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基于利益相关者理论的企业劳动关系协调机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利益相关者之间的合作对企业劳动关系管理尤为重要。依据从利益相关者理论,企业劳动关系利益相关者主要有股东、员工、政府、消费者、社区等四类,鉴此,需要加强企业劳动关系核心圈利益协调,发挥政府规制企业劳动关系利益相关者行为的作用,关注外部利益相关者对企业劳动关系的影响,构建企业劳动关系协调的长效机制,促进企业劳动关系和谐发展。  相似文献   

企业年金是企业及其职工在参加基本养老保险的基础上,自愿建立的补充养老保险制度。建立企业年金计划,是政府完善社会保障体系,应对社会老龄化危机的良方;是企业吸引和留住优秀人才、提高员工养老保障福利的良策;是员工改善退休生活,尊享体面养老生活的良选。  相似文献   

基于中国文化情境,使用跨层次分析方法考量领导情绪劳动对变革型领导和员工组织认同的影响。结果表明:浅层行为与组织认同负相关,深层行为、真实情绪表现分别与组织认同正相关;变革型领导在领导情绪劳动与员工组织认同关系中起部分中介作用;领导成员交换关系在变革型领导与员工组织认同之间起调节作用。因此,企业领导宜调节自己的情绪和塑造自己变革型领导风格,增强员工组织认同感,提升管理效率。  相似文献   

刘雪莲 《时代金融》2012,(33):180-181
薪酬是企业员工劳动付出支付的报酬,绩效是企业内员工工作表现、工作行为和由此产生的工作结果。绩效考核及管理是通过一套科学合理的方法对员工工作行为和工作结果进行评判。绩效考核、管理与薪酬挂钩才会最终实现绩效考核、管理的反馈作用与管理功能。薪酬与绩效管理挂钩中存在诸如考评周期长短不当、考评方法不佳、主观因素和客观依据不当等问题。可依据企业实际,通过细化考核标准、实行申诉制度和绩效面谈等措施实现企业薪酬与绩效管理的有效挂钩。  相似文献   

关注民生是党和政府的基本职责,也是构建和谐社会的关键所在.劳动关系与企业每一位员工的切身利益和福祉有关.是最基本的民生问题.2007年3月,温家宝总理在全国人大十届五次会议上的政府工作报告解答了12大民生问题,其中劳动就业、社会保障、收入分配、企业改制、安全生产五大民生问题都与劳动关系有关,因此,构建和谐劳动关系是中国企业的职责所在和发展需要.  相似文献   

人力资源管理是指为了完成企业管理工作和总体目标,影响员工的行为、态度和绩效的各种企业管理政策、实践及制度安排。其目的是要使企业从人力资源生产潜力的充分发挥中获得最大可能的利益,员工通过劳动从企业中获得预期的物质和心理两方面的最大回报,并通过员工与企业的良好互动关系形成企业长期的顾客满意最大化。  相似文献   

建设统一标准的企业文化打造一流服务提升竞争力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业文化,是企业内部公认的、共同的价值理念、思维方式和行为规则。健康向上的企业文化,是一个企业战无不胜的力量源泉。企业文化,是一种很抽象的理念,但企业文化却与企业的生产经营、企业行为、活动以及建立在此基础之上的员工行为息息相关。可以说,企业文化建设的过程就是一种规范行为的过程和行为价值不断提升的过程。  相似文献   

来荣 《云南金融》2012,(3X):183-183
员工劳动业绩考核是针对员工在一段的工作时间内为企业做出的一定贡献的评价。目前,在员工的劳动业绩考核中普遍存在着考核标准不确定,没有更多的科学依据,而且领导的心情的往往是制约考核结果的公正,特别是上级主管部门的直接参与,在一定程度上,影响着员工劳动业绩考核,导致企业员工劳动业绩考核的偏差和失误。为此,我们要加强员工劳动业绩考核的管理工作,就要采取相应的措施,解决员工劳动业绩考核中存在的问题,保证员工劳动业绩考核的公平和合理,促进员工为企业做出更多的应有的贡献。  相似文献   

员工劳动业绩考核是针对员工在一段的工作时间内为企业做出的一定贡献的评价。目前,在员工的劳动业绩考核中普遍存在着考核标准不确定,没有更多的科学依据,而且领导的心情的往往是制约考核结果的公正,特别是上级主管部门的直接参与,在一定程度上,影响着员工劳动业绩考核,导致企业员工劳动业绩考核的偏差和失误。为此,我们要加强员工劳动业绩考核的管理工作,就要采取相应的措施,解决员工劳动业绩考核中存在的问题,保证员工劳动业绩考核的公平和合理,促进员工为企业做出更多的应有的贡献。  相似文献   

创新型企业总有绕不开的坎儿——员工创新行为管理与创新行为文化建设。企业创新能力的提升,本质上是员工创新行为与企业创新理念、创新方针耍求的协同一致,是员工创新行为的可持续化,是企业创新文化形成的结果。  相似文献   

We investigate the relationship between firms’ cash holdings and pandemics. Our results show that compared to tele-workable firms, whose employees can work remotely, non-tele-workable firms with more on-site employees increase cash during pandemics. This increase in cash comes from short-debt, preferred stocks, reduction in capital expenditures, discontinuation of some operations and lower tax payments. Firms hold more cash as a reaction to higher default risk. For non-tele-workable firms, there is a positive relationship between abnormal stock returns and cash, suggesting that this increase in cash during pandemics is not driven by behavioral reasons but by increases in uncertainty in labor productivity.  相似文献   

Agency problems within the firm are a significant hindrance to efficiency. We propose trust between coworkers as a superior alternative to the standard tools used to mitigate agency problems: increased monitoring and incentive-based pay. We model trust as mutual, reciprocal altruism between pairs of coworkers and show how it induces employees to work harder, relative to those at firms that use the standard tools. In addition, we show that employees at trusting firms have higher job satisfaction, and that these firms enjoy lower labor cost and higher profits. We conclude by discussing how trust may also be easier to use within the firm than the standard agency-mitigation tools.  相似文献   

This paper develops a top‐down model of capital budgeting in which privately informed executives make investment choices that convey information to the firm's stakeholders (e.g., employees). Favorable information in this setting encourages stakeholders to take actions that positively contribute to the firm's success (e.g., employees work harder). Within this framework we examine how firms may distort their investment choices to influence the information conveyed to stakeholders and show that investment rigidities and overinvestment can arise as optimal investment distortions. We also examine investment distortions in multi‐divisional firms and compare such distortions to those in single‐division firms.  相似文献   

The use of equity-based compensation for rank-and-file employees is a puzzle. We analyze whether the popularity of option compensation may be driven by employee optimism, and show that optimism by itself is insufficient to make option compensation optimal. The crucial insight is that firms compete with financial markets as suppliers of equity to employees and that employees’ access to the equity market restricts firms’ ability to profit from employee optimism. Firms must be able to extract some of the implied rents even though employees can purchase company equity in the financial markets. Such rent extraction becomes feasible if employees prefer the stock options offered by firms to the equity offered by the market, or if the traded equity is overvalued. We provide empirical evidence that firms use broad-based option compensation when boundedly rational employees are likely to be excessively optimistic about company stock, and when employees are likely to strictly prefer options over stock.  相似文献   

We show that information exposure through international business networks enables firms to take proactive measures that benefit employees and potentially the local community. Specifically, in the early days of COVID-19, firms that have business networks with China and Italy are more likely to be aware of the severity of the disease, and proactively implement work-from-home (“WFH”) policies that can protect their employees. Using Safegraph foot traffic data, we find a higher stay-at-home ratio before local governments impose lockdowns in zip codes where firms have a larger information exposure. These areas are also associated with a lower spread of COVID-19. Our main findings are more pronounced when local governments face constraints in quickly responding to COVID-19 and when firms have a higher WFH capability or have more investors with socially responsible preferences. Collectively, we present evidence on the role of private corporations in mitigating the negative effects of a public health crisis before government intervention.  相似文献   

Trade credit has been shown to be an important source of short-term finance for smaller firms but small firms are also suppliers of trade credit. There is little empirical evidence on the credit granting decisions of small firms. Previous empirical work (Petersen and Rajan, 1997; and Ng, Smith and Smith, 1999) has focused on credit granting and investment in accounts receivable in larger firms. In this paper we look at the influences on credit granting for the smallest firms, using a sample of firms with an average of 10 employees. As in previous studies we find that product and demand characteristics influence credit terms. Moreover, we find evidence that firm size affects credit extension choices directly by setting limits on the possibilities for economies of scale, but it also impacts indirectly by affecting the firm's access to finance and its bargaining strength vis-à-vis suppliers. The dominant position of larger customers in bargaining with small suppliers constrains the impact of other factors on the firm's choice of credit terms. Small firms are also under pressure to conform to industry norms, although lack of resources can be a limiting factor. Constrained firms may make use of two-part terms in an attempt to improve their cashflow.  相似文献   

张会丽  赵健宇  陆正飞 《金融研究》2021,487(1):169-187
基于员工持股相关理论,本文考察了员工薪酬竞争力对我国上市公司是否实施员工持股的可能影响。实证结果显示,员工薪酬竞争力越弱,企业越可能实施员工持股;且员工薪酬竞争力越弱,员工持股的锁定期限越长、覆盖人数越多以及员工股比例越高。进一步研究发现,员工薪酬竞争力与实施员工持股可能性的负相关关系,只在外部劳动力市场流动性高和内部人力资源成本较高以及融资约束较为严重的样本中显著。上述研究发现表明,上市公司的员工持股在一定程度上是企业在面临外部劳动力市场流动性压力和内部较高人力资源成本以及融资约束时,缓解员工薪酬竞争力不足的现实途径。本文的研究结论为完善上市公司员工持股制度提供了经验证据支持,同时拓展了员工持股、职工薪酬及收入分配等领域的相关研究文献。  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of an empirical study of the interaction between national and organizational cultures at the firm level. Using Hofstede's Value Survey Module, the concept of culture was operationalized in six accounting firms in The Netherlands. Three of these firms were local offices of international “Big Eight” accounting firms with a strong U.S.-orientation in their organizational philosophies and policies, whereas the other three firms were Dutch in origin and organization. All six firms work virtually entirely with Dutch employees. We were specifically interested in any influences of the U.S. culture upon the Big Eight firms. For two Hofstede's four cultural dimensions, i.e. Uncertainty Avoidance and Masculinity, significant effects of the U.S. culture upon the organizational cultures of the Big Eight firms were found. Further analysis showed that these results may rather be due to (self-)selection than to socialization mechanisms.  相似文献   

Young firms disproportionately employ and hire young workers. On average, young employees in young firms earn higher wages than young employees in older firms. Young employees disproportionately join young firms with greater innovation potential and that exhibit higher growth, conditional on survival. We argue that the skills, risk tolerance, and joint dynamics of young workers contribute to their disproportionate share of employment in young firms. Moreover, an increase in the supply of young workers is positively related to new firm creation in high-tech industries, supporting a causal link between the supply of young workers and new firm creation.  相似文献   

We develop a model in which there are firms and employees who care about profit-sacrificing higher purpose (HP) and those who do not. Firms and employees search for each other in the labor market. Each firm chooses its HP investment. When there is no social pressure on firms to adopt a purpose, HP dissipates agency frictions, lowers wage costs, yet elicits higher employee effort in firms that intrinsically value the purpose. However, social pressure to invest in HP can distort the HP investments of all firms and reduce welfare by making all agents worse off. Applications of these results to banking are discussed.  相似文献   

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