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刘纹希 《云南金融》2012,(8X):323-323
信任一直是社会学、心理学和组织行为科学研究的热点。近年来,组织信任问题也成为组织管理领域研究者和实践者们所关注的焦点。文章首先分析了组织中领导与员工间信任关系对组织发展的重要作用,然后指出了这种信任关系目前所存在的主要问题,最后提出改善这种关系的策略。  相似文献   

信任一直是社会学、心理学和组织行为科学研究的热点。近年来,组织信任问题也成为组织管理领域研究者和实践者们所关注的焦点。文章首先分析了组织中领导与员工间信任关系对组织发展的重要作用,然后指出了这种信任关系目前所存在的主要问题,最后提出改善这种关系的策略。  相似文献   

本文介绍了创业投资及创业管理研究中关于创业投资家和创业企业家之间的信任关系这一新课题的研究进展,指出看待这一问题必须基于过程公平理论、网络理论.囚徒困境理论.组织间学习理论等多元化的理论视角,而下是只依赖于单一的委托代理理论.在多元化的理论框架基础上,目前的研究在信任培育机制方面给出了一些有用的结论.最后,本文指出了这一领域未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

《新管理》2004年筻18期刊登席酉民、杜永怡、刘晖的文章《组织成员对组织信任的影响因素及其作用关系研究》认为,组织信任是指组织内的成员相信组织中的大多数成员会采取对组织有利的特定行动.而组织承认和保护所有成员从事的组织任务的权利和利益。组织能否被其成员所信任,主要取决于以下几个因素.首先  相似文献   

为解决新机会主义带来的供应链信任危机问题,创新性地将区块链技术运用于供应链系统信任管理中,结合区块链技术原理和供应链信任硬性管理、柔性管理机制,构建集区块链合约层、共识层和数据层为一体的供应链信任管理机制,并逐层揭示区块供应链信任管理的运行机理。这有助于供应链建立高度的信任氛围,推动供应链系统向智能化方向升级。  相似文献   

刘晓娜 《中国外资》2009,(24):13-13
信任被认为是国际合资企业(战略联盟)中建立良好伙伴关系的关键,也是国际合资企业成功的重要因素。深刻理解国际合资企业中跨文化背景下信任的本质,是成功管理国际合资企业伙伴关系的基础。本文在回顾已有文献的基础上,通过分维度的思想提供了理解信任本质的一种方法.同时,本文还结合我国企业国际化和利用外资的管理实践,提出了中外合资企业培育信任的方法和建议。  相似文献   

国家审计在国家治理中发挥重要作用,其通过推动社会与政府间的信任缓解公共受托责任冲突,促进国家善治。制度信任视域下的国家审计,由于制度本身的完备性及执行力不足,在推进社会与政府间的信任方面有待提升。采用新兴技术能增强制度的完备性和提升制度的执行力,技术信任是制度信任的有益补充,区块链作为提升技术信任的有效工具,去中心化、不可篡改、可追溯、共识机制、智能合约等技术设计有助于提升审计信息处理能力,增强社会与政府间的信任。本文以保障性安居工程审计为例,基于技术信任视角,探讨区块链技术在国家审计领域中的基本应用框架和发展政策建议,为进一步推进区块链在国家审计领域的具体应用提供参考。  相似文献   

论网络银行的关系营销策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着互联网普及和电子商务的发展,催生了网络银行的新模式,迅速席卷了全球,为客户提供24小时不间断的金融服务。但是我国网络银行存在网络银行的转化率低、客户感知的网络银行风险较高、消费者的网络信任水平较低、缺乏忠诚的客户基础等问题,为了进一步发展网络银行,为客户提供优质服务,我国网络银行必须从品牌、服务质量、网站建设和产品创新等方面来加强管理,建立与客户良好的客户关系。  相似文献   

刘晓娜 《中国外资》2009,(22):154-154
信任被认为是国际合资企业(战略联盟)中连立良好伙伴关系的关键,也是国际合资企业成功的重要因素。深刻理解国际合资企业中跨文化背詈下信任的本质,是成功管理国际合资企业伙伴关系的基础。本文在回顾已有文献的基础上,分析了信任定义.特别是采取了多元的理论视角来理解信任在国际合资企业中的作用和发挥作用的机理。最后,还对于我国企业国际化和利用外资过程中的信任建立提出建议。  相似文献   

影响网站初始信任的因素包括交流、机会主义、品牌、吸引力以及网站的安全认证标识。为了保证电子商务特别是B2C电子商务的成功进行,应该在建立网站时注意这些因素。  相似文献   

This study explores how an organization’s controllers (management accountants) give sense to the information provided by its business intelligence (BI) system, and thus shape the construction of information trust. A qualitative case study was conducted within a Finnish food manufacturing company, building on the notion of trust related to management accounting information and sensemaking theory. The study was informed through open-ended interviews and an examination of internal accounting and management reports. The authors found that the company used an integrated BI system that enabled the production of information in a timely and perceivably standardized manner. Controllers managed this accounting information and gave sense to it, helping deliver a shared understanding of the daily business situation. The findings show that controllers play a pivotal role in building information trust by giving sense to the information provided by the BI system.  相似文献   

商业银行对集合资金信托计划的保管业务综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
按照现行规定,具有托管资质的商业银行可与信托公司签订协议,按照约定对集合信托资金进行保管并收取保管费用,此类新型业务存在一定风险.本文通过揭示集合资金信托计划保管业务的三类重点风险,站在商业银行角度,从运营管理、操作流程、日常管理三方面提出规范化管理相关措施,以有效防范风险.  相似文献   

2014年7月8日,中国信托业协会发布了《中国信托业发展报告(2013-2014)》,《报告》称,困扰信托业多年的“刚性兑付”问题已经开始显现负面作用。但根据68家信托公司发布的2013年年报,对兜底问题仅陕国投一家信托公司做出了相关表述。信托公司的刚性兑付具有隐蔽性的特点,不利于金融管理政策的制定实施和信托市场的健康发展。本文对信托公司“刚性兑付”的手段和潜在风险进行梳理,并提出建议,以期对逐步打破“刚性兑付”有所裨益。  相似文献   

杨伟康 《中国外资》2011,(24):113-114
企业经营权与所有权分离后,企业与员工之间的信托责任问题不可避免出现,这种情况在民营企业中尤为明显。正确看待民营企业与员工的信托责任,解决民营企业与员工之间的信托责任危机,才能带动民营企业的良性发展,做大做强民营企业。  相似文献   

Appeals to public participation and, more generally, to a wider involvement of civic networks in the management of environmental conflicts are becoming more common after the difficulties that both the Market and the State appear to have in regulating these conflicts. The concern of this paper is with how central elements in civic society, such as interpersonal trust and community-building mechanisms, are influenced by environmental catastrophes. The case of the toxic spill disaster in Doñana, Spain, is presented in order to examine whether this accident had any effect on interpersonal trust and the mobilization of civic networks in the area. From the analysis, it can be concluded that involvement of civic networks in the management of these situations depends on the magnitude (real or perceived) of the disaster but also on the performance of public institutions regarding the event.  相似文献   

We examine the effects of information technology material weaknesses on a firm’s reputation by examining how management’s actions before and after disclosure influence investors’ trust in management and perceptions of investment risk. Specifically, we look at the influence of: 1) management taking responsibility for an information technology material weakness, and 2) replacing the CFO with someone with technology expertise. We find that management taking responsibility for a material weakness does not lead to increased trust in management before or after remediation. However, investors perceive more favorable market reactions to remediation when management had previously taken responsibility for the control weakness. Further, we find that replacing the CFO with someone who has technology expertise results in increases in investor trust and improvements in perceptions of investment risk after control weakness remediation. This suggests the importance of sending clear signals to investors that the company is hiring managers with appropriate technology expertise.  相似文献   

This paper examines the way in which calculative practices are implicated in the constitution of trust in the UK retail sector. In the sector, where trust receives much attention in declarations of intent, the notion of category management – a framework for orchestrating collaborative buyer–supplier relations based on dualistic modes of information exchange – has become widely adopted. Drawing on Giddens’ conceptualization of trust in abstract systems, it is argued that regimes of calculative practices embedded in the category management framework played an integral role in constituting system trust in category management and enabled its rapid diffusion across the sector. However, modes of supply chain accounting can also be deployed as a mechanism to further particular interests behind a veil of talk about trust. This paper presents a longitudinal field study where management accounting practices pursued under the banner of category management operated to dissemble a variety of self-interested actions and trust was deployed largely as a discursive resource which ultimately resulted in distrust and cynicism. This paper presents a framework for conceptualizing the relationship between accounting and inter-organizational trust and provides insights into the way that accounting techniques such as open booking accounting and joint performance management introduced amid ‘trust talk’ can act to undermine trust in buyer–supplier relations.  相似文献   

This study aims to examine how perceived banking management, the perception of the context in which the banking system operates, and other consumer characteristics have interacted to create different recipes of banking trust during the second wave which began in October 2020 of the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy. To scrutinize this configurational reasoning, fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) was implemented. Using a sample of 1319 Italian respondents, this study suggests that high financial literacy combined with an optimistic attitude during the pandemic are key factors for achieving high banking trust. Furthermore, the results suggest that high perceived conspiracy is linked to low banking trust. These findings can help managers design differentiated strategies to attract depositors and invite the Italian government to double its efforts in restoring the people’s optimism.  相似文献   

Public trust and confidence in charities is essential for the achievement of their missions. However, recent evidence suggests that trust in UK charities has been damaged, potentially affecting charities' and the charity sector's sustainability and effectiveness. This paper constructs accountability as an important means of developing, maintaining and restoring trust in charities. Through a series of interviews with charity managers, it investigates the public and private mechanisms used in discharging accountability to, and building trust with, charities' main stakeholder groups. The paper identifies the use of a wide range of mechanisms, often highly tailored to particular stakeholders' perceived information needs, which are seen as critical in this process. It is argued that the use and interplay of these can create a ‘virtuous circle’ of accountability and trust, where each reinforces the other. It is argued that where this is achieved, trust in individual charities, and the sector as a whole, can be enhanced.  相似文献   

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