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近年,银行创新了以票据进行受托资产管理,实施专业运作的资产管理业务,其发展的动因在于我国金融市场深化发展促使银行传统票据贴现业务加快转型发展。未来,票据资产管理业务仍是银行票据业务经营转型的关键,票据资产管理业务发展的主要方面在于票据理财业务的再创新、票据资产证券化、票据资产托管和电子票据等领域的创新发展。  相似文献   

上海票据交易所的建成运行是对我国传统纸质票据业务模式的重大革新,实现了票据业务全流程电子化处理和前、中、后台一体化运营管理。票交所新业态对银行票据业务经营模式、盈利模式、风险管控和业务创新等影响深远。未来,银行有望进一步深化票据业务集约化经营,转变票据业务风险防控模式,主动加快票据业务经营转型并优化票据经营机构组织体系设置。  相似文献   

商业银行票据业务违规的原因分析及改进措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前商业银行票据业务发展势头强劲,但发展过程中也存在很多违规问题,影响了票据业务的发展,迫切需要采取有效措施,改进现行票据业务制度,防范票据业务风险。  相似文献   

近年来,作为商业银行新兴业务之一的票据业务发展迅速,国内商业银行票据业务集约经营模式日渐成熟,部分大型商业银行票据业务事业部制改革条件已基本具备。本文在对国内商业银行票据业务事业部制改革意义、必要条件和可能利弊进行论证的基础上,对具有条件的大型商业银行票据业务事业部制改革思路进行了探讨。  相似文献   

实体经济是我国票据融资业务发展的原动力,企业签发的银行承兑汇票主要集中于制造业和批发零售业。金融机构票据承兑和贴现业务对实体经济发展发挥着重要的直接支持作用;同时还通过完善货币政策传导和深化金融市场功能,对实体经济发展发挥着间接支持作用。票据融资支持实体经济及自身发展存在的问题主要有:货币政策调整中票据业务发展波动性明显削弱了票据业务支持经济发展的作用;票据承兑业务和贴现业务发展的非均衡对货币政策传导产生不利影响;支持实体经济发展所需的中小企业票据业务发展相对不足;商业承兑汇票发展严重滞后妨碍了票据融资支持实体经济作用的发挥。本文认为,应从完善票据业务加快发展的法规政策框架、加快推进全国性票据市场建设进程、培育商业信用、加大企业商业承兑汇票业务发展等方面改进票据业务支持实体经济发展作用的发挥。  相似文献   

<正>银监会明文禁止票据信托存续业务不得展期近日,中国银监会正式下发文件禁止票据信托业务。根据这份名为《关于信托公司票据信托业务等有关事项的通知》要求,信托公司不得与商业银行开展各种形式的票据资产转让/受让业务。目前,票据信托  相似文献   

在宏观调控的背景下,柳州票据市场再贴现业务再度活跃,贴现利率回升至合理水平,票据业务创新进展顺利;但是,也产生了票据业务规模大幅收缩,票据市场的深度下降,票据业务集中度进一步提高,商业承兑汇票培育推广难度加大,办理银行承兑汇票的业务门槛逐步提高等不利影响。为推进票据市场健康发展,本文提出要调整票据经营规模和结构,加快社会信用体系建设,完善贴现利率形成机制,支持中小金融机构票据业务发展等对策建议。  相似文献   

加快上海自贸区票据业务创新发展,有利于支持自贸区企业结算需求的快速增长,促进跨境人民币便捷支付及改善金融机构资产负债管理。文章在分析当前票据业务发展制约因素的基础上,从完善票据业务法规制度、加快电子票据业务发展、引导境外人民币参加银行参与电子商业汇票业务、在上海自贸区内先行先试融资性票据业务等方面,就推进票据业务创新发展、服务上海自贸区建设提出相关政策建议。  相似文献   

随着银行票据业务的发展,票据业务竞争日益激烈,无论是票据业务的品种,还是票据业务的笔数和金额都逐步进入了快速发展阶段。同时问题及风险也不断显现,风险防范任重道远。  相似文献   

非正规金融体系票据融资交易是典型的影子银行交易行为,容易成为影子银行的交易对象,票据理财产品的业务属性应在支持票据业务创新发展中逐步厘清。融资性票据是影子银行的投资对象,票据融资存在着套利空间和承兑与贴现业务不相匹配是其重要原因。中国应把影子银行纳入整体性监管框架,加强对票据业务合规监管,并以制度创新促进票据业务有序健康发展。  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the current literature on gender, modernity, patriarchy and accounting by bringing insights into the experiences of women accountants in Syria: an Arab and predominantly Muslim country. By doing so, this paper enhances understanding of women's interrelationship with accounting beyond the Anglo-American context that currently dominates the research agenda on gender and accounting. Face-to-face interviews with 20 women accountants were carried out in Syria in 2008. This study reveals that in the context of global capitalism and patriarchy, factors of class, alienation, tradition and economic difficulties are contributing to the subordinated role of women in society in general and in the accounting profession in particular. The increased commercialisation of the accounting profession in the Arab world, including Syria, has resulted in socio-economic hierarchies and discriminatory practices, where interviewees spoke of discrimination based on class, sex and on the knowledge held. Further, despite advances to Syrian women's access to the public space, the public space for Syrian women accountants often operates based largely on how men act in this space. Men (and socially/financially advantaged women) often occupy aspects of the public (accounting) space that are perceived to be more significant and better financially rewarded. Thus, the dichotomy of public/private spaces in this study is understood in a broader sense to incorporate the symbolic as well as spatial aspects. This paper concludes that the accounting profession's aspirations need to be challenged through critically evaluating and redefining work roles and values to ensure emancipation for women. Furthermore, in the Arab world, dominant patriarchal structures will only be challenged and changed when obstacles preventing women from enjoying their human rights and contributing fully in society are addressed and eliminated.  相似文献   

就目前而言,煤炭仍然是我国的最主要能源,其在能源供给结构中一直居于首位。内蒙古作为全国的产煤大区,煤炭在能源生产和消费结构中占比达90%以上。从能源的储备方面来看,内蒙古地区煤炭资源丰富,潜在价值巨大,但是,煤炭资源在开发利用的意识方面和体制方面仍然没有脱离传统模式。主要存在不合理开采、低效率利用、不可持续的煤炭产业延伸以及忽视生态保护来发展煤炭产业等众多问题。因此,在十八大报告倡导生态文明建设的大背景下,积极研究内蒙古煤炭产业延伸发展,使资源优势转变为竞争优势,协调好资源开发利用与产业延伸发展以及生态文明建设三者的关系具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

B.S. Johnson's controversial novel of 1973, ‘Christie Malry's own double entry’, is studied in detail in the article which follows. The book outlines the frustrations of Christie Malry, a bank clerk and subsequently, accounts clerk, in facing up to the irritations and unfairnesses of everyday life at work and at home, including the organisation of business and political life and personal tragedies such as illness and death. The hero, Malry, uses accounting to help him address the problems.The article places Johnson's darkly humorous and satirical work in the context of the 1960s and 1970s. It also analyses it in terms of Foucauldian discourse, in order to show how effective literary protest was attempted against the tide of accepted knowledges and the system of power-constrained publications and utterances about accounting and business then in circulation.  相似文献   

本文基于中国家庭追踪调查的微观数据以及相匹配的城市层面的住房价格数据,从住房购买需求的角度,给出了一个近年来家庭杠杆率急剧上升的解释。利用中国家庭追踪调查的微观数据探讨了房价上涨对家庭杠杆率的作用机制以及潜在影响。结果表明,住房价格的快速上涨推动了家庭杠杆率的急剧攀升,从数量上看,房价每上涨1倍,样本期间的家庭贷款数额将会增长288.1%,家庭杠杆率将上升39.2%,而此部分贷款的增加主要来源于银行贷款而非私人借贷,由房价导致的家庭借贷数额和杠杆率的上升大概占到购房家庭总体借贷数额和杠杆率上升的90%左右。机制分析表明,住房价格的快速上涨刺激了家庭必需型和投资型住房需求,并提高了家庭的借贷意愿和风险偏好。分样本的探讨发现,这一效应对于非农户口家户以及有配偶和子女家户的影响更为明显。  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the impact of the economic crisis and the policy reaction on inequality and relative poverty in four European countries: France, Germany, Ireland and the UK. The period examined, 2008–13, was one of great economic turmoil, yet it is unclear whether changes in inequality and poverty rates over this time period were mainly driven by changes in market income distributions or by tax‐benefit policy reforms. We disentangle these effects by producing counterfactual (‘no reform') scenarios using tax‐benefit microsimulation and representative household surveys for each country. For the first stage of the Great Recession, we find that the policy reaction contributed to stabilising or even decreasing inequality and relative poverty in the UK, France and, especially, Ireland. Market income changes nonetheless pushed up inequality and relative poverty in France. Relative poverty increased in Germany as a result of policy responses combined with market income changes. Subsequent policy reforms, in the later stage of the crisis, had markedly different cross‐country effects, decreasing overall poverty in France, increasing it in Ireland, and giving mixed effects for different subgroups in Germany and the UK.  相似文献   

The interest in accounting disclosure and audit quality by academics, practitioners, and regulators heightened following the various financial reporting scandals, and subsequent legislative and professional response to these scandals. An important question is whether the implementation of stricter auditing standards such as those mandated by the US Sarbanes-Oxley Act would improve the information environment of firms whose shares are publicly traded. In this paper, I investigate the link between information asymmetry, measured by bid-ask spread, and increased accounting disclosures following the adoption of new auditing standards in China—an environment in which disclosure hitherto was relatively low. I report the following primary results of the statistical analyses. First, information asymmetry cost is substantial in the Chinese order-driven emerging markets. Second, the firms in the sample experienced significant reductions in their bid-ask spreads subsequent to the adoption of the new auditing standards. Third, the reductions in the bid-ask spreads were abrupt and permanent. However, no significant result is found for firms in the control group with foreign ownership, whose financial statements were prepared in accordance with international accounting standards and were audited with international auditing standards. The results have implications for policy makers and regulators in general, and those in emerging markets in particular.  相似文献   

This study provides comparisons of inequalities in mortality between the United States, Canada and France using the most recent available data. The period between 2010 and 2018 saw increases in mortality and in inequality in mortality for most age and gender groups in the United States. The main exceptions were children under 5 and adults over 65. In contrast, Canada saw a further flattening of mortality gradients in most groups, as well as further declines in overall mortality. The sole exception was Canadian women over 80 years old, who saw small increases in mortality rates. France saw continuing improvements in mortality rates in all groups. Both Canada and France have distributions of mortality that are much more equal than those in the United States, demonstrating the importance of public policy in the achievement of equality in health.  相似文献   

In France in 2001, a revolutionary budgeting and accounting reform of the central government was begun and, in 2006, introduced—it is now almost complete. In 2006, the German federal government began a similarly revolutionary budgeting and accounting reform, but abandoned it in 2010. We identify the similarities in technique between the two countries' reforms but also significant differences. The authors conclude that, notwithstanding the importance of accrual accounting in the French revolution and in the abortive German revolution, the resilience of the traditional budgetary accounting systems is striking.  相似文献   

本文基于1997年1月至2012年4月的数据,使用三区制滞后两阶的MS(3)-VAR(2)模型,对三种区制下货币政策对股票市场的影响进行分析。研究发现,在不同状态下,货币政策变量的变动对上址综指收益的影响在时间、方向和效果上是非对称的。在高收益、低波动状态与低亏损、低波动状态下,利率的变动对股票市场并不存在显著的影响;在高亏损、高波动状态下,利率的变动滞后一期对股票市场有较小的正向影响,但滞后二期时存在较大的负向影响。货币供应量变动对股票市场的影响在高亏损、高波动行情时比在高收益、低波动和低亏损、低波动行情时更加显著。总体来看,利率和货币供应量对股票市场的影响任高亏损、高波动行情下是显著的。  相似文献   

马正兵 《金融论坛》2007,12(10):19-22
区域金融作为金融结构与运行在空间上的分布状况,通过聚合区域经济发展的各种因素而影响区域经济成长及其差异演变.中国各省、区、市金融结构趋同与分化现象并存,区域金融发展呈非均衡格局,但这一格局不同于传统的沿海与内地或东、中、西部之区划,区域金融成长与区域经济发展之间并不是平行一致的.相当多省、区、市的金融结构主要体现为银行、保险业的主导地位,资本市场不发达;同时,金融开放在省区市的差异总体较小.因此,推进资本市场发展,统筹金融开放,充分发挥金融发展在统筹区域发展、统筹城乡发展中的支撑作用,构成了今后我国区域金融发展的重点.  相似文献   

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