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Rice B 《Medical economics》2005,82(19):72, 74-72, 75

Whether a preference relation can be represented using state-independent utilities as opposed to state-dependent utilities may depend on which acts count as constant acts. This observation underlies an extension of Savage's expected utility theory to the state-dependent case that was proposed in this journal by Edi Karni. His result contains a condition requiring the existence of a set of acts which can play the role of constant acts and support a representation involving a state-independent utility function. This paper contains necessary and sufficient conditions on the preference relation for such a set of acts to exist. Results are obtained both for the Savage and the Anscombe and Aumann frameworks. Among the corollaries are representation theorems for state-dependent utilities. Relationships to Karni's work and extensions of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the evolution of the welfare states in themajority of OECD countries during the pre-globalisation (1946–80)and globalisation (1980–2000) periods. Our purpose isto find out whether globalisation has produced a convergencetowards a smaller welfare state, funded increasingly by non-mobilefactors such as labour, property and consumption rather thanby mobile factors such as capital. The data presented here challengethe claims about such a convergence, showing that social publicexpenditures and public employment have continued to expandduring the globalisation period in most OECD countries. We alsoshow that the welfare states remain rooted in the politicaltraditions that have governed them.  相似文献   

We position “smart specialization” (SS) as the third external and conditionality-based reform of economic policy rationales – after Washington Consensus and Europeanization – in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). We discuss what kind of state, policy, and administrative capacities, or routines, SS presumes. We show that over the years CEE economies have built very different routines, especially for policy coordination and public–private interactions. Design and implementation of functional SS strategies requires critical attention and development of these routines through contextual policy experimentation in all CEE regions. We provide some general guidelines for this.  相似文献   

Lottery revenues are often touted as an independent revenue source for states. Using 32 years of state financial data, the fallacy of such thinking is demonstrated. Being the first to control for the self-selection of being a lottery state, it is found that overall tax revenues decline with increased lottery sales. Moreover, it is discovered that this decline is driven by a decrease in revenues from general sales and excise taxes, which is only partially offset by increases in income tax receipts. Such findings are attributed to a combination of behavioural and political responses following the lottery's implementation.  相似文献   

Summary. In the literature on choice under unforeseen contingencies, the decision maker behaves as if she aggregates possible instances of future rankings indexed by a set S. The set S is interpreted as a subjective state space even though subsequent rankings need not conform to any one of the aggregated utilities. This paper proposes a definition for a subjective state space under unforeseen contingencies that is topologically unique, derives its existence from preference primitives as opposed to the representation of preferences, and does not commit to an interpretation in which states correspond to future realized rankings. The definition topologically concurs with and extends the identification of the essentially unique subjective state space due to Dekel, Lipman and Rustichini [4].Received: 28 October 2003, Revised: 13 October 2004, JEL Classification Numbers: D11, D81, D91.I thank Eddie Dekel, Alan Kraus, Bart Lipman, Chris Shannon, and the referee for some helpful remarks.  相似文献   


Current states face challenges from other states and secessionist movements, and no moral theory exists to evaluate these conflicting claims. One step towards a theory is to evaluate international law on territory, specifically as articulated through decolonisation. I argue that international law does not provide a plausible moral theory of territory because the principles of territorial integrity and uti possidetis cannot coherently coexist with the principle of self‐determination. I suggest that philosophers must choose between viewing territory as an expression of national self or as a property right, or else develop a third view from sources beyond current international law.  相似文献   

Whether a microfinance institution should use a state-contingent repayment or not is very important since a state-contingent loan can provide insurance for borrowers. However, the classic Grameen bank used state non-contingent repayment, which is puzzling since it forces poor borrowers to make their payments even under hard circumstances. This paper provides an explanation to this puzzle. We consider two modes of lending, group and individual lending, and for each mode we characterize the optimal lending and supervisory contracts when a staff member (a supervisor) can embezzle borrowers’ repayments by misrepresenting realized returns. We identify the main trade-off between the insurance gain and the cost of controlling the supervisor's misbehavior. We also find that group lending dominates individual lending either by providing more insurance or by saving audit costs.  相似文献   

大力实施外向经济带动战略的山东省烟台市,国民经济高速增长,人均生产总值达7200多元。与此同时,在人均不足1.1亩耕地(粮田不足0.8亩)、低于全国平均水平的情况下,通过实施强有力的宏观调控和保护政策,着力营造稳定粮食生产的“小气候”,人均占有粮食450公斤,高于全国平均水平,农民人均纯收入达1772元。实现了“钱袋子”“米袋子”同步增长。烟台的经验说明:沿海发达地区“钱袋子”鼓起来、“米袋子”瘪下去是一种不正常现象。  相似文献   

Over the last decade China expanded its renewable energy sector with unprecedented speed. This success story presents a challenge to Western modes of environmental governance, where stakeholder participation is often deemed a necessary pre-condition for effective policy outcomes. Drawing on new research (including previously unpublished interview data), the article first discusses established modes of environmental governance before examining the growth of China’s renewables sector through the theoretical lens of the ‘developmental state’. The article then analyses renewable energy policy design and implementation in China, illustrating how top-down command and control strategies have successfully diffused renewable energy technology from a standing start. We argue that (1) China’s distinct approach to the sector differs from Western modes of environmental governance and (2) this has revealed a new path towards renewable energy diffusion that authoritarian states in particular might regard as an attractive alternative to participatory models.  相似文献   

在上级创先争优的整体部署中,无锡工商行政管理局新区分局以“争创幸福首善创新型国际化科技新城”为主题,围绕服务于“更大力度转型升级”的目标,念好“三字经”:即“高”(创先争优要高起点、高标准、高要求);“创”(创先争优要紧紧围绕创新、创优、创先主题);“实”(创先争优措施要扎实、真实、落实)。全面推进服务创新、监管创新和组织创新。  相似文献   

所谓“牛市”,是指股票市场行情看涨,买者较多。 而“熊市”正好相反,是指股票市场行情看跌,股票价格下落,卖者较多。 引起股市涨落的因素很多,包括国民经济的走势,社会、政治环境的变化,货币头寸的松紧,利率变动,上市公司的经营状况、红利的多少,还有投资者的心理预期的变化等等。判断股票市场是“牛市”还  相似文献   

“五一”长假期间,去了江西铅山县一趟。由县纪委有关同志指引,观看了古人建造的“白菜碑”。经人介绍,方知这座“白菜碑”有着一段感人至深的故事,对今日党员干部如何走好人生路有重要启迪。这座“白菜碑”,是明代万历年间江苏省句容县人竺继良出任江西铅山县令时建造的。  相似文献   

在地沟油因危害餐桌安全而成为举国公害的语境下,荷兰航空用地沟油提炼航空生物煤油的消息令很多人振奋。事实上,早在去年年底,荷兰航空就来我国采购样品,提出从山东青岛带走20吨地沟油样品回去试用。  相似文献   

民间借贷是今年最热的经济关键词之一,上至知名企业,下至手握存款的普通民众,似乎一夜之间都卷入这场借贷风暴。究其根本原因,还是中小企业"融资难"问题长期以来难以解决。通过温州和鄂尔多斯这两个民间借贷最为盛行的城市,可以对中国的民间借贷乱象一窥究竟。  相似文献   

大连的发展,一直在讲求别具一格,区别和领先于其他城市。唯美和超越,体现了大连的特色。大连是浪漫之都,不是因为"浪漫之都"这四个字张贴在出租车停靠点的城市宣传广告牌上,而是浪漫的城市气质,已经浸润进广场上友谊的圆舞曲、激情的手风琴和旋转的布拉吉,书写在大连人好穿、敢穿的鲜艳衣着上。人们常说:"吃在广州,玩在上海,  相似文献   

“值得”还是“窝囊”汪金友前几天去北京,听到许多关于对原北京市副市长李润五的议论,其中截然相反的看法有两种:一种人认为李润五"活得值"。他虽然没有享多少"福"就过早地离开了人间,但不仅中央说他是"好党员好干部",群众说他是"好人好官好市长",而且连世...  相似文献   

刘春征 《经济师》2011,(1):161-161
文章论述了德育教育中培养中学生良好行为习惯、健康人格和树立中学生正确的世界观、人生观、价值观中的重要性,对加强中学德育教育提出了建议。  相似文献   

七年 《新经济》2011,(9):70-71
可以说。有了ifttt。Qrobot将再也不会只是个玩具。因为ifttt一脚把Qrobot蹋进了未来。  相似文献   

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