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里白 《经济师》2009,(3):6-7
增强我国科技自主创新能力,建设创新型国家是进入21世纪以来我国的发展战略。培养创新型人才,提高创新素质是建设创新型国家的迫切需要。在由中国人才研究会教育人才专业委员会、中国来来研究会教育分会共同主办的“第五届中国教育家大会”期间,本刊记者有幸听取了田建国教授关于培养创新型人才若干问题的发言,现摘要整理,以访谈形式刊发,以飨广大读者。  相似文献   

新的历史发展时期,应对激烈的国际竞争,我国迫切需要建设创新型国家,增强实力,摆脱不平等的国际分工。建设创新型国家的首要任务是在全社会培育创新精神,关键环节是使企业成为创新主体,核心要素是造就大批创新型人才。而创新精神的培养、企业创新主体地位的确立、创新型人才的造就,很大程度上都依赖于创业教育,对此,作为国家未来事业发展的建设者和生力军的青年学生当然有着当仁不让的责任。  相似文献   

自我国提出建设创新型国家战略以来,培养创新型人才就成为了客观要求.创新型国家的建立,很大程度上取决于人才的质量与规模,而当代社会,大学生即社会所需的创新型人才,大学生的创新创业意识的培养对建设创新创业型国家至关重要;因此,高职院校作为培养大学生创新创业型人才的基地,更要为做好培养创新型人才而出力.培养创新型人才,教育管理机构的鼓励和促进必不可少.故此,高校学生,高职院校、教育者和教育管理机构都要为此做出应有的贡献.  相似文献   

李辉  孙志梅 《经济师》2007,(3):127-128
全国科技大会提出了建设创新型国家的战略决策,从而赋予高校培养更多创新人才的历史使命,而目前我国高校的办学和培养模式还不能适应建设创新型国家的战略要求。文章针对高校办学中存在的薄弱环节,提出了转变教育观念,构建创新型人才培养体系的构想。  相似文献   

创新人才培养是我国现阶段建设创新型国家的重要战略。大学教育担负着培养创新人才这一重任。尤其是高校培养经济管理类创新人才是国家创新人才培养中的落脚点。经济管理类创新人才培养模式必须从培养目标、师资队伍、课程结构、教学模式、制度建设、创新文化方面不断进行改革,为建立创新型国家奠定坚实基础。  相似文献   

浅谈大学生创新能力的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈晓琳  向青松 《当代经济》2007,(19):149-150
建设创新型国家,需要培养大量创新人才.目前我国大学生创新意识不强,创新能力欠缺,高校应通过树立创新教育意识、改革教学方法、强化实践环节教学、改革考试制度、深化课程体系改革、建设创新型教师队伍等途径,促进大学生创新能力的培养.  相似文献   

加强高校高层次人才建设,是面对新时期日益激烈的国际竞争挑战的迫切需要,是实施"科教兴国"与"人才强国"两大战略、建设"人力资源强国"与"创新型国家"的必然要求。文章针对高校高层次人才队伍建设的现状,分析了当前高校人才队伍建设中的突出问题及成因,从制度创新、机制创新等方面,有针对性地提出了改革引进、培养和使用人才的建设性意见和对策。  相似文献   

十八大提出“加快转变经济发展模式,着力增强创新驱动发展新动力,实施创新驱动发展战略”的战略目标.建设创新型国家需要大量的创新型人才,为建设创新型国家培养创新型人才是高校的重要使命.应用型本科院校作为高等教育的一个重要类型,对于培养创新型人才负有不可推卸的历史责任.  相似文献   

陈晓琳  向青松 《当代经济》2007,(10S):149-150
建设创新型国家,需要培养大量创新人才。目前我国大学生创新意识不强,创新能力欠缺,高校应通过树立创新教育意识、改革教学方法、强化实践环节教学、改革考试制度、深化课程体系改革、建设创新型教师队伍等途径,促进大学生创新能力的培养。  相似文献   

所谓"创新型人才"是指具有创新意识、创新精神和创新能力并能取得创新成果的人才。创新型科技人才是衡量一个国家、企业创新能力高低的重要标尺,它对一个国家和企业的自主创新能力的拉动和影响作用巨大。而对创新型人才的开发培养是提升自主创新能力的关键。文章通过对自主创新理论的评述,从创新型人才制约创新能力入手,提出作为我国最早改革的省份广东,只有解决好创新人才引进培养问题,完善好创新型人才引进培养机制,构建创新型人才引进培养战略,自主创新能力才能得以提升。  相似文献   

扩招"大跃进"、教育机会与大学毕业生就业   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用2000年和2005年的大样本数据,考察了始于1999年的大学扩招对不同人群的高等教育机会和大学毕业生就业的影响。通过比较扩招之前和之后参加高考的两个年龄组的特征发现,扩招使东部地区、城镇家庭受益更多,而少数民族的女性、农村地区、西部地区受益较少。本文进一步利用双重差分模型研究发现,扩招使大学毕业生的失业率显著提高9个百分点左右,其中有50%左右是大学毕业生的平均能力下降所致。  相似文献   

A model of education where the distribution of abilities is the source of heterogeneity is investigated. Ability is a key determinant of human capital accumulated when young, which in turn determines income and its distribution. The assumption of heterogeneous abilities leads to steady‐state income distributions that exhibit income inequality. Of particular interest is the result that symmetric distributions of ability generate positively skewed income distributions. Models of private and public education are analyzed and compared. It is found that private education results in higher incomes and less income inequality than observed in the public education model.  相似文献   

Earnings, Education, and Fixed-Term Contracts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We explore the relationship between earnings, education, and fixed‐term contracts using data from the 1997 British Social Attitudes Survey. We find that the log hourly wage of workers employed under such contracts is approximately 13% lower than that of their ‘permanent’ counterparts, even after controlling for a plethora of personal and job characteristics. Standard decompositions indicate that the vast majority of this differential (more than 70%) is attributable to price effects, which may reflect discrimination on the part of the employer. Such findings may, therefore, suggest that employment protection is appropriate for individuals employed under fixed‐term contracts.  相似文献   

Growth accounting exercises using standard human capital measures are limited in their ability to attribute causal effects and to explain growth. This paper develops a model of growth and schooling consistent with these decompositions but with less unexplained growth. The theory distinguishes between three different sources of education gains: (1) supply shifts, (2) skill-biased technical change increasing demand within industries/occupations, and (3) skill-biased technical change caused by the introduction of new skill-intensive industries/occupations. The third source leads to the large sectoral shifts and the largest growth effects. Quantitatively, schooling contributions account for 24 percent of wage growth, with both the direct (i.e., supply driven) causal contribution of schooling and the indirect causal (i.e., technology induced) contribution playing substantial roles.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Using 1981 to 2001 Census data, we study how the human capital of immigrants is rewarded in Canada. We distinguish between years of schooling and degrees obtained in order to estimate 'sheepskin' effects – the gain in earnings associated with receipt of a degree, controlling for years of schooling. We find that immigrant years of schooling and immigrant work experience accumulated before arrival is valued much less than Canadian experience of comparable natives. However, for immigrants the increase in earnings associated with completing educational programs is generally higher than that of comparable natives. We provide both signalling and human capital interpretations of this finding.  相似文献   

This paper studies a two-region model in which unemployment, education decisions and interregional migration are endogenous. The poorer region exhibits both lower wages and higher unemployment rates, and migrants to the richer region are disproportionally skilled. The brain drain from the poor to the rich region is accompanied by stronger incentives to acquire skills even for immobile workers. Regional shocks tend to affect both regions in a symmetric fashion, and skill-biased technological change reduces wages of the unskilled. Both education and migration decisions are distorted by a uniform unemployment compensation, which justifies a corrective subsidization.  相似文献   

Education, inequality and transition   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
I consider evidence on differences in access to education and in learning achievement within the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. The situation inherited from the communist period is first summarized: there were some significant disparities with, for example, family background having a strong association with tertiary enrolments, as in Western countries. Analysis of the transition period focuses on differences in access and achievement associated with household income and geographic location. Disparities are not the same across the region; in some countries, such as Russia, there are clear grounds for serious concern, but it is unlikely that any country has cause for complacency.  相似文献   

Education,training and employability   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two hypotheses are tested: (1) education and training increase the employability of workers at other tasks within the firm and reduce the need for help from supervisors when workers encounter small problems, and (2) greater employability and problem solving capability increase wages. The empirical results show that greater employability and problem solving capability are independent from each other. Formal work-related training increases employability. Workers in jobs requiring no induction training are less employable at other jobs or departments. Both general and specific human capital increase the ability of workers to solve problems on their own. Greater employability does not increase wages. Male workers who solve problems on their own earn more than men who need help from others. The effects of human capital variables on employability and problem solving capability do not differ between and men and women. However, it is found that the ability to solve problems on one's own has a pay off for men but not for women.  相似文献   

We examine how the interaction between education and corruption affects institutional reform and economic development. While corruption reduces average income and education, education increases not only output and hence potential corruption rents, but also produces more informed electorates that better monitor government actions. We find that economies with intermediate levels of education remain in a poverty trap since the level of skills creates sufficient corruption rents but not enough monitoring. Economies with low or high levels of education can escape the poverty trap, and inequality plays a key role in determining whether this occurs through a change in institutions or an expansion of education.  相似文献   

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