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1975年以来的现象观察和数据分析显示,一国的债权债务地位对其货币国际化构成负向影响。这主要是因为在国际信用货币制度下,美国选择了贸易渠道流出、金融渠道回流的美元国际环流模式;而日本、中国等债权国通过输出廉价商品和资金,对美国的债务国地位和美元的国际主导货币地位形成支撑的同时却抑制了本币国际化。因此,作为一个迅速崛起的债权大国,中国必须采取消除过度贸易顺差、完善跨境贸易人民币结算、躲离美元及拓宽人民币金融输出渠道等措施,以抽身现行美元环流模式,加快人民币国际化进程。  相似文献   

To estimate the currency composition of China’s foreign exchange reserves and assess its effectiveness of management, the constrained least square method and variance sensitive analysis are utilized, respectively. Based on portfolio accounting identities, the change of foreign exchange reserves was decomposed into the net purchase change and the non-purchase change. The newly constructed non-purchase change was used to estimate the latent currency composition. Empirical results show that by the end of 2015Q1, China held about 63.6% of its reserves in the U.S. dollar, 19.6% in the euro, 3.09% in the Japanese yen, 4.89% in the pound sterling, 2.22% in the Canadian dollar, 2.03% in the Australian dollar, and 0.09% in the Swiss franc. Although the currency composition kept relatively stable, more attention had been paid to the emerging international currencies. China decreased the U.S. dollar share during the subprime crisis, while resorted to the portfolio rebalance strategy since 2011. The euro share and the pound sterling share declined during the European sovereign debt crisis. The first derivative of the U.S. dollar was positive while those of other currencies were negative before 2014Q3, and vice versa after 2014Q4. In general, the currency composition management of China’s foreign exchange reserves was effective.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the interrelation between the spot exchange rate of the Israeli currency, the new Israeli shekel, to the U.S. dollar, and the trading volumes of put and call options on the U.S. dollar in the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange. An increase in the trading volume of calls is positively correlated with an increase in the spot exchange rate of the dollar on the same day and the following day, but with a lower coefficient. Similarly, an increase in the trading volume of puts is related to a decrease in the spot price of the dollar on the same day of trade, with a smaller effect on the following day.  相似文献   

经过了虚拟欧元三年的经验,以及在实际欧元问世的前夕,欧元事实上完全有可能挑战美元国际货币的地位。欧元面值债券的发行量已经超过美元面值债券的发行量。世界已经享有一个两极的国际金融市场,尽管还不是一个两极的国际货币体系。持有美元作为大量的国际储备使得这种货币在货币危机时变成瓮中之鳖,完全依赖于美元作为主要储备货币、发票货币、和干预货币带来了根本没有必要的风险。因此,欧元成为美元主要竞争者的时期即将到来。  相似文献   

如今出现金融危机,美元的长期滥发以至全球流动性泛滥难辞其咎。可以预见,美元霸权在未来必将终结,世界货币体系需要重建,最终形成储备货币多元化格局。中国应投资实体产业,以寻求供需平衡之道。  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of unexpected exchange rate movements on U.S. shareholder wealth. Empirical results based on a sample of 634 U.S. multinational firms (1) confirm previously reported evidence that the disaggregation of the worldwide trade-weighted U.S. dollar exchange rate index into seven region-specific trade-weighted indices increases the precision and significance of exposure estimates; (2) show that models assuming that changes in spot exchange rates are unanticipated are frequently misspecified and, thus, unable to correctly detect the impact of currency movements on firm value; (3) reveal that forward and survey expectations enable us to distinguish between the effect of ‘realized’ and ‘unexpected’ currency movements; and (4) reveal that investors making pricing and hedging decisions prefer to use the information contained in short-term forward and survey expectation rates to the information included in long-term forecasts.  相似文献   

We present a new approach to study empirically the effect of the introduction of the euro on the pattern of currency invoicing. Our approach uses a compositional multinomial logit model, in which currency choice is explained by both currency-specific and country-specific determinants. We use unique quarterly panel data on the invoicing of Norwegian imports from OECD countries for the 1996–2006 period. We find that eurozone countries have substantially increased their share of home currency invoicing after the introduction of the euro, whereas the home currency share of non-eurozone countries fell slightly. In addition, the euro as a vehicle currency has overtaken the role of the US dollar in Norwegian imports. The substantial rise in producer currency invoicing by eurozone countries is primarily caused by a drop in inflation volatility and can only to a small extent be explained by an unobserved euro effect.  相似文献   

本文针对人民币跨境流通使用后出现的结算货币与计价货币分离、人民币计价职能难以发挥等问题,从驻锚货币的角度进行了讨论和研究,认为成为货币锚是货币广泛发挥国际计价功能的集中体现和关键基础,也是一国货币国际化成败的最终标志。为此,本文构建了货币替代模型,研究人民币形成货币锚的初始选择,并在此基础上提出了相应发展路径。  相似文献   

当前国际货币体系新特征与人民币国际化   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本文着重探讨了当前牙买加体系的运行状况及新世纪以来表现出的新特征。研究发现,当前国际货币体系除存在软约束的储备货币增长、货币危机的频繁发生和国际收支调节的低效等问题外,还表现出全球通货膨胀不断、美元悖论、新兴市场崛起、外汇储备分配失衡、货币风险高度集中、美元相对地位下降等六大新特征,而这些都源于牙买加体系固有的内在缺陷。因此,本文简要勾勒了当前国际货币体系的发展趋势,并对人民币国际化的现状和路径选择进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Over the period 1975 to 2005, the U.S. dollar (particularly in relation to the Canadian dollar), the euro, and the Swiss franc (particularly in the second half of the period) moved against world equity markets. Thus, these currencies should be attractive to risk-minimizing global equity investors despite their low average returns. The risk-minimizing currency strategy for a global bond investor is close to a full currency hedge, with a modest long position in the U.S. dollar. There is little evidence that risk-minimizing investors should adjust their currency positions in response to movements in interest differentials.  相似文献   

This study examines the determinants of the decision to raise currency debt. The results suggest that hedging figures importantly in the currency–of–denomination decision: firms in which exports constitute a significant fraction of net sales are more likely to raise currency debt. However, firms also tend to borrow in periods when the nominal interest rate for the loan currency, relative to other currencies, is lower than usual. This is consistent with the currency debt issue decision being affected by speculative motives. Large firms, with a wider access to the international capital markets, are more likely to borrow in foreign currencies than small firms.  相似文献   

国际货币竞争格局演进中的人民币国际化前景   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
实证分析显示,未来20年国际货币竞争格局仍将保持基本稳定:国际储备领域维持美元第一、欧元第二、英镑第三,国际证券交易领域维持欧元第一、美元第二、英镑第三,最大的变化是人民币迅速崛起为第四大国际货币。这种演进态势与这一领域强大的惯性有关,但从根本上讲仍取决于影响国际货币占比的各种经济因素,比如国际经济、金融地位、汇率波动及实际利率等。我国国际金融地位低是制约人民币国际化进程的主要因素。因此,推进人民币国际化的关键在于进一步提高我国金融市场的广度、深度和开放度。  相似文献   

Instead of concentrating on the selection of the optimal transfer pricing method, this paper focuses on the consequences of international transfer pricing for multinational entities. A sample of U.S.-based multinational firms is employed to determine if transfer pricing results in measurable financial outcomes. Results of the study indicate that firms employ international transfer pricing to meet a variety of objectives. The dollar value of international transfers and the foreign sales percentage are both significant explanatory variables for the financial outcomes of these objectives.  相似文献   

This study presents empirical evidence on the efficiency and effectiveness of hedging U.S.-based international mutual funds with an Asia-Pacific investment objective. The case for active currency risk management is examined for a passive and a selective hedge, which is constructed with currency futures in the major currencies. Both static and dynamic hedging models are used to estimate the risk-minimizing hedge ratio. The results show that currency hedging improves the performance of internationally diversified mutual funds. Such hedging is beneficial even when based on prior optimal hedge ratios. Further, efficiency gains from hedging, as measured by the percent change in the Sharpe Index, are greatest under a selective portfolio strategy that is implemented with an optimal constant hedge ratio.  相似文献   

储备货币竞争与国际货币体系不稳定性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不兑现货币制度下,储备货币发行国具有巨大的政治经济利益,而承担的成本却很小,主要储备货币国具有增发货币以获得储备货币收益的内在冲动。随着欧元使用范围的扩大,欧元货币地位上升较快,形成了与美元的竞争态势。但现行国际货币体系缺乏对国际储备货币供给的约束,在现实背景下竞争不但未能阻止货币滥发,反而形成了世界性的流动性过剩。缺乏有效监管使国际短期资本流动频繁而剧烈,引起汇率大幅波动,国际货币体系更具不稳定性。  相似文献   

本文通过实证分析发现,金融危机爆发后,日元对出口中标价货币的汇率升值是日元标价出口价格和收入大幅下降的关键原因,然后我们证明了日本的出口标价结构和日元对主要标价货币的名义汇率变动直接决定了日元对标价货币的汇率变动,说明出口中的本币国际化程度对企业的出口价格和收入产生直接的影响,货币国际化能有效降低出口的汇率风险。结合中国的出口竞争力和出口标价结构,本文认为推进人民币国际化是降低出口企业汇率风险的重要途径,而在未来的汇率制度改革过程中需要考虑出口标价结构和本币国际化程度的影响。  相似文献   

This study examines the lead/lag relationship between currency option and currency spot markets for the Deutsche mark and the Japanese yen. Using intraday currency option transactions data for the year 1989 and applying a European type currency option pricing model, pair data series of the implied and the observed exchange rates are compiled. Causality tests are then employed to test the causal relation between the observed and the implied exchange rate changes. The results indicate that the currency spot market leads the currency option market by about ninety minutes.  相似文献   

This paper examines the Asian currency exposure of U.S. firms with regard to their international operational and risk management strategies. We find that contemporaneous and lagged changes in real exchange rates have significant impacts on firm value for about 30% of the U.S. firms with Asian operations. The effects of a strong dollar are heterogeneous, with both significantly positive and significantly negative coefficients. The exchange exposure coefficients are then estimated as a function of international operational and risk management variables. A strong dollar has an adverse effect on firm value when the firm has a negative initial exposure position, and is related to exports and local sales activities of the firms. However, asset deployment in Asia raises the exposure in absolute terms regardless of initial exposure condition. Variables for hedging incentives explain exposure in both positive and negative exposure cases. Finally, a disaggregate study by country shows significant intra-regional differences, indicating the different ways in which the U.S. firms used their Asian subsidiaries operationally.  相似文献   

1976年以来,美元作为国际货币的作用逐渐减弱,一些新兴市场经济体的货币开始登上历史舞台。而美元作为国际货币的地位并没有发生直线下降,尤其是2010年以来,美元在各国中央银行外汇储备中的占比止跌企稳,在外汇市场交易中的占比也开始回升。目前来看,欧元和人民币均难以替代美元。但未来美元仍存在被其他货币超越和取代的可能。  相似文献   

世界储备货币规模过度增长和欧元逐渐替换美元、英镑赶超日元的结构变化是1999—2007期间世界储备货币变化的两大特征。世界经济一体化程度和国际经济交易规模的不断上升导致国际储备货币规模的上升,储备货币发行国的经济增长、货币政策和汇率水平决定其在世界储备货币中的结构变化。世界储备货币过度增长带来诸多负面后果,短期内控制储备货币发行国经常项目逆差和货币发行规模、非储备货币国家适度持有和合理利用储备货币,长期内构建与经济实力结构相适应的国际货币体系可以有效控制储备货币的过度增长。  相似文献   

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