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会计信息质量是连接会计目标和实现目标之间的关键因素,起到了纽带的作用,而相关性和可靠性又是会计信息质量特征的主要特征。会计信息质量特征在财务概念框架中起着至关重要的作用。文章主要从相关性和可靠性的权衡问题的角度来探讨怎样提高会计信息质量。  相似文献   

王建兵 《时代金融》2013,(23):162-163
在财务会计概念框架中,会计信息质量特征居于枢纽地位。相关性和可靠性作为两个最基本、最重要的会计质量特征,它们共同决定了会计信息的有用性。文章从会计信息相关性和可靠性的内涵入手,分析了两者冲突的引发原因,并提出了两者协调的路径。  相似文献   

会计信息相关性和可靠性权衡:现实与改进   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
相关性与可靠性是会计信息两个根本的信息质量特征.在回答准则与制度孰优,会计信息可靠性还是相关性更重要时,必须要在相关性和可靠性之间进行权衡.本文通过比较相关性与可靠性及其相近的概念在我国<会计法>、<企业财务会计报告条例>、<企业会计制度>以及<企业会计准则>中出现的频率来探讨现实会计信息相关性和可靠性之间的权衡关系,为今后财务会计概念框架的构建和会计准则的制定提供了相应的指南和改进思路.  相似文献   

IASB在《财务报告概念框架(征求意见稿)》中提及的"将相关性和如实反映继续作为财务信息的基本质量特征是否恰当",要从概念框架中相关性和如实反映(可靠性)的源头——Trueblood report——进行深究,并立足"会计是一个经济信息系统"、"会计信息是一种经济信息",从信息经济学角度进行解读和评判。在Trueblood report中,相关性产生于会计的"信息观",而可靠性产生于会计的"计量观",二者是两种不同会计观念混合的结果,是互不相干的。信息经济学认为,经济信息的质量特征决定于经济信息结构的"粒度"和"准确度"。从"会计是一个经济信息系统"、"会计信息是一种经济信息"来看,会计信息的基本质量特征是会计信息结构的"粒度"和"准确度";以此判断,将相关性作为会计信息的质量特征是不恰当的,可靠性(如实反映)部分与准确度质量特征相符,部分涵盖粒度质量特征。提供高质量会计信息,要从会计信息结构的"粒度"和"准确度"着手。  相似文献   

本文对国内外不同概念框架下会计信息质量特征的组成进行了梳理和思考,从两个不同方面探讨"相关性"和"可靠性"冲突时的处理方法,并对我国现行的会计信息质量要求提出了补充意见。结合我国后金融危机时期的特殊背景和国际上的先进经验,论证了高质量会计信息的重要性,旨在对我国会计工作的完善和发展起到一定得推动作用。  相似文献   

一、会计信息质量研究述评(一)会计信息质量的衡量标准。会计信息质量的衡量标准主要是解决什么是高质量的会计信息的问题。FASB发布的会计信息质量特征概念公告将相关性和可靠性作为会计信息主要质量特征。朱元午(1999)认为相关性和可靠性是会计信息的两大质量特  相似文献   

浅谈会计信息相关性与可靠性的协调关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文阐述了会计信息相关性与可靠性的概念,详细分析了相关性和可靠性两者之间的相互关系。  相似文献   

谢金俊 《云南金融》2012,(7X):10-10
本文阐述了会计信息相关性与可靠性的概念,详细分析了相关性和可靠性两者之间的相互关系。  相似文献   

2010年IASB修订IASC时期制定的概念框架,将可靠性质量特征修改为"如实表述",同时放弃审慎性和实质重于形式这两个可靠性质量特征的指导性标准,意图增加财务报告的透明度与相关性。在我国会计准则与国际趋同日益成为现实的大背景下,有必要明确可靠性在财务会计信息质量中的地位及其去留问题。从经济学视角分析,可靠性与相关性关系变迁具有逻辑上的理性轨迹,从强调相关性到突出可靠性应为一个理性回归。建立可靠性质量特征之认识理性的现实意义在于,对IASB修订概念框架的意图与后果作出理论研究层面的讨论。  相似文献   

李霜 《中国外资》2013,(21):31-31,33
相关性与可靠性是会计信息质量的两大特征,二者之间呈现出既对立又统一的关系。最终的会计信息质量需要在两者中进行权衡而定。目前,国际上已达成共识,将相关性与可靠性共同作为会计信息的质量特征。本文以此为背景,围绕会计信息的可靠性、相关性与会计信息质量的关系展开论述。  相似文献   

This paper examines the relation between information’s properties, such as reliability and relevance, and public disclosure policy. It shows that the optimal accounting system often involves a carefully balanced combination of mandatory and voluntary disclosure, with mandatory reporting focused on more reliable information. The emphasis on reliability causes the welfare-maximizing mandatory report to consistently lag behind the financial market in incorporating value-relevant information.  相似文献   

公允价值会计实践的理论透视   总被引:84,自引:0,他引:84  
本文对影响公允价值会计实践的因素进行了理论分析,认为历史成本会计对不稳定的经营环境的不适应性,是公允价值会计实践的根本诱因;决策有用观的财务报告目标,为公允价值会计实践创造了适宜的环境;对经济学收益计量的追求,为公允价值会计实践提供了内在的动力;而相关性与可靠性的权衡,则构成了公允价值会计实践的关键限制。因此,为相关性和可靠性的权衡制定明确的标准,并对决策有用会计信息质量特征进行反思和重构,是推动公允价值会计实践的根本要求和有效途径。  相似文献   

R&D Accounting and the Tradeoff Between Relevance and Objectivity   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We use a simulation model for a pharmaceutical R&D program to examine the tradeoff between objectivity and relevance of accounting information under various methods of R&D reporting. A simple capitalization rule, similar to the successful-efforts method of capitalizing oil and gas exploration costs, provides a stronger relation between accounting information and economic values than immediate expensing of R&D outlays or capitalizing the full cost of outlays. The superior relevance of this "successful-efforts" method persists even when earnings management is widespread.  相似文献   

信息技术与会计价值超越   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
会计信息是经济领域最重要的信息之一,然而在信息时代,会计系统所提供的信息已经难以在相关性、可靠性、及时性等方面满足组织内外信息用户的要求,从而引发会计价值危机。信息技术在会计领域的运用将有利于会计价值的回归和超越。信息技术与会计的结合呈现出三个有较大飞跃的阶段,即电算化会计阶段、与管理信息系统的集成阶段和网络会计系统阶段。但尚不能断言信息技术将使会计价值无限提高。  相似文献   

This study investigates the user-specific contexts under which comparability better enhances relevance of accounting information. We first confirm the intuition in the FASB’s (2010) current conceptual framework by documenting that the short-window earnings response coefficient (ERC) is positively associated with the pre-determined level of comparability. Using the cross-sectional variation in the positive relation between ERC and comparability, we show that the link between ERC and comparability is more pronounced for firms with higher investor sophistication and lower information asymmetry among investors. We further support our predictions using analysts’ earnings forecast revisions and various alternative measures of earnings informativeness. In sum, our paper shows that comparability improves information users’ ability to identify similarities and differences across different firms to a greater extent when investor base is more sophisticated and private information is less prevalent. These results suggest that standard setters, regulators, and practitioners should devote more attention to the role of comparability in firms whose investors are less sophisticated and information environment is more opaque.  相似文献   

本文以中国证券市场2001至2004年期间的上市公司为对象,考察了公司会计可靠性原则的盈余相关性及其市场定价。我们首先考察基于收付实现制的现金收益和基于权责发生制的应计总额的相对盈余相关性,并考察市场定价是否对两者的计量可靠性差异做出反映。在此基础上,我们进一步着重考察具有较高可靠性的非融资性流动负债和较低可靠性的非融资性流动资产,考察其盈余相关性及市场定价。 研究发现,基于收付实现制的现金收益具有更高的盈余相关性,但市场表现出存在利润“功能锁定”现象,并未对其做出反映。非融资性流动负债具有正的盈余相关性,非融资性流动资产具有负的盈余相关性。二者相比较,会计可靠性计量原则与盈余相关性具有显著正相关关系。从市场定价角度看,市场给予了非融资性流动负债正的定价、非融资性流动资产负的定价。即市场符合“幼稚投资者”假说,市场给予了会计可靠性原则正的定价,但其显著程度尚比较弱,在加入各种控制变量之后,其显著程度进一步弱化。  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the conceptual framework, accounting standards and accounting information relevant to the not‐for‐profit (NFP) sector. Based on the responses of 242 Australian NFP managers, we find support for the inclusion of accountability in the conceptual framework, and for a common set of accounting standards across NFP and for‐profit sectors with additional standards or paragraphs to recognise NFP specific issues. Respondents also rated information within general‐purpose financial reports to be useful for decision making within their organisations. We offer suggestions as to what our findings mean for the development of accounting standards for the NFP sector.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the need for an adequate conceptual framework for financial reporting, particularly in the public sector, and examines several factors which may have worked against progress in the UK in developing such a conceptual framework in the past. The paper then analyses in detail the needs of potential users for capital accounting information in public sector financial reports, and the relevance of accruals accounting and different measurement bases in this context. Given the large amount of existing work outside the UK on the development of conceptual frameworks for financial reporting, the paper argues the need not for a new framework, but rather for a more focused analysis of several key conceptual issues that are relevant to meeting user needs.  相似文献   

Agency theoretical literature in accounting has frequently stressed possible difficulties in pursuing stewardship and valuation usefulness simultaneously. However, recent empirical evidence has revealed a significantly positive correlation between the two objectives. These empirical findings provide support for the IASB/FASB's decision to encompass stewardship in valuation usefulness in their revised conceptual framework. The objective of our paper is to identify factors influencing the stewardship/valuation relationship by using an analytical model. In a Linear Exponential Normal (LEN) setting we focus on the characteristics of an accounting system, in particular relevance, freedom from error and freedom from bias, the latter two according to IASB/FASB being components of representational faithfulness. We show that accounting quality, comprising relevance and freedom from error, has similar effects on valuation and stewardship usefulness. However, we identify conditions under which there is no perfect mapping from stewardship to valuation. Moreover, discretion in the accounting system has different consequences for both objectives as it does not affect valuation usefulness while it entails potentially negative effects on stewardship. Thus, we raise doubts in relation to the standard‐setters' view that stewardship is automatically met by a focus on valuation usefulness.  相似文献   

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