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当前”大力创建自主知名品牌”已成为注册会计师行业发展的目标之一,研究品牌声誉理论迫在眉睫。本文认为,审计师声誉机制是社会公众及利益相关者对审计师努力建立声誉、利用声誉获取溢价、毁损声誉以获得利润及付出艰辛重获声誉活动的整体认知与反馈。审计师声誉机制包括形成机制、作用机制、毁损机制与修复机制,这四种机制均有各自的特征,并在时间维度的动态过程中体现出长期博弈、价值波动与不规则运动三种作用机理。  相似文献   

本文基于2010年至2013年的四个公司舞弊事件,考察了声誉受损后的审计师变更情况,发现:市场并没有用"及时离开"来惩罚声誉受损的审计师,使其失去准租,审计师的执业资格直接决定了其能否继续获取准租。我们的讨论,是对De Angelo(1981b)审计师规模与审计质量的补充与修正,将有助于更好地理解审计师规模与审计质量之间的传导机制,丰富规模与质量的理论体系。  相似文献   

审计质量的双维研究范式及其述评   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
审计质量的决定因素、影响路径和经济后果是审计实证研究的重要议题。基于本文提出的审计质量双维研究范式,审计质量包含了审计师监督强度和审计师声誉两个维度,双重维度的区分凸显了市场供需双方关注视角上的差异。公司治理观下监督需求、市场中介角色下的信息需求以及高诉讼风险环境下保险需求共同构成了声誉维度的审计质量需求方驱动因素。审计师的风险管理策略和市场竞争策略是审计师效用函数的主要决定因素并进而对审计师监督强度产生影响,二者构成了审计质量的供给方驱动因素。审计质量的不同维度决定了其影响路径分别表现为信息质量和信息可信度两个层面,然而间接导致的显著经济后果主要来自于声誉维度。  相似文献   

自从2002年安达信倒塌以来,审计质量的声誉机制成为西方学者较为关注的话题。本文分析了审计师声誉机制的作用原理,评述了审计师声誉的国内外研究现状,探讨了声誉机制和诉讼机制在决定审计质量方面的差异,最后提出了研究启示和未来研究之方向。  相似文献   

本文就80年代以来的关于审计职业声誉及审计质量的经典著作,以及近四年来会计研究核心期刊的相关文章进行了回顾,主要将它们分为审计职业声誉对审计师和对审计客户的影响两大类.另外,虽然大部分研究将事务所规模作为审计质量代理变量,但仍有部分研究认为审计任期以及审计师与客户公司的隶属关系都对审计质量产生影响.本文也对此类文章进行了回顾.最后,针对已有研究的方法论做了简要的小结和展望.  相似文献   

苏超 《中国外资》2010,(6):63-64
本文就80年代以来的关于审计职业声誉及审计质量的经典著作,以及近四年来会计研究核心期刊的相关文章进行了回顾,主要将它们分为审计职业声誉对审计师和对审计客户的影响两大类。另外,虽然大部分研究将事务所规模作为审计质量代理变量,但仍有部分研究认为审计任期以及审计师与客户公司的隶属关系都对审计质量产生影响。本文也对此誊文章进行了回顾。最后,针对已有研究的方法论做了简要的小结和展望。  相似文献   

审计师聘约权安排重要吗?——审计师声誉角度的检验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过考察中国证监会1993-2004年度间所有涉及到审计师和事务所的处罚公告发布后,是否出现资本市场股票价格下降和事务所客户流失等经济后果。数据分析表明,当审计师受到处罚的事件公布后,市场存在一定程度的负反应;但是,只要这种处罚没有触及到审计师的执业资格,审计师的市场份额就没有下降。借助一个理论分析的框架,我们推测认为,当聘约权主要由公司管理层和/或控股股东掌控且他们的财富与审计师声誉没有直接关联度的情况下,审计师声誉下降并不必然具有经济后果。这一研究为更好地理解审计师声誉的形成机制以及审计师声誉与审计质量之间的关系,提供了新的证据。  相似文献   

中国证券市场审计师声誉溢价与审计质量的经验研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
审计师在证券市场上被誉为公共利益的守护神。然而,由于证券市场上的利益相关各方无从直接识别审计报告的质量,因而审计市场便具有了“柠糠市场“的特征。当交易双方处在高度的信息不对称条件下时,声誉作为一种信号传递机制发挥着不可替代的作用。本文使用中国沪、深两市上市公司2000—2002年度年报审计费用数据,应用信号传递理论,研究了共2520个样本的审计师声誉溢价现象。研究发现:中国本地前五(四)大会计师事务所相对于本地其他所,其溢价幅度为7.57%;国际“五(四)大“会计公司在中国内地设立的国际合作所,相对于中国本地除前“五(四)大“以外的事务所而言,其声誉溢价的幅度更高,达到23.12%。研究结果表明,国际合作所、国内大、小会计师事务所之间在审计收费方面存在显著差异,即存在审计师声誉溢价现象。这说明审计师声誉作为审计质量的显示信号,已经得到市场的认同。本文的研究初步验证了中国证监会、财政部与中国注册会计师协会促使本地事务所合并、以便做大做强来提升本地会计师事务所声誉和市场竞争力的政策已经取得成效,中国本地会计师事务所的声誉机制正在形成。  相似文献   

本文以我国新股发行市场化改革初期独特的价格上限管制为背景,对作为市场信息中介的审计师声誉价值的建立及其有效性进行了初步考察。发现审计师声誉机制有助于降低抑价折扣,改善新股定价效率,并且高声誉审计师在新股发行过程中也确实收取了更高的审计费用;审计师声誉机制的信号价值主要体现在低于价格上限定价的样本中,而在达到价格上限的样本中,最高限价管制明显削弱了审计师声誉机制的信号价值。因此,我国市场化改革背景下的激励性价格上限管制有其合理性,较大程度上能够促使市场中介机构的声誉价值得以显现,并开始在改善市场信息环境进而提高资源配置效率方面扮演了重要角色。  相似文献   

本文以我国资本市场上备受瞩目的科龙电器事件作为切入点,研究了我国的投资者是否关注审计师的职业声誉。研究结果显示,当审计师声誉受损时,市场会对其审计质量产生怀疑,并且通过股价机制体现出来。在本文研究的对德勤职业声誉造成严重影响的两个事件点,市场对经德勤和其他四大会计师事务所审计的上市公司都做出了负面的市场反应,且投资者对两者的反应程度并没有显著的差别。进一步的研究还发现,在声誉受损事件中,对于不同公司,投资者做出的负面市场反应并不相同,当公司存在盈余管理的可能性越犬,市场的负面反应也越强烈。  相似文献   

Does Auditor Reputation Matter? The Case of KPMG Germany and ComROAD AG   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We study the stock and audit market effects associated with a widely publicized accounting scandal involving a public company (ComROAD AG) and a large, reputable audit firm (KPMG) in a country (Germany) that has long provided auditors with substantial protection from shareholder legal liability. We use this event to study whether an auditor's reputation helps to ensure audit quality, a rationale for which recent literature and events provide scant support. Given the absence of a strong insurance rationale for audit quality, Germany permits a relatively clean test of whether auditor reputation matters. We find that KPMG's clients sustain negative abnormal returns of 3% at events pertaining to ComROAD, and that these returns are more negative for companies that are likely to have higher demands for audit quality. We also find an increase in the number of clients that drop KPMG in the year of the ComROAD scandal (mostly smaller, recently public companies that are similar to ComROAD). Overall, our results provide support for the reputation rationale for audit quality.  相似文献   

While prior research provides abundant evidence that independent directors are associated with favorable outcomes, researchers have only recently started to investigate the impact of independent director reputation incentives. This study examines whether the reputation incentives of independent directors are associated with accruals quality and audit fees. The results reveal a negative relationship between the proportion of independent directors with relatively low reputation incentives and accruals quality. Further, the proportion of independent directors with relatively low reputation incentives is positively associated with audit fees, suggesting that auditors view lower reputation incentives as increasing risk. We also find that Big 4/5 auditor office size moderates the relationship between independent director reputation incentives and audit fees. Specifically, our results indicate that audit fees increase less in response to lower reputation incentives as office size increases, suggesting that larger offices respond to the risks associated with lower reputation incentives more efficiently than smaller offices.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of two proxies for audit quality on a model of public sector disclosure for a sample of municipal governments. I argue that more complete disclosures enhance the reputation of an independent auditing firm and that independent auditors, seeking to maintain a reputation of higher quality, positively influence the level of financial disclosures appearing in their clients' financial statements.Specifically, a variable indicating the presence of a (then) Big Eight auditor and regression residuals from a model of audit fees were used as surrogates of audit quality. These were included in a model designed to explain variation in an index representing financial disclosures required under generally accepted accounting principles for local governments. The results provide evidence in support of the hypothesized relationship between audit quality and disclosure.  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of the mandatory designation rule on audit fees charged and audit hours rendered by auditors for firms released from the mandatory auditor designation rule in the Korean audit market. Under the mandatory auditor designation rule, which took effect in 1991, problematic firms are assigned new auditors by the Financial Supervisory Service. Previous studies suggest that this regulation positively affects the quality of audits by promoting auditor independence. Thus, this study hypothesises that firms that have been subjected to mandatory auditor designation improve the quality of their financial reporting, and that auditors hired after the mandatory designation period account for reduced audit risks when determining audit fees and audit hours. This study shows that audit fees and audit hours of firms released from the mandatory auditor designation rule are lower than those of other initial audit engagements. Taken together, this study's findings reinforce the notion that auditors’ perceptions of changes in audit risk yield corresponding changes in the audit fees they charge and audit hours they render.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether jurors' judgments of auditor blameworthiness are influenced by the length of an auditor's tenure with a client. We use an experiment to determine whether tenure affects juror perceptions of an auditor's competence and independence. We then examine whether these perceptions influence the attribution of blame. Results, consistent with both sides of the mandatory auditor rotation debate, indicate that tenure has a positive impact on perceptions of competence and a negative impact on perceptions of independence. Further, as juror perceptions of the auditor's competence and independence decrease, attributions of blame increase. These results have implications for auditor tenure research as well as for auditors involved in litigation. By utilizing structural equation analysis, we find that the effects of auditor tenure on perceptions of audit quality are complex. Perceptions of both competence and independence are significantly related to extended tenure; however, these perceptions independently affect the assignment of blame. While longer tenure improves perceptions of competence and lessens blame, it decreases perceptions of independence resulting in greater blame. From a litigation perspective, the auditor's tenure with a client is a double-edged sword that must be addressed strategically in court.  相似文献   

Audit value and charitable organizations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
I examine whether donors favor charities that use high quality auditors and whether the propensity to donate varies directly with audit quality. I find that audit quality affects donor decisions in the market for contributions. From a signaling perspective, charities benefit simply from engaging a higher quality auditor. From an information perspective, donors are more sensitive to changes in reported accounting information verified by a high quality auditor. I also find that, after conditioning on the charity’s reputation, donors are still willing to give more to charities aligned with a quality auditor, but the effect of audit quality choice dissipates with the size of the charity. Thus, a charity’s reputation and the choice of auditor are substitute mechanisms for signaling the credibility of financial information to donors.  相似文献   

The revelation of accounting fraud by the Olympus Corporation gave rise to shareholder allegations of audit failure against Olympus’ auditors—Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC and KPMG AZSA LLC—in 2011. In this study, we investigate whether the auditors’ affiliation with Olympus contributes to divergent perceptions of audit quality in the event of news announcements affecting the reputation of Olympus’ auditors. First, we use a nonparametric generalized rank event study methodology on 918 sample firms from the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) to observe Japanese investors’ perceptions of auditor reputation as proxied by abnormal returns. Second, we perform a multivariate linear regression on firms’ abnormal returns after controlling for firm-specific variables. We find that Japanese investors do not respond to negative or neutral reputational information arising from news announcements concerning Olympus’ auditors for firms affiliated and not affiliated with those auditors. In the absence of legal penalties imposed on Olympus’ auditors, we argue that Japanese investors consider the Olympus fraud case as an expected occurrence of audit failure due to a lack of evidence suggesting systematic audit failure on the part of Olympus’ auditors and an expectation of lower audit quality in the Japanese capital market. As a result, Japanese investors do not consider news announcements affecting the Olympus auditors’ reputation as sufficient evidence to change their prior expectation regarding the reputations of the audit firms affiliated with the Olympus fraud case.  相似文献   

We posit that the effect of non‐audit fees on audit quality is conditional on auditor industry specialization. Industry specialist auditors are more likely than nonspecialists to be concerned about reputation losses and litigation exposure, and to benefit from knowledge spillovers from the provision of non‐audit services. We find evidence that audit quality measured by increased propensity to issue going‐concern opinion, increased propensity to miss analysts' forecasts, as well as higher earnings‐response coefficients increases with the level of non‐audit services acquired from industry specialist auditors compared to nonspecialist auditors.  相似文献   

行业专长是审计师专业技能的重要构成要素之一。国外大量的研究均证实会计师事务所的行业专长能够提高审计质量,而本文的研究却发现,在中国上市公司审计市场中,就总体而言,会计师事务所行业专长与审计质量负相关。进一步的分析则表明,目前我国会计师事务所总体上独立性相对不高、易受行业内经济依赖度的负面影响和行业专长发展程度较低是造成这种负相关性的主要原因。  相似文献   

Professional standards place specific responsibilities on auditors for the discovery of material mis-statements in reports of corporate financial performance. Certain factors have been shown to increase the likelihood of fraudulent financial reporting. One warning sign is the potentially pervasive effect of a weak internal control environment consistent with a weak internal audit group. This study investigates the impact of internal audit department quality differences on auditors ‘willingness to place reliance on the work performed by internal auditors. The study also gives consideration to auditors’ recent experiences with material errors and irregularities and examines the influence of two previously untested individual auditor differences on audit judgment decisions: (1) conflict management style and (2) perception of internal/external auditor communication barriers. The results indicate that auditors attend to internal audit department quality differences and that individual auditor differences exhibit significant influence over auditor judgments. Implications for audit practice are considered and directions for future research are suggested.  相似文献   

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