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上世纪80年代以来,美国经济和金融市场的一系列结构性长期变化使货币因素和通胀之间的稳定关系逐渐疏远,通胀不再总是货币现象;其中的关键变化是货币流通速度波动加大并趋势性下降,使货币供给与名义GDP及价格水平关系的稳定性和可预期性下降。未来影响美国通胀的主要因素是总供给和总需求的关系特别是消费者支出的动态变化。  相似文献   

本文对日本、德国货币趋势性升值与对外直接投资关系进行实证分析,以期为中国提供借鉴。实证分析发现:不管从长期还是短期来看,货币趋势性升值都会促进对外直接投资。因此,我国应充分利用人民币升值机遇,对对外直接投资的增长进行政策引导,以获取经济一体化下的市场效应、资源效应,增强本国的国际竞争力。  相似文献   

本文从一个交易商的视角。探讨了关于货币交易及其交易战略的若干问题,包括货币交易的基本面和技术面分析、杠杆的运用、期权的运用以及交易的风险管理等。鉴于货币的趋势性特征,货币作为一种资产种类。值得各类投资者的关注。  相似文献   

正过去30年,经济的高速增长使得虚拟经济发生了与真实经济相背离的趋势。对于虚拟经济与真实经济之间相背离的这种现象,我认为,这是来自于国际货币体系主导中央银行的业务模式。因此,需要从国际货币角度来理解全球失衡和金融危机。我们看到,如今有越来越多的货币,但经济增长速度却仍然很低,货币和金融指标增长率远快于真实经济指标的增长率。在世界的主要经济体,包括中国在内,到处都是金融系统,到处都是银行,但是真正的增长点在哪里?更糟糕的现象是,在金融机  相似文献   

赵彬  周嘉南 《金融与经济》2012,(10):39-41,38
外汇占款对货币供给的影响是多方面的,但是随着时间的不同,外汇占款与货币供给之间的关系也会发生改变。本文基于2005~2011年月度数据,运用结构突变模型分析发现,外汇占款在金融危机前已经发生了结构突变,产生了趋势性的根本改变。因此,当前必须对外汇占款的新变化引起高度重视,并将外汇管理的目标由"控流入"调整为"促平衡"。  相似文献   

大量实证研究表明,长期以来货币供应量中介目标与经济走势相背离.本文借助投资乘数效应、投资函数以及倾向需求函数三个相关关系前提,推导出货币供应量与国民收入关系曲线,并揭示出"货币供应量陷阱".接着以这一模型为基础,在不同经济变量变动的情况下寻求"货币供应量陷阱"的破解之道;同时还对模型中未曾包含的其它影响货币供应量与经济运行关联度的因素加以补充解释;最后提出我国可能的货币政策中介目标选择.  相似文献   

中国货币供应与通货膨胀背离现象分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,中国货币供应一直保持较快的增长速度,同时通货膨胀水平持续在低位运行。然而通过深入系统地分析后,这种看似乐观的现象背后却有很多值得深思的内容。本文从探求中国货币供应与通货膨胀背离的原因角度出发,首先运用Almon模型对我国货币供应与通货膨胀关系进行了实证分析,之后从银行资金运用的角度,结合生产领域、房地产市场和股票市场三大领域系统地分析了我国货币供应的去向,并提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

牟新焱 《新金融》2012,(2):33-37
本文假设央行会根据世界政治经济形势等外生因素对人民币货币篮子结构进行适时的调整,使用非方差约束的变参数状态空间模型,对人民币参照一篮子货币管理浮动汇率制度进行实证分析与预测检验,重点研究人民币货币篮子结构和趋势性升值速度及其变化规律等问题,对货币当局的外汇政策操作及其意图进行解读。研究发现,人民币区域化目标与欧债危机对货币篮子结构产生显著影响,汇改后人民币趋势性升值速度基本保持不变,政治事件是影响人民币短期偏离篮子汇率的重要原因。  相似文献   

虚拟经济与货币危机   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
作为一种新的社会经济形态,虚拟经济在当代的发展使得它与实物经济日益过度背离。本文提出了一种新的金融资产分类方法,并在对格利-肖动态金融模型做出简单修正的基础上引入五市场模型,着重对货币危机进行了短期分析,从一个全新的角度论证了虚拟经济与实物经济的过度背离是当代货币危机的主要原因,而它的直接原因在于这种过度背离突破了介稳状态的虚拟经济系统的临界点。  相似文献   

2012年以来,随着国际收支以及人民币汇率变化,外汇占款呈现趋势性下降,再贷款逐渐取代外汇占款成为基础货币供给的主渠道。本文从央行、商业银行以及企业资产负债变的角度,分析基础货币投放渠道变化对金融市场、资金价格以及商业银行的影响。分析结果显示,我国基础货币投放主渠道从外汇占款向再贷款转变过程中,货币政策会自动产生"紧缩效应"——商业银行存贷比下降、社会融资成本上升、资金价格波动加剧。为了满足经济发展所需货币,货币当局需要进一步完善基础货币投放渠道,并更加注重逆周期调节。  相似文献   

I consider some of the leading arguments for assigning an important role to tracking the growth of monetary aggregates when making decisions about monetary policy. First, I consider whether ignoring money means returning to the conceptual framework that allowed the high inflation of the 1970s. Second, I consider whether models of inflation determination with no role for money are incomplete, or inconsistent with elementary economic principles. Third, I consider the implications for monetary policy strategy of the empirical evidence for a long‐run relationship between money growth and inflation. And fourth, I consider reasons why a monetary policy strategy based solely on short‐run inflation forecasts derived from a Phillips curve may not be a reliable way of controlling inflation. I argue that none of these considerations provides a compelling reason to assign a prominent role to monetary aggregates in the conduct of monetary policy.  相似文献   

Woodford argues that it is not appropriate to regard inflation in the steady state of New Keynesian models as determined by steady‐state money growth. Woodford instead argues that the intercept term in the monetary authority's interest rate policy rule determines steady‐state inflation. In this paper, I offer an alternative interpretation of steady‐state behavior, according to which it is appropriate to regard steady‐state inflation as determined by steady‐state money growth. The argument relies on traditional interpretations of the central bank's power in the long run and appeals to model properties that are common to textbook and New Keynesian analysis. According to this argument, the only way the central bank can control interest rates in the long run is via affecting inflation, and its only means available for determining inflation is by determining the money growth rate.  相似文献   

We study empirically the macroeconomic effects of an explicit de jure quantitative goal for monetary policy. Quantitative goals take three forms: exchange rates, money growth rates, and inflation targets. We analyze the effects on inflation of both having a quantitative target and hitting a declared target. Our empirical work uses an annual data set covering 42 countries between 1960 and 2000, and takes account of other determinants of inflation (such as fiscal policy, the business cycle, and openness to international trade) and the endogeneity of the monetary policy regime. We find that both having and hitting quantitative targets for monetary policy is systematically and robustly associated with lower inflation. The exact form of the monetary target matters somewhat (especially for the sustainability of the monetary regime) but is less important than having some quantitative target. Successfully achieving a quantitative monetary goal is also associated with less volatile output.  相似文献   

Model uncertainty affects the monetary policy delegation problem. If there is uncertainty with regards to the determination of the delegated objective variables, the central bank will want robustness against potential model misspecifications. We show that with plausible degree of model uncertainty, delegation of the Friedman rule of increasing the money stock by k percent to the central bank will outperform commitment to the social loss function (flexible inflation targeting). The reason is that the price paid for robustness under flexible inflation targeting outweighs the inefficiency of money growth targeting. Imperfect control of money growth does not change this conclusion.  相似文献   

对中国通货膨胀的基本判断及货币政策建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国宏观经济正处于一个通货膨胀的通道之中,但中国强有力的货币政策措施效果不显著。究其原因,在于本轮通货膨胀具有不同以往的外源性特征,其中包含了美国美元贬值阴谋。正因为中国通货膨胀仅仅是全球性通货膨胀的一部分,同时中国承担着全球性通货膨胀成本,因此解决通货膨胀问题,并非中国的"家务事"。在此背景中,针对国内通货膨胀问题,中国不能急于求成,而只能顺势而为,以财政政策为主,来弱化通胀之负作用。货币政策作为辅助性政策,仅需要保持从紧状态,避免信贷失控即可。  相似文献   

李宏瑾  苏乃芳 《金融研究》2020,484(10):38-54
本文对我国货币政策转型时期兼顾数量和价格的货币政策调控实践进行了深入的分析。在货币数量论和货币效用模型的基础上,从理论上阐明了货币数量规则与利率价格规则的等价关系,并构建了符合中国货币政策实践的数量与价格混合型货币政策规则。这对于更好地理解我国货币政策转型时期的量价混合型货币政策操作具有重要的理论和现实意义。相关推论表明,正是由于数量和价格混合型货币规则,在利率低于均衡水平的情形下,中国的货币增速并未引发恶性通胀;修正的物价稳定泰勒原理表明,利率调整幅度小于通胀变化仍能够实现物价稳定。对中国的经验分析支持了理论和推论结果。在利率市场化基本完成和流动性格局逆转的当下,货币政策价格调控方式转型的必要性和迫切性日益上升,转型的条件日趋成熟。  相似文献   

"天量"信贷政策的效应及其调整   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2009年上半年中国为应对金融危机冲击、保增长,货币信贷投放激增,适度宽松的货币政策演变为过度宽松的货币政策.过度宽松的货币政策导致了短期通缩和长期通胀预期并存的尴尬局面.为了确保货币政策目标的实现和发挥货币政策促进经济增长的作用,适度宽松是货币当局的理性选择.但是,在执行货币政策中应掌控货币政策的宽松度,理顺货币政策的传导机制,加强对银行信贷的监管.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of optimal long-run monetary policy. It shows that optimal inflation policy involves trading off two quite different considerations. First, increases in the rate of inflation tax the holding of many balances, leading to a deadweight loss as excessive resources are devoted to economizing on cash balances. Second, increases in the rate of inflation raise capital intensity. As long as the economy has a capital stock short of the golden rule level, increases in capital intensity raise the level of consumption. Ignoring the second consideration leads to the common recommendation that the money growth rate be set so that the nominal interest rate is zero. Taking it into account can lead to significant modifications in the ‘full liquidity rule’. Interactions of inflation policy with financial intermediation and taxation are also considered. The results taken together suggest that inflation can have important welfare effects, and that optimal inflation policy is an empirical question, which depends on the structure of the economy.  相似文献   

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