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《国家知识产权战略纲要》构建了我国知识产权政策体系的基本框架,在实施知识产权战略的过程中,大有必要以知识产权政策的一般理论为理论基础,以中国共产党领导人的知识产权政策理论为指导,把握世界知识产权政策的发展趋势,紧密结合中国知识产权政策实施的实际探索一条我国知识产权政策体系完善的路径。  相似文献   

随着我国经济转型的实施,知识产权在经济活动中的重要性日益显著,也产生了对知识产权价值估值的需求。知识产权资产的特殊性,对知识产权评估人员提出了特殊的要求,本文就知识产权评估人员需要具备的执业能力内容进行了探讨,以期为促进知识产权评估工作提供帮助。  相似文献   

"积成电子"知识产权质押贷款案例剖析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
知识产权质押贷款为有技术、有潜质的中小企业间接融资,为市场疲软的商业银行放贷提供了新思路,找到了兼容点.但企业对知识产权商业机密的保护等与银行对信息对称的需求存在冲突.这种困境的突破,有赖于政府的牵线搭桥和银企间建立良好的合作基础.  相似文献   

知识产权人个体利益与社会公共利益的平衡是知识产权的本质,是知识产权贯彻始终的原则,知识产权的各项制度的目的均在于赋予权利人私权利的同时实现与公共利益的平衡,达到创新的目的。任何权利都有滥用的可能,知识产权也不例外。但不能因知识产权的独占性而扩大知识产权滥用的范围。知识产权利益平衡的本质决定了,知识产权的行使在构成对公共利益的侵害时方构成知识产权的滥用,而应受到反垄断法的规制。  相似文献   

知识产权价值实现的基础是定价机制的有效性。本文在回顾知识产权交易方式发展的基础上,对知识产权金融衍生化的意义和可行性问题作了简要分析,目的是为推动知识产权的价值发现、开发利用,为知识产权产业的发展提供新的视角。  相似文献   

此单元的演讲嘉宾为国家知识产权局协调管理司副司长曾武宗,最高人民法院民三庭副庭长孔祥俊,商务部条法司知识产权法律处处长陈福利,深圳市注册资产评估师协会秘书长王毅。他们分别从政策层面、知识产权海外经营、司法实践及评估服务多角度发表演讲,介绍了关于知识产权保护与资产评估方面宝贵的经验及成果,对知识产权战略的实施具有很大的推动作用。 曾武宗副司长在题为“知识产权保护的政策措施”的演讲中,介绍了目前知识产权划分的类型,从版权、商标、地理标志、工业品外观设计、专利、集成电路布图设计、植物新品种、未披露的信息八个方面详细介绍了国内与保护知识产权有关的法律法规。  相似文献   

在后TRIPS时代①,TRIPS协议的弹性条款为TRIPS-递增的产生提供了法律上的依据,这就为发达国家提高知识产权保护标准提供了合法依据.发达国家绕开WTO与某些发展中国家和最不发达国家签订了一系列包含有TRIPS-递增标准的双边协定.这些协定给发展中国家施加了更高的知识产权保护义务,对发展中国家的知识产权保护以及社会经济发展将会产生深远的影响.我国作为发展中国家亟需完善我国的知识产权立法,同时呼吁国际社会对TRIPS协议做出修改以维护以我国为代表的发展中国家的经济利益.  相似文献   

本文以法经济学的范式为理论基础,将税法在知识产权领域的法价值、公共福利等作为逻辑起点,分析了知识产权税收激励机制的内涵及其构成,并对我国的知识产权税收激励机制进行了描述和评价,同时对完善我国知识产权税收激励机制提出了建议。  相似文献   

聂鑫  杜伟 《金卡工程》2010,14(8):357-357,68
跨入新世纪,我国相继颁布了《关于进一步加强高等学校知识产权工作的若干意见》、《国家知识产权战略纲要》,这些文件都把知识产权人才培养作为知识产权保护的重中之重。我国高等学校作为知识产权人才培养的重要基地,应当在知识产权人才培养中发挥自己应有的作用。尽管我国高校在短短二十多年内为国家培养了一大批知识产权人才,但随着社会的发展,原有的人才培养模式已越来越不适应社会发展的需求,存在诸多问题,如知识产权学科地位太低,人才培养的层次结构与社会发展不相适应,从事高校知识产权教育的师资严重匮乏,不能整合知识产权人力资源,为知识产权人才培养提供人力资源的基础等。为了促进国家知识产权战略的实施,我们必须对高校现有的知识产权教学方式予以变革,应把知识产权定位为一级学科,扩大本科生的招收及第二学士学位生的招收,拓宽知识产权培养模式,加强知识产权实习基地建设以及加强知识产权师资建设以实现我国高校知识产权人才培养的长期健康与快速发展。  相似文献   

随着知识产权在国际经济竞争中的作用日益上升,越来越多的国家都已经制定和实施了知识产权战略,并不断加大知识产权的保护力度。近日,俄罗斯布拉戈维申斯克市一家咖啡馆的法人被指控侵犯了他人的著作权。原因是该咖啡馆播放了现代流行音乐没有经过作者授权。俄罗斯的这种保护知识产权的做法,对中国知识产权的保护和管理有重要的参考价值和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Using the context of the financial reform and the development of the non-state sector in China in the past decade, we examine the roles that the quality of information disclosure and property rights play in the allocation of different types of bank credit. We find that foreign banks and policy banks exercise “financial discrimination,” and that local commercial banks, large state-owned commercial banks, national joint-stock banks, local city commercial banks, and rural commercial banks not only exercise financial discrimination but also provide significant “financial support” to non-state-owned enterprises by providing more lending opportunities and larger loans. However, when enterprises commit information disclosure violations, the local commercial banks, national joint-stock banks, local city commercial banks, and rural commercial banks reverse their credit decisions and begin to exercise financial discrimination against non-state-owned enterprises. At the same time, large state-owned commercial banks continue to provide financial support to non-state-owned enterprises. We also find that the quality of the information disclosed by enterprises has a moderating effect rather than an intermediary effect on the relationship between property rights and bank loans. Overall, the results of this paper shine new light on the market-oriented reform of the banking industry, and provide new empirical evidence for the presence of financial discrimination in the supply of bank credit. Our findings also have practical implications for solving the financing difficulties of non-state-owned enterprises.  相似文献   

We investigate whether and how financial constraints of private firms depend on bank lending behavior. Bank lending behavior, especially its scale, scope and timing, is largely driven by bank business models which differ between privately owned and state-owned banks. Using a unique dataset on private small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) we find that an increase in relative borrowings from local state-owned banks significantly reduces firms’ financial constraints, while there is no such effect for privately owned banks. Improved credit availability and private information production are the main channels that explain our result. We also show that the lending behavior of local state-owned banks can be sustainable because it is less cyclical and neither leads to more risk taking nor underperformance.  相似文献   

In September 2008, the government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs), Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, were placed into conservatorship. The GSEs' equity prices dropped considerably in response, and, as a result, many banks that held sizable amounts of the preferred stock of the two GSEs recognized substantial losses. Fifteen failures and two mergers resulted. We treat these losses as plausibly exogenous, unanticipated, supply-side shocks to bank lending, as they are likely unrelated to demand-side factors that could affect lending, and because GSE investments were considered to be safe by banks, regulators, and rating agencies. As a result, this event allows us to examine the relationship between community bank condition and lending during the global financial crisis. We find that, following the shock, loan growth at exposed banks was about 2 percentage points lower than other banks.  相似文献   

中小企业贷款难和国有商业银行难放贷的症结分析与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
韩光道 《金融论坛》2005,10(5):52-55
中小企业在我国国民经济中具有十分重要的地位,加快中小企业发展对全面建设小康社会具有十分重要的作用。然而,中小企业贷款难和国有商业银行难放贷的问题在现实经济生活中却客观存在。其症结既有企业自身原因,又有金融机制的制约因素,另外,还包括社会环境等方面的原因。疏通国有商业银行和中小企业之间的融资渠道,必须实现政府、银行、企业三方联动,采取系统对策。政府要发挥宏观调控的主导作用,努力营造促进中小企业发展以及国有商业银行向中小企业贷款的政策法制环境和社会服务环境;国有商业银行要深化产权制度改革,转换经营体制和机制;中小企业要不断提升自身素质。  相似文献   

By applying factor analysis to unique data on loan screening for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Japan, we investigate the factors that banks actually evaluate when underwriting commercial loans. We find that banks emphasize three factors when they decide whether to grant loans: the relationship factor, the financial statement factor, and the collateral/guarantee factor. We also find that smaller banks place greater emphasis on the relationship and the collateral/guarantee factors, and that banks under competitive pressure emphasize the relationship factor to a greater extent. We interpret these findings based on the theory of relationship lending and lending technologies.  相似文献   

关系型贷款与中小企业融资   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
汪小勤  杨涛 《武汉金融》2004,(8):47-48,37
本文认为中小企业融资难的根本原因在于其信息的不可得性和不可控性。文章简要介绍了国外银行开发的多种形式的贷款技术,着重分析了“关系型贷款”(相对于其他形式贷款而言)能更好服务于中小企业融资的原因。最后,文章指出了“关系型贷款”在实际运用过程中存在的问题,并就“关系型贷款”在我国中小企业融资中的推行提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of banks’ dual holding on bank lending and firms’ investment decisions using a sample of listed firms in China. We find that dual holding leads to easier access to bank loans, a result that is more pronounced for non-state-owned enterprises (non-SOEs) than SOEs. We also find that dual holding distorts banks’ lending decisions and harms the investment efficiency for SOEs, while resulting in optimal lending decisions and enhanced investment efficiency for non-SOEs. For non-SOEs, further analysis suggests that optimal lending decisions and efficient investment can be achieved for firms with higher ownership concentration, and firms in which the family and foreign investors are the controlling shareholders. We argue that, in emerging markets, whether a bank plays a monitoring role by directly holding the debt and equity claims of companies relies heavily on whether the potential collusion between firm executives and bank managers can be averted, which in turn is determined by the firms’ governance framework and ownership structure.  相似文献   

We analyzed the loan guarantees that the Japanese government provided for banks’ loans to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). We modeled and estimated how much and under what conditions loan guarantees affected banks’ risk-taking and banks’ non-guaranteed lending.In the presence of controls for bank capital and other factors that might affect supplies of bank credit, our estimates supported our model's implications that loan guarantees increased banks’ risk-taking.Consistent with our model, our estimates imply that, when banks initially had fewer guaranteed loans and then got more guaranteed loans, guaranteed loans were complements to, rather than substitutes for, non-guaranteed loans. As complements, loan guarantees could be “high-powered” in that they generated increases not only in guaranteed loans, but also increases in non-guaranteed loans that were a multiple of the increases in guaranteed loans. In addition, banks’ having more capital was associated with doing more non-guaranteed lending.  相似文献   

How do concentration and competition in the European banking sector affect lending relationships between small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and their banks? Recent empirical evidence suggests that concentration and competition capture different characteristics of banking systems. Using a unique dataset on SMEs for selected European regions, we empirically investigate the impact of increasing concentration and competition on the number of lending relationships maintained by SMEs. We find that competition has a positive effect on the number of lending relationships, weak evidence that concentration reduces the number of banking relationships and weak persistent evidence that they tend to offset each other.  相似文献   

We explore whether corporate tax enforcement can affect bank lending. Specifically, we hypothesize that tax enforcement efforts aimed at small and midsized enterprises (SME) can improve their information environments, which in turn could lead to increased bank commercial lending. Exploiting the regional structure employed by the IRS until 1999, we find that the corporate tax return audit probability for SMEs is associated with greater commercial lending growth for regionally focused banks. We find similar evidence when exploiting the IRS reorganization from a regional to federal system in 2000. Further results show that tax enforcement's impact on SME informational environments is at least partially responsible for this association: The impact of tax auditing on bank lending is stronger for banks facing greater informational disadvantages and in areas where SMEs face greater hold-up problems. Finally, we find that the tax audit rate is positively associated with loan portfolio quality, suggesting that tax enforcement can lead to better loan decisions. Our findings are consistent with the tax authority's mandate having important externalities on bank lending and SME access to capital, suggesting that the benefits to tax enforcement go beyond improving tax collection.  相似文献   

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