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商业银行高额利润现象的平抑对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
合理的利润分配是社会经济持续稳定和协调发展的基础。目前,商业银行在社会利润分配结构中享有固定利润分配特征。其原因主要在于我国商业银行的准入门槛高、市场对社会资金供不应求以及利率市场化程度不高。保持我国商业银行合理利润区间,必须进一步推进商业银行利率市场化进程,推进商业银行与企业间利益共享、风险共担机制,推进金融自由化进程。  相似文献   

2008年金融危机的一大教训就是银行过度进行金融创新,追求短期利润的提升,忽视对风险的管理,导致欧美大量商业银行陷入困境,部分商业银行被政府接管、甚至破产倒闭。商业银行是经营货币的特殊企业,在某种程度上经营的是风险。风险涉及到银行的方方面面,引入全面风险管理的思想,能够较为全面的分析商业银行的主要风险,采取相应对策,提升商业银行风险管理水平,促进中国金融业持续、快速、健康发展。  相似文献   

可持续发展是近几年在我国逐渐兴起的一种新型发展方式,是国家为了进一步促进国家经济发展而提出的一种新型发展观念。在我国银行行业中,追求高利润可持续发展早已成为目前我国银行发展的重要选择。新时期新背景下,加强对于我国商业银行高利润可持续发展的思考有着重要的现实意义。本文旨在研究我国商业银行高利润可持续发展现状,针对出现的问题提出相应的解决策略,为我国商业银行在高利润可持续发展方面的进一步发展提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

罗宁 《当代经济科学》1997,19(2):88-89,96
浅谈新时期银行负债结构的调整罗宁随着金融体制改革的不断深化,专业银行向商业银行转轨,新的经济体制要求银行在转换经营机制中,努力实现利润的最大化。然而,目前高成本、高费用、低效益的负债结构,使商业银行经营步履艰难,亏损逐年加大。在新形势下,怎样优化银行...  相似文献   

长期以来,我国商业银行利润的主要来源是稳定的高利差,所以导致我国商业银行的管理体制和创新能力不够,造成了银行的同质化严重。本文参照美国商业银行的业务创新历程,并以花旗银行为例,简要阐述了美国商业银行的差异化战略,最后对解决我国商业银行同质化竞争现象和实施差异化战略提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

金融自由化改革给我国商业银行的利润带来了一定的影响。基于Panel data的实证结果表明。在金融自由化期间,不同组织结构的银行所受到的影响不同,国有商业银行在此期间的利润有所增长,而股份制银行和地方商业银行的利润都有所下降。究其原因,金融自由化带来了银行业的激烈竞争,竞争使银行业的利润重新分配,导致了不同治理结构的银行利润不同。  相似文献   

从客户经理制角度分析我国商业银行客户经理流失问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着我国商业银行体制改革的不断深入,银行经营市场化程度越来越高,客户经理作为业绩的主要创造者,核心作用越发强烈。而客户经理的流失带动客户资源流失,在损失利润的同时也给银行的整体发展带来了负面影响。随着商业银行客户经理流失的加剧,针对客户经理制不健全,考核和激励措施不完善等问题,我国商业银行要从考核体系、职业规划、精神激励等方面对客户经理制进行进一步的修正和完善。  相似文献   

商业银行间激烈的竞争使各银行加强对银行利润提升和资本积累的重视,这离不开科学合理的税务筹划工作。本文通过分析税务筹划对商业银行的作用和意义,来说明税务筹划工作的重要性和必要性。同时提出商业银行做好税务筹划工作的相关建议和措施,以推动商业银行在激烈竞争中实现可持续的发展。  相似文献   

目前,我国各地城市信用社正在陆续地组建合作银行,要使合作银行真正向商业银行转轨,强化信贷管理,以降低贷款风险,以效益兴行乃是当前一个十分突出而紧迫的核心问题。1.深化改革,加快向商业银行转轨控制无庸讳言,各专业银行根据《商业银行法》的要求已积极向商业银行转变运行,我们城市信用社也不例外,但效益不够理想,其主要原因是信贷资产质量不高以及内部管理不够完善等。要想以最大合理利润为目标,就必须转变观念,强化“效益兴行’”的经营思想。首先,要在全辖内营造追求利润为目标的环境和奋斗目标。处处树立以盈利为核心…  相似文献   

国有商业银行的商业化思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
盛江昌 《经济师》2001,(4):137-138
一、现代现代银行的特征及其职能,商业银行的含义:一是商业银行是一个信用受授的中介机构;二是商业银行是以获取利润为目的企业;三是商业银行是唯一能提供“银行货币”(活期存款)的金融机构。从以上来看,商业银行的这几点可以理解为:商业银行是以经营工商业存、放款为主要业务,并以获取利润为目的的货币经营企业。  相似文献   

中国的商业银行批发业务已经相当成熟和完善,但零售业务的发展却相对滞后,这非常不利于商业银行的整体发展。因此中国商业银行应当积极发展零售业务以提高盈利能力,增强竞争力。光大银行作为中国较早开展零售银行业务的商业银行之一,近年来其零售业务取得了较大的进步,产品种类日趋丰富,但整体上和国有商业银行相比还有较大的差距。通过分析光大银行零售业务的发展情况,总结零售银行业务发展过程中存在的问题。  相似文献   

This paper seeks to examine the determinants of the profitability of the Chinese banking sector during the post-reform period of 2000–2005. The empirical findings from this study suggest that all the determinants variables have statistically significant impact on China banks profitability. However, the impacts are not uniform across bank types. We find that liquidity, credit risk, and capitalization have positive impacts on the state owned commercial banks (SOCBs) profitability, while the impact of cost is negative. Similar to their SOCB counterparts, we find that joint stock commercial banks (JSCB) with higher credit risk tend to be more profitable, while higher cost results in a lower JSCB profitability levels. During the period under study, the empirical findings suggest that size and cost results in a lower city commercial banks (CITY) profitability, while the more diversified and relatively better capitalized CITY tend to exhibit higher profitability levels. The impact of economic growth is positive, while growth in money supply is negatively related to the SOCB and CITY profitability levels.   相似文献   

中国国有商业银行效率分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
银行业效率研究是近20年以来国际金融界和各国监管当局研究的重点课题之一.近几年国内学者对于商业银行效率测评以及规模经济和影响效率因素分析也进行了深入的研究.无论是比较银行盈利能力和资产质量,还是分析其规模效应、X-无效率,都可以看出,我国国有商业银行存在着普遍的效率低下问题,其实质就在于对于资源配置的效率低下.  相似文献   

外资银行的大举进入中国市场给中资商业银行带来了学习机会,同时也带来了竞争压力。但双方各有其自身的优势,通过合作将会促进双方的发展进步,因此,加强中、外资银行的金融合作对于双方来说是一种必要的方式。根据1993~2006年的面板数据对银行盈利、经营管理和抗风险能力进行实证研究,发现外资银行进入导致了我国商业银行资产收益率、费用率下降,提高了中资商业银行高管的平均收入、并对第二大股东持股比例产生了显著影响。最后建议中国商业银行在与外资银行的合作中,能够妥善处理与战略投资者的利益平衡关系,但又要注意外资银行的持股比例问题;在竞争中能够借鉴外资银行的先进技术和经营管理理念,进行自身管理机制的完善和经营机制的转型,最终能够提升风险管理水平和核心竞争力。在和外资银行的竞争合作中,能实现自身的战略目标,促使其成为国际一流的商业银行。  相似文献   

为寻找中国商业银行整体运行中的薄弱环节,本文基于所构建的风险评价指标体系及风险比较模型,对中国14家主要商业银行2001~2004年的相对风险水平进行了对比分析.研究发现,依照相对风险程度的高低,14家商业银行可以划分为三个层次,第一层次,由华夏银行、招商银行、民生银行及中国银行所构成,安全性较高;而中国农业银行、中国工商银行和广东发展银行则隶属于风险最高的第三层次,是中国银行业安全的薄弱环节.由于不良贷款率、盈利能力和资产的流动性比率是影响商业银行风险状况的主要因素,因此从这三个方面入手,改善位于第三层次商业银行的风险状况,是提高中国银行业整体安全性的关键,应该成为当前银行业改革的重点.  相似文献   

Southeast Asian financial liberalization policies have enthused both performance evaluation (a pro) and earnings management (a con). Using a sample of ASEAN commercial banks for the period 2007–2014, this study decomposes their banking performance into managerial and profitability efficiencies. An efficiency analysis reveals that Singaporean banks obtained the highest overall and profitability efficiencies, while Bruneian banks had the lowest rates of banking performance. In the stage of managerial efficiency, the most inefficient banks are those of the Philippines, whereas the greatest level is related to Malaysian banks. A frontier projection analysis suggests that Singaporean banks and Malaysian banks are generally more efficient in managing their expenditures and long-term assets in generating income in the long run. With respect to the con, a regression analysis indicates that loan loss provisions are negatively related to banking performance. Overall, it is advisable that policy makers with oversight function should promote performance evaluation from a multidimensional perspective, and keep an eye on estimates of loan loss provisions at banks over years because increases/decreases in loan loss provisions mean decreases/increases in net income or return on assets.  相似文献   

Joon-Ho Hahm 《Applied economics》2013,45(13):1409-1419
This study empirically investigates interest rate and exchange rate exposures of banking institutions in pre-crisis Korea. Using the sensitivity of stock returns as a measure of the exposure, it is shown that Korean commercial banks and merchant banking corporations had been significantly exposed to both interest rate and exchange rate risks, and that the subsequent profitability of commercial banks was significantly associated with the degree of pre-crisis exposure. The evidence suggests that, along with the negative exposure of banking institutions, the sharp depreciation of the Korean won and high interest rates at the end of 1997 further deteriorated the banking sector's capital adequacy worsening the financial crisis. The Korean case highlights the importance of upgrading financial supervision and risk management practices as a precondition for successful financial liberalization.  相似文献   

This paper presents an empirical assessment of the market structure and the competitive conditions of the Chinese banking sector. We applied the Panzar-Rosse H-statistic on the data collected from a panel including 16 most significant Chinese banks for the period 2004–2007. Equilibrium tests and the competitive conditions tests were applied on the data. From the pooled regression in the whole period, we found that the banking sector in China for 2004–2007 was monopolistically competitive. We also show that the Chinese banks were not able to achieve high records of profitability in monopolistically competitive markets.  相似文献   

We investigate the impact of the banking reform started from 2005 on ownership structures in China on commercial banks’ profitability, efficiency and risk over the period 2000–2012, providing comprehensive evidence on the impact of banking reform in China. We find that banks on average tend to have higher profitability, lower risk and lower efficiency after the reforms, and the results are robust with our difference-in-difference approach. Our results also show that the Big 5 state-owned banks (SOCB) underperform banks with other types of ownership when risk is measured by non-performing loans (NPLs) over the entire study period but tend to have fewer NPLs than other banks during the post-reform period. Our results provide some supporting evidence on the ongoing banking reforms in China, suggesting that attracting strategic foreign investors and listing SOCBs on stock exchanges appear to be effective ways to help SOCBs deal with the problem of NPLs and manage their risk.  相似文献   

邓超  张元 《时代经贸》2007,5(4X):142-143,146
随着银行业开放步伐的加快和国有商业银行改革的积极推进,我国商业银行面临着经营发展战略的转型。零售业务以其利润高、风险小的特点逐渐成为商业银行新的支柱型业务。引入先进的营销理念,大力发展零售业务已成为商业银行谋求生存和发展的根本途径。本文结合银行零售业务和关系营销各自的特点,就在零售业务领域引入关系营销的必要性及实施策略进行深入分析。  相似文献   

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