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怎样的系统才算是SOA系统?众说纷纭,业界并没有一个严谨的定义。笔者结合自身在银行研发部门工作多年的经验,尝试对银行应用系统的SOA实现程度作一个量化的度量,详情请仔细阅读全文。 随着中国金融市场业务的发展,中国银行业的应用系统也面临新的问题。一些大银行的应用系统使用已经有好几年,到了需要更新换代或改造的时候;一些原来的农信社、城信社合并为规模较大的农商行、城商行,他们需要构建新的应用系统。所有这些,使中国银行界对银行应用系统有了新的要求。在中国银行业建设新一代应用系统的时候。他们都会不约而同地面对同一个问题,  相似文献   

SOA是基于分布式技术的而发展起来的,是一种架构思想,基于SOA开发的银行业务系统将银行应用系统分解为若干松耦合的服务,各服务之间可以根据需求以多种方式进行组合,从而使得系统具有较大的灵活性.本文介绍了Web2.0中SOA的定义和特点,并指出基于SOA开发的银行业务系统的特点.  相似文献   

经过几年的宣传与实践,基于SOA理念的信息化建设思路已被金融业广泛认可并付诸行动。在充分体验SOA便捷优势的同时,其存在的问题不容忽视。本栏目围绕基于SOA架构的系统管理及专业化测试等问题,约请银行业内的SOA践行者,组织了相关文章,与同业者探讨。  相似文献   

2007年SOAO国路线图技术实践全国路演活动受到来自各行各业重量级客户的一致认可,普元公司首席执行官沈惠中在4月23日SOA中国技术论坛2008上海首站接受记者采访时介绍,本次SOA技术论坛将展现SOA落地之后的具体成功案例及成熟产品,让更多的客户和合作伙伴理性面对SOA的应用。几年来,SOA历经理念的传播,标准的规范以及产品的研发与推广,部署SOA的起点已经从“构件库”的积累跻身为“服务库”的建立。SOA落地的首要问题已从技术手段转向了业务层面。  相似文献   

SOA中间件厂商普元软件日前宣布,在中国人民银行科技司与《金融电子化》杂志举办的“金融行业SOA认知”调查中,银行CIO们对普元的认知最高,成为国内SOA厂商的第一品牌。  相似文献   

桌面云:金融业步入云计算的切入点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着银行业务系统SOA进程的深化,为云铺垫了非常好的基础架构.例如,在后台服务器端,银行对服务器虚拟化、存储虚拟化技术的应用,已经深刻改变了对计算资源的获取方式和使用方式,并在某些点实现了局部资源池概念.应用层面,SOA使终端用户对应用的获取更方便、灵活.而在前台用户端,科技主管们已经意识到桌面虚拟化技术及其衍生而来的...  相似文献   

目前,SOA(Service—Oriented Architecture,面向服务的架构)已经成为企业的IT系统建设的指导性概念,无论对原有信息系统的改造,还是搭建全新的IT架构,SOA往往成为首选的方案。与此形成鲜明对比的是,在企业整体范围内实施SOA项目的成功率却不是很高,很多项目不是在实施过程中夭折,就是背离了SOA的建设理念。即便在国内IT应用比较深入的银行业,也鲜有成功实施企业级SOA项目的案例。事实证明,SOA从理论到实践,仍有很长的路要走,在这个过程中,需要面对从管理到技术等的一系列挑战。  相似文献   

结合长沙银行IT架构的实际情况,运用云计算平台和SOA技术的独特性能,长沙银行选择基于私有云计算技术与s0A技术结合的银行信息化系统应用模式。本文详细介绍了此方案的设计理念和关键技术,为业界其他银行类似架构的改造提供参考和实际借鉴。  相似文献   

银行核心系统“瘦身”后重新定义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
成俊 《银行家》2008,(5):124-127
随着面向服务的架构SOA的兴起,银行核心系统开始了新一轮的"瘦身"运动,将原来核心系统承载的庞大功能逐步分离出来,在业务层面简化核心系统的功能,提高处理性能和效率,对核心系统与其他应用系统之间的业务流程进行重新设计,按照更加开放、灵活和松耦合的原则合理布局银行的各类应用系统.  相似文献   

康东 《金融电子化》2009,(12):70-71
2009年9月13日,山东省农村信用社(简称山东农信)基于面向服务架构(SOA)的新一代银行信息系统在全省正式上线,是国内首个在开放式平台上,采用SOA架构建设的综合业务系统成功案例。历时24个月建成的新一代银行信息系统具有统一的信息服务架构,实现了生产、管理和决策等重要信息系统之问的耦合链接,无障碍通信,隔离了交易表示逻辑和业务逻辑之间的紧耦合关系,实现交易级的共享和重用。  相似文献   

2007年11月,IBM画出了六大行业的SOA(面向服务的架构)落地路线图,并发布SOA技术白皮书,仿佛实施SOA已箭在弦上。同月,普元的SOA中国路线图技术实践全国路演继成都、  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between corporate governance and speed of adjustment (SOA) of capital structure for listed firms in Vietnam from 2000 to 2016. We first examine the literature on the influence of crucial corporate governance mechanisms, including gender diversity and managerial ownership, on SOA. Empirically, we then find that board size, board independence, gender diversity, and managerial ownership significantly increase SOA, but CEO duality significantly decreases it. We discuss some policy implications for firms and Vietnamese authorities.  相似文献   

本文介绍了面向服务的体系结构(Service—Oriented Architecture)作为软件设计思想所具有的优势,概要分析了中国现代化支付系统各子系统结构,提出了以SOA为指导具有较高可行性的支付清算系统整合方案。  相似文献   

As a firm deviates from its target leverage from above (below), the bankruptcy costs (foregone tax savings) rise at an increasing rate while the tax savings (reduced bankruptcy costs) rise at a decreasing rate, generating a stronger incentive for rebalancing capital structure. This phenomenon renders the speed of adjustment (SOA) an increasing function of the deviation. Employing a bootstrapping‐based estimation strategy that averts well‐known estimation biases, we find U.S. firms exhibit a positive SOA sensitivity to leverage deviation. Also, the SOA sensitivity is greater for overlevered than underlevered firms.  相似文献   

Using a quantile regression approach and 5,374 Vietnamese firm-year observations from 2000 to 2016, this paper examines the effect of state ownership on the speed of adjustment SOA toward target leverage across various levels of capital structure. The findings consistently show that these effects on SOA vary depending on the leverage level. The relationship is negative for low-leveraged firms, positive for high-leveraged firms, but insignificant in the central area of leverage distribution. Moreover, the negative effects are greater than the positive effects.  相似文献   

Glaser JP 《Harvard business review》2007,85(7-8):29-33, 190; discussion 36-9
Peachtree Healthcare has major IT infrastructure problems, and CEO Max Berndt is struggling to find the right fix. He can go with a single set of systems and applications that will provide consistency across Peachtree's facilities but may not give doctors enough flexibility. Or he can choose service-oriented architecture (SOA), a modular design that will allow Peachtree to standardize incrementally and selectively but poses certain risks as a newer technology. What should he do? Four experts comment on this fictional case study, authored by John P. Glaser, CIO for Partners HealthCare System. George C. Halvorson, the chairman and CEO of Kaiser Permanente, warns against using untested methodologies such as SOA in a health care environment, where lives are at stake. He says Peachtree's management must clarify its overall IT vision before devising a plan to achieve each of its objectives. Monte Ford, the chief information officer at American Airlines, says Peachtree can gradually replace its old systems with SOA. An incremental approach, he points out, would not only minimize risk but also enhance flexibility and control, and would allow IT to shift priorities along the way. Randy Heffner, a vice president at Forrester Research who focuses on technology architectures for computer-based business systems, thinks SOA's modular approach to business design would best meet Peachtree's need for flexibility. He says that Peachtree's CIO sees SOA as a new product category but should instead view it as a methodology. John A. Kastor, a professor at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, questions the goal of standardized care. He argues that it would be difficult to persuade doctors, many of whom are fiercely independent, to follow rigid patterns in their work.  相似文献   

在我国国资管理与国企改革轰轰烈烈进行、国有资本出资者身份日益统一集中于各级国资委的时代背景下,出资者与经营者的责任边界日渐明晰,委托人对代理人的监管活动越来越深、越来越细。出资者监管融通了相关主体之间的经济利益、心理活动和管理协调等纷繁复杂的活动。本文以博弈论视角来阐述监管领域的几个主要博弈现象,试图从理性、机理上探寻国资监管之道。  相似文献   

The conventional partial adjustment model, which focuses on leverage evolution, has difficulty identifying deliberate capital structure adjustments as it confounds financing decisions with the mechanical autocorrelation of leverage. We propose and estimate a financing-based partial adjustment model that separates the effects of financing decisions on leverage evolution from mechanical evolution. The speed of adjustment (SOA) is firm-specific and stochastic, and active targeting of capital structure has a multiplier effect that depends on the size of financial deficit. Overall, we find expected SOA from active rebalancing (30%) more than doubles what is expected from mechanical mean reversion alone (13%).  相似文献   

针对传统的 Z-Score 财务预警模型预警能力的不足,导致无法准确判定上市公司的财务风险状况,将 SOA 算法的良好寻优能力和 Z-Score 财务预警模型结合起来,提出一种改进的 Z-Score 财务预警模型,构建出 SOA 算法优化 Z-Score 财务预警模型的适应度函数。仿真对比发现,改进的 Z-Score 财务预警模型其平均识别率高达96.33%,远远高于 SVM 算法和 AdaBoost 算法的平均识别率,改进的算法极大地提升了 Z-Score 财务预警模型的预测能力,使其更具适应性。  相似文献   

This article investigates how “systematic” adjustment costs proxied by market imperfections, and macroeconomic conditions affect capital structure dynamics in a cross-country setting. We document substantial variations in firms’ capital structure adjustments across countries and, particularly, over time. Consistent with adjustment costs impeding firms from rebalancing their capital structures, worse market imperfections are associated with slower speeds of adjustment (SOA) and larger leverage deviations. Intertemporally, capital structure adjustment is procyclical, with SOA increasing by 0.9 percentage point for a one-percentage-point increase in GDP growth rate. The procyclicality is attributable to good macroeconomic conditions mitigating market imperfections through channels of 1) facilitating free-ride restructuring and 2) uncertainty alleviation. Our investigation features a bootstrapping-based estimation method that addresses the mechanical mean reversion of leverage ratio.  相似文献   

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