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本文从理论与实证两方面对实际汇率以及汇率波动性的变动对中国出口商品国内价格的影响进行了研究。理论分析强调了汇率对出口商品国内价格的影响方向取决于商品的需求价格弹性。对我国1990-2002年共12种商品平行数据的实证分析说明了汇率波动性增加可能导致部分初级产品国内价格水平的下降。全文分析强调了实际汇率波动性对国内商品价格的影响。  相似文献   

根据均衡实际汇率理论,长期人民币汇率水平是由基本经济要素决定的.任何人民币实际汇率的失调都会造成社会福利的损失.本文旨在通过实证分析其影响因素,来了解人民币实际汇率的失调程度.与此同时,还指出汇率弹性在人民币汇率政策改革中的重要影响,进而对人民币汇率形成机制的完善给出政策建议.  相似文献   

人民币汇率走势的实证分析——基于1994-2001年数据的判断   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文以购买力平价理论为基础,以人民币汇率体制改革的1994年为基期,计算分析了人民币汇率的实际走势。研究表明,人民币有效汇率、人民币对美元的名义汇率和实际汇率自1994年以来总体上呈升值态势,但实际汇率升值幅度远大于名义汇率;1997年东南亚金融危机以来,名义汇率和实际汇率变动方向相反,实际汇率呈贬值趋势,体现出国内外价格水平对汇率的影响。  相似文献   

信贷、利率与汇率等金融因素对居民消费起重要影响作用。汇率变动可以从进出口数量和结构、消费品价格、劳动力就业、财富效应等四个方面影响本国居民消费。根据完全金融市场传统理论,实际汇率与各国相对消费水平之间存在较强的正相关关系。但大部分实证研究表明,实际汇率与相对消费水平之间的相关性为零,甚至为负相关。  相似文献   

本文基于2000年1月至2008年12月深圳和黄埔港口大类8位数HS编码出口商品月度单价,构建面板模型,研究经两港出口至美、德、英和日本商品的汇率传递效应及汇率预期对厂商定价的影响。实证显示,即期汇率传递率较高,厂商定价对人民币即期升(贬)值较敏感,且国别差异显著;出口商根据本币预期升(贬)值幅度相应调高(低)报价,以规避汇率风险。因此,汇率波动向出口商品本币价格的传导实际上存在两个渠道,当市场普遍预期未来汇率会发生较大的变化,即使即期名义汇率保持稳定,预期的改变可能已经悄然传导到价格上,并实际地影响到贸易量。  相似文献   

基于102个国家1995~2015年的面板数据,本文实证分析了贸易条件对实际汇率的影响,发现汇率制度和贸易开放度会影响贸易条件对实际汇率的效果。在浮动汇率制国家,贸易条件改善会导致实际汇率升值,而在非浮动汇率制国家贸易条件对实际汇率影响不显著。在贸易开放度低的国家,贸易条件改善会导致实际汇率升值;相反在贸易开放度高的国家,贸易条件改善会导致实际汇率贬值。因此,各国在制定贸易政策和汇率政策时要充分考虑本国汇率制度和贸易开放度的实际情况。  相似文献   

人民币均衡实际汇率的确定具有重要的理论与政策意义。以新开放宏观经济学为框架,构建人民币均衡实际汇率决定的动态一般均衡模型进行分析,研究发现,部门技术进步的提高、国外消费的增加、出口商品总额的扩大、政府非贸易品支出的增加、国外实际货币持有余额的扩大、贸易条件的改善,会使人民币均衡实际汇率升值;国内消费增加、国内实际货币持有余额扩大、经常帐户余额的增加,会使人民币均衡实际汇率贬值。汇率决定模型的结论符合人们的经济直观。  相似文献   

传统的汇率决定理论认为,一国货币汇率的衡水平是由购买力平价、利率平价和货币相对供求等决定的。大多数实证研究表明,这些均衡汇率理论只是强调单一因素,同现实相距甚远。本文构建了多因素国际竞争力平价模型,认为均衡实际汇率随着国际竞争力的相对变化而变化,国际竞争力相对提高,该国货币升值,反之则反之。本文利用主成分分析法,从影响人民币汇率的多因素中构造国际竞争力这个指标,实证研究表明人民币实际有效汇率与国际竞争力之间存在协整关系,然后再基于这个协整关系式计算人民币的均衡实际有效汇率,并据以判断人民币汇率偏离均衡水平的程度。  相似文献   

本文基于门限回归模型来分析人民币汇率的波动对中国出口贸易所产生的不对称影响。从实证分析的数据观测来看,当汇率波动<1.26%时,人民币的实际汇率就会贬值,商品出厂价降低,增加了商品在市场中的竞争力,我国的出口贸易量就会增加;当汇率波动>1.26%时,贸易和出口量的关系不太明显。但从实际情况来看,人民币贬值并不能给我国的出口带来明显的改善。  相似文献   

文章从理论和实证两方面,对汇率波动对国内物价的影响进行了文献综述。早期的理论以弹性价格为假设,认为汇率波动引起进出口价格同比例的变动,提出了汇率波动对国内价格影响的"完全传递论";另一个极端则以名义价格刚性为假设,认为汇率波动对国内物价不会产生影响,进而提出了"无效论";而更多的研究以粘性价格为假设,认为汇率波动对国内物价有影响,但由于存在价格的粘性,这种影响因国家的开放度、企业的定价策略而异,存在非完全传递性,从而提出"非完全传递论"。  相似文献   

How does the choice of an exchange rate regime influence the volatility of interest rates? Are floating exchange rates useful “shock absorbers” that dampen fluctuations in domestic interest rates and prices or do they create additional risk that increases interest rate volatility and segments the international capital market? The answers are best seen in historical perspective.  相似文献   

汇率的决定与外汇市场供求、经常账户平衡、央行货币政策、相关资产价格、经济基本面、国民收入及国际收支账户等有着直接的或间接的关系。完善人民币汇率形成机制,要从外汇市场拓展到本外币政策深层次协调,从涉外经济拓展到内外经济协调发展,同时在新的汇率形成机制下对国际货币体系和主要货币的变化趋势进行系统的监测预测和分析研究。  相似文献   

Exchange rate volatility is said to have negative or positive effect on trade flows. Previous studies that considered the impact of exchange rate uncertainty on the trade flows of Australia employed trade data either between Australia and rest of the world or between Australia and her few major trading partners. They were unable to discover any significant impact. In this paper when we disaggregate trade data by commodity between Australia and one of her major trading partners, the US, we find exchange rate volatility to have short‐run effects on trade flows of most industries. However, the short‐run effects last into long run, only in limited cases, though more in export commodities than import ones.  相似文献   

Do alternative exchange rate regimes affect short‐term real exchange rate volatility differently? The existing empirical evidence is quite mixed with slightly more papers supporting that they do. We show that such lack of consensus is mainly due to current literature limitations regarding the measurement of real exchange rates (RERs), the identification of exchange rate regimes (ERRs), and the control for the incidence of real and nominal shocks. To address these limitations, we construct a novel monthly dataset for 63 countries over the period 1946–2007, which includes market‐determined multilateral RER and a proxy for terms of trade. We find that ERRs indeed affect short‐term real exchange rate volatility differently. While the evidence is generally consistent with Mussa's sticky prices argument, we find that for nonadvanced countries in post‐Bretton Woods there exists a “U‐shape nominal flexibility puzzle of RER.” We also find evidence of a “short‐run RER volatility puzzle.” Having controlled for the incidence of real and nominal shocks, nonadvanced countries' RER volatility remains between 25% and 150% greater than that of the advanced economies. Moreover, the key literature finding that short‐term RER volatility is higher in Bretton Woods (BW) than in post‐Bretton Woods (PBW) for industrialized countries vanishes when using market‐determined multilateral RER instead of official bilateral RER. (JEL F31, F33, F41)  相似文献   

2017年5月26日,中国外汇交易中心人民币兑美元中间价报价机制中引入逆周期因子。本文利用引入新因子以来外汇市场交易数据,通过新的人民币汇率中间价定价机制,测算了逆周期因子数值。在此基础上,本文通过构建VAR模型和EGARCH模型研究了逆周期因子对人民币汇率走势和人民币汇率波动性的影响。研究表明,引入逆周期因子降低了人民币汇率波动性,但对人民币汇率的走势没有显著影响。逆周期因子修正了投资者对汇率变动顺周期性的过度反应,有利于引导市场预期,完善人民币汇率宏观审慎管理。  相似文献   

This article proposes an explanation for shifts in the volatility of exchange‐rate returns. Agents are uncertain about the true data generating model and deal with this uncertainty by making inference on the models and their parameters' approach, I call model learning. Model learning may lead agents to focus excessively on a subset of fundamental variables. Consequently, exchange‐rate volatility is determined by the dynamics of these fundamentals and changes as agents alter models. I investigate the empirical relevance of model learning and find that the change in volatility of GBP/USD in 1993 was triggered by a shift between models.  相似文献   

We seek to demonstrate the variations in the exchange rate pass-through (ERPT) and identify the shift in the price-setting behavior by placing the emphasis on the implemented exchange rate and monetary policy regimes. Having a history of several distinct monetary regimes, Turkey exhibits a genuine laboratory in this respect. Our empirical results reveal that the pass-through from exchange rates to domestic prices has changed dramatically. We detect breaks in the pass-through coefficients at three episodes, all of which coincide with a shift in monetary/exchange rate regime, lending support to the view that monetary and exchange rate regimes might be among the major determinants of the ERPT process . ( JEL C51, E31, E58)  相似文献   

略论中国外汇储备面临的潜在资本损失   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文分析了中国巨额外汇储备面临的由本币升值汇率风险而导致的资本损失。文章从两个角度来研究该项损失:一是从央行资产负债表由于货币错配而招致的现实以及潜在资本损失的角度;二是从以一篮子货币或者一篮子商品来衡量的中国外汇储备国际购买力损失的角度。本文的结论是:中国央行资产负债表面临的资本损失是显著的;中国外汇储备国际购买力的波动显著高于市场价值的波动,尤其是用油价来衡量的外汇储备购买力波动相当剧烈。  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of changes in the level and volatility of exchange rates on the demand for money. It hypothesizes that exchange rate volatility exerts a negative influence on money demand separate from the effect of the level of exchange rates. Using U.S. data covering the period from 1974.1 to 1990.4, it is found that, regardless of whether the adjustment process is modeled as an error-correction or a partial-adjustment model, exchange rate volatility is negatively related to the demand for real M2 balances. This relationship is found to be more pronounced when exchange rates are expressed in real terms. The results imply that money demand responds to both the volatility of domestic prices relative to foreign prices and to the volatility of nominal exchange rates. Little evidence is found in support of the hypothesis that the level of exchange rates exerts a significant influence on money demand.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to present a model in which the choice of the optimal exchange rate regime is envisaged in a political setting. We consider a country whose voting population comprises three types of agents, importers, exporters and speculators, who select their position on exchange rate policy according to welfare maximization. As a result, well-defined interest groups are shown to emerge. Each coalition makes contributions to one of two political candidates running for political office in support for their optimal policy intervention. When policy pronouncements by the two candidates are made in terms of exchange rate volatility, the equilibrium consists of two extremes: a fixed versus flexible exchange regime, the latter with bounded volatility [JEL D72, F31].  相似文献   

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