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浅议沪深300股指期货的期现套利   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
章鑫 《中国外资》2012,(6):213-214
本文以沪深300股指期货为例,通过详细介绍了股指期货期现套利的机制、套利过程以及套利过程中所面临的各种风险,帮助广大投资者了解期现套利的全过程,提高风险意识。  相似文献   

资本市场做空机制的引入使得投资者不再局限于单向做多的策略,而是可以通过套利对冲,获得稳定的收益。本文研究中国资本市场目前可行的几种套利策略,包括期现套利策略、统计套利策略、定向增发套利、大宗交易套利以及并购套利,对多策略套利方法在中国资本市场的运用进行了深入分析。  相似文献   

股指期货上市以来已经出现很好的期现套利机会,虽然机会仍然存在,但套利空间正逐渐减少,这就需要尽量降低套利成本、减少跟踪误差,本文从数量化角度来构造期现套利时的现货头寸,以达到降低套利成本目的.  相似文献   

套利交易富有挑战性,可以实现低风险和可观收益,深受期货投资者青睐.股指期货套利可分为两类:一类是股指期货同现货股票组合之间的套利,也叫期现套利;另一类是不同期限、不同类别股票指数合约之间的套利,可分为跨期套利、跨市套利和跨品种套利.沪深300股指期货上市初,将主要以期现套利和跨期套利为主要的套利方式.  相似文献   

基于现货指数构建方法的股指期货套利研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗绘 《时代金融》2011,(15):142-143
本文主要针对股指期货期现套利操作中现货指数构建的环节进行深度研究,对于跟踪指数变化的指数现货复制的几种方法进行比较,分析在不同情况下,对于不同投资者应采取的现货指数复制方法。同时,借鉴国外股指期货期现套利的经验,分析中国期现套利的改进方向。本文研究的主要目的在于指导中国未来股指期货期现套利的发展,抓住等多的套利机会。  相似文献   

罗绘 《云南金融》2011,(5X):142-143
本文主要针对股指期货期现套利操作中现货指数构建的环节进行深度研究,对于跟踪指数变化的指数现货复制的几种方法进行比较,分析在不同情况下,对于不同投资者应采取的现货指数复制方法。同时,借鉴国外股指期货期现套利的经验,分析中国期现套利的改进方向。本文研究的主要目的在于指导中国未来股指期货期现套利的发展,抓住等多的套利机会。  相似文献   

股指期货上市已有一周年,期间套利机会频频出现,2010年的5月、10月出现了两次比较可观的期现套利机会,特别在10月份的那次套利机会中让投资者体会到资金管理及风险控制的重要性,文中对所出现的期现套利机会进行总结,并提出一些有用的操作建议。  相似文献   

近年来,关于股指期货的研究成果较多,但大多集中在股指期货推出对股票现货市场产生影响的领域,主要是从波动性、流动性及成分股溢价等角度进行深入的分析。事实上,股指期货是一种非常重要的套利工具,如何充分利用这一工具进行套利,无论在理论还是在实践领域,其研究的必要性和重要性都是不言而喻的。本文对如何利用股指期货进行期现套利进行了如下剖析。一、股指期货的期现套利方式高收益对应高风险,低收益对应低风险,每个理性投资者都想以尽可能低的风险来获取尽可能高的收益。在股指期货的各种投资策略当中,期现套利无疑是理性投资者最佳的投资选择。所谓期现套利指的是股指期货与股指现货之间的套利,是利用股指期货合约与其对应的现货指数之间的定价偏差进行的套利交易,属于无风险套利。即在买入(卖出)某个月份的股指期货合约的同时卖出(买入)相同价值的标的指数的现货股票组合,并在未来某个时间对两笔头寸同时进行平仓的一种套利交易方式。一般来说,期现套利方式可分为两种:正向套利和反向套利。正向套利即买入现货,卖出期货。若股指期货与股指现货的价格比高于无套利区间上限,套利者可以卖出股指期货,同时买入相同价值的指数现货,当期现价格比回落到无套利区间之后,对期货和...  相似文献   

期货套期保值作为一种转移风险的方式,本质上即为套期保值者通过买卖期货产品将风险转移给其他交易者,从而达到规避风险和转移风险使套期保值者减少或者避免损失的目的,期现套利是套期保值的一种特殊方式。本文通过对期现套利做出简单介绍,详细阐述期现套利者在现货市场所面临的风险和套期保值者如何在现货和期货市场进行操作来规避和减少风险,从而为套期保值者进入期货市场规避转移风险提供理论依据。本文主要通过橡胶的期现套利进行介绍。  相似文献   

在实际操作中,投资者进行黄金期现套利时,首要解决的是如何选择参与套利的合约,其次是判断价差是否有套利机会.  相似文献   

We find that market efficiency increased and the arbitrage link between index futures and the stock market strengthened after June 24, 1997, when the New York Stock Exchange reduced the minimum change for stock prices and quotes from an eighth to a sixteenth of a dollar. There has been a substantial increase in the number of arbitrage trades reported to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) since the reduction in the minimum price increment. The average number of stocks traded and the average dollar amount underlying each arbitrage trade increases and decreases, respectively. The average index futures mispricing error (MPE) that triggers arbitrage is lower and reverts to zero more quickly.  相似文献   

Mean reversion in stock index basis changes has been presumed to be driven by the trading activity of stock index arbitragers. We propose here instead that the observed negative autocorrelation in basis changes is mainly a statistical illusion, arising because many stocks in the index portfolio trade infrequently. Even without formal arbitrage, reported basis changes would appear negatively autocorrelated as lagging stocks eventually trade and get updated. The implications of this study go beyond index arbitrage, however. Our analysis suggests that spurious elements may creep in whenever the price-change or return series of two securities or portfolios of securities are differenced.  相似文献   

本文研究了指数型基金管理和指数套利中最核心的指数追踪问题。依据结构风险最小化思想,建立了基于支持向量机的指数追踪模型,并利用OR-Library中的测试数据之恒生指数历史数据进行了实证检验。数据结果表明本文提出的新方法能够提高样本外的追踪效果,同时也说明该方法具有良好的鲁棒性,从而具有较高的理论和实用价值。  相似文献   

沪深300股指期货的上市为股指期货跨期套利研究的实证分析提供了真实的数据基础。本文在对期货套利的概念和种类进行介绍的基础上,构建股指期货跨期套利模型,最后,以沪深300股指期货真实交易数据为基础进行了实证分析,结果显示,目前,国内股指期货市场存在较多的跨期套利机会,市场有效性缺失,并对此结果提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

There are numerous impediments to market efficiency and index arbitrage in real capital markets, including the uptick rule on short selling, execution risk, market impact costs, regulatory barriers, and capital constraints. Adopting and relaxing the uptick restriction in the Taiwan stock market facilitated a study on whether adjustments in this restriction influence the efficiency and arbitrage of the Singapore Exchange Limited (SGX) and the Taiwan Futures Exchange (TAIFEX) index futures markets. This study examines the above issues using five-minute intraday transaction data and performs an ex post test of arbitrage, ex ante test of arbitrage, and regression analysis. Empirical results indicate that relaxing the uptick rule should improve market efficiency and facilitate long arbitrage, subsequently accelerating the adjustment to no-arbitrage bounds and helping to decrease ex post and ex ante mispricing and underpricing following the relaxation.  相似文献   

Capital markets are not perfect or frictionless, and arbitrage mechanism cannot be complete, particularly for index arbitrage. This study constructs a theoretical foundation to explain why the price expectation of the underlying asset should be entered into the pricing formula of stock index futures. The price expectation and incompleteness of arbitrage then are taken into account to develop a pricing model of stock index futures in imperfect markets. This study also presents three approaches for estimating the model parameter. Finally, the concept of the degree of market imperfection is defined and the valuation model is provided.  相似文献   

This study examines the mispricing and time between arbitrage trades of the Hong Kong Hang Seng index futures and index options contracts under various stressed market conditions. Ex‐ante trading profits and differences in time between trades across up and down as well as stressed and non‐stressed markets are used to measure how well the derivative markets perform under emotional distress. We find evidence of illiquidity in stressed and down markets. In stressful markets and down markets, liquidity suppliers are less likely to trade against the informed traders. This, in turn, leads to longer time between trades and higher arbitrage profits.  相似文献   

This article investigates how trade imbalances affect prices in the S&P 500 Long‐term Equity Anticipation Securities (LEAPS) market. From 1994 to 1996, put volume was 30 times higher than call volume, and public purchases of puts vastly outnumbered sales. We find that LEAPS put quotes are revised following trade imbalances by more than can be explained by information effects, suggesting that put prices are subject to price pressure or inventory effects. The results suggest market frictions are important in the pricing of options, at least in settings in which arbitrage is particularly costly and public demand leans toward one type of order.  相似文献   

Option valuation models are based on an arbitrage strategy—hedging the option against the underlying asset and rebalancing continuously until expiration—that is only possible in a frictionless market. This paper simulates the impact of market imperfections and other problems with the “standard” arbitrage trade, including uncertain volatility, transactions costs, indivisibilities, and rebalancing only at discrete intervals. We find that, in an actual market such as that for stock index options, the standard arbitrage is exposed to such large risk and transactions costs that it can only establish very wide bounds on equilibrium options prices. This has important implications for price determination in options markets, as well as for testing of valuation models.  相似文献   

沪深300股指期货定价误差及影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章运用持有成本模型、无套利定价原理以及回归分析,分别对日交易数据、日内5分钟数据对我国沪深300股指期货的定价误差及影响定价误差幅度的因素进行了实证研究,研究表明我国沪深300股指期货的价格在大多数时间是偏高的,在考虑套利成本的情况下,股指期货的定价在大多数时间是有效率的,但是在股票市场大幅波动的时段,股指期货的定价在存在较大幅度的定价误差。从影响股指期货定价误差幅度的因素来看,距到期日越远定价误差越大,现货指数波动越剧烈定价误差越大,股指期货持仓量对定价误差没有显著影响,加息对定价误差的影响跟加息日期有关。  相似文献   

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