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吕祯琳 《理财》2004,(11):13-15
2001年《深圳经济特区审计监督条例》公布实施,规定审计机关对政府各部门进行效益审计,即开展政府绩效审计.每年第四季度向本级政府提出绩效审计报告,并受政府委托,向人大常委会报告绩效审计工作情况。  相似文献   

赵原 《理财》2004,(9):47-47
审计质量是审计机关赖以生存和发展的基础。对审计项目所涉及的审计文书以及所附的审计报告和相关资料进行审计复核,是审计质量控制的重要一环。要达到这一要求,做好审计复核工作是不可缺少的重要环节。从目前复核结果看,在审计实施方案的执行、审计证据的获取、审计工作底稿的编制、审计报告的编制等方面还存在一些问题,值得复核人员关注和改进。  相似文献   

张庆亚 《理财》2011,(2):85-86
根据新<审计法实施条例>及相关规定,审计组实施审计或专项审计调查后,应当向派出审计组的审计机关提交审计报告或专项审计调查报告;审计机关审定审计组的审计报告或专项审计调查报告后,应当出具审计机关的审计报告或专项审计调查报告.审计或专项审计调查发现的被审计单位违反国家规定的财政收支、财务收支行为,依法应当由审计机关在法定职权范围内做出处理处罚决定的,审计机关应当出具审计决定书.审计报告和审计决定书是综合反映审计工作成果的主要载体,审计机关的审计报告和审计决定书更是作为对外出具的审计法律文书,因此,审计报告和审计决定书格式和内容应体现依法和规范,严谨细致并经得起推敲.笔者结合审计工作实践和体会,就审计报告和审计决定书的几个问题谈些看法.  相似文献   

近年来我国高等教育事业发展加快,作为保障高校治理结构正常运转的重要环节,高校内部审计重要性与日俱增。2019年"双体系"政府会计准则制度全面落地执行,对高校内部审计质量提出了更高的要求。本文阐述了高校内部审计质量提升面临的现实问题,指出在政府会计改革影响下高校内部审计目标得到拓展,审计范围扩大,审计责任增加,审计报告说明事项增加,并且为了保障审计质量,对高校内部审计质量的提升策略进行探讨,以进一步完善高校内部审计工作。  相似文献   

潘莹 《理财》2011,(6):88-89
近年来,国家审计署和地方审计机关分别对金融和保障性住房等领域进行了政策性审计探索,特别是去年六月刘家义审计长在向全国人大常委会提交的审计报告中,披露了中国农业发展银行在执行国家金融政策等方面存在的问题,成为新的审计亮点,并引起了社会广泛关注.为此,各级审计机关还应在审计工作中,把被审计单位执行宏观经济政策情况与经常性审计结合起来,树立政策性审计意识,注重从体制、机制、制度及政策措施层面分析问题、提出建议,为国家宏观经济调控和各级党委、政府宏观经济决策,当好参谋助手,切实发挥审计高层次监督的重要作用.  相似文献   

张万友  李翠琴 《理财》2001,(1):11-11
加大审计力度,是各级政府向审计机关提出的要求,也是审计系统平时议论最多的话题。如何加大审计力度,依笔者看,审计部门在加大审计处理、处罚力度的同时,还应依法向社会公布审计结果。   人们还清楚地记得, 1998年,国家审计署在向全国人大报告国家预算执行情况后,有关报刊、电视新闻媒体对报告中的违规违纪问题纷纷向社会进行了披露,从而引起了全国上下的关注。在强大的社会舆论下,有些部委针对存在的问题积极整改,一些责任人员受到了应有的处理,取得了较好的审计效果。由此可见,向社会公布审计结果,不失为一项有效的审计处…  相似文献   

从法理角度看经济责任审计评价的风险   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济责任审计评价是审计部门依据《审计机关审计事项评价准则》及其他相关法律法规的规定,对被审计责任人,包括国家党政机关领导和国有控股企业负责人任职期间履行经济责任的情况,包括经济管理情况、经济决策情况、财经政策法规执行情况和个人遵守廉政纪律情况等,从定量和定性两个方面,客观公正、实事求是做出的以书面形式表达的职业判断行为。随着审计结果公示制度的逐步推行,对经济责任审计的评价提出了更高的要求。审计报告使用者不仅限于政府及纪检监察等部门,而是扩大到全社会。审计评价的结果理应接受社会各方面的监督,因此经济责任审计的评价是审计工作中的一个难点,如何防范经济责任审计评价的风险显得非常重要。[编者按]  相似文献   

一、引言审计处理是审计机关对被审计单位违反国家规定的财政收支、财务收支行为,依法做出的具有强制性的纠正措施。审计机关通常针对被审计单位滞留、挪用、虚列财政支出和扩大支出范围、违规使用财政资金等行为作出审计处理决定。审计处理一般包括:上交财政、减少财政拨款、归还原渠道资金和调整账务等方式。被审计单位对审计处理的执行情况和执行效率,反映着审计工作的质量和成果,直接影响着审计的地位和权威性。加11年1月1日执行的《中华人民共和国国家审计准则》特  相似文献   

陈希晖  陈燕 《财政监督》2013,(11):34-37
项目审计的审计处理分为上缴财政执行、减少财政拨款执行、归还原渠道资金执行、调账处理执行和审计建议。本文运用地方审计机关2003-2007年的数据,把政府干预和财政状况作为控制变量,统计分析法制环境对审计处理执行效率的影响。研究发现,法制环境对减少财政拨款执行率、归还原渠道资金执行率有显著促进影响,对上缴财政率无显著影响。因此,可以看出法制环境对审计处理执行率有一定影响。  相似文献   

依法审计是政府审计的基本原则,然而,现实审计中,审计机关审计难、处理难、落实审计决定难的问题普遍存在。本文从非正式制度的视角,建立一个制度冲突的理论架构来解释上述现象。主要的原因是,由于利益冲突和价值认同冲突,政府审计处理处罚的正式制度不具有"纳什均衡"的特性,在正式制度与非正式制度的相互作用中,非正式制度发挥重要作用,审计过滤得以发生。通过审计记录过滤、审计报告过滤、审计处理处罚过滤和审计执行过滤,使得正式制度依法审计的目标被扭曲,最终的结局是审计发现的问题不能依法得到处理处罚,非正式制度在与正式制度的冲突中取得胜利。  相似文献   

以财务报表重述公司为研究对象,考察财务报表重述公司年报审计质量。结果表明:财务报表重述的幅度对非标审计意见的出具有显著的影响力;初始差错年和报表重述年,注册会计师都能在一定程度上识别上市公司的盈余管理动机,并在审计意见中有所反映;审计师任期和对财务报表重述公司出具非标审计意见之间没有显著的相关性;事务所规模和非标审计意见的相关性并不显著,结论没有支持大事务所更有可能对重述公司出具非标审计意见。  相似文献   

分所审计是否影响审计质量和审计收费?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着注册会计师行业的扩大和分所的不断增加,分所的执业行为值得关注。我们采用2005—2008年会计师事务所分所数据,考察了会计师事务所总所和分所在审计质量和审计收费上的差异,以及分所规模大小对审计质量和审计收费的影响。结论总体上表明,会计师事务所分所的审计质量和审计收费更低,并且,规模越小的分所,其审计质量和审计收费越低。在此基础上,我们根据样本是否由十大会计师事务所审计,进行了分组检验,结果显示分所审计质量和审计收费更低主要体现在非十大会计师事务所上。  相似文献   

Audit quality and cost consequences of joint audits have been continually discussed, especially since the publication of the European Commission’s Green Paper in 2010. We provide new empirical evidence for the French audit market. We show that a more balanced audit work allocation between the engaged audit firms reduces the audit quality and enhances the audit fees as compared to an unbalanced work allocation. We measure the quality effects following the concept of abnormal accruals and the concept of cosmetic earnings management. As unbalanced joint audits have parallels to single audits, our results have interest to those debating the benefits and costs of joint audits as compared to single audits.  相似文献   

We investigate whether audit partner level data provides a more powerful measure than office or firm level measures of client importance. We find that the likelihood of issuing a going-concern opinion (any and first-time) increases, and the absolute value of discretionary accruals decreases, in relation to the proportion of audit fees to the total audit fees received by audit partners from all their clients. We also find that the likelihood of issuing a going-concern opinion (any and first-time) increases, and the absolute value of discretionary accruals decreases, in relation to the proportion of non-audit services fees from a client to total non-audit service fees, and the proportion of total audit and non-audit service fees from a client to total fees from all their clients at the office and firm levels. Our findings provide evidence to regulators, audit clients, and stakeholders that audit partners do not succumb to pressure from economically more important clients as audit quality has a positive association with client importance.  相似文献   

Companies have been found to report positive information more quickly than they report negative information (i.e., good news early, bad news late). This paper investigates the potential impact of audit opinion change on the timeliness of financial disclosures, with improvements in audit opinion considered to be “good news.” We take both the direction and the magnitude of audit opinion change into consideration, with magnitude measuring how far the opinion is from an unqualified opinion (i.e., an unqualified opinion with explanatory paragraph is closer to an unqualified opinion than a qualified opinion is). We find that firms experiencing an improvement in their audit opinions disclose their financial results earlier, while those with audit opinion deteriorations report their financial results later, and that these effects were related to the magnitude of the opinion change. What's more, there is an asymmetric response to good audit opinion news vs. bad audit opinion news, with bad audit opinion news having a larger effect on earnings timeliness than the effect on earnings timeliness of good audit opinion news. Overall, our results support the “good news early, bad news late” notion. Finally, we also find that overall earnings timeliness has improved in China since the enactment of new reporting regulations in 2006.  相似文献   

Using Swedish data, we investigate how audit quality and audit pricing vary with audit firm and office size. In contrast to prior studies, we use disciplinary sanctions issued against auditors not meeting the quality requirement as the measure of audit quality. We find no significant differences in the likelihood of sanctions between Big 4 audit firms and the fifth and sixth largest audit firms in Sweden (Grant Thornton and BDO). We refer to these collectively as ‘Top 6’. However, we find that the probabilities of warnings or exclusions from the profession are much higher for non-Top 6 auditors in Sweden than for Top 6 auditors. Furthermore, we find a strong negative association between the likelihood of sanctions and audit office size for non-Top 6 auditors. This association is insignificant for Top 6 audit firms. Audit fees follow a similar pattern and indicate that larger audit firms and offices put in more effort or have greater expertise. These results suggest that audit quality is differentiated in the private segment market. However, contrary to prior studies, our results suggest that the important dimensions are Top 6 versus non-Top 6 and the office size of non-Top 6 audit firms.  相似文献   

多客户审计、审计公司组织形式与审计失败   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过建立审计质量的二次函数模型,分析了不同组织形式的审计公司在同时审计多个客户时,其审计报告的外部性对审计失败的影响。研究结果表明:1)在有限合伙制和赔偿机制完善的前提下,随着客户数量的增多,审计公司的审计质量上升,发生审计失败的概率下降;2)赔偿额越高,审计公司的审计质量也越高,其审计失败的概率降低;3)有限合伙制是一种较好的组织形式;4)审计师的诚信度越高,审计公司审计失败的概率越低;5)审计市场集中度越高,整个审计市场的失败概率越低。由此,本文认为建立有限合伙制、实施赔偿机制、提高审计师的诚信度和审计市场的集中度是提高审计质量和降低审计失败的有效途径。  相似文献   

Audit offices in the US exhibit a wide variation in the number of industries they service. Strategic management theory suggests that diversification can affect the quality of output, depending on the nature and circumstances of diversification. This paper examines the effect of diversification at the audit office level on audit quality. Five proxies of audit quality are examined, mainly, absolute discretionary accruals, propensity to meet-or-beat earnings expectations by a cent, propensity to restate financial statements, propensity to receive a comment letter after an SEC review and propensity to issue a going concern opinion. Results suggest that diversification has detrimental effects on audit quality. On the other hand, when the diversification is part of the audit firm level strategy, the detrimental effects on audit quality are dampened. Moreover, when the diversification at the office level is part of a revenue expansion strategy, the audit quality is adversely affected. However, there is no detrimental effect on the audit quality when revenue expansion is not the objective. Also, diversification across dissimilar industries leads to more adverse effect on audit quality than diversification to similar industries. Results also suggest that when the audit office is located in a market with more (less) diversified client base, the adverse effects of diversification on audit quality are weaker (stronger). Finally, the offices of big-4 audit firms handle diversification better with less adverse effect on audit quality. The findings are important since they identify additional factors that explain audit quality at the audit office level.  相似文献   

区块链技术自2009年第一个创世区块诞生以来,以其作为核心技术的比特币从16年开始风靡全球,区块链也随之被大众逐渐了解,它凭借其独有的非对称加密、分布共识、点对点通信等技术,在金融领域、物联网、数字版权领域等方面都有其广泛应用前景。同样的,区块链技术也能应用于会计、审计方面,意味着审计流程的大幅度简化、审计信息的真实保证、联合审计的有效实施,对审计行业将会带来革命式的的冲击。同时,区块链对审计行业亦存在着相应的风险。本文从区块链的相关概念、特性以及对审计行业的优势以及风险进行了深入分析和思考。  相似文献   

审计机关作为政府的职能部门,有义务也有责任对推进政府绩效管理作出贡献。本文在导入政府绩效管理的相关表述,强调国家审计介入政府绩效管理的意义后,从国家审计是加强和改进政府绩效管理的重要力量以及政府绩效管理为国家审计提供了深入发展的平台两个方面分析了国家审计与政府绩效管理的关系,并结合现有经验,特别是江苏推进绩效审计的实践,阐述了国家审计推进政府绩效管理的主要途径,并提出国家审计进一步推进政府绩效管理需解决的主要问题。  相似文献   

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