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2008年起施行的《中华人民共和国企业所得税法》及其实施条例结束了我国内外资企业所得税“双轨”模式的历史,统一并调整了企业所得税适用税率、税前扣除、税收优惠政策及税收征管要求等等,本文将在介绍新企业所得税法及其实施条例的同时对新旧所得税制主要差异进行辨析。  相似文献   

新《企业所得税法》的颁布,实现了内、外资企业所得税法规的合并。本文从纳税义务人范围、税率调整、税前扣除规定、税收优惠政策及特别纳税调整五个方面解读新旧《企业所得税法》之间的重要变化,研究如何进行纳税筹划,以谋求企业利益最大化。  相似文献   

2008年起施行的<中华人民共和国企业所得税法>及其实施条例结束了我国内外资企业所得税"双轨"模式的历史,统一并调整了企业所得税适用税率、税前扣除、税收优惠政策及税收征管要求等等,本文将在介绍新企业所得税法及其实施条例的同时对新旧所得税制主要差异进行辨析.  相似文献   

高楷 《经济导刊》2008,(6):92-93
我国自2008年1月1日起施行<中华人民共和国企业所得税法>,这部法律表决通过后,对企业税收实现了"四个统一":即内资企业、外资企业适用统一的企业所得税法;统一并适当降低企业所得税税率;统一和规范税前扣除办法和标准;统一和规范税收优惠政策.  相似文献   

文章对新企业所得税法条文中的一些税收优惠政策进行了分析和探讨,包括所得税税率优惠、企业研发费用的加计扣除优惠、安置特殊就业人员的税收优惠、税额抵免优惠、创投企业优惠等,对这些税收优惠政策的领会将对新税法的实践和应用起到重要的作用,并对企业的纳税筹划有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

新企业所得税法颁布实施以来,根据现行企业所得税征管现状及以往征管经验,可以发现新企业所得税法在对企业所得税的征管中还存在所得税政策、所得税计征办法、所得税税源监控、避税与反避税以及执法责任等方面的不足。如能在完善和调整所得税的优惠政策、加强税源监管以减少税收流失等方面加以改进,将会提高企业所得税征管的质量和效率。  相似文献   

当前金融危机席卷全球,各类型企业都受到不同程度的影响。企业管理人必须要有清醒的认识,才能保证企业稳步向前发展。新《中华人民共和国企业所得税法》于2008年1月1日正式实施。新《企业所得税法》与旧法在税收优惠政策、税率、税前扣除等方面都存在很大差异。企业面对"两税合一"以及相关政策的重大调整这一变革,迫切需要寻找新的纳税筹划方法,以实现自身利益最大化。  相似文献   

周家亮 《时代经贸》2007,5(12Z):135-135,137
《中华人民共和国企业所得税法》将于2008年1月1日起施行,实现了内外资企业的统一,新企业所得税法在纳税人、税率、税前扣除标准、税收优惠政策等方面均与现行税法有较大差别,对内外资企业均将产生一定影响。  相似文献   

林绍绾 《当代经济》2009,(19):26-27
新企业所得税法的最大特点体现为"四个统一,一个过渡",即内资、外资企业适用统一的企业所得税法,并将企业所得税税率由原33%、24%和15%统一确定为25%,统一税前扣除办法和标准,统一税收优惠政策,实行"产业优惠为主、区域优惠为辅"的新税收优惠体系;  相似文献   

新企业所得税法一大重要变化是实行了以产业政策为导向的税收优惠政策体系,对企业自主创新、技术进步和高科技产业出台了多重税收优惠政策,这对浙江省的信息产业既是机遇也是挑战。“科技税收”优惠政策促进信息产业加大科技投入和自主创新,改善信息产业的融资环境。新法实施对浙江省电子信息产业利用外资的水平影响不大,但对各细分行业税负水平的影响存在差异。  相似文献   

The preferential tax policies for foreign direct investment (FDI) in China were terminated by a tax reform in 2008. This article uses the provincial-level panel data for 1998?2008 before the reform in order to study whether the tax incentive had been a significant determinant of foreign investment decisions. We find that market size and geographic location had significant impacts on the FDI inflow into China but the tax incentive policies were not a sufficient determinant of FDI inflow into China over the periods studied, which provides a rationale for the termination of the tax incentives in FDI at 2008 reform in China.  相似文献   

外商直接投资是促进中国经济发展的一支重要力量,中国经济发展需要FDI,FDI需要中国,从中国经济利益和FDI追求利润的相互和谐过程入手,不仅要考虑中国经济需求与FDI的利益分配政策的和谐,也要考虑经济结构和谐、经济增长和谐。以制定符合中国国情的涉外税收政策。  相似文献   

创新体系理论对税收激励政策有重要的影响。创新的税收激励,特别是R&D税收抵扣政策,在发达国家有效地保留和吸引了R&D投资。那些在税收激励上最慷慨的国家均是吸引外来R&D投资最多的国家。R&D抵扣直接利益是刺激R&D投入。美国R&D税收抵扣有3种方案,即传统抵扣、选择性增量研究抵扣(AIRC)和选择性简化抵扣(ASC);英国主要是增强型扣除。政策设计时要参考多种因素。我国施行R&D税收抵扣政策,要研究制定统一的、供税收目的的R&D支出标准,出台具体的实施办法,并注意政策的可操作性、可预测性、一致性和稳定性。  相似文献   

We investigate how foreign debt and foreign direct investment (FDI) affect the growth and welfare of a stochastically growing small open economy. First, we find that foreign debt influences the growth of domestic wealth by lowering the cost of capital, while FDI affects the country's welfare by providing an additional source of permanent income. Second, a decline in domestic investment may improve domestic welfare as FDI replaces the gap. Even when the welfare deteriorates, its magnitude is mitigated, leaving more room for discretionary fiscal policy. Third, a fiscal policy aimed to stabilize domestic output fluctuations needs to be conducted not to crowd out the welfare benefit of FDI too much. Fourth, an economy with both types of foreign capital experiences wider welfare swings by external volatility shocks than the one with foreign debt alone, while the welfare effects from domestic volatility shocks are mitigated. The welfare effects of fiscal shocks are much smaller with both types of foreign capital. Lastly, the first-best labor income tax covers the government absorption by the labor's share of total output, and the capital income tax covers the rest. Investment is penalized or subsidized depending on the social marginal cost-gain differential.  相似文献   

笔者根据浙江省1984年~2009年的相关经济数据,运用协整检验方法考察了FD I对浙江省机电产品出口规模的影响。认为:FD I对机电产品出口规模有着一定程度的促进作用。应采取产业结构升级、实施优惠的招商引资政策等措施,促进浙江在吸引和利用外资方面发展得更好更快,推动浙江机电产品出口贸易进一步发展壮大。  相似文献   

西部大开发的税收优惠政策实施以来,对于西部地区经济发展有着积极的作用,但也存在一定的问题。在西部大开发税收优惠政策原定十年到期之际,本文对西部大开发现有税收优惠政策进行梳理,并对西部大开发税收优惠政策的效应进行评价,发现税收优惠政策对于西部地区的发展发挥着重要作用,但是由于优惠政策存在诸多方面的问题,使得政策效果不明显。因此,本文结合前面分析以及对西部地区未来发展的展望,提出了西部大开发税收优惠政策未来调整的建议。  相似文献   

We examine the impact of electricity price variation on net FDI (%GDP) inflows in countries of the European Union. We use panel data of 27 EU countries for a period of 2003 – 2013. We show that electricity prices of south-western and north-eastern EU countries did not converge to one price until now. Dynamic panel data analysis using system GMM shows that besides unit labour costs, tax rates and competitive disadvantage in secondary education, also higher electricity prices reduce countries’ ability to attract FDI. The immediate effects are statistically significant across both sub-regions analysed: in the short run, a 10% increase in electricity prices leads to a decrease in net FDI inflows as a share of GDP by 0.4 percentage points for the south-western and 0.33 for the north-eastern region. In the long run, the response is 0.60 percentage points for south-western and 0.48 for north-eastern regions. Policies should aim at reducing electricity market price differences on the European level through investment in transborder transmission capacity; reductions in FDI, when environmental policy increases after-tax electricity prices, should be countered by other tax reductions as well as harmonization of property rights, absence of corruption and labour market regulations at best-practice level.  相似文献   

In this paper, foreign direct investment (FDI) into Russia's regions during the period 1993-95 is analysed using recently available regional data. Russia's regions are shown to be much richer than China's, but much poorer than US states, though with far less FDI than either country. FDI into the regions is also low compared to both Western and Eastern European countries, but has grown substantially from very low levels. Relatively higher FDI is found to occur when crime is lower, market size is bigger and risk is less. Surprisingly, the education of the workforce is found to be important only in the two major cities of St. Petersburg and Moscow, suggesting FDI into Russia's regions is not drawn by cheap labour. Unlike other countries, no evidence for either infrastructure or privatization influencing FDI could be found. The use of tax breaks and exemptions to attract FDI may be short-sighted as the consequent cut in budget revenues hampers the ability of the region to fight crime and to lower business risk, resulting in an implicit marginal tax increase for future foreign investors that exceeds any benefits from shortterm tax breaks.  相似文献   

A significant research effort has been directed at establishing the determinants of foreign direct investment (FDI), with taxation policy identified as an important factor. However, the empirical literature has been limited in several respects, with most work focused exclusively on host country tax regimes. This paper seeks to extend the boundaries of FDI empirical inquiry by using a panel of nine investing tax exemption and tax credit countries over the period 1982–2000, constituting more than 85% of total US FDI inflows, and incorporating home country tax rates to analyse two as yet unanswered questions. First, are corporate income tax rates an important determinant of FDI in the US? Secondly, do investors from tax credit countries differ significantly in their tax response relative to those from tax exemption countries?  相似文献   

中国财政竞争与地方公共支出结构分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article examines the impact of intergovernmental fiscal competition on local public expenditure in China under current performance assessment system in which GDP is a critical factor. First, we present the assignment of public goods and tax burden and the share of foreign direct investment (FDI) of 30 provinces, and we find that current fiscal competition in China has taken the form of public expenditure improvement accompanied by preferential tax policies. Second, we regress the share of FDI on different components of provincial public expenditure, and find that the share of FDI is correlated negatively with the public service, tax burden and health care service while positively with infrastructure development. Therefore, FDI-based infrastructural investment crowds out public services investment, which fails to support the view that fiscal competition improves social welfares.  相似文献   

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