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1989年伊拉克对从事承包劳务的外国公司公布了如下新法令: 一、伊拉克海关对外国公司临时进口的设备押金作了新规定,决定对1989年4月30日以后所签新项目合同的设备押金改为由业主出具保函。从而,解决了公司资金长期被海关占用的问题。外国公司临时进口的机械设备押金,必须以现金或支票抵押,待项目完工和机械设备清关后押金才能退回。  相似文献   

发展循环经济的经济手段——国际借鉴和政策选择   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在构建和发展循环经济的过程中除实施必要的行政法律手段、舆论手段和技术手段外,更离不开经济手段的支持。发达国家早在几十年前就进行了利用经济手段发展循环经济的探索,长期来积累了丰富的经验,值得我国借鉴。本文介绍了发达国家在利用经济手段方面的经验,主要有实施鼓励性政策、制约性政策和交易制度。通过借鉴国外的做法,对我国在利用经济手段过程中尚未充分重视的问题提出建议,包括实施押金制、采用“交易权”制度等。  相似文献   

环保费改税的几点看法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一、排污收费制度存在的缺陷和弊端我国自20世纪80年代初期开始实行排污收费制度,即由保部门向排放污染物的企业征收一定数额的费用,作为专项金用于环境污染的防治。目前,我国对污水、废渣、废气、噪音、射等五大类113项污染环境的行为征收排污费。从近20年来实践看,排污收费制度的实行虽然取得了一定成效,但它在制设计上也存在着不少缺陷,在推行过程中暴露出一些弊端,不很好地解决我国的环境污染问题,不能充分保障我国环保政与目标的实现。排污收费制度的缺陷和弊端,主要表现在以下个方面:第一,排污收费标准低,征收面较窄,渠道单一。从理论…  相似文献   

日本禁止垄断法中的征缴"课征金"制度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本禁止垄断法在其不断的修正和发展中,逐渐形成了其特有的法律制度,"征缴‘课征金'"就是其中之一.本文从考察日本征缴"课征金"制度的意义、缴纳"课征金"的客体范围、"课征金"的计算方法和征缴"课征金"的程序等方面对这一制度进行了较为细致和深入的分析,以期为建立适合我国需要的相应法律制度作些有益的探讨.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,经济发达国家尤其是经济合作与发展组织(OECD)成员国,广泛利用诸如税收、收费、排污权交易、押金等经济政策来保护环境。而经济政策的最新发展趋势就是利用财税政策作为解决环境问题的突破口。就财税政策角度而言,解决环境问题,必须建立和健全环境税制度,进而使整个税制体现环保要求。  相似文献   

我国海域有偿使用制度实施以来,海域资源的利用效率明显提高,在一定程度上遏制了海域资源的掠夺性使用,同时大大促进了海洋经济增长。但海域有偿使用制度在实施过程中仍需进一步提高海域利用效率、减少海域使用金征收盲区、完善海域使用论证制度、规范海域使用金征管工作。  相似文献   

浅谈建筑业人力资源的培训和教育   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
陈传联 《经济师》2005,(2):171-172
文章分析了我国建筑业人力资源中存在的问题 ,提出了解决这些问题的对策。这些对策包括 :大力推行执业资格制度 ,建立职业培训制度和发展建设职业教育 ,高度重视发展研究生教育和成人教育 ,加强国际交流与合作。  相似文献   

环境税的优越性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着环境问题的日益严重,人类在不断寻找改善环境的各种办法。影响环境的经济政策主要有收费、补贴、许可证交易以及押金制度等。环境税作为环境经济政策的重要组成部分,它的实施对外部成本的内部化有重要的意义和作用。在众多的环境保护措施中,环境税已被证明是一种行之有效的办法。我国可在现行环境保护政策的基础上逐步过渡试行,最后开征独立环境税。  相似文献   

段特奇  刘斌  王颖 《经济师》2010,(8):190-191
中小企业是国民经济的重要经济支柱,为了促进我国中小企业更快更好地发展,必须大力解决中小企业信贷融资难的问题。文章提出了解决中小企业信贷融资的困难有三种方法途径分别为:市场主义、干预主义和制度主义。并首次将干预主义与政策性金融对应,将制度主义与开发性金融相对应,提出了采用制度主义是解决我国中小企业信贷融资难的最主要方法。  相似文献   

<正> 近十几年来,我国职工医疗保健费用猛增:1980年仅为60亿元,1990年增至283.4亿元,1993年已高达460多亿元,年平均增长率高达17%,其中公费医疗支出增长了10多倍。国家财政已不堪重负,企事业单位叫苦不迭,有些职工因垫付巨额住院押金或医药费用长期难以报销,“日子”也不好过。至于个中原由固然很多,笔者在此拟从医疗服务供求关系入手,探讨适当地启动价格机制改革我国医疗保健制度的有关问题。 一、我国医疗服务供求过度的症结何在  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to introduce explicitly pleasure and belief in what aims at being a Humean theory of decision, like the one developed in Diaye and Lapidus (2005a). Although we support the idea that Hume was in some way a hedonist – evidently different from Bentham's or Jevons' way – we lay emphasis less on continuity than on the specific kind of hedonism encountered in Hume's writings (chiefly the Treatise, the second Enquiry, the Dissertation, or some of his Essays). Such hedonism clearly contrasts to its standard modern inheritance, expressed by the relation between preferences and utility.

The reason for such a difference with the usual approach lies in the mental process that Hume puts to the fore in order to explain the way pleasure determines desires and volition. Whereas pleasure is primarily, in Hume's words, an impression of sensation, it takes place in the birth of passions as reflecting an idea of pleasure, whose “force and vivacity” is precisely a “belief”, transferred to the direct passions of desire or volition that come immediately before action. As a result, from a Humean point of view, “belief” deals with decision under risk or uncertainty, as well as with intertemporal decision and indiscrimination problems.

The latter are explored within a formal framework, and it is shown that the relation of pleasure is transformed by belief into a non-empty class of relations of desire, among which at least one is a preorder.  相似文献   

Neoliberal political movements advocate privatization of public pension systems. Globalization imposes pressure on nations to conform to neoliberal policy views with respect to the design and structure of social insurance, including public pension systems. The paper begins with an investigation of the economic, ethical and ideological dimensions of the privatization debates in the U.S.; it argues that privatization advocates may be largely moved by ideology, since the other reasons advanced appear weak or unfounded. The second part discusses the history of Social Security, the purposes for its creation, and some of its economic effects. Differences between public and private pension systems are considered. A brief international comparison of some aspects of public pension system finance and benefit structures is presented. The final section considers the ethical, macroeconomic and distributional implications of privatization, prefunding and payroll tax funding, and argues for a pay as you go system financed with income taxes. In order to promote equity, economic security, community, and social cohesion, public pension systems should be universal in coverage. In order to reduce the inequality, income insecurity, and aged poverty generated by market economies, public pension systems ought to be progressive: benefit/contribution ratios should be inversely proportional to income, and progressive income taxes should finance the system. To promote economic growth, the systems should be financed on a pay-as-you-go basis, and should not be prefunded except for an emergency reserve. The fiscal policy recommendations partially depend upon the theory developed by Abba Lerner in the 1940s, and recently advanced by Wynne Godley and Randy Wray: Lerner's “principle of functional finance.”  相似文献   

Although he was much influenced by David Ricardo when he wrote the classical part of his Principles , John Stuart Mill was not a Ricardian when he penned his theories of wealth and distribution. They are based on a triple foundation. First, a belief that economics is a moral discipline. Second a theory of custom-driven human behavior. Third, an empirically formed conviction that the institutions of state, education and business cooperate to structure the distribution of income. On the basis of these presuppositions, Mill formulated 1) an institutional theory of the formation of human and non-human wealth and 2) an even more institutional theory of distribution demonstrating how the aforementioned institutions malignantly skew the distribution of income to the advantage of the propertied classes and to the extreme disadvantage of the working class. As a social economist, Mill recommended institutional reforms designed to eradicate the poverty of the working class.  相似文献   

This article seeks to evaluate the appropriateness of a variety of existing forecasting techniques (17 methods) at providing accurate and statistically significant forecasts for gold price. We report the results from the nine most competitive techniques. Special consideration is given to the ability of these techniques to provide forecasts which outperforms the random walk (RW) as we noticed that certain multivariate models (which included prices of silver, platinum, palladium and rhodium, besides gold) were also unable to outperform the RW in this case. Interestingly, the results show that none of the forecasting techniques are able to outperform the RW at horizons of 1 and 9 steps ahead, and on average, the exponential smoothing model is seen providing the best forecasts in terms of the lowest root mean squared error over the 24-month forecasting horizons. Moreover, we find that the univariate models used in this article are able to outperform the Bayesian autoregression and Bayesian vector autoregressive models, with exponential smoothing reporting statistically significant results in comparison with the former models, and classical autoregressive and the vector autoregressive models in most cases.  相似文献   

The payment of interest on reserves has been a common practice in inflationary economies. This policy may seem paradoxical since it involves returning part of the seigniorage, generated by the inflation process, with the intention to finance the fiscal deficit. This paper argues that the motivation for this policy can be captured by the discretionary regime, where the policymaker pays interest on reserves because he is concerned with the erosion of real liquidity by inflation, which is in part beyond his control. However, this policy is an unlikely outcome in the commitment regime, where the policymaker is in full control of inflation.  相似文献   

In principle, we want regulatory programs to be based on current realities, as reflected for example in the best knowledge of relevant experts. That would imply that old rules now on the books should be consistent with today's knowledge base, not just what was known when a rule or standard was originally set. This paper reports on a survey of US programs, examining how often existing rules are actually updated in light of better knowledge, and identifies five programs that attempt to make policy routinely adaptive. These programs exhibit what we term Planned Adaptation: they both revise rules when relevant new knowledge appears, and take steps to produce such improved knowledge. While Planned Adaptation is rare, it is used in several nationally prominent programs, including air pollution, airplane safety, and drug safety. Planned Adaptation is a policy tool that deserves more attention.  相似文献   

This paper examines the essential difference between the U.S. and Japan, when one considers information infrastructure. There are seven perception gaps between the U.S. and Japan concerning Information Infrastructure policies. These gaps must be understood in order to compare the countries' governmental policies in this area. In looking at the present circumstances, the essential question to answer concerns who is to build, own and operate the network(s) of the infrastructure. Liberalization is certain to be a central factor in the ongoing telecommunications debates. Now that customers have had a taste of the liberalized market-place, the movement toward more open markets will be difficult to stop. When considering options, it is necessary to pay close attention to standardized network access and the increasingly important role software plays. These issues are causing us to take a new approach to the traditional role played by regulators. They also force a closer look at the appropriate structure of utility companies. This paper addresses the above issues in hopes of stimulating dialog on the new telecommunications infrastructure paradigm.  相似文献   

海岛地区产业演替及资源基础分析--以舟山群岛为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
改革开放以来,舟山市产业构成发生了显著变化,其经济发展过程可以划分为三个阶段。1992年前,是以产业结构渔业占绝对地位的单一结构阶段;1993—1998年,以旅游业为主的第三产业快速发展阶段;上世纪末以来,又进入了新一轮的经济发展时期,即工业产值比重快速增加阶段。根据海岛的自然资源基础和特点,在新世纪的经济发展过程中,舟山市应定位为生态型的港口旅游城市。以港口及临港工业为主导,以海岛旅游和海洋经济为特色,大力发展第二产业和第三产业。海岛地区的主导产业应体现海岛资源优势及区位优势,以集群性环保型产业为主。同时由于海岛地区淡水资源缺乏,主导产业也应着重选择低耗水型产业。  相似文献   

本文基于委托代理模型,从风险的视角研究企业治理结构对研发创新能力的影响。本文构建了一个包含创新活动的委托代理模型进行理论分析,利用动态DEA 模型测算创新能力,并使用2015-2018年我国上市制造业企业数据进行实证检验。实证部分检验了理论结论:委托代理问题不利于企业提升研发创新能力,且客观风险和主观风险厌恶会加剧该负面影响。基于此,本文认为上市企业应根据企业自身研发活动特点有针对性地改善企业治理结构,提出了适当延长代理人任期、推动股权激励计划、提升代理人的风险承担能力等建议。  相似文献   

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