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为进一步开发杂粮健康食品,本研究选用玉米、燕麦、木薯等为原料,通过单因素试验确定了不同用料的配比,利用线性规划在保证营养的前提下得出最低成本的产品配方,并通过感官评价对产品配方进行优化。试验结果表明,基础配方最终为小麦胚芽粉46.5%、玉米粉7.5%、谷物糊粉层14.5%、燕麦8%、山药粉8%、木薯粉3%、木糖醇12.5%。该配方营养均衡合理,膳食纤维含量高达8.9g/100g,NRV%高达36%,达到国家高膳食纤维食品的规定;蛋白质含量高达21.8g/100g,属于高蛋白冲调食品。  相似文献   

燕麦麸是生产燕麦制品过程中的副产品,麸皮中含有大量的燕麦膳食纤维,可作为制作膳食纤维食品的优质原料,且性价比较高。现如今越来越多的人在食用粗粮时以燕麦为首选,其生理功能也逐渐被人们所了解。食用以燕麦膳食纤维为主要原料的功能性食品,不仅可以提高日常膳食纤维的摄入量,还具有降血压、降低胆固醇、预防和治疗结直肠癌、预防心脏病的医疗价值和保健功能。但经加工后的燕麦其麸皮已被剥离,或用于饲料,其自身价值并未被充分发挥出来,造成了资源浪费,附加值降低。因此,注重燕麦麸的综合开发和利用,可以防止资源过度浪费,提高其使用价值。本文对燕麦纤维提取和燕麦纤维在食品中的应用进行概述,针对燕麦膳食纤维的生理功能进行总结,并对燕麦纤维的发展进行前景展望,以期对燕麦纤维的研究和产品的开发及其利用提供参考。  相似文献   

燕麦营养丰富,食用方便,具有多种保健功能,例如脂肪含量低、纤维含量高。随着西欧和北美洲消费者平均年龄的增长和保健意识的增强,食品对老年消费者身体健康的重要性将越来越突出,而燕麦则可能在该领域寻找到巨大的市场。西方消费者越来越清楚地认识到纤维在饮食中的重要性,  相似文献   

本文综述了燕麦麸中膳食纤维的功能特性以及它的化学法、物理法、酶法、酶-化学联合法的提取方法,重点探讨了国内外对膳食纤维在日常饮食、素食、调料品、灌肠以及肉松方面的应用以及研究进展,并预测了燕麦麸膳食纤维的发展前景。  相似文献   

粗粮主要包括玉米、小米、紫米、高粱、燕麦、荞麦、麦麸以及各种干豆类,如黄豆、青豆、赤豆、绿豆等。由于加工简单,粗粮中保存了许多细粮中没有的营养,如含碳水化合物比细粮要低,含膳食纤维较多,并且富含B族维生素。吃粗粮利健康,  相似文献   

正提起豆制品,很多人熟悉的可能只有那几样,其实,从广义上来说,豆制品指的是由黄大豆、黑大豆和青大豆等以及用其加工成的食物。相较动物肉类,豆制品含有丰富的大豆异黄酮、膳食纤维等成分;相较红豆、绿豆等高淀粉杂豆,豆制品中淀粉含量少,蛋白质质量高。除了这些共性外,不同豆制品还有自己的营养优势。膳食纤维高手:毛豆、豆渣。毛豆是大豆在未成熟时收获的鲜食豆类蔬菜,它不仅含有丰富的植物蛋白,钾、镁元素和B族维生素  相似文献   

大米作为主食,我们不必选择加工精度高的特等大米,因为在目前我国居民蛋白质、脂肪、淀粉等能量营养供应充足的情况下,我们更应该注重膳食的平衡,更多补充植物化学素、维生素、微量矿物质元素和膳食纤维,可以适当增加选用糙米和留胚米。  相似文献   

正元宵节过完,春节也就结束了,长假过去,要开始紧张的工作了,此时我们由于过年的饮食导致了肠胃油腻,那如何再通过饮食来解油腻呢?别担心,这里介绍一些饮食调理肠胃不适的方法。清淡食物配粗粮。节后的主食要以谷类粗粮为主,可以适量增加玉米、燕麦等成分,燕麦,具备降胆固醇和降血脂的作用,这是由于燕麦中含有丰富的膳食纤维,这种可溶性的燕麦纤维,在其他谷物中找不到。玉米,含丰富的钙、磷、  相似文献   

本研究根据食物氨基酸评分(AAS)推导出了氨基酸评分差值(AASD),可以更直观、方便地比较和计算不同食物间必需氨基酸含量和互补配比,评价膳食互补效果。并且根据氨基酸评分计算方法确定互补最佳配比,其结果为大米∶红豆∶绿豆=8∶1∶1(质量比)。在理论计算配方基础上,在大米中添加糙米、黑米、燕麦米、玉米碴,通过调节加入组分的种类和各组分所占的重量比来调节口感,以达到补充膳食纤维的目的,同时根据品尝实验结果,综合考虑营养、口感、同熟化等因素,确定最佳配比为5∶1∶1∶1∶1∶1∶1∶0.5(质量比)。  相似文献   

以小麦麸皮为原料,分析了麦麸中及麦麸膳食纤维的基本化学组成,并对化学法、酸酶法、多酶法三种不同方法制备麦麸膳食纤维的物化特性作了比较分析,结果表明,不同方法制备的麦麸膳食纤维中基本成分有明显不同。三种方法制备的麦麸膳食纤维纯度含量大小顺序依次是多酶法酸酶法化学法,膳食纤维纯度依次为87.28%、68.35%,58.34%。膨胀力、持水力在高温下性能较好,而吸油力和结合水力则相反。来源不同的小麦麸,通过多酶法都可以制成纯度较高的小麦膳食纤维;其中,剥外皮小麦膳食纤维成品的TDF含量最高,为86.43%;剥内皮小麦膳食纤维成品的TDF含量最低,为78.47%。  相似文献   

[目的]随着时代的进步和社会经济的发展,对粮食安全内涵的理解也在逐步深化,粮食安全内涵不仅包括数量方面,还包括营养健康安全,保障居民营养健康成为粮食安全的新时代内涵。基于营养目标的粮食需求研究,建立营养—消费—生产的粮食生产模式,对引导居民合理健康消费和保障粮食安全具有十分重要的意义。[方法]文章首先分析了我国城乡居民营养消费状况,然后基于平衡膳食模式视角,引入标准人消费系数这一概念对我国未来粮食需求进行了更准确的预测。[结果]城镇居民粮食消费已达到高营养目标,但目前农村居民仅达到低营养目标水平,相当于21世纪初的城镇消费水平;考虑人口结构因素,2020年和2030年粮食需求总量分别为4.8亿t和5.6亿t,比没有考虑人口结构变化时分别减少8700万t和2 600万t。[结论]根据分析结果,提出以下几点政策建议:(1)宣传普及营养健康消费知识,引导居民合理膳食;(2)关注人口结构变动,及时调整粮食安全调控机制;(3)优化食品工业的产业机构升级,提高饲料粮转化率。  相似文献   

The nutrition transition in diets and health is closely tied to other aspects of economic development, including agricultural transformation and urbanization as well as demographic change and epidemiological transition from infectious to noncommunicable disease. Over time, dietary patterns typically shift from widespread inadequacy of many foods and nutrients, especially for children and mothers, into surplus energy intake and rising obesity with continued inadequacy of healthier foods. Diet‐related diseases remain the largest single cause of premature death and disability in all regions. This article combines food availability and dietary intake data from more than 100 countries over 30 years with a wide range of other evidence to characterize the nutrition transition and its association with changes in agricultural production and the food environment, asking how future dietary patterns might be steered toward healthier outcomes as national incomes grow.  相似文献   

刘然 《现代食品》2020,1(2):30-31,35
《预包装食品营养标签通则》的实施,指导和规范了营养标签的标示,消费者通过营养标签获取正确的营养信息,合理选择食品。同时,该通则的实施,有利于保护消费者的身体健康、促进食品行业的良性发展。  相似文献   

Growing awareness of the link between diet and health has spurred growth in the functional food sector. Health Canada regulates allowable health claims on food products, and in recent years has approved health claims linking the consumption of soluble fiber from barley (2012) and psyllium (2011) to reduced/lower low‐density lipoprotein (LDL)‐cholesterol levels, a major risk factor for heart disease. A health claim linking consumption of soy protein to reduced risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) is still under consideration. Using a cost‐of‐illness approach, this paper estimates the potential economic benefits of allowing health claims for soluble fiber and soy protein in terms of reductions in the direct and indirect costs of CHD. Parameters for the economic analysis are drawn from a meta‐analysis of scientific studies examining the effect of soluble fiber and soy protein on LDL‐cholesterol levels, as well as other scientific literature. While a barley soluble fiber health claim yields nontrivial benefits in a base case scenario equal to CAD$105 million annually and ranging from $42 million to $238 million in low and high scenarios, the potential benefits of a soy protein health claim appear to be several magnitudes larger at $549 million annually in the base case and ranging from $220 million to $1.25 billion in low/high scenarios. Given the relatively slow regulatory approval process for new health claims, there may be value in using economic estimates of potential gains to help prioritize health claims approval processes.  相似文献   

This paper investigates consumers' likely response to a proposed tax on snack foods that addresses public health issues generated by rising U.S. obesity rates. We estimate demands for particular snack foods and show they are price inelastic after accounting for quality variation. We calculate impacts of a range of ad valorem taxes on the demand for salty snack food. The impacts on dietary quality are small, and negligible at the lower tax rates. If taxes were earmarked for funding information programs, as several proponents suggest, taxes would generate a revenue stream the public health community could use for nutrition education.  相似文献   

李静 《现代食品》2020,3(5):138-140
随着我国社会的不断进步,经济的不断发展,人民群众的生活水平逐渐提高,人民的生活节奏也越来越快,生活方式也逐渐发生改变.因为各方面原因,现在越来越多的人喜欢在外就餐,但是目前我国酒店餐饮中的食品依然存在营养问题,例如,酒店为了追求菜品的色香味,破坏了食物的营养,忽略了膳食平衡.为了人们的健康饮食,急需解决这些问题.本篇文章以中国酒店餐饮中的食品营养为例,对存在的问题进行深入分析,供大家参考.  相似文献   

Home gardens have been an integral part of the recent food-based interventions aimed at stimulating changes in dietary patterns and improving nutrition. However, evidence of their effects on food security, dietary quality, child anthropometry and incomes is limited, particularly among vulnerable populations groups. Using panel data from a sample of approximately 1900 households from vulnerable population groups in Odisha, India, difference-in-differences and other econometric techniques, we analyse the effects of home gardens on food security, dietary quality, child anthropometry and income. On average, home gardens contribute to better household food security, higher dietary quality of men and women but do not contribute to higher children's dietary quality and anthropometry. Also, home gardens increase monthly per adult equivalent incomes by 37% and reduce the prevalence of poverty by 11.7 percentage points. Quantile regression results suggest that home gardens enhance food security and incomes in all quantiles, but richer farmers benefit more than poorer farmers. Overall, home gardens can enhance household food security, dietary quality of men and women, and income gains among vulnerable farming population groups, but they may not suffice to improve child dietary quality and anthropometry.  相似文献   

郑欣欣 《现代食品》2022,28(2):78-80
营养教育是改善大学生饮食行为的重要方法.通过营养教育,能够帮助大学生养成良好的饮食习惯,有利于大学生在日常学习生活中保持身体健康.本文综述了营养教育对大学生饮食习惯影响的研究进展,希望能推动营养教育的发展.  相似文献   

Agricultural production and children's diets: evidence from rural Ethiopia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We study the relationship between pre‐school children's food consumption and household agricultural production. Using a large household survey from rural Ethiopia, we find that increasing household production diversity leads to considerable improvements in children's dietary diversity. However, we also document how this nonseparability of consumption and production does not hold for households that have access to food markets. These findings imply that nutrition‐sensitive agricultural interventions that push for market integration are likely to be more effective in reducing under‐nutrition than those promoting production diversity.  相似文献   

EU Regulation 1924/2006 introduced a European legal framework for nutrition messages for food product labels. The study analyses consumer interest towards nutrition labelling and claims, and examines the information consumers consider important during their purchasing decisions, and the main characteristics of those consumers interested in nutrition claims and nutrition labelling use. A total of 1,025 northern Italian consumers were surveyed. We estimate one binary logit model to investigate the use of nutrition labelling, and seven other ordinal regression models to analyse consumer interest towards nutrition claims and labelling. Consumers who use nutrition labelling have characteristics different from those who use nutrition claims. Consumers using nutrition labelling show a marked interest in food safety concerns, use experts as their source of information and have specific dietary habits. For consumers concerned about nutrition claims, the survey shows significant links with attributes influencing purchasing behaviour, such as price, brand, certification, etc. Socio‐demographic characteristics are statistically significant and show a positive link with age, gender and a negative linkage with income.  相似文献   

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