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创业板的建立为我国高科技企业提供了融资渠道,促进了我国科学技术的发展。本文选择创业板上市公司成长性分析作为研究对象,希望能够对创业板上市公司真实的成长状况有所揭示。作者通过设计创业板上市公司成长性综合评价模型,从财务性指标与非财务指标两个方面来评价创业板上市公司成长性。财务指标配合非财务指标能够全面系统地评价创业板上市公司的成长性状况。  相似文献   

欧游晖 《会计师》2011,(12):46-47
<正>随着市场竞争的日益激烈,企业财务分析指标作为财务分析的主要依据和信息分析的重要资源,越来越受到管理者的重视。现行财务分析指标体系由于缺少反映现金流量的财务指标,存在诸多弊端,已经不能更好地适应经济发展,迫切需要引入现金流量指标完善财务分析指标体系。一、传统财务分析指标体系传统财务分析指标体系是建立在资产负债表和损益表基础上,从发展能力、偿债能力、营运能力和盈利能力等方面,根据表内指标间的关系评价企业经营情况。  相似文献   

一、财务绩效评价指标体系1.盈利能力指标盈利能力主要反映企业经营业务创造利润的能力,较强的盈利能力为公司将来迅速发展壮大,创造更好的经济效益打下了坚实的基础。具体指标包括:净资产收益率、总资产利润率、主营业务鲜明率、主营业务利润率。2.偿债能力指标偿债能力是指企业用其资产偿还长短期债务的能力,企业有无支付现金的能力,是企业能否生存和发展的关键。具体指标包括:流动比率、速动比率、存货周转率、资产负债率、总资产周转率。3.投资者获利能力公司股东持有公司股票的目的主要是为了获得投资回报,通过对股票投资者获利能力的分析可以知道公司股票的股东回报情况。具体指标包括:每股净资产、每股公积金、每股未分配利润。二、实证评价方法的选择、数据收集整理1.主成分分析分析上市公司经营业绩好坏及其原因的主要手段就是看其公布报表和财务指标,通过对财务指标的分析研究上市的发展能力等。根据我国证券市场的有关规定,上市公司定期公布的报表设计偿债能力、运营效率、盈利能力、风险水平、发展能力、资本结构等六大类,财务指标达40个,每个变量都不同程度上反映了上市公司财务经营的某些信息,由于财务指标之间存在的关联性,因而这些公布的数据反映的信息在一定程...  相似文献   

随着我国经济步入新常态以及"一带一路"战略实施,我国医药类上市公司迎来了新一轮机遇与挑战。本文针对我国医药类上市公司的发展现状,从财务视角全面分析了该类公司的成长性。通过研究分析得出成长性强的医药上市公司在财务上的表现为:偿债能力,营运能力,盈利能力,发展能力表现出众。各项财务指标均在一个合理的区间范围类。拥有的现金流量比较有保障,有较合理的资本资产结构,能够适度负债经营和充分利用财务杠杆效应,有效地控制企业的经营风险和财务风险并不断地提高盈利能力,实现企业量与质的不断提高,由此可以基本得出企业具有较好的成长性。  相似文献   

基于因子分析法的企业成长性评价模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业成长性是衡量上市公司投资价值的最主要的指标之一.本文在前人研究过的上市公司成长性的基础上,根据研究企业成长的经典文献来选取合适的财务指标,采用因子分析法,拟合出一个可以量化的评价企业成长性的模型.  相似文献   

胡建人 《中国外资》2009,(8):120-120,122
企业成长性是衡量上市公司投资价值的最主要的指标之一。本文在前人研究过的上市公司成长性的基础上,根据研究企业成长的经典文献来选取合适的财务指标,采用因子分析法,拟合出一个可以量化的评价企业成长性的模型。  相似文献   

大力推进生态文明建设,建设美丽中国,有必要将企业生态文明建设能力纳入财务考核范畴。本文针对目前国内外企业生态文明财务指标缺乏的现状,阐述了生态文明建设财务分析指标的理论依据和基本原则,提出了建立在财务学、生态学和期望理论基础上,反映生态文明建设能力的企业财务评价指标体系,以便为企业生态文明建设及其行为成效提供评价依据。  相似文献   

企业的成长性一直是风险投资者所关注的焦点,也是衡量其投资价值的最主要的指标。本文将以风险投资为背景,以中小企业的成长性为视角,从财务分析、管理层能力、企业战略和企业文化、市场前景、企业外部环境、信用担保这六个方面,来介绍进行企业成长性分析时可以选取哪些指标。  相似文献   

企业的成长性一直是风险投资者所关注的焦点,也是衡量其投资价值的最主要的指标。本文将以风险投资为背景,以中小企业的成长性为视角,从财务分析、管理层能力、企业战略和企业文化、市场前景、企业外部环境、信用担保这六个方面,来介绍进行企业成长性分析时可以选取哪些指标。  相似文献   

赵亚男  范会会 《中国外资》2011,(16):101-101
随着中国日益规范的证券市场,上市的公司财务的状况以及公司成果现在成为了投资者以及政府部门管理的重要问题。公司的财务情况和成果都是通过财务报表来体现的,但是这样一个指标仅仅反映了企业经营活动的某个方面,我们要的是客观、更加合理地对上市公司的财务情况以及成果的一种综合性的评价。复合财务指标MFI在现代财务分析中已被广泛采用。本文运用主要成分的分析以及因子分析方法,根据财务的内部指标结构关系来分析各指标权重,避免了人的主观随意性,从而能对上市公司财务状况和经营成果进行比较客观、合理地综合评价。  相似文献   

In this study, I show that growth consistency in firms' past financial performance measures is useful in predicting future stock returns. Firms consistently ranking in the lowest 30 percent of past financial growth measures have greater rates of returns relative to their inconsistent low-growth firm counterparts. The return differential between these two groups increases uniformly with the length of estimation intervals of past performance data. Firms consistently ranking in the top 30 percent of growth rates earn slightly lower returns than inconsistent high-growth firms. These findings indicate that investors overreact to consistency in financial metrics, but this overreaction is more pronounced and persistent for consistent low-growth firms than that for consistent high-performing firms. Regression analyses reveal that consistency of firms' past financial performance predicts subsequent price movement. This association between past growth consistency and future returns is stronger for consistent low-growth firms relative to consistent high-growth firms.  相似文献   

Stewart GB 《Harvard business review》2004,82(7-8):59-63, 186
Many companies have posted impressive top-line growth over the past two decades in their respective economic regions--for instance, Wal-Mart in North America, BP in Europe, Toyota in Asia, and News Corporation in the Southern Hemisphere. But which were the best at converting all of that revenue growth into shareholder value? Harvard Business Review asked C. Bennett Stewart III, the senior partner of the consulting firm Stern Stewart & Company, and his colleagues to come up with the answer. For the period 1983 to 2003, they assembled a list of the top 20 high-growth value adders (and laggards) in each of the four regions cited above. Their calculations gave equal weight to companies' revenue growth and market-value-added scores, revealing the important effect of region on the performance of companies in the same industry. For instance, while automakers are positioned high on the Asian list of high-growth value adders, U.S. carmakers GM and Ford--each of which reported revenue growth in excess of 100 billion dollars between 1983 and 2003--are among the value laggards on the North American list, as are DaimlerChrysler and Volkswagen on the European list. The Japanese win through better efficiency, higher quality, and narrower product mixes, the author says. And while there are four telecom companies represented among the European high-growth value adders, there are none on the North American list. That's probably because the European telecoms enjoyed more protective regulation, made fewer high-priced acquisitions, and didn't bet as big on the overblown dot-com economy, the author says.  相似文献   

财产保险公司往往用综合成本率等传统财务指标来衡量某类客户的价值,以此作为各项经营决策的重要依据。但该类指标容易导致经营决策的短期倾向,不能有效对接资本市场对上市保险公司的价值评估要求,也不能很好的适应“偿二代”监管体系。笔者提出一种新方法——风险收益分析法来评估客户价值,运用风险的定量模型.综合评估不同客群的收益和风险水平。客观评价客户价值。同时本文探讨了该方法在业务策略、承保规则制定、再保方案、绩效评估等领域的应用方案。  相似文献   

A significant number of less developed countries (LDCs), including Ghana, have embraced the World Bank/IMF led economic reforms. Ghana has been implementing these reforms since the early 1980. One of the conditions of the reforms is the privatization of former state-owned enterprises (SOEs). Such privatization activities have however generated debates among academics, practitioners, and policy makers. Research findings so far have been mixed. This paper analyzes the performance of two large privatized companies in Ghana. Both companies have been paraded by the Ghanaian authorities and the international financial community as success stories of privatization. Our objective is to examine how and why these firms have been claimed to be successful. Drawing on the dimensions of the balanced scorecard, we examine the performance of the firms from five main perspectives—financial, customers, internal business process, learning and growth, and the community. The analysis is based on data gathered from diverse sources, namely, semi-structured interviews and discussions with managers of the selected companies and with personnel from key government departments, and analysis of internal and external documents. We conclude that, overall the performance of both organizations improved after privatization under all the performance dimensions examined. These improvements were also accompanied by certain organizational changes, including changes in the accounting and control systems. However we are not claiming that all privatization programs in Ghana have been successful. In fact there are stories in the Ghanaian media of several other privatization failures in the country. Instead what we have demonstrated is the need to explain the performance of privatized firms beyond the myopic macro-level and financial analysis which has been widely adopted by the international financial community and policy makers and we encourage other researchers to adopt such multidimensional approaches.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a theoretical model and empirical evidence on the effects of dynamic internal control performance on external financing choices of a company. Using both within-sample and difference-in-difference analysis, we find that after issuing internal control weakness (i.e. ICW) reports under SOX 404, the ICW companies rely more on debt financing and less on equity financing than in previous periods. This effect is more pronounced for the companies with low ex ante probability of internal control weakness. In addition, we show that after correcting the previously reported ICWs, these ICW companies rely more on equity as opposed to debt financing. This result is more pronounced for smaller companies. Our findings suggest that increased (decreased) information asymmetry induced by ineffective (effective) internal control over financial reporting leads a company to follow specific external financing choices to meet its financial deficits.  相似文献   

In this project, we introduce business and accounting students to the application of eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) through the use of interactive data. Students study the basic concepts and potential benefits of interactive data and XBRL. Students learn to extract the financial reports of two companies in the same industry. Then, using traditional financial analysis techniques (ratio analysis) students can compare the performance of these companies. Thus, the project accomplishes two important objectives: it introduces students to the benefits and features of XBRL-tagged financial reporting and interactive data, and it shows how this medium can be used to facilitate the analysis of financial statements. The project uses free, publicly available interactive data tools to accomplish these objectives.This project is appropriate for any level of financial accounting course in which students use public company financial statements to generate financial ratios and conduct analysis on them. We aim the project at MBA-type introductory accounting courses. In addition, we show how it can easily be expanded to be applied to higher level financial statement analysis courses, both at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The project provides some background into how XBRL-tagged financial reporting is generated, while the main focus is on application of interactive data and not the technology itself. Since XBRL is now mandated by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for most reporting entities, it is critical for today’s business students to be familiar with this method of communicating financial information.  相似文献   

估值是定价的基础,新兴产业由于自身的特点,在估值和定价发行方面存在较大的困难。本文对新兴产业的估值与定价问题展开研究,对现在市场主流的估值方法进行了对比,结合新兴产业估值特点,在传统PEG模型基础上发展出风险调整PEG模型,也即PEGX。它比PEG指标更全面地反映新兴行业企业的成长性和风险性。文章结合国内外资本市场进行了案例分析,通过实证检验验证了模型的有效性,更适用于对我国的新兴产业进行估值。文章认为,可以通过与PE模型及其他绝对估值模型结合,使用该模型对新股上市定价的合理性进行评估。由于PEGX模型更加强调新兴产业的风险性,用该模型进行定价分析时,可以有效缓解对高增长企业给予盲目的高估值定价。  相似文献   

Recently, there has been a great deal of interest on the part of many organizations in the concept of IT governance in order to justify IT investments. Some studies have shown that companies, which have good IT governance models, generate higher returns on their IT investments than their competitors. However, there is a lack of scientific research confirming that effective IT governance leads to better financial performance. In this paper, we attempt to determine whether companies that have adopted IT governance mechanisms have improved their financial performance, by measuring pre and post adoption performance indicators. We found that companies that adopted IT governance practices improved their performance when compared to the control group, particularly in relation to profitability. Furthermore, we found that the effects of adopting IT governance mechanisms on financial performance were more pronounced in the year following adoption than in the year in which they were adopted.  相似文献   

中国三大石油央企均入围2012年度的世界500强,它们的排名分别是第5、6和101,然而世界500强的排名是以营业收入为依据.尽管这三家公司都有其各自的财务报表,但我们仍然无法直观的比较其财务绩效的好坏.因此,我们构建了一套财务绩效评价指标体系,并使用主成分因子分析法来评价与比较它们的财务绩效.  相似文献   

本文利用中国A股上市公司2008~2010年在国内并购的数据,实证检验融资约束是否影响并购支付方式以及公司并购绩效。研究结果发现,融资约束程度的提高增加了公司采用现金支付对价的可能性;收购公司规模和交易规模对支付方式选择也具有显著影响;融资约束公司并购绩效好于无融资约束公司并购绩效;现金支付引起公司并购绩效降低,但是,这种作用在不同融资约束程度公司中存在差异。本文研究意味着融资约束公司遵循融资优序理论;自由现金流假说对于融资约束公司可能不成立。  相似文献   

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