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China has been the subject of large numbers of both antidumping initiations and measures. This article explores the reactions of Chinese firms and industries to these actions by using dynamic system GMM estimator and industrial panel data on all Chinese firms in the industry, foreign firms operating within China and state-owned enterprises (SOEs) for aggregated firms group between 1997 and 2007. We find that antidumping actions by developed and developing countries negatively impact industrial profits and employee and firm numbers and also exports, but improve labour productivity. We also find that different kinds of firms show different responses. All firms together in an industry react to antidumping the most, and foreign and SOE firms show a much smaller response. Further, antidumping effects from different countries are different. Developed countries’ antidumping actions have more negative impact than developing countries’ actions; the effects of US actions are different from the European Union’s.  相似文献   

风险投资持股对我国上市企业承销费用的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王佳  廖理 《技术经济》2008,27(7):85-90
本文选取我国股权分置改革后2006—2007年A股市场上市公司的数据,检验了风险投资持股因素对于上市企业承销费用的影响。经过多因素线性回归,发现风险投资持股上市企业的承销费率要显著高于非风险投资持股上市企业,这表明风险投资的认证效应当前在我国并不成立;另一方面,剔除行业的影响,发现风险投资持股上市企业的年龄显著小于非风险投资持股上市企业,说明目前我国风险投资行业存在逐名动机。  相似文献   

邵全权 《财经研究》2011,(10):15-25
近年来中国寿险市场发展呈现出"寡头主导、大中小共生"的局面。究竟应重点发展"巨无霸"式的金融保险集团,还是应优先发展"船小好掉头"的中小保险公司,这是中国寿险市场面临的一个重要选择。Gibrat法则认为同一行业中的企业,其成长率是独立于其规模的变量,文章对Gibrat法则在寿险业的适用性进行了实证检验,研究结果表明:(1)Gibrat法则对中国的寿险公司不成立,规模越小的公司其成长率越高;(2)寿险公司资产增长率和保费增长率均存在条件收敛效应;(3)寿险公司的产业特点、业务结构和经营产生的外部性会较显著地影响其规模与成长。文章认为中国寿险市场发展的选择如果与本文所揭示的规律相匹配,则寿险业发展会进入良性循环。  相似文献   

Abstract We investigate the impact of alternative certifying institutions on firms’ incentives to engage in costly Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities as well as their relative market and societal implications. We find that the CSR certification standard is the lowest under for‐profit private certifiers and the highest under a Non Governmental Organization (NGO), with the standard of a welfare‐maximizing public certifier lying in between. Yet, regarding industry output, this ranking is reversed. Certification of CSR activities is welfare enhancing for consumers and firms and should be encouraged. Finally, the market and societal outcomes of CSR certification depend crucially on whether certification takes place before or after firms’ CSR activities.  相似文献   

旅游上市公司股利分配政策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009年底国务院确定将旅游业培育成国民经济的战略性支柱产业和人民群众更加满意的现代服务业,这为旅游上市公司的发展带来了机遇与挑战。从国内目前研究来看,研究旅游上市公司股利分配政策的文章很少,运用整体分析、对比分析和相关性分析方法研究了近十年旅游上市公司股利分配政策呈现的特点及影响因素。研究发现,旅游上市公司股利分配政策特点鲜明并支持股利信号传递理论;相关性分析表明旅游上市公司每股现金股利与每股收益、每股净资产之间呈现中等程度相关性,每股现金股利与每股货币资金之间呈正相关性,每股现金股利与资产负债率之间呈较弱的负相关性。这说明旅游上市公司经营业绩、规模、货币资金量、资本结构对其股利分配政策有不同程度的影响。  相似文献   


The food sector is considered a mature industry characterized by low research and development (R&D) intensity. Nevertheless, food companies face numerous challenges and cannot do without innovation activity if they want to keep their competitiveness. In this study, we examine the impact of innovation on labor productivity in European food companies and compare it to results for firms operating in high-tech sectors. The central motivation of our study is that the low R&D intensity observed in the food sector should be mirrored in different productivity effects of innovation when compared to the high-tech sector. We use microdata from the European Union's ‘Community Innovation Survey’ (CIS) and apply an endogeneity-robust multi-stage model that has been applied by various recent studies. Our results point out major differences between the examined subsectors. While we find strong positive effects of innovation on labor productivity for food firms, we find insignificant effects in the high-tech sector. This might suggest that the returns to innovation might be best evaluated separately by sector rather than for the manufacturing sector as a whole.  相似文献   

Sizhong Sun 《Applied economics》2016,48(26):2443-2453
Using panel data on six Chinese manufacturing industries over the period 2005–2007, this article explores the interrelationship among foreign presence, domestic sales and export intensity of local firms. We find that the domestic sales and exports are complementary for local firms in China’s pharmaceutical industry, whereas in the case of the textile, transportation equipment, beverage, communication equipment and general equipment manufacturing industries, domestic sales and exports are substitutes. An increase in the average domestic sales increases foreign presence in all industries. The same applies to an increase in the average export intensity. An increase in the level of competition in China’s textile industry increases the export intensity as well as domestic sales of local textile firms. However, an increase in the level of competition in the pharmaceutical industry leads to a very large decrease in export intensity of local pharmaceutical firms. In the case of China’s transportation equipment manufacturing industry, an increase in the level of competition decreases domestic sales of local firms. Furthermore, an increase in the firm size increases domestic sales of Chinese firms in all six manufacturing industries.  相似文献   

陈立敏 《技术经济》2008,27(9):60-66
行业选择和地点选择分别是跨国公司进入战略的主要论题,但现有研究缺少对两者之间是否存在相关性的分析。本文以中国FDI的“引进来”部分(IFDI)和“走出去”部分(OFDI)为倒,分析中国作为东道国引进外资时和其作为母国对外投资时在行业选择上的差异;并考虑地点选择因素,研究“走出去”的中国企业在发达国家和发展中国家的行业选择上是否存在差异,以及在中国投资的发达国家和发展中国家在行业选择上是否存在区别。通过跟踪200家外商来华投资企业和40家中国对外投资企业(118个项目)的投资产业、母国和东道国信息,运用描述统计和卡方检验得出实证结论:外商来华投资和中国对外投资在行业选择和地点选择上都存在差别;发达国家和发展中国家在华投资行业的技术含量有显著不同,即跨国公司的行业选择与地点选择存在相关性;但中国企业在对外投资中受资源寻求动机的强烈影响,其到发达国家和发展中国家进行投资时在行业选择上没有体现出差异性。  相似文献   

随着“创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享”发展理念的提出,中国经济发展进入新阶段,越来越多的企业希望通过技术并购方式获取核心技术和知识能力。基于中国高技术产业上市公司2010-2016年技术并购数据,利用负二项回归模型,探讨并购双方知识相关性与企业创新绩效间关系。研究结果表明,在技术并购情境下:知识相似性与企业创新绩效间存在倒U型关系;知识互补性与企业创新绩效间同样存在倒U型关系;而且二者存在协同作用,知识相似性水平提升能够放大知识互补性对创新绩效的影响作用。  相似文献   

Changes in contracting customs in the UK offshore oil and gas industry have led to changed relationships between companies, including the small, technology-based, oil-related companies which have been a source of much innovation. Issues raised by the research reported here include the impact of these changes on the industrial network and supply relationships of the industry. Continuing innovation is regarded by all industry members as being of gret importance for reducing costs and undertainsties in the North Sea industry. The changes within the industry have broken many of the linkages between firmsd which nediated this innovation in the past. This paper presents the initial findings of a project to analyze the new relationships which are developing, and their impact on innovation. Early conclusions include, in accordance with predictions from theory, that personal relationships assume relatively great importance when industry norms are poorly established, and that multiple relationships between firms under these circumstances are characterized by little trust, imcomplete intergration of network knowledge and conflicts of interest.  相似文献   

吴晗  贾润崧 《财经研究》2016,(12):108-118
当前中国经济已进入新常态,着力推进供给侧结构性改革是未来我国经济工作的主要内容。在此背景下,作为我国金融部门主体的银行业应如何支持实体经济的供给侧改革,真正实现提高金融服务实体经济效率的问题值得关注。文章利用我国工业企业数据探讨银行业结构如何推动行业全要素生产率的增长,研究结果表明:中小银行的发展可以改善信贷配置结构进而有效地降低行业资源的错配程度,提高行业生产率。中小银行的发展不仅可以提高“僵尸企业”的生存风险,迫使其退出市场,还可以缓解高效率企业生产扩张所面临的融资约束,促进高效率企业成长。因此,银行业结构的优化有利于信贷资源的优化配置,对化解“僵尸企业”难题、推动供给侧结构性改革具有重要意义。  相似文献   

对中国流通产业安全的几点认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国加入WTO已经10年,外资商业进入中国市场的步伐持续加快,大大压缩了中国民族商业的发展空间,对中国流通产业安全构成潜在威胁。然而,在一些传统的以及当前流行的观点中,这种潜在威胁并没有引起足够的重视。本文就中国流通产业安全提出几点新的认识,为未来的经验分析和对策研究提供启示。  相似文献   

黄超  段晓峰  朱凌  郑艳  王涛 《海洋经济》2018,8(6):13-19
广东省是经济大省,也是能源消费大省,能源供给结构优化升级是支撑经济高质量发展的基础条件。广东省是中国海岸线最长的省,海上风能资源丰富、品质较好,发展海上风电具有得天独厚的地理条件。海上风电作为一种绿色、低碳、可再生的能源,为社会带来的环境经济效益不可小觑,未来在广东省建设“清洁低碳、安全高效”的现代化能源体系中将发挥重要作用。通过对广东省海上风电产业发展现状及问题进行剖析,提出有效的政策建议。  相似文献   

节能服务这一新兴产业在我国出现了发展受阻的不利局面,文章从节能服务市场的供给方——节能服务企业的角度对此进行了分析。节能服务市场主体的博弈分析表明,节能服务企业的机会主义行为对用能企业的外包决策有着重大的不利影响。我国政府应进一步完善节能服务的相关法律法规、建立节能服务企业资质认证制度和节能服务效果监测制度,以约束节能服务企业的机会主义行为,促进我国节能服务产业的健康发展。  相似文献   

We explore whether the introduction of mandatory third party certification in 2005 under the Responsible Care program has reduced the probability and severity of accidents in participating facilities in the U.S. chemical industry. Using a sample of 10,315 observations from 1136 facilities owned by 566 RC and non-RC firms between 1996 and 2010, we estimate the average treatment effect of third party certification. We find that the difference-in-difference estimate of the average treatment effect is statistically insignificant. This result is robust to various model specifications including the potential endogeniety of third party certification due to a firm’s self-selection into RC.  相似文献   

尽管我国钢铁产量已跃居世界首位,但钢铁大国不等于强国,我国钢铁企业在技术、规模等方面与世界发达国家还存在较大差距.日本自上世纪70年代以来成为世界上最大的钢铁强国,并保持了20余年,技术与规模正是其长盛不衰的主要原因.本文使用2004-2009年中日钢铁企业面板数据,运用目前较为先进的投入产出理论和效率与生产率分析方法对两国钢铁企业效率进行比较分析,结果发现中国钢铁企业整体上快速进步但技术效率下降,可谓大而不强,日本钢铁企业中大中型钢铁企业的全要素生产率的提升速度要快于中小型钢铁企业,规模与技术优势明显,呈现衰而不弱,因此,提高技术投入、扩大企业规模、提高产业集中度是中国钢铁产业做强的必由之路  相似文献   

英国是全球最大的海洋风电国家,不仅资源丰富,技术也具有领先优势。英国政府为支持海洋风电产业发展,积极谋划出台了系列激励政策,并确保政策的连续性。基于英国政府联合产业制定并出台的海洋风电产业战略,对英国近期实施的支持风电产业发展的政策和措施进行了系统梳理,凝练了英国促进海洋风电产业发展的5个"着力点":明确和稳定市场预期,提升本土企业竞争力,系统支持研发和技术创新,带动和鼓励金融资本注入,夯实高技能人才基础。通过对英国政府在上述5个方面实施或即将实施的具体措施和行动进行详细介绍,以期为我国制定支持新能源产业发展的有关政策提供参考。  相似文献   

Governments invested substantially in renewable energy industries in responding to climate change, while seeking to promote economic growth. They also engaged in a series of major trade disputes, notably in the solar photovoltaic and wind sectors. The European Union (EU)–China solar dispute is one of the largest such cases. In 2013, the European Commission (EC) announced duties on imports of solar products from Chinese manufacturers. This decision was at odds with the fact that the majority of the European solar industry opposed tariffs. We propose that the decision was affected by a shift in negotiating power between business and the EC. We suggest that the rise of global supply chains undermined the structural power of industry by dividing manufacturers over trade policy and by fragmenting the information conveyed to policy-makers. This provided an opportunity to the Commission to engage in ‘interest shopping’ by selecting an industry position that matched its own interest. Evidence from a comparative case study on EU and German responses to solar imports supports our argument. The findings suggest that the globalisation of production can strengthen the negotiating power of policy-makers, and implies that policy-makers face new trade-offs at the intersection of manufacturing and climate policy.  相似文献   

This paper examines the sensitivity of executive compensation to luck based on Chinese listed companies. To identify the causal effect, we rely on companies’ market performances driven by exogenous oil prices. We document a positive relationship between executive compensation and market performance driven by oil prices, which support the story of pay for luck. Moreover, by introducing a natural experiment China in 2015, i.e., the policy of “CEO compensation limit” in state-owned firms, we show that the shock of CEO compensation limit significantly weakens the effect of pay-for-luck. We further show that there is asymmetry in pay for luck. Specifically, when oil prices rise, executive compensation is more sensitive to good luck. In addition, the sensitivity of executives to pay-for-luck is more pronounced in firms with state-owned, higher equity concentration, and related party transaction.  相似文献   

Self-regulation programs, in which industry associations set membership codes beyond government regulations, are prevalent despite scarce evidence on their effectiveness. We examine Responsible Care (RC) in the US chemical manufacturing sub-sector, whose membership codes include pollution prevention, using our author-constructed panel database of 3,278 plants owned by 1,759 firms between 1988 and 2001. We apply two sets of instrumental variables to address a plant’s parent firm’s self-selection into the program, using: (i) the characteristics of other plants belonging to the same firm in our multi-plant sample; and (ii) firm participation in the industry association before the establishment of RC and industry-level RC participation in our full sample. We find that on average, plants owned by RC participating firms raise their toxicity-weighted pollution by 15.9% relative to statistically-equivalent plants owned by non-RC participating firms. This estimated increase is large relative to the yearly 4% reduction in pollution among all plants in our sample between 1988 and 2001. Moreover, RC raises plant-level pollution intensity by 15.1%. These results caution against reliance on self-regulation programs modeled on the pre-2002 RC program that did not require third party certification and in those sectors that lack independent third party certification.  相似文献   

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