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上市公司资本结构选择模式及实证研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
大量的文献表明,资本结构的选择受资产结构、公司规模、非债务税盾、成长性、波动性、产品独特性、获利能力等公司特征因素影响.此外,资本结构的选择还受行业特性、宏观经济以及制度环境等因素影响.Harris和Raviv(1991)对来自美国公司的许多经验研究进行总结:"杠杆随着固定资产比率、非债务税盾、成长性和公司规模的增加而增加,随着变动性、广告费用、破产可能性、获利能力和产品独特性的增加而减少."  相似文献   

文章首先从理论上分析了产品市场竞争强度应与负债率呈负相关;接着梅建回归模型,通过30家化肥与农药类上市公司2004-2006年的面板数据,实证研究了产品市场竞争因素对资本结构的影响.研究的主要结论是:对于化肥与农药类上市公司而言,产品市场竞争因素主要是对其长期负债率产生了较为显著的影响,基本的趋势是产品市场竞争程度越高,长期负债率越低.  相似文献   

资本结构的区域差异是一个重要课题.本文首次引入配对比较的方法,比较了79家江苏上市公司与配对的其它地区683家公司资本结构的差异.发现虽然上市公司是否属于江苏省对实际负债率影响不显著,但在资本结构的影响因素上江苏公司和配对公司存在差异,实证表明上市公司资本结构具有区域性.  相似文献   

根据不同解释理论分析了影响资本结构公司特征因素,构建双向效应动态模型,采用中国非金融上市公司面板数据,从动态视角研究了公司特征因素如何影响资本结构选择。研究发现,宏观经济因素显著地影响资本结构决策;交易成本是影响资本结构选择的一个因素,但中国的交易成本小于美国、英国等发达国家;资产有形性、规模、独特性与杠杆正相关;成长性、资产流动性与杠杆负相关;非债务税盾与杠杆的关系不显著;产生内部资源能力与杠杆负相关,且这是由信息不对称造成的。  相似文献   

王帅 《时代金融》2012,(36):243-244
本文通过对wind行业分类中运输业的资本结构及一些财务指标的分析,阐释中国运输业长期资本结构的影响因素,利用1999-2006年的运输业上市公司面板数据分析进行实证,表明运输业上市公司的长期负债率与公司规模和营业收入增长率基本成正相关关系,而与资产收益率和流动比成反向关系。  相似文献   

资本结构影响因素:理论和证据   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
国外研究表明,资产结构、公司规模、非债务税盾、成长性、财务困境成本、投资额、独特性、产生内部资源能力等因素影响资本结构的选择。实证分析显示,除了财务困境成本因素外,影响国外公司的特征因素几乎也可以同样的方式影响中国上市公司的资本结构。  相似文献   

本文调查研究了中国的产业分类与其中小企业的资本结构的关系,发现中国中小上市公司的资本结构受行业因素影响较大;在不同行业之间,中小上市公司的资本结构差异较为明显,并且这是普遍现象,这主要是由行业特征所决定的。例如房地产行业具有高资本、高借贷等特征,则其行业内的中小型企业就表现出很高的资本结构和资产结构或抵押价值,而农业由于国家补贴等特殊政策使得其负债率和资产结构最低。  相似文献   

本文利用我国91家民营上市公司2003-2005年面板数据检验终极股东控制与资本结构的关系。研究发现,终极股东控制权一致性与总资产负债率、流动负债率显著正相关,终极股东控制权/现金流权偏离度与总资产负债率、流动负债率显著负相关。这表明资本结构决策本身存在代理问题,终极股东一方面积极利用股权融资的非稀释效应,另一方面对负债的破产威胁效应和利益转移限制效应作出了壕沟防守反应。  相似文献   

现有关于企业盈亏风险的研究主要基于权衡理论,认为企业的亏损风险随着资本结构(负债率)的增加而增加,是一种线性状态.这一结论忽视了负债的治理效应,根据代理理论和信息传递理论,企业负债的增加可以帮助企业减少代理成本、提高投资谨慎性、增加外部监管等.这一作用反映在企业盈亏风险上就是,不同资本结构的企业,其盈亏风险的影响因素不同,同一影响因素的影响系数也不同.因此,企业在预防亏损风险时,不同资本结构水平的企业,其预防措施也应该不同.  相似文献   

资本结构与控制权市场发展之间存在着内在联系,高负债率会降低并购的成功率,由此本文得出了四个理论假说,即低负债率能推动控制权市场的发展;高负债率的资本结构特征直接限制公司控制权市场的发展;出于反收购目的,持续调整会改变资本结构的长期特征引起负债率上升;如果负债率出现下降趋势则控制权市场的发展就会加速。对美、日两国的实证检验较好地验证了这四个假说。这在理论上预示着没有资本结构的剧烈变革,控制权市场就不会有快速的发展。就我国资本结构调整与公司控制权市场发展而言,这个理论预示无论是从金融发展战略选择的层面,还是从多层次资本市场体系建设和国有企业改革的角度来看,其涵义都极为丰富。  相似文献   

宏观调控与房地产上市公司资本结构调整   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
本文研究了宏观调控对房地产上市公司资本结构的影响及其资本结构调整方式的变化。研究发现,宏观调控之后,房地产上市公司总负债率显著提高;借款的期限发生了显著变化,长期借款显著增加而短期借款显著减少,但总的有息负债没有发生显著变化;房地产上市公司的贸易应付款显著增加,这是资产负债率显著提高的主要原因。对房地产上市公司宏观调控前后融资方式变化的研究发现,随着宏观调控带来的银行信贷政策的趋紧,房地产企业融资方式出现了多元化,新的融资工具得以出现和发展,金融市场的完全性提高。研究表明,在金融市场不完全和管制环境下,资本结构并不完全是企业自主决策的结果。宏观政策和资本市场供给条件,可能是中国企业资本结构是最重要的影响因素。  相似文献   

从战略管理和财务理论融合的角度,利用762家上市公司的面板数据对公司多元化战略与资本结构之间的关系进行实证分析,研究发现:公司的债务水平与多元化程度存在显著的正相关关系,并且单一业务型公司的负债水平最低,主导业务型和相关业务型公司的居中,非相关业务型公司的债务水平最高.因此,公司战略的制定与实施应考虑其财务影响;同样,资本结构决策也应该考虑如何与公司战略相配合,以从资本结构决策中获得竞争优势.  相似文献   

陆珩瑱  吕睿 《投资研究》2012,(3):114-124
本文通过基于不同资本结构选择偏好和成长性分类对上市公司资本结构和绩效的关系进行研究,研究发现:我国上市公司资本结构与绩效整体呈负相关;考虑内生性基础上,资本结构对绩效的负面影响提高了;不同负债水平下,资本结构对绩效的影响存在显著差异,且负债水平越高,资本结构对公司绩效的影响越大;在不同成长性水平下,资本结构与绩效都是负相关的,且成长性越低负面影响越大。  相似文献   

In the past decade, many U.S. companies have launched aggressive share repurchase programs with the expectation that value can be created by returning excess capital to shareholders and moving the firm closer to its optimal capital structure. But how much capital does a company really need to support its business activities? This article presents an economic framework or “model” that can be used to simulate the effect of various capital structure choices on shareholder value. The fundamental insight underlying the model is that judicious use of debt can add value by reducing corporate taxes and strengthening management incentives to increase efficiency, but that too much debt can result in a loss of business and perhaps a costly reorganization. Indeed, one of the key findings of the authors' recent research is that companies with highly leveraged balance sheets suffer disproportionately large losses in market share and value during industry downturns. As illustrated in a case study of a hypothetical general merchandiser, the model makes it possible to identify an optimal debt-equity ratio (and percentage of fixed- versus floating-rate debt)—one that balances the value of the tax shield from debt against the increased risk of financial distress.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have focused on the theoretical and empirical aspects of corporate capital structure since the 1960s. As a new branch of capital structure, however, debt maturity structure has not yet received as much attention as the debt-equity choice. We use the existing theories of corporate debt maturity to investigate the potential determinants of debt maturity of the Chinese listed firms. In addition to the traditional estimation methods, the system-GMM technique is used to explicitly control for the endogeneity problem. We find that the size of the firm, asset maturity and liquidity have significant effects in extending the maturity of debt employed by Chinese companies. The amount of collateralized assets and growth opportunities also tend to be important. However, proxies for a firm's quality and effective tax rate apparently report mixed or unexpected results. Debt market and equity market conditions are also examined in relation to corporate loan maturity. The system-GMM results show that market factors seem to influence debt maturity decisions. Finally, corporate equity ownership structure has also been found to have some impact on debt maturity mix.  相似文献   

This paper provides an empirical examination of the impact of the corporation tax and agency costs on firms' capital structure decisions. Our evidence suggests that the agency costs are the main determinants of corporate borrowing. Consistent with the agency theory, we find that firms that have fewer growth options have more debt in their capital structure. Moreover, our results show that debt mitigates the free cash flow problem and that firms that are more likely to be diversified and less prone to bankruptcy are highly geared. the negative effect of insider shareholding on leverage disappears, however; when all the agency mechanisms are accounted for. In addition, we find that, in the long run, companies that are tax exhausted exhibit significantly lower debt ratios than tax-paying firms. However, in the short run, firms' capital structure decisions are not affected by taxation.  相似文献   

利率管制下具有股权融资偏好的企业融资模型表明,通货膨胀会增大公司的债务融资比重,并且利率管制带来的利率刚性和公司税率都会放大通货膨胀的这种作用。同时,以中国30家上市公司25个季度的财务面板数据为基础进行的实证研究发现,通货膨胀对中国上市公司的债务—权益比率具有非常显著的正向作用,货币对于公司的资本结构是非中性的。另外固定资产比率非常显著的正向作用于债务—权益比率。  相似文献   


Data from China’s credit crunch, which started in 2007, is utilized to establish a natural experiment to investigate the impact of the credit crunch on target capital structures. The sample consists of 1,128 listed companies in China during the period 2000–2011. The interest-bearing debt to total assets ratio is used as a representative indicator for capital structures. The results indicate that the credit crunch was associated with a decrease in the target debt ratios for all listed companies. Small firms, privately owned enterprises, and firms with weak mortgage capabilities responded more sensitively to the credit crunch by showing a substantial decrease in target debt ratios.  相似文献   

Traditional tradeoff models of corporate capital structure, although still featured prominently in finance textbooks and widely accepted by practitioners, have been criticized by financial economists for doing a poor job of explaining observed debt ratios. Moreover, the observed ratios are far less stable than what would be predicted by the standard tradeoff models. In a study published several years ago in the Review of Financial Studies, the authors of this article aimed to shed more light on the underlying forces governing capital structure decisions by analyzing a set of major changes in capital structure in which companies initiated large increases in leverage through substantial new borrowings. They then attempted to explain why these companies chose to increase leverage and how their capital structures changed during the years after the large debt issues. As summarized in this article, the authors' findings indicate, first of all, that the large debt financings were used primarily to fund major corporate investments—and not, for example, to make large distributions to shareholders. And the changes in leverage ratios that came after the debt offerings were driven far more by the evolution of the companies' realized cash flows and their investment opportunities than by deliberate or decisive attempts to rebalance their capital structures toward a stationary target. In fact, many of the companies chose to take on even more debt when faced with cash‐flow deficits, despite operating with leverage that was already well above any reasonable estimate of their estimated target leverage. At the same time, companies that generated financial surpluses used them to reduce debt, even when their leverage had fallen well below their estimated targets. Taken as a whole, the findings of the authors' study support the idea that unused debt capacity represents an important source of financial flexibility, and that preserving such flexibility—and making use of it when valuable investment opportunities materialize—may well be the critical missing link in connecting capital structure theory with observed corporate behavior.  相似文献   

中国房地产公司动态资本结构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过一般公司动态资本结构模型研究,结合我国房地产公司运行特性,对房地产公司资产负债特性进行了分析:即将公司负债分为金融性负债和经营性负债。建立了房地产公司动态资本结构模型,利用该模型进行了数据仿真分析。研究发现,当房地产公司盈利能力较强且比较稳定时,通过增加经营性负债和金融性负债均可使股权收益率得到较大的提高,且经营性负债率对其影响较大;当房地产公司盈利能力较弱且波动性较强时,通过增加经营性负债可以提高股权收益率,但提高的幅度非常小。  相似文献   

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