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This study examines the effects of the US–China trade dispute on the informational linkages and price discovery between China's futures and spot markets. Using the daily price data of four assets representing the real and financial sectors in China during 2016–2019, empirical findings suggest that the futures–spot correlations for the stock index, copper, and corn markets have increased significantly during the trade dispute. In contrast, sharp declines in the dynamic correlations between gold futures and spot markets, as gold is a safe haven asset, are observed during the event window. During uncertainty disturbance (i.e., the trade dispute), the futures–spot cointegrated relationships in the gold and corn markets are found to adjust more quickly and efficiently, whereas the correction speeds of the market deviations for the stock index and copper market are moderately slower. With the intensive integration of market expectations with uncertainty shocks, the economic shocks of trade disputes tend to remarkably improve the pricing efficiency of China's futures markets, except for the gold futures market. China's spot markets, however, seem to be more sensitive to the noise trades and information disturbances arising from the trade dispute.  相似文献   

采用线性回归、Breush-Godfrey LM相关性检验、VAR模型的方差分解和脉冲响应图、价格波动率的单位根检验和Granger格兰杰因果检验等方法对中国黄金期货价格的影响因素进行实证研究。结果表明:上海、香港、伦敦的黄金现货和纽约黄金期货价格以及美元指数是影响中国黄金期货价格的主要因素,而中国黄金期货价格的波动显著受到伦敦黄金现货价格波动和纽约黄金期货价格波动的影响。虽然目前中国黄金期货市场已具备一定的规避风险功能,且初具价格发现功能,但国际影响力有待继续提升。  相似文献   

王聪  焦瑾璞 《金融研究》2019,473(11):75-93
在全球金融市场不断开放和融合的大背景下,黄金市场不但与外部市场频繁互动,其系统内部的联动关系也变得极为多元和复杂,黄金市场间的价格联动反映了信息和风险在不同市场间的传递过程。黄金价格通常会受到外部因素干扰而产生波动,但市场间的联动关系是否会因此而改变是值得重点关注的问题,黄金市场功能的有效性及稳固的市场关系是投资者利用全球黄金市场进行对冲和避险的先决条件,同时也关系到整个金融市场的稳定性。本文将研究重点聚焦于黄金市场内部,在研究中外各主要黄金市场间动态相关性和波动溢出效应的同时引入外部冲击以检验不同因素对黄金期货、现货市场间联动关系的影响从而探讨国内外黄金市场间价格联动的稳定性问题。结果表明:中国与全球主要黄金期货、现货市场间整体上保持了正相关关系,同时与各主要黄金市场间均存在显著的波动溢出效应。在一般市场条件下,外部冲击并没有显著改变中国与全球主要黄金期货、现货市场间的联动关系,表明黄金市场内部的价格联动具有较强的稳定性。  相似文献   

This paper uses three methods to estimate the price volatility of two stock market indexes and their corresponding futures contracts. The classic variance measure of volatility is supplemented with two newer measures, derived from the Garman-Klass and Ball-Torous estimators. A likelihood ratio test is used to compare the classic variance measure of price volatilities of two stock market indexes and their corresponding futures contracts during the bull market of the 1980s. The stock market volatilities of the Standard & Poor's 500 (S&P 500) and New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) indexes were found to be significantly lower than their respective futures price volatilities. Since information may flow faster in the futures markets than in the corresponding stock market, our results support Ross's information-volatility hypothesis. It was also noted that the NYSE spot volatility was lower than the S&P 500 spot volatility. If the rate of information flow and firm size are positively related, then the lower NYSE spot volatility is explained by the size effect. The futures price volatilities for the two indexes were insignificantly different from each other. With stock index spot-futures price correlations approaching unity, one implication of our results for index futures activity is that smaller positions in futures contracts may suffice to achieve hedging or arbitrage goals.  相似文献   

We examine the long memory property and structural break in the spot and futures gold volatility in Russia from 2008 through 2013. We find strong evidence of long memory in the volatility of both spot and futures gold series. The break dates are associated with the recent global financial crisis. Moreover, we investigate the volatility spillover effect between the Russian spot and futures gold markets using the corrected Dynamic Conditional Correlation model (cDCC). The findings show relatively high level of conditional correlation between spot and futures gold returns. This outcome decreases the portfolio diversification benefits for gold investors.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the effect of an increase in market‐wide uncertainty on information flow and asset price comovements. We use the daily realised volatility of the 30‐year treasury bond futures to assess macroeconomic shocks that affect market‐wide uncertainty. We use the ratio of a stock's idiosyncratic realised volatility with respect to the S&P500 futures relative to its total realised volatility to capture the asset price comovement with the market. We find that market volatility and the comovement of individual stocks with the market increase contemporaneously with the arrival of market‐wide macroeconomic shocks, but decrease significantly in the following five trading days. This pattern supports the hypothesis that investors shift their (limited) attention to processing market‐level information following an increase in market‐wide uncertainty and then subsequently divert their attention back to asset‐specific information.  相似文献   

文章通过建立误差修正模型( Error Correction ModeL,ECM)和基于持有成本理论的误差修正模型( Error Correction ModeL Cost of Carry,ECM-CoC),对美国黄金市场的期货与现货市场在金融危机前后的互动关系进行了实证分析。结果表明:在2007年金融危机前美国黄金期货市场引导黄金现货市场,期货市场的价格发现功能得以实现;在金融风暴后美国黄金现货和期货市场存在双向引导关系;美国黄金期货市场和现货市场之间存在长期均衡关系,期货市场和现货市场均存在误差修正机制,美国现货市场价格恢复均衡的调整速度高于黄金期货市场。  相似文献   

张宗新  张秀秀 《金融研究》2019,468(6):58-75
我国国债期货市场能否发挥稳定现货市场功能,金融周期风险是否会改变国债期货市场对现货市场波动的影响,是投资者实施风险管理和监管部门构建市场稳定机制的重要依据。本文通过信息传递机制和交易者行为两个维度探析国债期货市场发挥稳定功能的微观机理,分析金融周期风险对衍生工具稳定功能的影响,解析引入国债期货合约能否缓解金融周期波动对国债市场冲击,同时关注我国国债期货交易机制改进与现券波动关系。研究发现:(1)我国国债期货市场已实现抑制现货市场波动的功能,金融周期风险会引发现货价格波动,国债期货市场能够降低金融周期的波动冲击;(2)改善现货市场深度和套保交易是国债期货市场发挥稳定功能的微观路径,国债期货市场增进国债预期交易量流动性、减弱非预期交易量干扰,金融周期低波动区间套保交易稳定作用受到抑制;(3)国债期货投机交易和波动溢出效应助长现货市场波动,正负期现基差对国债波动影响具有非对称特征。  相似文献   

世界黄金期货市场、工具与法规政策环境的比较分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文比较了世界主要黄金期货市场、投资工具与各国黄金市场法规政策环境,分析了不同的市场条件、法规政策环境对本国黄金期货市场发展产生的影响,探讨了成为国际性黄金期货市场应具备的基本要素:现货市场发展程度、市场规模、现货商影响力对黄金衍生工具的发展产生重要影响;外汇管制政策和进出口政策对确定本国黄金期货市场是国际性市场还是区域性市场起到关键性作用;黄金市场流通、增值税、监管政策对确定本国各类黄金市场交易的活跃度产生关键性作用。  相似文献   

许荣  刘成立 《金融研究》2019,464(2):154-168
本文利用2015年中国股市大幅下跌期间,对股指期货严格限制交易政策这一独特事件前后的高频数据,研究限制交易政策对股指期货与股票市场价格引导关系的影响。利用I-S模型和分位数回归方法的实证结果表明:限制交易政策实施前,股指期货对股票市场的价格影响更强,尤其表现在价格急剧下跌时期;限制交易政策显著增加了期货市场交易成本,从而降低了期货市场的信息份额,削弱了其对股票市场的价格影响,并且改变了期货价格对现货价格“助跌强于助涨”的影响模式,增强了股指期货在价格上涨时对股票市场的影响。研究结果一方面直接量化了期货交易成本变动对其价格发现功能的负面影响,另一方面也从价格引导关系的视角提供了股市危机时期股指期货限制交易政策监管效果的实证证据。  相似文献   

依据铜、铝和锌三种典型性基本有色金属在金融危机前后的期货价格波动数据,运用分解-合成框架和时变TVP-VAR分析模型,考量影响基本有色金属期货价格波动重大事件和长期趋势价格波动的因素及价格时变特征。结果发现:铜、铝和锌三种基本有色金属期货的价格走势基本一致,且与中国宏观经济密切相关,其价格的最低点都出现在金融危机期间,而价格的最高点基本都出现在经济繁荣期;基本有色金属价格存在同涨同跌关系,而且涨跌幅基本趋势相一致。鉴此,可以对具有周期变化特征的基本有色金属价格走势进行预测,并规避价格波动的风险。  相似文献   

In recent years, fractal theory has become a recognized research direction for explaining various complex phenomena that are difficult to constrain in the conventional efficient market hypothesis for financial markets. Moreover, because the gold futures prices are crucial to the futures market, research on the relationship between quantity and price is important for understanding market fluctuations. Therefore, this paper conducts an empirical analysis of the multifractal features and asymmetry in the price–volume correlation of China’s gold futures market based on the multifractal asymmetric detrended cross-correlation analysis method1 . Results show that the cross-correlation between market price and volume is asymmetric and multifractal and that multifractal features are stronger when the price increases compared with when it declines. Moreover, the multifractal features vary over time. These findings indicate that the risk of China’s gold futures market will change with the price trend over time.  相似文献   

利用面板分位回归模型,考量不同市场环境下原油价格与经济政策不确定性对大宗商品市场非对称性冲击效应。结果表明:油价冲击对中国大宗商品收益的影响具有非对称性,正负油价冲击对其均有促进作用,但随着市场环境好转,正油价冲击的作用逐渐增强,负油价冲击则逐渐减弱;政策不确定性对大宗商品收益有促进作用,但在牛市环境下有抑制作用;且危机前后,油价冲击对大宗商品收益的影响存在非对称性效应。  相似文献   

This paper models the relationship of European Union Allowance spot- and futures-prices within the second commitment period of the European Union emissions trading scheme. Based on high-frequency data, we analyze the transmission of information in first and second conditional moments. To reveal long-run price discovery, we compute common factor weights of Schwarz and Szakmary (1994) and information shares of Hasbrouck (1995) based on estimated coefficients of a VECM. To analyze the short-run dynamics, we perform Granger-causality tests. We identify the futures market to be the leader of the long-run price discovery process, whereas the informational role of the futures market increases over time. In addition, we employ a version of the UECCC-GARCH model as introduced by Conrad and Karanasos (2010) to analyze the volatility transmission structure. The volatility analysis indicates a close relationship between the volatility dynamics of both markets, whereas in particular we observe spillovers from the futures to the spot market. As a whole the investigation reveals that the futures market incorporates information first and then transfers the information to the spot market.  相似文献   

本文选取2005—2019年我国沪深300股指期货和沪深300股票指数日收盘价数据,结合股票推出时间、股价波动性,设置样本组、对照组,运用GARCH模型、DCC-GARCH模型、Granger因果关系检验及多元线性回归模型分析了沪深300股指期货与现货间的风险传染效应及影响因素,并结合研究结论提出对策,以期促进资本市场健康发展。结果表明:沪深300股指期货市场与现货市场间存在双向的风险传染效应,且经DCC-GARCH模型分析表明风险传染效应在动荡期尤为明显;影响这种风险传染效应的因素有很多,主要表现为微观因素中的股票市场流动性和股票市场不确定性与极端事件两个方面。  相似文献   

沪深300股指期货仿真交易的推出,对我国现货市场的影响如何以及这种影响是否有利于现货效率的改进。首次采用修正的GARCH模型和向量误差修正模型(VEC)将股指期货推出后现货市场波动性的变化和股指期货与现货市场的价格发现功能结合起来进行对比研究。结果表明,期指仿真交易的推出对于现货市场效率的改进确实存在正面的影响。其引入在短期内加大了现货市场的波动,但这一波动正是市场信息流动加速的反映,因而提高了市场信息的传递效率。同时期货价格领先于现货价格,存在由期货市场到现货市场长期的单向因果关系,说明期货价格具有引导现货价格向均衡方向调整的功能,从而在经验上支持了股指期货市场的开放政策。  相似文献   

This study focuses on the dynamics of the gold price against bonds, stocks and exchange rates based on a disaggregation of the underlying relationships across different frequencies applying a wavelet decomposition. To analyze joint extreme movements (i.e. tail dependence), we adopt a copula approach, which helps us to assess the dependence between the returns of gold and other assets in calm and turmoil market times and therefore the hedge and safe haven functions of gold. We also examine whether gold prices are directly affected by changes in macroeconomic uncertainty, economic policy uncertainty and/or CPI forecasters disagreement. Analyzing data for nine economies for a sample period starting in 1985, we find that the role of gold changes significantly after the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008. Gold is unable to serve as a hedge or safe haven in the classical sense while the findings for the period prior to 2008 mostly suggest that gold is able to shield investors. Uncertainty measures display a surprising and time-varying relationship with the path of the gold price. While economic policy uncertainty is positively correlated with gold price changes, macroeconomic uncertainty and inflation uncertainty among forecasters are both negatively related to gold price changes.  相似文献   

We propose new tests to examine whether stock index futures affect stock market volatility. These tests decompose spot portfolio volatility into the cross-sectional dispersion and the average volatility of returns on the portfolio's constituent securities. Our tests show that for Nikkei stocks spot portfolio volatility increased and cross-sectional dispersion decreased compared with average volatility when Nikkei futures began trading on the Osaka Securities Exchange, but not on the Singapore International Monetary Exchange. For non-Nikkei stocks, no shift occurred when futures trading began on either exchange. These findings are consistent with the hypotheses that futures trading increases spot portfolio volatility but that there is no volatility “spillover” to stocks against which futures are not traded. However, the increase in volatility attributable to futures trading is small compared with volatility shifts induced by changes in broad economic factors.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the hypotheses that the recently established Mexican stock index futures market effectively serves the price discovery function, and that the introduction of futures trading has provoked volatility in the underlying spot market. We test both hypotheses simultaneously with daily data from Mexico in the context of a modified EGARCH model that also incorporates possible cointegration between the futures and spot markets. The evidence supports both hypotheses, suggesting that the futures market in Mexico is a useful price discovery vehicle, although futures trading has also been a source of instability for the spot market. Several managerial implications are derived and discussed.  相似文献   

Identifying the comovement of price between China's and international crude oil futures can help different market players gain a deeper understanding of the world crude oil market. This paper uses the wavelet (wavelet coherence and phase) methods to study the comovement characteristics at different time scales from three aspects (the strength of comovement, the direction of comovement and the lead-lag relationship of price fluctuation) and uses the complex network method to explore the evolutionary characteristics of the comovement with time. We use the daily closing prices of WTI, Brent and China's crude oil futures (INE) as sample data. The results show that the comovement between INE and international crude oil futures is extremely different from that between other international crude oil futures, and the comovement at different time scales is also different. Compared with the comovement between WTI and Brent crude oil futures, the comovement strength between INE and international crude oil futures is weak and the comovement direction is unstable. China's crude oil futures price fluctuation also tends to lag behind that of international crude oil futures. Compared with the long-term, the short-term comovement strength is weaker, the comovement states are more diverse and the transition between comovement states is more complex. Moreover, during the evolution of time, some comovement states have a higher probability of occurrence and they are also more stable than others. These findings are helpful for policy makers to design policies and for investors to make investment decisions.  相似文献   

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