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崔红霞  蒲龙 《技术经济》2022,41(3):81-90
绿色发展是构建新发展格局的重要抓手,也是实现经济高质量增长的必经之路。本文以生态工业园为例,利用独特的工业企业层面排污数据,构造双重差分模型检验绿色发展对工业企业污染排放的影响。实证研究表明,生态工业园区设立会显著降低企业工业废水中化学需氧量的排放量。进一步研究发现,生态工业园区的减排效应在东部发达地方以及非国有企业样本中更为显著,机制分析结论表明,生态工业园区通过鼓励企业加大购买污染治理设施来实现减排效应。本文研究表明下一步发展中应该鼓励普通地级市和中西部城市积极申报生态工业园区,同时也要重点关注对企业污染治理效率提升。  相似文献   

我国生态工业园区发展研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴志军 《当代财经》2007,(11):66-72
生态工业园区是依据循环经济原理设计建立的一种新型工业组织形态,园区内采用废物交换、清洁生产等手段把一个企业产生的副产品或废物作为另一个企业的投入或原材料,实现物质闭路循环和能量多次利用.生态工业园区有主导产业链型、多产业关联共生型、全新混合型等三种模式.生态工业园区在我国还存在一些政策障碍和制约因素,我国工业园区招商引资恶性竞争,园区产业定位模糊,不利于其产业生态化的形成.应高起点地规划设计生态工业园区,建立促进生态工业园区发展的激励机制及运作机制,完善生态工业园区建设条件及管理体系.  相似文献   

能值理论与分析方法是目前系统生态学和生态经济学发展的新成果.为复合生态系统开拓了一条定量研究途径,被认为是连接生态学和经济学的桥梁。其理论研究与实践应用具有重要的科学意义和应用意义。本文简要介绍了能值理论与方法的产生过程、主要的基本概念,并在此基础上就能值理论与方法在国内外针对国家、州(省、市)域、农业、种植业生态系统、城市生态系统、环境与资源、废物处理和企业人力资源等经济系统的能值评估作了系统的论述与分析。  相似文献   

文章提供了一个基于主体的开放经济模型———ASMEC-O,用于研究国际分工的演化过程。在国际贸易中,经济主体之间的相互作用内生地决定了国际分工的演化过程,而国际分工的演化过程又会对经济主体的行为产生深刻影响。经济主体应用分类器系统来选择正确的行为规则。我们应用该模型分别进行了在不完全竞争和规模递增假设下,比较利益和路径依赖情况下形成国际分工演化过程的模拟实验。实验结果表明:在两国存在资源禀赋差异的条件下,比较利益和规模经营是形成国际分工的自然原因;在两国不存在资源禀赋差异的条件下,路径依赖也是形成国际分工的重要原因。  相似文献   

三峡工程的建设备受世人的关注,影响深远,它的建成标志着三峡水库这一新的生态环境体系的出现和运行将全面影响库区内各城镇的社会、经济、文化、环境等相关方面的后续发展思路。鉴于三峡水库作为中华民族重要淡水资源库的战略定位,库区的工业发展必须走生态工业之路,文章以系统论作为研究视角,阐述了三峡库区生态工业园的发展是一个复杂系统问题,并以开县生态工业园区的发展思路为例,分析了优化三峡库区生态工业发展路径需要面对的库区独特的区位特点,提出三峡库区生态工业园发展路径的优化目标就是要争取环境、经济、人的共赢,同时也给出了发展库区生态工业园路径的优化建议。  相似文献   

Continuous technological innovation has been playing a vital role in ensuring the survival and development of an enterprise in today's economy. This paper studies the problem of technological innovation risk-based decision-making from an entrepreneurial team point of view. We identify the differences between this team decision-making and a traditional individual decision-making problem, where decisions are mainly affected by the decision-maker's risk and value perceptions, and risk preferences. We create a modeling framework for such a new problem, and use system dynamics theory to model it from the agent-based modeling perspective. The proposed approach is validated by a case study of the technological innovation risk decision-making in a Chinese automobile company.  相似文献   

It is plain that the Austrian revival that began in the 1970s has yet to succeed in convincing the mainstream of the academy to jettison their physics-based mathematical models in favor of the sort of models and forms of argumentation that contemporary Austrians advocate. Agent-based computational modeling is still in its relative infancy but is beginning to gain recognition among economists disenchanted with the neoclassical paradigm. The purpose of this paper is to assuage concerns that readers might have regarding methodological consistency between agent-based modeling and Austrian economics and to advocate its adoption as a means to convey Austrian ideas to a wider audience. I examine models developed and published by other researchers and ultimately provide an outline of how one might develop a research agenda that leverages this technique. I argue that agent-based modeling can be used to enhance Austrian theorizing and offers a viable alternative to the neoclassical paradigm.  相似文献   

生态工业园建设在日本的实践及其启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文主要是考察了日本两个生态工业园即荏原生态工业园和小久保生态工业园的建设。这两个生态工业园的建设各有特点。通过对这两个工业园的考察,得出如下结论:(1)企业自发的参与对生态工业园的建设起着重要作用;(2)政府应建立相关制度促进生态工业园的建立;(3)建立生态工业园,合作是必不可少的要素;(4)生态工程技术是生态工业园成功的关键。  相似文献   

在社会经济系统中,各类扩散问题的运行机理有一定的相似性,即微观个体间的互动是导致宏观层面上扩散现象的原因。微观仿真模型是研究扩散问题的一类重要的方法,在介绍相关微观仿真模型建模原理的基础上,本文以SARS模型为例,展示了微观仿真模型在处理个体异质性方面的优势。由于各类扩散问题的相似性,因此最后探讨了SARS模型经过一定的修正后,如何应用于创新扩散和金融市场中交易者之间的互动等问题。  相似文献   

基于能值分析的土地可持续利用态势研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
李双成  蔡运龙 《经济地理》2002,22(3):346-350
本文应用能值分析的理论和方法,构建了基于能值的标定土地可持续利用态势的若干指数,如土地利用总能值投入产出比,土地利用工业能能值投入产出比,土地利用环境负载指数以及土地可持续利用指数。作为案例研究,作者利用上述指数对1978-1999年中车农业土地的可持续性进行判定。结果表明,尽管粮食产量或农业产值等经济指标为土地利用总能值投入产出比和工业能能值投入产出指数前期剧烈下降,后期趋于平缓;土地利用环境负载指数持续上升的态势说明,中国农用土地的环境压力逐渐增大,土地可持续利用指数在前期呈现上升趋势,至1985的达到最高,此后呈持续下降态势,近年趋于稳定。这表明,由过度使用化石能量引起的环境负面效应对农用土地生态系统的压力不断增大,若不遏制这种发展势头,中国农用土地生态系统的可持续性将得不到延存。  相似文献   

生态工业网络技术创新机制分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生态工业网络是实现循环经济的重要载体,提出了生态工业网络技术创新的特点——由核心企业主导和系统推进,介绍了确定核心企业的方法并描述了生态工业网络技术创新的路径。  相似文献   

推进产业生态化和工业生态园区的研究对于我国经济发展和资源环境状况而言,是十分迫切的任务.生态工业园区所具有的工业链条、循环经济模式、经济外部性以及企业之间的复合共生等生态化发展特征是推动当地生态工业经济发展的重要路径.本文结合四川省工业园区发展的现状,从理论上探讨了工业园区发展与生态经济发展的关系,从实践上.研究了推动四川省工业园区生态化发展的路径和政策建议.  相似文献   

通过能值和GIS方法的耦合分析,以伊犁地区为例,探讨了温带干旱区绿洲农业生态经济系统可持续性的时空演化特征与总体趋势,提出了相应的调控措施。研究结论如下:①1989—2008年,伊犁地区农业生态经济系统的能值总投入和总产出均呈持续增长趋势。②目前伊犁地区农业生态经济系统仍处于可持续发展的状态,但亦呈现出恶化的趋势。③研究区在农业系统发展水平方面,大致呈现出"东北—西南"梯度格局;在系统可持续发展方面,大致呈现出"南高北低"的空间格局。④在今后的农业发展进程中,伊犁地区应通过农业内部结构的优化、农业传统生产方式的变革等手段,促进农业系统的结构功能优化和可持续发展,防止生态环境的恶化。  相似文献   

Economists recognize competition as fundamental to economic science. General equilibrium is not competition; Austrians, like other economists, have sometimes confused the two. The socialist calculation debate and the elimination of competition by socialists in the Soviet Union offer insight into danger of using an equilibrium framework to study competition. Current policy models are based on a general equilibrium framework, but heterogeneous interactive agent-based models are rising to challenge them. Austrian economists should embrace this new direction and guide the creation of agent-based models of the economy.  相似文献   

We are concerned with evolutionary algorithms that are employed for economic modeling purposes. We focus in particular on evolutionary algorithms that use a binary encoding of strategies. These algorithms, commonly referred to as genetic algorithms, are popular in agent-based computational economics research. In many studies, however, there is no clear reason for the use of a binary encoding of strategies. We therefore examine to what extent the use of such an encoding may influence the results produced by an evolutionary algorithm. It turns out that the use of a binary encoding can have quite significant effects. Since these effects do not have a meaningful economic interpretation, they should be regarded as artifacts. Our findings indicate that in general the use of a binary encoding is undesirable. They also highlight the importance of employing evolutionary algorithms with a sensible economic interpretation.  相似文献   

Emergy theory and method are used to evaluate the feasibility of an irrigation improvement project in China and its contribution to local agricultural development. An emergy method for evaluating the costs and benefits of the project and a composite index named the emergy cost-benefit ratio (EmCBR) were developed. The emergy evaluation shows that the major costs associated with the proposed project come from earthwork (77.4% of the total cost) and concrete work (15.4%), and that water saving (43.0% of the total benefit) and agricultural yield increase (56.9%) are the most important contributions. The calculated EmCBR is 0.97 (the lowest value for a feasible project is 1.0) which indicates that this project would not be feasible in emergy terms. The regional agricultural system could not benefit from the proposed project, according to several emergy indices: emergy yield ratio (EYR), emergy investment ratio (EIR), environmental load ratio (ELR) and environmental sustainability index (ESI). The results show that conventional cost-benefit analysis could fail to provide an adequate decision-making framework because it is unable to value resources and environmental impacts properly. More additional emergy evaluations should be completed on other alternatives to the proposed project to provide adequate guidelines for selecting the best alternative that contributes most to agricultural development with limited environmental impact.  相似文献   

In this article, we develop a new way to capture knowledge diffusion and assimilation in innovation networks by means of an agent-based simulation model. The model incorporates three essential characteristics of knowledge that have not been covered entirely by previous diffusion models: the network character of knowledge, compatibility of new knowledge with already existing knowledge, and the fact that transmission of knowledge requires some form of attention. We employ a network-of- networks approach, where agents are located within an innovation network and each agent itself contains another network composed of knowledge units (KUs). Since social learning is a path-dependent process, in our model, KUs are exchanged among agents and integrated into their respective knowledge networks depending on the received KUs’ compatibility with the currently focused ones. Thereby, we are also able to endogenize attributes such as absorptive capacity that have been treated as an exogenous parameter in some of the previous diffusion models. We use our model to simulate and analyze various scenarios, including cases for different degrees of knowledge diversity and cognitive distance among agents as well as knowledge exploitation vs. exploration strategies. Here, the model is able to distinguish between two levels of knowledge diversity: heterogeneity within and between agents. Additionally, our simulation results give fresh impetus to debates about the interplay of innovation network structure and knowledge diffusion. In summary, our article proposes a novel way of modeling knowledge diffusion, thereby contributing to an advancement of the economics of innovation and knowledge.  相似文献   

In real life growth processes there is always an intrinsic finite response time. This means that these systems do not respond instantaneously so that the logistic modeling of such processes should be formally described by a delayed logistic equation. This poses enormous difficulties to their time evolution modeling as there are no analytical solutions to the delayed logistic equation. In this paper we show that by performing a conventional Verhulst logistic modeling of the corresponding time series data, associated with a fine-coarse analysis of the resulting residuals, we can disclose the underlying periodicities due to the finite time response effects.  相似文献   

基于数据包络分析的综合类生态工业园区环境绩效研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用数据包络分析法对中国24家综合类生态工业园环境绩效进行实证研究,研究表明:整体而言,园区环境效率非有效性主要来自纯技术非有效性,次要来自规模非有效性。各园区在环境绩效上存在较大差异,通过验收的国家生态工业示范园区在环境绩效上并无明显优势。大部分经济体量大的园区需要适当控制规模提升效率。研究还为园区未来环境调控提出定量化的调整建议,为未来我国深入推进生态工业园建设提供参考。  相似文献   

生态工业园发展中若干问题的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
生态工业园发展有其内在规律,文章通过对生态工业园发展中功能定位、产业培育、规模发展与空间布局四个宏观方面的分析,认为这四个方面存在密切联系,工业性质是影响生态工业园发展的根本因素,生态工业园的规划建设应从工业性质和工业发展的要求出发,充分考虑区位条件和资源优势,因地制宜地制定生态工业园区的规划目标和建设方案。  相似文献   

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