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盛松成 《银行家》2014,(1):28-31
正在2005年7月21日汇率形成机制改革前,人民币对美元中间价为8.2765,截至2013年11月末,人民币对美元中间价为6.1325,人民币对美元累计升值35%。同期,国际清算银行计算的人民币名义有效汇率指数(名义有效汇率为一国货币与其贸易伙伴国货币双边名义汇率的加权平均数)由88.1上升至113.4,升值28.8%。在人民币升值的这段时间内,国内CPI年均上涨3.1%,人民币呈现对外升值、对内贬值的现象。理性全面看待  相似文献   

人民币汇率持续升值是中国宏观经济波动中的一个重要因素。2007年末,人民币对美元汇率中间价为1美元兑7.3046元人民币,比上年末升值6.90%;由于美国次贷危机对货币的影响,美元持续贬值,人民币在2008年延续甚至加快了升值趋势,截至2008年4月10日,人民币兑美元中间价为1美元兑6.9920元人民币,不仅击穿了7元关口,且在一个季度内升值幅度达到4.4%。  相似文献   

王光字 《银行家》2012,(1):17-18
正2011年11月底,受国际金融形势动荡影响,人民币汇率呈现大幅波动态势。从11月30日到12月15日,尽管人民银行通过人民币汇率中间价的干预,试图保持人民币汇率稳定,但在上海外汇交易中心的即期市场上,人民币对美元即期汇率依然连续12个交易日盘中触及跌停。其中,2011年12月15日,人民币兑美元即期汇价为6.3738,按照当日银行间外汇市场人民币汇率中间价为1美元兑人民币6.3421元,再考虑到官方设定的0.5%的上下波动幅  相似文献   

邢力文 《时代金融》2014,(30):113-115
本文以2010年4月30日到2014年4月30日的上证指数和人民币兑美元汇率中间价的日度数据为样本数据,通过Johansen协整检验、误差修正模型和Granger因果检验等计量研究方法对我国证券市场的股票波动和人民币汇率之间的关系进行研究。通过分析研究结果发现:我国证券市场的股票价格波动和人民币汇率间存在长期均衡关系,并且在直接标价法下,上证指数与人民币兑美元汇率呈正向变化趋势,即上证指数上升,人民币兑美元汇率中间价上升,人民币贬值;上证指数下降,人民币兑美元汇率中间价下降,人民币升值;而且上证指数和人民币兑美元汇率中间价是互为Granger因果的关系,从显著性水平来看,上证指数波动对人民币兑美元汇率的影响要大于人民币兑美元汇率变化对上证指数的影响。  相似文献   

中国制造业部门劳动生产率增速高于美国、人民币兑美元名义汇率低于人民币兑美元购买力平价汇率,中国需求对全球能源与大宗商品价格有拉动作用。  相似文献   

杨荇  朱妮 《银行家》2012,(6):43-45
正2012年4月14日,中国人民银行公布自4月16日起,银行间即期外汇市场人民币兑美元交易价日间波动幅度由0.5%扩大至1%。这是继2007年5月中国人民银行宣布人民币兑美元日间汇率浮动幅度由0.3%扩大至0.5%后,汇率波动幅度的再度扩大。本文旨在对该政策出台的动因、市场反应、人民币汇率走势以及对商业银行相关业务的影响进行深入分析。  相似文献   

本文使用非对称随机波动模型,对2005年7月22日至2012年9月5日期间美元兑人民币汇率的波动特征进行了实证分析。模型拟合检验结论显示,非对称随机波动模型能够很好地拟合美元兑人民币汇率波动过程中存在的时变性、持续性和非对称性特征。来自MCMC估计结果进一步表明:美元兑人民币汇率波动过程存在的非对称特征不同于在股票市场普遍发现的"放大利空,缩小利好"型的"杠杆效应",而是突出表现为"放大利好,缩小利空"。但波动的非对称效应和强度较弱,这意味着央行在采取措施干预和管理汇率波动时,在时机选择和力度把握上不仅要充分考虑到人民币汇率波动的时变性和持续性特征,而且更应注意汇率波动的非对称性及非对称类型。  相似文献   

2005年7月21日的人民币汇率制度改革,为检验名义汇率制度是否中性,提供了一个案例机会。此次汇改,在“事实”上提高了人民币与美元双边名义汇率的弹性,降低了人民币与非美元货币的名义汇率弹性以及名义有效汇率的弹性。名义汇率波动程度的变动使得人民币美元双边实际汇率的标准差变为汇改前的大约两倍。但降低了人民币欧元、人民币日元的双边实际汇率和人民币实际有效汇率的波动幅度。结果表明,人民币名义汇率制度是非中性的。  相似文献   

本文的目的是分析外部政治压力是否影响人民币兑美元汇率的日收益率和条件波动率,为此,本文构建了涉及施压人民币汇率的几个政治压力指标。基于事件分析法和GARCH模型的研究表明,外部政治压力对人民币/美元汇率日收益率影响不显著,但显著影响人民币兑美元汇率的条件波动率。进一步,本文基于香港金融管理局的人民币/美元套算汇率,分析了外部政治压力对香港市场人民币/美元套算汇率的影响。研究结果表明,来自美国的政治压力,尤其是中美双边接触下的政治压力显著影响香港市场人民币/美元套算汇率的条件波动率。  相似文献   

购买力平价理论经常被各国作为汇率政策制定的重要依据之一,也是目前使用最广泛的汇率决定理论。从1997年1月至2007年1月,我国汇率制度较为稳定,经济发展较为平稳,因此本文以这10年间的人民币兑美元名义汇率和中美两国消费者价格指数为样本,对其进行协整检验。结果表明,人民币兑美元的汇率在一定程度上能够被购买力平价理论所解释,但中美两国物价指数对人民币名义汇率的影响并不十分显著。  相似文献   

廖慧  张敏 《投资研究》2012,(7):108-117
近年来,我国人民币汇率形成机制、股票市场和房地产市场发生了巨大变化,人民币汇率和股价、房价之间的信息传导和波动关联备受瞩目。本文采用VAR-MGARCH-BEKK模型,分析了我国人民币汇率、股价和房价之间的联动关系。研究结果表明,从波动的溢出效应来看,人民币汇率的波动率、股票价格的增长率和房地产价格的增长率之间存在非常明显的波动溢出效应;从资产价格的水平影响来看,人民币汇率与股票价格、房地产价格等国内资产价格的水平相关性较弱,而股票价格对房地产价格的影响较明显,并就该结论提出了相关的理论解释和政策建议。  相似文献   

The paper empirically analyzes the dynamic relationship between Renminbi (RMB) real effective exchange rate and stock price with VAR and multivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) models using monthly data from January 1991 to June 2009. The results show that there is not a stable long-term equilibrium relationship between RMB real effective exchange rate and stock price. There are also not mean spillovers between the foreign exchange and stock markets. Furthermore, the paper examines the cross-volatility effects between foreign exchange and stock markets using likelihood ratio statistic. There exist the bidirection volatility spillovers effects between the two markets, indicating the past innovations in stock market have the great effect on future volatility in foreign exchange market, and vice versa.  相似文献   

Oil price movements have an important impact on the stock market, and this impact could be dynamically moderated by the exchange rate, which could not be effectively depicted by VAR or GARCH methods widely used in previous studies. This paper adopts a more flexible nonlinear model to investigates this dynamic moderating effect of the exchange rate market on the oil-stock nexus for 45 major countries from November 30, 2005 to November 22, 2019. We also compare the differences in this moderating effect between oil-importing and oil-exporting countries and confirm the presence of a wealth transfer effect. Specifically, the empirical results show that (1) In the stage where domestic currency depreciation or appreciation degree is not serious (the growth rate is less than 0.1), an increase in crude oil prices has a positive impact on stock market returns, and this positive impact is weakened when the growth rate of the exchange rate return approaches zero. (2) As the local currency continues to appreciate (the growth rate is greater than about 0.22), the increase in crude oil prices may negatively influence stock market returns to an increasingly greater extent among crude oil importers. (3) The increase in crude oil prices may have a short-term positive impact on stock market returns in oil-exporting countries due to the wealth transfer effect when the domestic currency appreciates at a faster rate. Finally, we discuss the policy implications of our findings to help investors avoid risks due to fluctuations in international oil prices.  相似文献   

This article reports a study that analyzes financial data for US firms listed during 1996–2005 to examine the asymmetric effects of the informative variables on stock returns between the boom and bust conditions in stock price. The study includes analysis of changing distribution of stock returns across stocks and over time by using a quantile regression (QR hereafter) model and comparison of the results with OLS and LAD estimates. The present empirical results indicate that market investors are more influenced by the fundamental variable, such as P/E ratios, derived from the value strategy when the stock they invest is in experience of a large fall in price. Conversely, when the stock price is hugely rising, market participants increase the loading of the effect of trading volume. Last, although the market returns have a significantly positive impact on the individual stock returns, we further indicate that the systematic effects involved in the market returns are much more notable when this specific stock is experiencing a recession condition in price.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of debt refunding on common stock prices for a sample of 48 exchange offers announced from 1970 through 1981. Exchange offer announcements do not have a significant impact on average common stock returns but appear to produce idiosyncratic share price effects. Refunding-induced price effects were unrelated to several exchange offer characteristics including tax shield increases, exchange offer premia, and transaction costs of refunding. Common stock excess returns were negatively related to reductions in debt service payments and relaxation of dividend payment constraints. Thus, the evidence is consistent with theories predicting that certain debt refundings generate negative information-signaling price effects.  相似文献   

通过构建T-Copula-GARCH模型从人民币汇率与股市指数相关性视角,分析我国深化金融市场改革开放背景下汇率政策推出时机抉择。结果表明:人民币兑美元、日元汇率贬值时,上证指数下降;而人民币兑美元、日元汇率升值时,上证指数上涨。人民币兑欧元汇率、人民币指数升值时,上证指数下降;而人民币兑欧元汇率、人民币指数贬值时,上证指数上涨。人民币兑美元汇率与上证指数相关性波动趋势跟人民币指数与上证指数相关性波动趋势基本相反,人民币兑日元、欧元汇率与上证指数相关性波动趋势跟人民币指数与上证指数相关性波动趋势基本相同。股票市场趋势性上涨后,我国外汇市场和股票市场关联性进一步降低。因此,为弱化外汇市场和股票市场联动风险,人民币兑美元、日元汇率的改革措施应选择在股票市场趋势性上涨阶段推出,尤其是人民币兑美元汇率改革措施的推出;人民币兑欧元汇率的市场化改革对时机窗口要求不高,故在人民币汇率市场化改革中可优先推行人民币兑欧元汇率市场化改革;人民币汇率综合改革措施则可选择在股票市场趋势性上涨阶段推出。  相似文献   

We study the response of US stock market returns to oil price shocks and to what extent it behaves asymmetrically over the different phases of the business cycle. For this purpose, we decompose the oil price changes into supply and demand shocks in the oil market and assess the state-dependent dynamics of structural shocks on US stock returns using a smooth transition vector autoregression model. When nonlinearity is considered, quantitatively very different asymmetric dynamics are observed. Our findings show that the responses of US stock returns to disaggregated shocks are asymmetric over the business cycle and that the impact of demand-driven shocks on US stock returns is stronger and more persistent, especially when economic activity is depressed. Furthermore, the contribution of shocks to expectation-driven precautionary demand in recessions accounts for a larger share of the variability of US stock market returns than that predicted by standard linear vector autoregressions.  相似文献   

This article considers the impact of foreign exchange (FX) order flows on contemporaneous and future stock market returns using a new database of customer order flows in the euro-dollar exchange rate market as seen by a leading European bank. We do not find clear contemporaneous relationships between FX order flows and stock market changes at high frequencies, but FX flows do appear to have significant power to forecast stock index returns over 1–30 min horizons, after controlling for lagged exchange rate and stock market returns. The effects of order flows from financial customers on future stock market changes are negative, while the effects of corporate orders are positive. The latter results are consistent with the premise that corporate order flows contain dispersed, passively acquired information about fundamentals. Thus, purchases of the dollar by corporate customers represent good news about the state of the US economy. Importantly, though, there also appears to be extra information in corporate flows which is directly relevant to equity prices over and above the impact derived from stock prices reacting to (predicted) exchange rate changes. Our findings suggest that financial customer flows only affect stock prices through their impact on the value of the dollar.  相似文献   

This article extends previous literature which examines the determinants of the price impact of block trades on the Australian Stock Exchange. As previous literature suggests that liquidity exhibits intraday patterns, we introduce time of day dummy variables to explore time dependencies in price impact. Following theoretical developments in previous literature, the explanatory power of the bid–ask spread, a lagged cumulative stock return variable and a refined measure of market returns are also examined. The model estimated explains approximately 29 per cent of the variation in price impact. Block trades executed in the first hour of trading experience the greatest price impact, while market conditions, lagged stock returns and bid–ask spreads are positively related to price impact. The bid–ask spread provides most of the explanatory power. This suggests that liquidity is the main driver of price impact.  相似文献   

徐枫 《金融论坛》2004,9(9):57-61
银行间同业拆放市场利率是我国主要的货币市场利率,也是最早实现市场化的利率.对商业银行来说,同业拆放利率是商业银行决定贷款利率与存款利率的重要标准.本文通过建立单整自回归平均移动模型ARIMA,研究一年期人民币银行贷款利率、一年期人民币储蓄存款利率、三年期凭证式国债利率、法定准备金年利率、回购利率、消费价格指数、综合股价指数、金融机构各项贷款与存款总额比值和人民币对美元汇率这些因素对我国银行间拆放利率的影响.研究结果表明:一年期人民币银行贷款利率和回购利率是影响我国银行间同业拆放利率的主要因素.  相似文献   

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