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论公司治理与社会责任   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从利益相关者视角考虑公司治理与社会责任的关系,将肩负社会责任作为衡量管理者履行受托责任、保障利益相关者利益程度的重要标准之一,认为社会责任的实质是公司与各利益相关者间利益和责任关系的体现.利益相关者理论扩大了公司委托者范围,其影响并非是公司负担的加重,更深层次上讲是公司长期发展的需要.相对独立的公司第三方监督机制具有作为监督者的先天优势,扮演着管理者与利益相关者问桥梁与安全带的双重角色.  相似文献   

市场经济条件下,企业损害利益相关者利益、不履行社会责任的例子数不胜数。房地产行业作为我国国民经济的支柱性行业,越来越多的声音呼吁其承担更多的社会责任。本文首先站在利益相关者的角度,界定房地产上市公司社会责任的指向对象和内容。其次,以经验证据研究了房地产上市公司的社会责任与财务绩效之间的关系。最后,对于房地产上市公司如何处理社会责任和财务绩效的关系提出建议。  相似文献   

祝希 《时代经贸》2013,(20):123-124
市场经济条件下,企业损害利益相关者利益、不履行社会责任的例子数不胜数。房地产行业作为我国国民经济的支柱性行业,越来越多的声音呼吁其承担更多的社会责任。本文首先站在利益相关者的角度,界定房地产上市公司社会责任的指向对象和内容。其次,以经验证据研究了房地产上市公司的社会责任与财务绩效之间的关系。最后,对于房地产上市公司如何处理社会责任和财务绩效的关系提出建议。  相似文献   

本文以制造业上市公司为例,分析企业履行社会责任对财务绩效的影响.研究证实,企业社会责任绩效与企业财务绩效具有正相关关系,企业履行社会责任不仅会增加其财务业绩而且能够增加企业价值.研究结论支持企业积极履行社会责任,进而促进企业重视和加强利益相关者管理.  相似文献   

利益相关者、公司治理与企业的社会责任   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
企业的经营活动,受到包括资本提供者在内的全社会的委托,必须在经济社会的协调中最大效率地与各种生产要素结合,不能片面地追求一己利益,而要为整个社会履行社会责任。该文认为:传统的公司治理理论遵循"股东至上"的逻辑,而现代的公司治理中心不仅仅局限于股东,所有利益相关者都应拥有明确的公司控制权和收益权。利益相关者治理模式是公司长期发展演变的产物,在公司治理机制中引入利益相关者、考虑社会责任是公司治理的必然趋势。  相似文献   

郑棣  雷蕾  张琳悦 《财经科学》2021,(1):91-104
随着中国经济转向高质量发展阶段,上市公司作为市场经济中的重要主体,深化履行社会责任既是时代的需求,更是自身发展的需要.本文以2013-2018年中国A股制造业上市公司的地理分布数据以及企业社会责任履行的年度样本为实证基础,分析了我国上市公司的母子公司地理位置的分散化特征对企业社会责任履行的影响关系.研究发现,企业地理分散化程度与股东、员工和其它利益相关者权益责任呈倒U形曲线趋势.研究表明,企业适度的地理分散化有助于企业提升社会责任表现,而过度分散则会降低企业社会责任表现.进一步研究还发现,企业的产权性质和企业地理分散化形成的异质性市场化环境,会对企业的环境责任和社会公益责任履行形成影响.本文以上市公司六年的信息数据为研究样本,分析了地理分散化对中国企业社会责任履行的影响表现和内在机理,丰富了企业社会责任的相关理论,还为政府和市场各方洞悉企业在地理分散化条件下的社会责任履行状况提供了实证依据.  相似文献   

文章采用60家制造业上市公司2004—2008年的面板数据,分析了企业履行社会相关者责任对其财务绩效的影响。结果显示:企业履行对社会资本利益相关者的责任的财务绩效效应呈分化趋势。总体来看,企业履行社会责任与企业财务绩效增加两者并不矛盾,企业应将履行社会责任视为企业长远战略的重要部分。  相似文献   

2002年,中国证监会发布的《上市公司治理准则》第81条规定:“上市公司应尊重银行及其它债权人、职工、消费者、供应商、社区等利益相关者的合法权利。”这一准则首次明确提出了利益相关者的概念,并要求上市公司必须重视公司的社会责任。2005年《公司法》修改,进一步通过一些条款的设计对公司社会责任做了相关规定,在一定程度上体现了强调公司社会责任的精神。《公司法》第5条第1款规定:“公司从事经营活动,必须遵守法律、行政法规,遵守社会公德、商业道德,诚实守信,接受政府和社会公众的监督,承担社会责任”;  相似文献   

刘淑花 《经济师》2010,(2):141-142
随着社会经济的不断发展,人们对企业履行社会责任也更加关注,社会要求企业越来越多地披露有关社会责任方面的信息。文章以利益相关者为切入点,首先分析了企业对不同的利益相关者应尽的社会责任;其次根据不同利益相关者对企业社会责任信息需求的不同,从利益相关者的视角提出了企业应该披露的社会责任会计信息的内容。  相似文献   

企业的利益相关者对企业的发展具有至关重要的影响,履行企业社会责任是企业立足社会的客观要求,而使利益相关者利益最大化是企业履行社会责任的主要体现。本文主要针对投资类公司相对独特的特点,对其应承担的社会责任进行阐述。  相似文献   

企业应当如何寻求社会责任与社交媒体交融背景下的企业社会责任(CSR)实施策略?这已成为全球经济面临的现实难题,对于处在声誉压力下的中国企业更是如此。文章通过全面回顾"声誉机制与CSR之间存在关联"的相关研究成果,以来自中国的两家企业(联想与宏碁)为商业案例,从公司治理、工作环境以及企业公民实践三个维度对其CSR实践进行了详细比较与系统分析,以期验证西方学者提出的"声誉机制对CSR实施策略具有正面影响效应"观点。结果表明:声誉机制确实可以促进企业加强自我约束,选择负责任的商业实践,成为法律规制、政府监管等正式制度的有益补充和替代,对中国企业来说也不例外。最后,结合中国企业现实处境,文章提出从回报角度认知CSR、取得行业标准认证、从局部小处起步等将CSR策略性融入到企业日常运营中的几点启示。  相似文献   

In this survey, we investigate the level of web-based CSR communication in selected post-communist countries. Our objective was to identify, analyse and evaluate the scope of web-based CSR communication and the structure of CSR activities communicated by the TOP 100 companies based in the Czech Republic and Ukraine. On the basis of content analysis of the websites of the 100 most important companies (according to the level of revenue) based in each of these countries, we can state that the level of their web-based CSR communication is comparable. It does, however, correspond to the generally low level of CSR communication in post-communist countries. Apart from corporate websites, another popular channel of communication is social networks, in particular, Facebook. As far as the scope of CSR activities communicated is concerned, companies based in the Czech Republic communicate an average of 19 and companies based in Ukraine communicate an average of 18 of the 39 monitored activities. TOP 100 companies operating in these countries communicate economic and environmental responsibility activities in the greatest scope and on the contrary, ethical responsibility activities the least.  相似文献   

本文采用实证研究方法,设计运用相关指标体系,分析了通信行业上市公司企业社会责任与企业绩效的相关性。研究结果表明,当期公司社会责任指数与企业利润、企业竞争力、企业成长呈现显著的正相关关系,前三期企业社会责任指数与企业竞争力、企业成长的正相关关系也比较显著。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities and financial constraints. Our panel dataset consists of 397 European companies listed in the STOXX Europe 600 during 2009–2014. The findings reveal that firms with higher CSR performance exhibit lower degree of financial constraints. In addition, the link between CSR performance and financial constraints is a fully mediated relationship. The negative effect of CSR performance on financial constraints follows the path through mitigating agency conflicts of free cash flow and information asymmetry. The findings suggest that one mechanism linking CSR performance and financial constraints is a reduction of capital-market imperfections.  相似文献   

本文以沪市844个公司披露的2008和2009年年度报告为对象,采用内容分析法对我国上市公司年报披露的企业社会责任信息状况进行研究。本文认为我国上市公司企业社会责任信息披露总体上处于低水平阶段,政府控制型企业与环境敏感型企业披露社会责任信息的数量均高于非政府控制型企业与环境不敏感企业,强制披露社会责任报告的公司在2009年的表现比2008年要差,但是自愿披露社会责任报告的公司数量呈现出明显的上升趋势。  相似文献   

企业社会责任、公司治理和公司业绩   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
笔者采用上海国家会计学院编制的上市公司社会责任指数对我国上市公司履行社会责任对其业绩的影响进行检验,其结果并不支持履行社会责任可以提升公司业绩。在回归方程中引入董事会规模、独立董事比例等公司治理变量后,公司履行社会责任则能够提高财务业绩和成长性。公司履行社会责任不能提升公司业绩的原因在于公司没有建立起健全的治理结构,没有将履行社会责任融入公司的战略规划。因此,企业只有将社会责任与公司治理和发展战略结合起来,才能在积极履行社会责任的同时兼顾自身发展。  相似文献   

In recent years, scholars have increasingly turned their attention to the separate areas of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and supply chain management (SCM). However, little scholarly attention has been paid to the transmission of CSR requirements from a small to medium-sized enterprises (SME) perspective. Drawing on institutional and innovation diffusion theories, this paper investigates to what extent the CSR requirements of customers influence the CSR activities of SMEs and their CSR requirements toward their own suppliers. Multiple mediation analysis was performed on data from a sample of 146,060 French SMEs. The findings indicate that the CSR requirements of customers have a direct negative effect on SMEs’ CSR requirements toward suppliers. However, the relationship becomes positive when we take into account the mediating role of the SMEs’ own CSR activities (i.e. economic, social and environmental activities). Furthermore, the study reveals that the indirect effect through economic CSR activities is the greatest, followed by social and then environmental CSR activities. Our main contribution is that implementing CSR activities within SMEs is a necessary step so that SMEs can be brokers in the transmission of CSR requirements in the supply chain.  相似文献   

Motivated by agency theory, we investigate the effect of managerial ownership on CSR engagement. Exploiting a novel identification strategy and using a large U.S. sample of over 14,000 observations across 18 years, we find that higher managerial ownership diminishes CSR engagement significantly. As managers own a larger share of equity, they bear greater costs of CSR, leading to a reduction in CSR engagement. Further analysis, however, shows that not all CSR activities are motivated by agency problems. In particular, the CSR activities related to human rights and products appear to promote shareholders’ wealth. The results of this study are important as they show that there can be different motives behind different CSR activities. We contribute to the literature by shedding light on the motives behind CSR investments using a novel identification strategy.  相似文献   

As part of their business practices, the Indian government has made it mandatory for companies who have a turnover of 500 crores and above to spend 2 per cent of their net profits from the immediately preceding three financial years on corporate social responsibility (CSR). This article proposes to examine the issue of whether this enforced philanthropic responsibility of companies is helpful to both society and the organization. With the philanthropic approach it is not necessary for the organization to fulfill its responsibilities toward those who work in and for the organization, its customers and to the ecological system in general. Achieving both organizational growth and social development requires a shift from a philanthropic approach to a humanistic approach on the part of companies and the government, accommodating all its stakeholders.  相似文献   

We examine the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities on the intensity of loan covenants, one of the most important nonpricing terms of syndicated loan contracts. Undocumented in the existing literature, we offer new evidence that while CSR strengths have little impact on loan covenants, CSR concerns lead to stricter loan covenants. These asymmetric results suggest that while lenders view CSR strengths as discretionary, they are more concerned about value-destroying CSR concerns, which induces the lenders to screen out firms engaging in nonsocially responsible activities and penalize these firms with stricter loan covenants. Combined with the evidence on the CSR-loan spread association in the existing literature, our results provide strong evidence that CSR matters to both pricing and nonpricing terms of loan contracts.  相似文献   

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