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汇率传递效应对我国出口商品结构调整的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文构建了不完全竞争市场下的中国汇率传递的理论分析框架,探索人民币汇率传递对中国出口商品的价格差异产生的影响。通过VAR模型对传递效应的分析,本文发现劳动密集型商品的出口价格受人民币汇率升值产生的负面影响要大于资本密集型商品,本币升值客观上促进了出口商品结构的调整。结论是:人民币汇率变动对我国出口商品的价格存在不完全传递,传递程度的差异对我国出口商品和相关产业的结构调整具有促进作用。  相似文献   

通过构建不完全竞争市场下的中国汇率传递的理论分析框架,探索人民币汇率传递对中国出口商品的价格差异产生的影响。选取1996年10月至2009年4月作为样本区间,通过VAR模型对传递效应的分析,发现劳动密集型商品的出口价格受人民币汇率升值产生的负面影响要大于资本密集型商品,本币升值客观上促进了出口商品结构的调整。实证分析结果表明:人民币汇率变动对我国出口商品的价格存在不完全传递,传递程度的差异对我国出口商品和相关产业的结构调整具有促进作用。  相似文献   

从改革开放以来人民币汇率走势看,人民币汇率的变动对刺激我国出口、改善贸易收支起到了重要作用,尤其是汇改以来,人民币汇率升值对我国外贸结构优化促进作用明显。虽然近期人民币汇率升值步伐有所减缓,但由于未来经济快速增长的动能仍将存在,根据人民币汇率面临长期升值趋势(巴拉萨—萨缪尔逊效应),其对贸易结构的优化促进作用也将是长期的。本文就人民币汇率升值对山东省涉外经济的影响进行全面分析,并就完善人民币汇率形成机制、促进外贸增长方式的转变、加快涉外经济发展等提出政策建议。  相似文献   

从改革开放以来人民币汇率走势看,人民币汇率的变动对刺激我国出口、改善贸易收支起到了重要作用,尤其是汇改以来,人民币汇率升值对我国外贸结构优化促进作用明显.虽然近期人民币汇率升值步伐有所减缓,但由于未来经济快速增长的动能仍将存在,根据人民币汇率面临长期升值趋势(巴拉萨-萨缪尔逊效应),其对贸易结构的优化促进作用也将是长期的.本文就人民币汇率升值对山东省涉外经济的影响进行全面分析,并就完善人民币汇率形成机制、促进外贸增长方式的转变、加快涉外经济发展等提出政策建议.  相似文献   

本文就人民币汇率升值对山东省外贸结构的影响进行分析,尤其是从价格角度和生产成本角度分析了汇率变动对出口商品结构的具体影响机理,并结合山东经济发展实际,对人民币汇率升值影响程度及适应能力进行具体分析,最后就完善人民币汇率升值、促进外贸增长方式的转变、加快涉外经济发展等提出政策建议。  相似文献   

人民币汇率各阶段的变动对我国的贸易结构产生了不同的影响,人民币汇率通过影响进出口商品价格,进而影响我国的贸易收支、贸易结构。总的来说人民币升值促进了我国的贸易结构优化。当前我国要调整产业组织结构、进行贸易创新,稳定人民币名义汇率,逐步完善人民币汇率形成机制,扩大人民币汇率的浮动范围,以一篮子货币为中心,实行汇率目标区制度,最终实行人民币浮动汇率制。  相似文献   

人民币汇率各阶段的变动对我国的贸易结构产生了不同的影响,人民币汇率通过影响进出口商品价格,进而影响我国的贸易收支、贸易结构.总的来说人民币升值促进了我国的贸易结构优化.当前我国要调整产业组织结构、进行贸易创新,稳定人民币名义汇率,逐步完善人民币汇率形成机制,扩大人民币汇率的浮动范围,以一篮子货币为中心,实行汇率目标区制度,最终实行人民币浮动汇率制.  相似文献   

人民币实际汇率变动对贸易结构调整的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用实证手段研究人民币实际汇率变动对贸易结构的调整效应。通过对人民币实际有效汇率和贸易特化系数进行协整检验,得出两者之间存在稳定的协整关系且人民币实际有效汇率是贸易特化系数的格兰杰原因的结论。人民币升值对不同贸易部门具有不同影响,对贸易结构产生调整效应;在汇率制度改革之后,人民币汇率变得更富有弹性,贸易政策应与汇率制度改革相配合以促进我国贸易结构的优化。  相似文献   

本文基于开放经济的均衡模型,实证分析汇率弹性与货币政策目标间的相互作用机制。研究结论表明:在新古典的货币政策目标框架中,较低的汇率弹性具有较高的通胀管理效率,而汇率弹性的增加有助于通过汇率波动释放增长压力。央行在产出与通胀目标间的权衡决定了汇率弹性的实际水平。当人民币汇率进入升值通道时,央行是否愿意牺牲一定的货币政策效力而坚持推进人民币汇率市场化进程,将决定着未来人民币汇率弹性的变动。  相似文献   

内外部均衡目标下的汇率政策选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对汇率升值有助于促进国际收支平衡和货币政策独立性的观点提出质疑。本文指出以双顺差为特征的国际收支失衡是经济结构失衡的表现,外部失衡状况难以通过汇率调整得到纠正。汇率升值短期内可能会使外汇流入增加,此外,如果在人民币汇率长期保持升值态势的同时推进利率市场化改革,中国可能会陷入流动性陷阱。因此,应合理把握人民币汇率升值的频率和幅度,为国内金融改革和人民币国际化创造缓冲时间。  相似文献   

Short selling may accelerate stock price adjustment to negative news. However, the literature provides mixed evidence for this prediction. Using short-sale refinancing and a staggered difference-in-differences (DID) model, this paper explores the effect of short selling on stock price adjustment. Our results show that (1) short-sale refinancing improves the speed of stock price adjustment to negative news. This result holds after we control for endogeneity. (2) The positive relationship between short-sale refinancing and stock price adjustment speed is significant in subsamples of stocks with higher earnings management or lower accuracy of analyst forecasts, indicating that firms with more opaque information are more likely to be targeted by short sellers. In subsamples of stocks with a higher ownership concentration or lower ownership by institutional investors, short selling is more likely to increase the speed of stock price adjustment, indicating that ownership structure may influence negative news mining. (3) As short-sale refinancing exacerbates the absorption of bad news by stock prices, it increases crash risk. This study enriches the research on the economic consequences of short selling and provides empirical evidence supporting regulations on short selling in China.  相似文献   

正The China Journal of Accounting Research"CJAR"(ISSN 1755-3091)publishes quarterly.It contains peer-reviewed articles and commentaries on accounting,auditing and corporate governance issues that relate to the greater China region.We welcome the submission of both theoretical and empirical research papers pertinent to researchers,regulators and practitioners.Authors should note:  相似文献   

How can China achieve phenomenal economic growth despite what is considered as 'weak' institutions in market-based economies? Xu(2011) provides a framework to u...  相似文献   

Aims and Scope     
<正>The focus of the China Journal of Accounting Research is to publish theoretical and empirical research papers that use contemporary research methodologies to...  相似文献   

The literature on income smoothing focuses on the effect of earnings smoothing on the equity market.This paper investigates the effect of income smoothing on th...  相似文献   

This article defines the case for treating management history as a discrete subject area, although one closely related to business, accounting, labour, and industrial history. It seeks to concentrate on the nature, process, and practice of management as an activity within the organization, and to argue that it is important that modern British managers understand the intellectual and cultural roots of their profession, since without these they will tend to be swayed by short-term management 'fads'. Within the broad topic there are several identifiable sub-areas for potential exploration, including the comparative historical development of management between different countries, management institutions, managerial careers and labour markets, management structures, management skills, and management thought and theory.  相似文献   

So far as the available evidence allows, this paper examines the life and career of John Spence Ogilvy, foundation member of the Society of Accountants in Edinburgh in 1854, who emigrated to Melbourne in 1856, but did not play a part in the development of an organized accounting profession in Australia. The paper also attempts to explain the gap of thirty-two years between the formation of the first accounting bodies in Edinburgh and Melbourne.  相似文献   

Based on signaling and gender discrimination theory, we examine whether chief financial officer(CFO) gender matters to bank–firm relationships and the designing...  相似文献   

<正>The China Journal of Accounting Research‘‘CJAR’’(ISSN 1755-3091)publishes quarterly.It contains peer-reviewed articles and commentaries on accounting,auditin...  相似文献   


We propose a fully Bayesian approach to non-life risk premium rating, based on hierarchical models with latent variables for both claim frequency and claim size. Inference is based on the joint posterior distribution and is performed by Markov Chain Monte Carlo. Rather than plug-in point estimates of all unknown parameters, we take into account all sources of uncertainty simultaneously when the model is used to predict claims and estimate risk premiums. Several models are fitted to both a simulated dataset and a small portfolio regarding theft from cars. We show that interaction among latent variables can improve predictions significantly. We also investigate when interaction is not necessary. We compare our results with those obtained under a standard generalized linear model and show through numerical simulation that geographically located and spatially interacting latent variables can successfully compensate for missing covariates. However, when applied to the real portfolio data, the proposed models are not better than standard models due to the lack of spatial structure in the data.  相似文献   

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