式。由于共享资源的性质决定了社区自治是集体行动的性质,因此需要围绕协会的组织与领导实现共享资源治理中的成本投入与分摊以及收益的分享。以协会的组织和契约性规则为正式制度,结合以互惠合作为核心的群体规范等非正式制度共同构成"管水协会"这类民间协会的集体行动机制,实现共享资源的社区自治。  相似文献   

党的"十二五"规划提出要大力发展循环经济。作为全新的经济发展模式,循环经济的发展离不开制度的变迁和参与者之间的合作。制度的变迁离不开相对价格和偏好的改变。通过制度建设,形成有利于循环经济发展的相对价格格局和人们的偏好,并克服参与者合作时产生的集体困境,有助于推进循环经济的发展。  相似文献   

This paper presents the foundations of a dynamictheory of collective action. Firstly, the role of public entrepreneursin processes of institutional development is characterized. Secondly,the protagonists of social change are analyzed in regard to theirmotivation, strategic options, levels of action, and specificcapabilities. A new perspective on successful collective actionis opened up.  相似文献   

Participatory action research (PAR) and community-based participatory research (CBPR) involve traditional subjects of research in the co-creation of research design, data collection, and analysis. PAR has been used in the fields of public health, education, and geography. A case study of a local economy CBPR project will be discussed. The increasing use of field and behavioral experiments in economics together with recent critiques of the ethical commitments of economic policy raises important questions about the role of expert knowledge, indigenous knowledge, and the relationships of power and privilege involved in mainstream academic research. The applicability of the PAR method for economics will be investigated in light of the epistemological and ethical commitments of social economics.  相似文献   

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