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李轶  姚睿 《经济与管理》2004,18(8):69-70
国债流动性在现代国债有效市场机制和效率管理中具有十分重要的地位,它对降低债务风险、提高国债管理效率和充分发挥国债二级市场的经济调控功能都具有重要意义。与发达国家相比,我国国债的流动性处于较低的水平。本文对此问题进行了分析。并提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

我国国债流动性差弱化了国债利率担当市场基准利率的重任,使国债市场基本丧失了应有的资源配置功能和价格发现功能,而仅仅成为政府筹集资金的场所。应该说,我国政府为提高国债流动性,制定了一系列的有利政策。根据近年来世界银行(WB)、国际货币基金组织(IMF)以及国际清算银行(BIS)在提高市场流动性方面的一系列富有借鉴意义的成果,将这些成果与我国目前实践相结合,我们提出改善我国国债流动性的如下政策建议。1.增加中短期国债的发行,促进国债品种的多元化。近年来我国在增加流通券种方面虽然有了不小的进步,但与其他市场经济国家相比仍…  相似文献   

为研究国债市场流动性状况,引入货币政策持续期概念,设置综合度量国债流动性度量指标,建立刻画各次货币政策调整期内不同国债品种流动性模型.运用统计分析,研究我国国债市场的不同国债流动性状况.结果表明:我国货币政策对国债流动性的冲击是比较平稳的,也从另一个侧面证明我国国债市场的货币政策效应具有较好的稳定性.  相似文献   

近几年来,我国国债流通市场建设已经取得了长足发展,国债在弥补财政赤字、筹集建设资金、调节经济等方面已经发挥了其应有的作用。但国债流通市场仍然存在着流动性差、交易工具单一、做市商制度不完善以及法制监管不健全等问题,这些问题一直困扰着我国国债流通市场的高效运作。针对目前国债流通市场存在的问题,只有借鉴国外经验、提高国债市场流动性、完善做市商制度、丰富交易工具、加强法制监管等措施,才能完善我国国债流通市场。  相似文献   

国债的流通性与增发空间   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
本文回顾了我国国债市场化程度不断提高 ,促进了国债金融工具功能的发挥 ,并逐渐成为金融调控的重要工具的发展历程。论述了由于我国国债市场的发展 ,国债流通性不断提高 ,拓展了国债发行空间。分析了目前我国国债市场建设中存在的问题 ,提出了建立适合我国国情的、具有高度流通性的国债市场的对策。  相似文献   

刘丹 《经济前沿》2003,(7):42-43
国债的流动性对国民经济具有重要的 作用,国债的流动性较高,能有效降低中央财政的国债筹资成本和风险,有利于金融机构进行资产负债管理,而且能为中央银行开展公开市场业务操作提供广泛的回旋余地。提高国债的流动性,既可以增加对国债的有效需求,有利于新债发行,又有利于缩小国债利率与银行存款利率的差距,使国债利率成为基准利率。因此,各国国债管理当局都对提高国债市场流动性予以高度重视。 目前,我国国债的流通性不高,国债流通市场起步也较晚,市场发育度较低。主要表现在以下方面: 国债的期限、品种、结构比较单一,主要是3至5年的中期国债,长期品种少,短期国债也只是少量发行过。短期国债的流动性最强,是发达国家公开市场业务的操作主体;它的缺乏使国债市场的流动性先天不足。 国债不能在不同市场间自由转移,  相似文献   

我国国债二级市场作为国债转让和流通的主要场所,在整个国债市场乃至金融市场中扮演着日益重要的角色;但同时,市场分割、缺乏流动性、制度建设不完善等因素也制约其进一步发展,亟待完善市场制度建设,加强和完善对国债二级市场的监管体系.  相似文献   

通过定性分析和回归模型分析,文章对交易所国债市场流动性及其影响因素进行研究。发现周一的国债市场流动性显著低于其他交易日,股票市场的近期走势及市场风险、企业债与相同期限国债的收益率利差、长短期基准利率的利差对国债市场流动性有显著影响,而国债市场自身的波动性对流动性并无明显影响。可能的原因是债券市场发展尚不完善,品种少,期限结构不合理,且股票市场投机气氛较浓。  相似文献   

2008年金融危机中的一个重要金融现象是流动性溢出效应.本文以我国沪深两市交易的国债和股票为样本,利用VAR技术分析了股票市场与债券市场之间的流动性溢出效应问题.由于我国股票市场的规模远大于交易所交易债券,我们发现存在显著的股市流向债市的流动性溢出效应,而债市流向股市的流动性溢出效应统计上却不显著.同时我们发现各个市场自身的收益率和波动率对其流动性也有着显著的影响.最后我们还发现两市自身的流动性存在着很强的自相关性.证据表明当我国资本市场出现流动性不足时,尤其要加强对股票市场流动性风险的防范和监管.同时也反映出我国要大力发展债券市场的必要,使股市和债市的流动性相互影响相得益彰.  相似文献   

由于我国交易所国债市场和银行间债券市场的分离,这将可能导致交易所国债市场的流动性恶化、债券定价偏差等问题.本文通过研究上交所30只国债日收益率的波动和国债特征如期限、息票率之间的关系,检验国债的定价是否存在偏差.  相似文献   

关于解决流动性过剩问题的初步思考   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40  
本文从流动性的内涵和外延入手,分析了我国流动性过剩的全球背景和我国流动性过剩的表现及结构性特点,提出了解决流动性过剩,要坚持"市场为主、各方联动、化多为少、化少为多、标本兼治、综合解决"的思路,指出当前重点是解决经常账户顺差过大,流动性过剩的来源问题,以及农村地区资金匮乏,导致资金配置结构性失衡的问题。  相似文献   

我国政府性债务无序扩张对金融体系安全产生何种影响是研究的热点问题。文章构建了包括宏观经济内部安全、宏观经济外部安全、金融市场运行安全3个模块,共计15个指标的金融体系安全指数,并引用2001-2012年的数据进行测度,进而采用数据模拟的方法建立政府性债务和金融体系安全指数的非线性模型。结果发现,我国政府性债务与金融体系安全之间存在阈值效应,时间节点在2010年,阈值为64.6960万亿元,自此以后,金融体系安全指数随政府性债务规模扩大呈现超线性上升趋势,我国政府性债务已经成为威胁金融体系安全的重大隐患,亟需建立有效的约束框架维护金融体系安全。  相似文献   

商业银行是中国社会融资的主要渠道,银行向社会提供流动性的效率直接决定了社会融资的效率.为弥补流动性创造研究在效率和中观层面的不足,文章采用中国商业银行2000?2015年微观数据,探讨了市场竞争、银行市场势力与流动性创造效率之间的关系,得到以下结论:(1)市场竞争与流动性创造效率之间存在倒U形关系,中国银行业存在最优的市场结构;(2)银行市场势力过强是中国商业银行流动性创造效率较低的重要原因,银行市场势力越强,其流动性创造效率越低;(3)市场竞争程度与市场势力的流动性创造效率系数之间存在不显著的负相关关系,寄希望于通过增强中国银行业竞争程度来改善银行市场势力过强所导致的流动性创造效率过低,作用可能非常有限.中国应沿着"增强商业银行流动性创造能力,扩大直接融资规模"的改革方向继续前进.文章的研究丰富了已有文献,而且为中国银行体系改革的顶层设计提供了重要参考.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of government policy responses of COVID-19 pandemic on stock market liquidity for listed Australian companies and for 11 different industries separately. A quantitative deductive approach is used for a sample of 1,452 companies with a total of 292,164 firm-day observations over a period from January 25, 2020 to December 31, 2020 during the outbreak of COVID-19. Univariate and multivariate (two-way cluster-robust panel regression) analysis were conducted. Data were collected from the Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker, Worldmeter, Refinitiv Workspace and Datastream. Our findings indicate that the influences of the six out of seven stringency policy responses reduced Australian equity market liquidity. However, public information campaigns enhanced market liquidity and hence trading activity. Among the 11 industries, our analysis shows that the non-pharmaceutical interventions by the Australian government have significant and positive effects on four industries: Consumer non-cyclicals, healthcare, financial and technology. However, the worse effects were depicted in the industrial (transportation) and energy industries. This study is important for investors, policymakers and regulators to understand the diverse effects of government policy responses of COVID-19 on stock market liquidity to enhance financial stability. Moreover, understanding this effect is particularly important to decision-makers such as portfolio and fund managers to manage their portfolios and trading activities during extreme turbulence times, such as COVID-19. Unlike previous studies that focus on country analysis, this study examines on firm basis the impact of government interventions on stock market liquidity in a well developed Australian stock market.  相似文献   

中国开放式基金流动性风险管理研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前中国的开放式基金正经历着一个高速发展时期,开放式基金正成为我国基金业的中坚力量,对整个证券市场也起着举足轻重的作用。开放式基金的流动性是保证整个市场流动性的一个关键因素,因此探讨开放式基金的流动性风险对我国基金业的健康发展和中国证券市场的稳定发展都极具重要意义。  相似文献   

I develop a tractable macro model with endogenous asset liquidity to understand monetary–fiscal interactions with liquidity frictions. Agents face idiosyncratic investment risks and meet financial intermediaries in competitive search markets. Asset liquidity is determined by the search friction and the cost of operating the financial intermediaries, and it drives the financing constraints of entrepreneurs (those who have investment projects) and their ability to invest. In contrast to private assets, government bonds are fully liquid and can be accumulated in anticipation of future opportunities to invest. A higher level of real government debt enhances the liquidity of entrepreneurs׳ portfolios and raises investment. However, the issuance of debt also raises the cost of financing government expenditures: a higher level of distortionary taxation and/or a higher real interest rate. A long-run optimal supply of government debt emerges. I also show that a proper mix of monetary and fiscal policies can avoid a deep financial recession.  相似文献   

中央银行维护金融稳定的能力建立在其能够为市场提供流动性这一特有能力的基础之上。事实上,金融危机期间,各国央行一方面通过调整自身的资产负债表而创造流动性以支持金融系统正常运转;一方面动用最后贷款人职能对个别机构进行救助。需要注意的是,大规模流动性供给和救助行为并非是"最优"的选择,其对经济金融失衡的影响、对公平效率的损害,以及由此带来的通胀压力和政策外溢效应不容忽视。  相似文献   

Suraj Kumar 《Applied economics》2018,50(55):6010-6023
This study investigates cross-market linkages and the intensity of liquidity spillovers across nine Asian markets and five developed markets during 2006 to 2016. Further, the study examines the contagion caused by recent global financial crisis and its impact on the market liquidity. The direction and intensity of spillovers has been measured using forecast error variance decomposition method as suggested by Diebold and Yilmaz (2012). Among the developed markets, the United States, Germany and the United Kingdom significantly affect liquidity changes in Asian countries like India, China, Singapore and Japan. The results revels that on average, each Asian market receives 7% spillover from the global markets and 16% from regional markets. During the financial crisis, the average regional spillover increased to 20% and the global spillover increased to 11%. Thus, in Asia, the regional spillover is higher than the global spillover. Our results support the demand side hypothesis and suggest that it is the trade and portfolio investments that drive the liquidity spillovers. Our findings have potential implications for international investors, policy makers and market regulators.  相似文献   

近代中国政府公债的发行开辟了政府动员国民储蓄的新时代,也为资本市场的发展提供了契机。事实上,公债已经在一定程度上介入了当时的金融市场,成为银行券的发行准备、储蓄存款的保证、银行放款的抵押品、金融业的投资筹码以及维护经济稳定的筹码;公债的交易也推动了近代中国证券市场的发展。然而,文章通过计量分析发现:利率对公债价格没有解释力。这说明政府公债还没有完全与金融市场融为一体,公债价格应该还受到很多非市场因素的影响或制约。1921年和1932年的公债整理对债信的维护具有重要意义,公债收益率的下降则是理性的回归。而法币改革则使政府摆脱了公债的财政制约。  相似文献   

Extreme market outcomes are often followed by a lack of liquidity and a lack of trade. This market collapse seems particularly acute for markets where traders rely heavily on a specific empirical model such as in derivative markets like the market for mortgage backed securities or credit derivatives. Moreover, the observed behavior of traders and institutions that places a large emphasis on “worst-case scenarios” through the use of “stress testing” and “Value-at-Risk” seems different than Savage expected utility would suggest. In this paper, we capture model-uncertainty using an Epstein and Wang [Epstein, L.G., Wang, T., 1994. Intertemporal asset pricing under Knightian uncertainty. Econometrica 62, 283–322] uncertainty-averse utility function with an ambiguous underlying asset-returns distribution. To explore the connection of uncertainty with liquidity, we specify a simple market where a monopolist financial intermediary makes a market for a propriety derivative security. The market-maker chooses bid and ask prices for the derivative, then, conditional on trade in this market, chooses an optimal portfolio and consumption. We explore how uncertainty can increase the bid–ask spread and, hence, reduces liquidity. Our infinite-horizon example produces short, dramatic decreases in liquidity even though the underlying environment is stationary. We show how these liquidity crises are closely linked to the uncertainty aversion effect on the optimal portfolio. Effectively, the uncertainty aversion can, at times, limit the ability of the market-maker to hedge a position and thus reduces the desirability of trade, and hence, liquidity.  相似文献   

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