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本文通过构建DEA模型研究西部地区1990-2016年的能源效率水平,接着运用面板数据实证分析了影响能源效率的因素。结果显示:西部地区能源效率水平差异较大,个别省份在谋求经济发展过程中存在能源浪费现象,节能潜力和改进空间巨大;经济发展水平、产业结构、能源消费结构、科学技术水平、对外开放程度、政府干预、要素禀赋结构对西部地区的能源效率有显著影响。据此,本文提出了相应的能源效率提升建议。  相似文献   

本文利用面板数据模型,对经济增长、产业结构变化、人口规模和增长对能源消费的影响进行了实证分析.并在模型中加入火力发电和黑色金属冶炼两个行业因素,着重考察高耗能产业对于能源消费的影响.结果表明,产业结构和人口因素是影响能源消费的主要因素,其中最主要的影响因素是高耗能产业的发晨.最后根据得出的结果提出相应的政策建议.  相似文献   

受国内能源资源结构的制约,中国形成了以煤为主的能源消费格局,并且可以预见在未来相当长的时期内,中国以煤为主的能源消费格局不会改变。而煤炭在能源消费结构中所占比重过大会引起高耗能、高污染、低效益的粗放型增长方式,由此导致经济的运行成本上升在很大程度上制约了中国经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

赵枫 《云南金融》2012,(6X):88-88
受国内能源资源结构的制约,中国形成了以煤为主的能源消费格局,并且可以预见在未来相当长的时期内,中国以煤为主的能源消费格局不会改变。而煤炭在能源消费结构中所占比重过大会引起高耗能、高污染、低效益的粗放型增长方式,由此导致经济的运行成本上升在很大程度上制约了中国经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

本文依托山东省企业财务数据调查、企业家问卷调查、银行家问卷调查的数据结果和企业实际运营数据,研究运用动态因子分析方法编制企业融资需求综合指数(FRI)。同时,从22个行业中选取高耗能行业和高新技术行业,基于PVAR模型对影响融资需求指数的宏、微观因素进行分离解析。结果显示,高耗能行业短期融资需求具有顺周期性,中期受经济周期影响较小,高新技术行业中短期融资需求受经济周期的影响均不显著。从流动性角度看,短期流动性增加不会对高耗能行业和高新技术行业融资需求产生显著影响,但中期流动性增加可以刺激高耗能行业融资需求提升,同时降低高新技术行业的融资意愿。  相似文献   

<正>煤炭在我国能源格局中具有战略意义,近年来随着环境规制的日益加剧和新能源产业的兴起,煤炭在我国能源消费中的比重逐年下降,但考虑到我国"富煤、贫油、少气"的储量格局以及煤电相对低廉的价格,在未来很长一段时间内,煤炭仍将是我国能源消费的主力军,煤炭价格更是对于保持国民经济健康发展,促进煤炭行业转型升级具有重要的意义。所以,研究煤炭价格就显得至关重要,本文主要就煤炭价格影响因素进行实证分析。一、文献综述  相似文献   

面对中国传统产业能源使用效率偏低的现状,加快对高耗能产业进行技术节能改造依然颇为必要以煤炭、石油、天然气为主的化石能源消耗量日益提升,正在带来一系列的能源、环境问题。曾有经济学家统计:每创造1美元的国内生产总值中国消耗的能源是日本的7倍,是世界平均消耗水平的3倍。中国的能源使用效率甚至不  相似文献   

在测算地级市层面要素价格扭曲和能源效率的基础上,利用面板Tobit模型实证检验了要素价格扭曲、FDI和能源效率之间的关系。研究表明,我国城市存在不同程度的要素价格扭曲,且劳动价格扭曲大于资本价格扭曲;要素价格扭曲显著降低了城市能源效率,且资本价格扭曲的负向作用大于劳动价格扭曲的负向影响,能源效率的提高具有明显的资本偏向;FDI通过扭曲要素价格显著降低了城市能源效率,其对资本价格扭曲的效应大于对劳动价格扭曲的效应;分地区估计中,依然表明要素价格扭曲降低了能源效率,不同地区资本价格扭曲和劳动价格扭曲的负向作用存在大小差异。  相似文献   

发达国家已完成工业化发展过程,进入以服务业为主导产业的后工业时代;其能源消费在经济发展中的变化,对我国当前的能源消费状况有一定借鉴作用和前瞻性。●近年来,我国经济呈现快速增长态势,带动对基础能源的需求,煤炭的供需状况趋于紧张,产量逐年递增,并导致2003 -2004年大部分大、中型国有企业超产能生产的局面。同时,配合煤炭价格的逐步市场化,致使国内煤炭价格一路飙升至今。●虽然2005年高耗能产业受宏观调控政策影响,增长将略有放缓,但电力、钢铁等主要耗煤行业消费年均仍将增长1亿吨左右,较2004年煤炭需求增幅将有所回落,但煤炭供给偏紧状况依然存在,行业增长减缓但仍维持一定增速。预计2005年煤炭行业利润绝对增长并不逊色。  相似文献   

在"双碳行动"的背景下,以碳排放权交易制度为例,理论上从三个角度分析碳排放权交易制度对能源利用效率的影响机制;并基于中国2004—2019年30个省份的数据,运用倾向得分匹配(PSM)和双重差分方法(DID)研究碳排放权交易制度影响绿色全要素能源效率情况。实证研究表明,碳排放权交易制度能够使绿色全要素能源效率明显提升,且时间越长,绿色全要素能源效率的提升效果越显著。影响机制表明,市场化、政府与市场的关系和低碳技术创新是改善绿色全要素能源效率的重要影响机制。异质性分析表明,碳排放权交易制度对东部地区绿色全要素能源效率的提升效果大于西部地区和中部地区。根据上述结论,提出在碳排放权交易制度实施的同时,政府需要因地制宜、适度干预,行业需要加强低碳技术创新等建议。  相似文献   

To examine the effects of China’s energy saving and emissions reduction (ESER) policy implemented during the 11th Five-Year Plan (FYP) on energy efficiency of the manufacturing sector, this article evaluates and compares the environmental-adjusted energy productivity of 15 energy-intensive industries during the 10th and 11th FYPs using the data envelopment analysis (DEA) approach. The results indicate that four of the 15 studied industries had achieved significant energy productivity improvements during the 11th FYP than that in the 10th FYP, which can mainly be attributed to the effective implementations of relevant ESER policies. In contrast, energy productivity of the rest 11 industries acquired relatively minor improvements during the whole decade.  相似文献   

This article uses China’s input–output (I-O) tables in 2002, 2007, and 2012 to estimate the real energy consumption of each sector after the I-O adjustment. The relationship between the sectors is further analyzed using the utility analysis method based on ecological network analysis. The empirical results show that although the traditional energy-intensive industries are the major energy-consuming sectors from a direct energy consumption perspective, large energy consumption by energy-intensive industries is transferred to downstream industries through intermediate products after the I-O adjustment. Specifically, the building industry and service sector are the sectors with the highest real energy consumption. With the upgrading and optimization of the industrial structure, the proportion of energy-intensive sectors in China is declining. However, the development of the service sector and infrastructure construction still requires large intermediate inputs. Thus, industrial restructuring cannot significantly reduce China’s total energy consumption.  相似文献   

毛其淋  杨晓冬 《金融研究》2022,505(7):38-56
产能过剩已经成为困扰中国经济可持续增长的深层次难题,本文以中国2002年外资管制放松作为准自然实验,采用倍差法系统研究外资开放政策对制造业产能利用率的影响及传导机制。研究发现,外资开放有效提升了同行业内资企业的产能利用率,生产效率、出口扩张和对外直接投资是外资开放影响内资企业产能利用率的重要渠道。外资开放对民营企业、一般贸易企业、吸收能力强的企业以及沿海地区企业产能利用率的提升效应更大,并且地区制度环境增强了外资开放的产能利用率提升效应。此外,内资企业除了获得行业内外资进入的水平溢出效应之外,还分别从上游和下游行业的外资进入中获得正向的前向关联与后向关联效应,进而显著提升了自身的产能利用率。最后,本文还进一步考察了外资开放政策对制造业总体产能利用率的影响,发现外资开放通过资源再配置渠道显著促进了制造业总体产能利用率的增长,进一步检验显示,外资开放一方面促进了市场份额从落后产能企业向相对优势产能企业的再配置,另一方面促进了落后产能企业的淘汰,进而提高了资源再配置效率并促进制造业总体产能利用率的提升。本文从外资开放政策视角探究了产能过剩问题,对新常态下破解产能过剩困境、实现“去产能”政策目标具有一定启示意义。  相似文献   

The paper examines the long-run relationship among per capita income, energy consumption, and carbon emissions in China during 1953–2008. We employ the Toda—Yamamoto procedure to test the Granger causality in a vector autoregressive (VAR) model with levels. We find strong evidence of bilateral Granger causality running between income and energy consumption and unilateral Granger causality running from carbon emissions to income. We further provide policy suggestions to address the energy and sustainable development dilemma in China. These include diversifying the energy mix and exploiting renewable energy, enhancing energy efficiency, transforming the economic growth pattern, and reducing the reliance on resource- and energy-intensive industries.  相似文献   

市场前景广阔的战略性新兴产业具有“高风险、高投入、高效益”等特点,不仅要求企业具有高水平的科技研发能力,还需要外部环境的支持,特别是需要充分的金融支持。应在政府相关政策和扶持基金的引导下,在良好的法制环境保障下,建立有中国特色的富有效率的风险投资综合支撑体系。只有这样,才能顺利实现风险投资和科技资源的对接,才能充分发挥风险投资在战略性新兴产业发展中的“先锋”作用,从而为培育和发展战略性新兴产业注入新鲜持久的活力。  相似文献   

Value-Enhancing Capital Budgeting and Firm-specific Stock Return Variation   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
We document a robust cross‐sectional positive association across industries between a measure of the economic efficiency of corporate investment and the magnitude of firm‐specific variation in stock returns. This finding is interesting for two reasons, neither of which is a priori obvious. First, it adds further support to the view that firm‐specific return variation gauges the extent to which information about the firm is quickly and accurately reflected in share prices. Second, it can be interpreted as evidence that more informative stock prices facilitate more efficient corporate investment.  相似文献   

目前,吉林市仍存在着利用外资总量不大、利用外资产业分布失衡、外商投资环境不尽完善、资源消耗及环境污染日益突出等问题。为此,应当进一步拓宽利用外资渠道,优化外商投资结构,加强环境保护和加快高新产业发展,规范招商引资行为以及改善外商综合投资环境等措施,从而提高吉林市的外资利用水平。  相似文献   

Olli-Pekka Hilmola 《Futures》2007,39(4):393-407
Nearly 80 years ago Russian economist, Kondratieff, introduced the theory of economic long-cycles. Since from the start, this theory has faced controversial acceptance; for example, in the future studies researchers have used it to develop further specific applications, but in economics some leading scientists reject the entire idea still. Although, this theory is well developed, there does not exist research from the examination of relation between stock market performance, and leading innovation cycle industries manufacturing capacity addition and utilization. Based on the system dynamics model, called world dynamics, capacity addition and utilization have earlier been identified as the leading indicators of long-cycles.Our research results in this paper indicate that capacity utilization of computer manufacturing in US, and in some cases of US semiconductors, has influence on the stock market indexes of Nasdaq, S&P500 and Dow. However, it should be noted that capacity investment changes of these three examined industries (semiconductors, computers and telecommunications) are involved in the proposed regression models too. Further analysis reveals, that we are able to build regression models for all three stock indexes, containing only two variables. Notably, these two variables are capacity addition change in semiconductors and computers. This observation further increases discussion, whether we should be interested only about capacity addition changes of innovation wave industries, and possibly give secondary importance for the utilization.  相似文献   

Given the increasing focus on global sustainable development, many enterprises in developing countries such as China participate in green governance and scale up their green investment; however, many enterprises still experience financing difficulties. Our study investigates whether green governance can mitigate corporate financing constraints. Using a sample of Chinese, A-share listed, high-pollution enterprises from 2013 to 2018, we find that corporate green governance practices, including environmental performance and information disclosure, ease corporate financing constraints. This effect is pronounced in areas with high levels of financial development and for state-owned enterprises. This paper not only proposes a channel for alleviating enterprises’ financing constraints but also reveals the importance of industrial transformation and emissions reduction for energy-intensive industries in emerging markets.  相似文献   

国有和民营出口制造业相对于劳动力成本的固定资产投资反映了资本效率问题,提出的模型包括固定资产在企业总成本中所占份额的增长率变化以及相应的工人人均固定资产的变化对出口产值的影响,并部分解释了国有企业和民营企业之间出现的出口主体替代现象.我们所用的从1986~2002年的统计数据支持了得自模型的假设.  相似文献   

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