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This paper provides a comprehensive default estimation of commercial real estate loans with a complete commercial mortgage backed securities (CMBS) loan history database. Standard survival models assume that eventually every observation will experience the event. However, often there is a high proportion of censored observation in the sample. A mixture model is proposed to disentangle the probability of “long-term survivorship” and the timing of default occurrence. Loans within the same geographical area and property type tend to exhibit correlation in default incidence. A multilevel model is proposed to capture this correlation within and between clusters.
Yildiray YildirimEmail:

This paper studies the impact of land supply elasticity and land use regulation. For sufficiently adverse shocks constrained entrepreneurs liquidate their assets for debt repayment. This effect can spillover to the residential property market. A crisis occurs when households are forced to default on their mortgages as well. While both converting costs and land use regulation tend to magnify the effect of adverse shock, the former generates an asymmetric effect between a positive and a negative shock on the land market, and the latter tends to raise the likelihood of a crisis, by raising the threshold value of liquidation.
Charles Ka Yui LeungEmail:

In this paper, we examine the time variation in transaction costs relative to excess returns, in a panel consisting of 10 international equity indices over the time period 1984–2005. This is undertaken by extending the consumption CAPM (CCAPM) model proposed by Campbell and Shiller (Rev. Financ. Stud. 1:195–228, 1988) to incorporate time varying proportional transaction costs. We rigorously address both the cross-country heterogeneity in the estimated model and endogeneity. We find strong evidence that suggests transaction costs should be included as an additional explanatory variable in the CCAPM. This leads to the conclusion that transaction costs should be included in asset pricing models as their stochastic process impacts directly on private consumption expenditure.
Andros GregoriouEmail:

Previous research either assumes default free leases or leases subject to default risk using a structural approach. However, structural credit risk models suffer from a common criticism that the firm’s asset value process is unobservable. We develop a reduced form credit risk model for leases that avoids making assumptions regarding unobservable asset valuation processes. Furthermore, we assume a correlated market and credit risk that provides us with a simple analytic formula for valuing defaultable lease contracts. Numerical analysis reveals that tenant credit risk can have a substantial impact on the term structure of leases. Finally, we use the model to demonstrate the implied lease term structure for a set of retail and financial firms in the Fall of 2000.
Yildiray YildirimEmail:

How do commodity futures respond to macroeconomic news?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper investigates the impact of seventeen US macroeconomic announcements on two broad and representative commodity futures indices. Based on a large sample from 1989 to 2005, we show that the daily price response of the CRB and GSCI commodity futures indices to macroeconomic news is state-dependent. During recessions, news about higher (lower) inflation and real activity lead to positive (negative) adjustments of commodity futures prices. In contrast, we find no significant reactions during economic expansions. We attribute this asymmetric response to the state-dependent interpretation of macroeconomic news. Our findings are robust to several alternative business cycle definitions.
Alexandra Niessen (Corresponding author)Email:

In financial groups, enterprise risk management is becoming increasingly important in controlling and managing the different independent legal entities in the group. The aim of this paper is to assess and relate risk concentration and joint default probabilities of the group’s legal entities in order to achieve a more comprehensive picture of a financial group’s risk situation. We further examine the impact of the type of dependence structure on results by comparing linear and nonlinear dependencies using different copula concepts under certain distributional assumptions. Our results show that even if financial groups with different dependence structures do have the same risk concentration factor, joint default probabilities of different sets of subsidiaries can vary tremendously.
Stefan SchuckmannEmail:

We verify the existence of a relation between loss given default rate (LGDR) and macroeconomic conditions by examining 11,649 bank loans concerning the Italian market. Using both the univariate and multivariate analyses, we pinpoint diverse macroeconomic explanatory variables for LGDR on loans to households and SMEs. For households, LGDR is more sensitive to the default-to-loan ratio, the unemployment rate, and household consumption. For SMEs, LGDR is influenced by the total number of employed people and the GDP growth rate. These findings corroborate the Basel Committee’s provision that LGDR quantification process must identify distinct downturn conditions for each supervisory asset class.
Francesca Querci (Corresponding author)Email:

We evaluate the conditional performance of U.K. equity unit trusts using the approach of Lynch and Wachter (2007, 2008) relative to three conditional linear factor models. We find significant time variation in the conditional performance of some trust portfolios and individual trusts using the lag term spread as the information variable. The conditional performance of the trusts is countercyclical and larger trusts have more countercyclical performance than smaller trusts within certain investment sectors. These patterns in conditional trust performance cannot be fully explained by the underlying securities that the trusts hold.
Jonathan FletcherEmail:

Regarding single-family residential properties purchased for investment (non-owner occupied) we examine whether out-of-state buyers pay more than in-state buyers. We focus on the effects of search costs and anchoring. We use data on 2,828 Las Vegas non-owner occupied (investor) residences, 40% of which are purchased by non-local investors. We find that the location of the property affects the empirical results. Specifically, search cost and anchoring effects that appear significant when the location of the property is ignored disappear when location is introduced as an independent variable.
Paul D. ThistleEmail:

We present new empirical evidence on the contextual nature of the predictive power of five statistically-based quarterly earnings expectation models evaluated on a holdout period spanning the twelve quarters from 2000–2002. In marked contrast to extant time-series work, the random walk with drift (RWD) model provides significantly more accurate pooled, one-step-ahead quarterly earnings predictions for a sample of high-technology firms (n = 202). In similar predictive comparisons, the Griffin-Watts (GW) ARIMA model provides significantly more accurate quarterly earnings predictions for a sample of regulated firms (n = 218). Finally, the RWD and GW ARIMA models jointly dominate the other expectation models (i.e., seasonal random walk with drift, the Brown-Rozeff (BR) and Foster (F) ARIMA models) for a default sample of firms (n = 796). We provide supplementary analyses that document the: (1) increased frequency of the number of loss quarters experienced by our sample firms in the holdout period (2000–2002) vis-à-vis the identification period (1990–1999); (2) reduced levels of earnings persistence for our sample firms relative to earnings persistence factors computed by Baginski et al. (2003) during earlier time periods (1970s–1980s); (3) relative impact on the predictive ability of the five expectation models conditioned upon the extent of analyst coverage of sample firms (i.e., no coverage, moderate coverage, and extensive coverage); and (4) sensitivity of predictive performance across subsets of regulated firms with the BR ARIMA model providing the most accurate predictions for utilities (n = 87) while the RWD model is superior for financial institutions (n = 131).
Kenneth S. Lorek (Corresponding author)Email:
G. Lee WillingerEmail:

Credit default swaps (CDSs) are among the most successful financial innovations of recent years, which is reflected in the rapidly expanding market. CDS trading occurs in the over-the-counter market, which relies heavily on broker intermediation to arrange trades. We provide empirical evidence that liquidity in the voice brokered market varies with the particulars of the CDS contracts and that the differences in market structure is reflected in the costs of liquidity. Moreover, the brokered and direct interdealer trading markets seem to be well integrated; thus the higher liquidity costs in the brokered market may reflect the value of intermediation. Hybrid market structures, which combine voice brokerage with an electronic platform, are discussed as a viable alternative to fully automated trading systems.
Yalin GündüzEmail:

We examine the causal relation between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and financial performance. Consistent with past studies, we find that the two variables appear to be related when we use traditional statistical techniques. However, using a time series fixed effects approach, we find that the relation between CSR and financial performance is much weaker than previously thought. We also find little evidence of causality between financial performance and narrower measures of social performance that focus on stakeholder management. Our results suggest that strong stock market performance leads to greater firm investment in aspects of CSR devoted to employee relations, but that CSR activities do not affect financial performance. We conclude that CSR is driven more by unobservable firm characteristics than by financial performance.
Edward NellingEmail:

We model and examine the financial aspects of the land development process incorporating the industry practice of preselling lots to builders through the use of option contracts as a risk management technique. Using contingent claims valuation, we are able to determine endogenously the land value, presale option value, credits spreads and the effects of presales on debt pricing and equity expected returns. We show that using presales options effectively shift market risk from the land developer to the builder. Results from the model are consistent with the high rates of return on equity observed in empirical surveys; they also suggest that developers may be justified in pursuing projects with substantially lower expected returns to equity when a large number of lots can be presold. Additionally, we show that presales reduce default risk dramatically for leveraged projects and can support a considerable reduction in the cost of construction financing. Large debt risk premiums are justified for highly levered projects, which helps explain the use of mezzanine financing in the land development industry to reduce expected default costs.
Steven H. OttEmail:

This paper identifies and corrects a typographical error in Black and Cox (J Finance 31:351–367, 1976). While the typographical error is seemingly trivial, the magnitude of the pricing error that it generates can be substantial.
Hsuan-Chu LinEmail:

A robust VaR model under different time periods and weighting schemes   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper analyses several volatility models by examining their ability to forecast Value-at-Risk (VaR) for two different time periods and two capitalization weighting schemes. Specifically, VaR is calculated for large and small capitalization stocks, based on Dow Jones (DJ) Euro Stoxx indices and is modeled for long and short trading positions by using non parametric, semi parametric and parametric methods. In order to choose one model among the various forecasting methods, a two-stage backtesting procedure is implemented. In the first stage the unconditional coverage test is used to examine the statistical accuracy of the models. In the second stage a loss function is applied to investigate whether the differences between the models, that calculated accurately the VaR, are statistically significant. Under this framework, the combination of a parametric model with the historical simulation produced robust results across the sample periods, market capitalization schemes, trading positions and confidence levels and therefore there is a risk measure that is reliable.
Stavros DegiannakisEmail:

This article presents a numerically efficient approach for constructing an interest rate lattice for multi-state variable multi-factor term structure models in the Makovian HJM [Econometrica 70 (1992) 77] framework based on Monte Carlo simulation and an advanced extension to the Markov Chain Approximation technique. The proposed method is a mix of Monte Carlo and lattice-based methods and combines the best from both of them. It provides significant computational advantages and flexibility with respect to many existing multi-factor model implementations for interest rates derivatives valuation and hedging in the HJM framework.
Alexander L. ShulmanEmail:

This paper examines the relationship between the volatility implied in option prices and the subsequently realized volatility by using the S&P/ASX 200 index options (XJO) traded on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) during a period of 5 years. Unlike stock index options such as the S&P 100 index options in the US market, the S&P/ASX 200 index options are traded infrequently and in low volumes, and have a long maturity cycle. Thus an errors-in-variables problem for measurement of implied volatility is more likely to exist. After accounting for this problem by instrumental variable method, it is found that both call and put implied volatilities are superior to historical volatility in forecasting future realized volatility. Moreover, implied call volatility is nearly an unbiased forecast of future volatility.
Steven LiEmail:

This article introduces the 2007 Maastricht-Cambridge-MIT Symposium articles in this special issue. The introduction not only briefly describes each of the four articles from that symposium included in this special issue, but also describes the symposium including links to other papers and presentations of the symposium not published in this issue.
David Geltner (Corresponding author)Email:

We study the drivers of executive compensation in the listed UK property sector. The UK provides an excellent opportunity to analyze executive compensation due to high transparency in the different components of executive compensation. We show that company size is the most important variable in explaining the level of executive compensation. We find that absolute and relative share performance significantly explains long-term compensation, that management style has a distinct influence on the level of executive compensation, and that using alternative monitoring mechanisms (institutional shareholders, debtholders, and outside directors) leads to higher levels of long-term incentives. We find only weak evidence of pay-performance sensitivity for both cash and long-term compensation. Executive shareholdings provide a much stronger link between pay and performance than does executive compensation.
Piet M. A. EichholtzEmail:

This paper extends the extant literature in understanding the effects of equity and debt on delinquency and default by focusing on a variant of borrower equity where part of equity is “protected”. The CPF scheme in Singapore stipulates that the refund of borrower’s retirement funds utilized for property purchase prior to September 2002 takes priority over loan obligations. A decision to utilize CPF for property purchase actually increases ex post delinquency and default risk as it effectively reduces cash equity commitment. In particular, any erosion in house value that places protected equity at risk translates into potential wealth reduction or financial liability for the borrower. While loss aversion is evident for non-distressed sellers, the effect of equity losses for distressed borrowers is not as clear. Our research suggests that averting losses in committed equity may be a secondary consideration for borrower subject to income shocks, recognizing that delinquency and default are precursors to foreclosure. Interestingly, we find that the borrowers are strongly averse to incurring protected equity-induced wealth loss or financial liability. This study suggests that the first-lien “anomaly” associated with CPF refund may reduce delinquency and default risks for mortgage backed securities.
Seow Eng OngEmail:

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