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白平 《财政监督》2012,(5):21-22
如何实现对投资者的保护是我国证券市场发展中面临的重要课题。本文从会计视角出发,分析了会计信息所具有的功能,结合公司治理中的委托代理理论、信息不对称理论、资本资产定价模型和有效市场假设理论,分析了会计信息质量的投资者保护作用机制。最后提出提高上市公司会计信息质量是加强证券市场投资保护的有效途径之一。  相似文献   

一、评价简介资本市场在一国经济发展中扮演着越来越重要的作用,而投资者保护程度是影响与促进资本市场发展最为重要的因素。投资者保护机制已由最初单纯对法律保护的强调,发展为对多种机制的综合开发利用,其中信息不对称问题是投资者保护机制实施效果的最大障碍。我国资本市场投资者保护体系是在政府主导下发展起来的,当前投资者保护已经成为我国资本市场立法与监管的核心价值取向,国外行之有效的投资者保护机制不断引入,投资  相似文献   

信息不对称与非公平关联交易的透视   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文运用契约理论系统地分析了上市公司关联交易中的信息不对称问题,认为在我国现行证券市场上逆向选择的现象还难于避免,对道德风险的监督还没有形成机制,中小投资者的利益还得不到保护。同时,对规范上市公司的关联交易和完善我国证券市场的法制建设提出了建议。  相似文献   

建立以市场为中心的金融体系,监管的关键就是市场公开生产信息的机制与制度的确保,验证信息的公开、真实、可靠性的关键又看是否最大限度地保护了投资者利益。自股灾发生以来,金融监管机构及其监管能力一直是社会公众广为诟病的对象。但是,当今金融监管中的问题,早已不仅仅是监管机制层面的问题,而应该是国家金融发展战略与金融体制层面的问题。事实上,国务院提出的发展资本市场战略与双层金融监  相似文献   

吴慧云 《会计师》2012,(2):12-13
信息披露作为一种缓解资本市场信息不对称问题的重要机制,长期以来受到政府监管机构、投资者和学术界的密切关注。信息披露质量作为信息披露的一种经济后果,早已在国外信息市场上引起广泛的关注。  相似文献   

资金侵占是控股股东利用控制权获取私人利益的重要表现形式,也是其解决资金缺乏的重要途径,普遍存在于信息不对称严重的公司。而有效的信息披露制度则会提高公司透明度,减轻信息不对称程度,保护中小投资者免受控股股东的掠夺。作为外部治理机制的审计是公司信息披露质量的重要保证,也能够缓解代理问题,对中小投资者起到保护作用。因此,本文选取深圳A股上市公司作为样本,研究信息披露质量、控股股东资金占用以及审计师选择之间的关系。实证结果发现,信息披露质量越高的公司会减少控股股东的资金占用并且倾向于选择高质量的审计师,高质量审计师也能够起到降低控股股东的资金占用的效果。这一研究结果对加强信息披露监管以及审计的治理效应有着重要的启示。  相似文献   

中国企业债券市场较小,严重的信息不对称是一个重要原因。企业债券发行者与投资者之间的信息不对称,使投资者面临着较高的收集信息的费用,导致投资者承担更大的风险而要求更高的回报,从而推高发债企业的信用利差。本文对发债企业和投资者之间信息不对称程度与中国企业债券信用利差的关系进行实证研究。结果表明,发债企业和投资者之间的信息不对称程度与债券信用利差显著正相关。  相似文献   

以2013-2016年391支股票的360搜索指数中的投资者关注度和媒体关注度的指数作为网络关注度度量指标,同时基于股票市场交易数据采用多种信息不对称计算方法构建了信息不对称性度量指标,并进一步构造了信息不对称主成分综合指标。通过建立横截面回归模型,探究投资者和媒体关注度对我国股票市场的信息不对称程度的影响作用。实证分析及稳健性检验结果表明:投资者关注度的增加会减少知情交易及信息不透明程度,从而减少了股票市场的信息不对称程度,提高了股票市场的流动性;媒体关注度对不同的信息不对称性度量指标的影响存在着不一致性。本研究通过探索投资者关注度及媒体关注度在新兴市场中的应用,对于我国证券市场监管层制定政策以及对于普通投资者优化投资策略都具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

论我国企业债券融资信息不对称问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李文群 《金融论坛》2005,10(2):49-54
本文认为,我国企业债券市场没有得到大力发展,其症结在于我国企业债券市场上存在严重的信息不对称问题,无论在企业债券的发行市场上还是在流通市场上都是如此。若不对信息不对称问题加以解决,我国企业债券市场有大的发展将是不可能的。为此,本文在分析企业债券信息不对称的机理上,提出了解决我国企业债券信息不对称的三大机制:声誉机制、法律机制和信用评级机制,以求规范我国企业债券市场的运作,使我国企业债券市场得以顺利发展。  相似文献   

我国上市公司会计信息披露存在问题表现在信息披露的不真实、不完整和不及时.文章分析了会计信息披露与投资者保护的相互影响:一方面信息披露是重要的投资者保护机制,信息通过定价机制和公司治理为投资者决策服务,保护投资者利益;另一方面,投资者通过高质量的会计信息需求刺激高质量信息供给,间接地提高会计信息披露质量  相似文献   

This article offers a survey of theoretical research on disclosure and the cost of capital. We summarize the current state of the literature and discuss the channels through which information affects the cost of capital. After giving an overview of asset pricing theory, we examine the rationale for an accounting risk factor or an ex‐ante effect of information on the cost of capital. Then, we discuss the role of voluntary disclosure, heterogenous beliefs, investor base, liquidity shocks, earnings management, and agency problems as determinants of the cost of capital. Linkages between productive decisions and the cost of capital, and their implication for investor welfare, are also examined.  相似文献   

Prior research documents capital market benefits of increased investor attention to accounting disclosures and media coverage; however, little is known about how investors and markets respond to attention‐grabbing events that reveal little nonpublic information. We use daily firm advertising data to test how advertisements, which are designed to attract consumers' attention, influence investors' attention and financial markets (i.e., spillover effects). Exploiting the fact that firms often advertise at weekly intervals, we use an instrumental variables approach to provide evidence that print ads, especially in business publications, trigger temporary spikes in investor attention. We further find that trading volume and quoted dollar depths increase on days with ads in a business publication. We contribute to research on how management choices influence firms' information environments, determinants and consequences of investor attention, and consequences of advertising for financial markets.  相似文献   

This study examines whether investor protection affects capital markets, specifically the development of corporate bond markets versus equity markets. Using a dataset of 42 countries, we show that countries with strong creditor rights have more developed corporate bond markets than equity markets. However, we find only weak evidence that countries with stronger shareholder protection have more developed equity markets than corporate bond markets. Additionally, we find that the effect of financial reforms on capital markets is strongly dependent on the strength of investor protection and on the associated information disclosure in a given country.  相似文献   

The long‐term success of financial markets depends on the widespread availability of reasonably detailed and reliable financial information. Individual investors depend critically upon companies' regulatory filings and voluntary disclosures to assess their long‐run risks, payoffs, and, ultimately, their intrinsic values. However, a recent string of accounting frauds involving Chinese firms listed on overseas markets has drawn attention to the accounting and governance risks associated with investing in Chinese firms. This article provides a brief overview of the information environment of Chinese capital markets and the primary forces that affect the incentives of Chinese listed companies to provide timely and accurate financial reports. The evidence reviewed here indicates that the adoption of world‐class standards and regulation, although necessary, is not sufficient to generate incentives for transparency. The long‐term health of China's capital markets will also depend upon other reforms that are designed to accomplish the following: (1) improve the protection of investor rights through an effective, independent judiciary court system that promotes civil lawsuits, and through credible regulatory enforcement; (2) strengthen market development activity, especially with respect to foreign investors; and (3) limit political rent‐seeking behavior and deter politicized business decisions, especially in China's state‐owned enterprises. Together, such reforms have the potential to improve corporate governance in China and better align the incentives of the state and majority shareholders with those of minority shareholders, while increasing the ability of accounting to serve a contracting function and the demand for timely information for valuation purposes.  相似文献   

The asset growth effect: Insights from international equity markets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Firms with higher asset growth rates subsequently experience lower stock returns in international equity markets, consistent with the U.S. evidence. This negative effect of asset growth on returns is stronger in more developed capital markets and markets where stocks are more efficiently priced, but is unrelated to country characteristics representing limits to arbitrage, investor protection, and accounting quality. The evidence suggests that the cross-sectional relation between asset growth and stock return is more likely due to an optimal investment effect than due to overinvestment, market timing, or other forms of mispricing.  相似文献   

I review empirical research on the relation between capital markets and financial statements. The principal sources of demand for capital markets research in accounting are fundamental analysis and valuation, tests of market efficiency, and the role of accounting numbers in contracts and the political process. The capital markets research topics of current interest to researchers include tests of market efficiency with respect to accounting information, fundamental analysis, and value relevance of financial reporting. Evidence from research on these topics is likely to be helpful in capital market investment decisions, accounting standard setting, and corporate financial disclosure decisions.  相似文献   

This paper studies how information disclosure affects investment efficiency and investor welfare in a dynamic setting in which a firm makes sequential investments to adjust its capital stock over time. We show that the effects of accounting disclosures on investment efficiency and investor welfare crucially depend on whether such disclosures convey information about the firm's future capital stock (i.e., balance sheet) or about its future operating cash flows (i.e., earnings). Specifically, investment efficiency and investor welfare unambiguously increase in the precision of disclosures that convey information about the future capital stock, since such disclosures mitigate the current owners' incentives to underinvest. In contrast, when accounting reports provide information about future cash flows, the firm can have incentives to either under‐ or overinvest depending on the precision of accounting reports and the expected growth in demand. For such disclosures, investment efficiency and investor welfare are maximized by an intermediate level of precision. The two types of accounting disclosures act as substitutes in that the precision of capital stock disclosures that maximizes investment efficiency (and investor welfare) decreases as cash flow disclosures become more informative and vice versa.  相似文献   

投资者保护变迁与会计改革的共生互动性   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
本文尝试从理论上解析,并以我国的改革实践印证投资者保护与会计的共生互动性。由于会计具有重要的投资者保护功能,投资者保护与会计之间始终处于一种共生互动的协调状态。投资者保护目标的实现需要会计的顺应性支持,而会计也能通过其具体机制的变革和发展服务于这种需要。我国近30年的会计改革实践印证了在政府主导环境下,投资者保护与会计之间的动态协调仍是一个显著特征。  相似文献   

通过测度中国上市公司的会计信息可比性值,实证考察了投资者保护对可比性的影响.结果显示:投资者保护程度与会计信息可比性显著正相关,即在我国投资者保护程度较强的地区,企业管理层能更严格遵守会计准则规定,会计信息可比性较高.进一步检验发现,相对于国有控股公司,投资者保护程度与会计信息可比性的正相关关系在非国有控股公司中更加显著,因此,投资者保护制度对国有控股公司管理层会计行为的约束能力较弱.稳健性检验结果发现,这种正相关关系在中央政府控股公司与地方政府控股公司间不存在显著差别.  相似文献   

投资者保护与财务会计信息质量   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
根据投资者保护的分析框架,不同地区对投资者的保护程度会对公司会计政策和行为产生影响,对于投资者保护较弱的地区,财务会计系统可能成为补偿弱投资者保护负面影响的一种替代机制。本文使用来自我国内地31个地区911家A股上市公司2001—2004年的数据为样本进行考察,利用各地区市场化进程数据构建各地区的投资者保护程度变量,使用会计盈余反映经济收益的非对称及时性衡量财务会计信息的质量,证据一定程度上表明来自投资者保护较弱地区的上市公司更愿意提供较高质量的财务会计信息,以补偿弱投资者保护带来的负面效应。  相似文献   

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