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两种基本财务会计信息需求与供给的矛盾和协调   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
投资者为满足决策需要和增强契约有效性产生了两种基本的信息需求,即有关公司未来业绩和风险的信息和与经理努力程度高度相关的业绩衡量信息。现实环境的财务会计无法同时在一份报告中完美地提供上述信息,对两种基本信息需求的权衡和报告成为经理利益驱动的会计选择结果。管制和准则在一定程度上协调了投资者和经理之间的会计信息的供需矛盾。认识我国当前的财务会计及其报告的环境,对会计研究者和准则制定者来说都具有重大的意义。  相似文献   

我国政府会计改革的若干问题   总被引:63,自引:4,他引:63  
文章系统分析了当前我国市场经济环境和改革开放的新形势对政府会计改革提出的要求 ,重点探讨了我国政府职能的转换、公共财政体制的改革、政府收支分类科目的变化、政府绩效评价制度的建设以及政府监督的加强等与政府会计改革之间的内在关系 ,提出了当前加大我国政府会计准则研究的必要性和紧迫性。文章还介绍了政府会计标准方面的国际惯例和我国政府会计改革与国际协调的问题。最后 ,文章就如何推进我国政府会计改革提出了若干亟需研究的问题  相似文献   

会计文化是在一定的政治、经济、道德等社会环境下逐渐形成的一种文化形式.在宏观上,会计文化有助于我国会计事业健康有序发展,能够更好地发挥出会计职能,大幅提升我国会计行业的国际知名度与话语权;在微观层面,会计文化更是提升财务管理水平、提高会计信息质量、协调会计组织内部之间关系的“金钥匙”.建设会计文化,促进经济发展,是新形势下会计改革与发展的需要,是顺时代潮流的必然选择.  相似文献   

上市公司质量是证券市场稳定发展的基石,投资者是维持市场发展的原动力,要稳步发展证券市场,首先要保护投资者利益,提高上市公司的质量、保护投资者利益,首先就要提高会计准则和披露准则,建立一个合理的、能够真实反映企业财务状况和经营成果的会计准则,使广大投资者能够正确判断企业财务状况和经营成果。证券市场的发展状况、金融企业的改革实践以及目前证券市场面临的信心危机都充分暴露出会计改革比证券市场发展的滞后性。  相似文献   

会计制度质量的高低与会计稳健性之间的关系一直以来都饱受争议.财务报告的稳健型主要取决于制度环境的建设和经济发展水平,但有时会忽视了文化及准则差异.本文基于制度建设视角,对会计制度变迁与稳健性进行深入剖析,着重分析我国需要强化会计稳健性原则的原因.强化会计稳健性的外在原因包括监管盈余和评价制度,但究其根本,则是将稳健性作为改善企业盈余质量的机制以加强保护投资者利益.  相似文献   

"创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享"在党的十八届五中全会提出,升华了中国共产党发展理论,为我国改革全局提供了方向和科学的指导方法.我们深知这场改革将关系到社会的方方面面,意义深远,因此会计也需要结合五大发展理念的革新,积极完成会计的改革与发展.新的发展理念下,将有哪些新的内涵被赋予给会计学科与实践,反过来,会计又将在改革中发挥怎样的作用?值得本文思考和探讨.  相似文献   

会计国际协调:一个新的分析视角   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
会计标准的国际协调一直是我国会计理论界和实务界非常关注的一个重要问题。对此 ,理论界就净利润的双重披露差异进行了大量的实证研究 ,研究的结果也常常为我国会计标准改革所借鉴。然而 ,我们的研究发现 ,2 0 0 0年底《企业会计制度》及随后一系列会计准则颁布和修订后 ,境内外净资产差异与净利润差异之间的联系明显降低 ,仅有净利润之间的国际协调还不足以说明会计信息总体上已经实现国际协调。因此 ,单纯从净利润的角度来研究会计标准的国际协调可能存在一定的片面性。本文试图从净利润、净资产以及两者对比的净资产收益率三个角度来判断我国会计标准的国际协调程度  相似文献   

从字面上看,以"决策有用性"为目标的财务报告模式更有利于保护投资者。其实不尽然。会计实践长期以来的发展一直都是在保护投资者,"受托责任"是从会计实践中总结提炼出来的概念,高度概括了财务报告保护投资者的功能。决策有用性的财务报告模式对保护投资者的作用取决于特定的经济体制、商业惯例和相关市场成长发育特征;受托责任的财务报告模式对保护投资者的作用则是发挥公司治理机制的功能。公司治理机制是企业业绩的基础保证,受托责任的会计信息有利于完善公司治理机制,从而更基础、更长远地保护投资者。向股东报告管理层的受托责任,可以发挥会计在企业管理中的作用,是会计管理活动论在财务会计中的表现之一。  相似文献   

王仁生  陈榕  刘凡 《福建金融》2008,(10):22-25
建立完善的金融风险补偿机制,保护存款人和投资者的权益,是深化我国金融改革、维护金融稳定需要认真研究和探讨的一个重要课题。本文通过分析比较国内外金融风险补偿机制现状,阐述建立我国金融风险补偿机制的必要性和紧迫性,提出建立和完善我国金融风险补偿机制与投资者保护体系的建议。  相似文献   

政府进行会计制度改革不是一个一蹴而就的过程,而是需要长时间的坚持和投入,为保障我国政府会计改革的顺利进行,必须要在政府会计改革的过程中严格将国际会计改革的客观规律和实际国情以及现有会计制度的利弊相结合,确立集控制、管理和报告取向于一身的循序渐进的会计改革战略次序,将集合财务会计和预算会计与一体的双轨制政府会计体系作为战略的基本框架,同时分别将技术协调与组织协调作为核心点和突破点,有序的推进我国政府会计改革的稳定发展.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the earnings management activities in Chinese listed firms and the impact of the split share structure reform (SSSREF). We demonstrate that Chinese listed firms exhibited a long-term positive relationship between real and accrual-based earnings management activities over the 2002–2011 period. This reflects the environment of weak investor protection and lack of effective corporate governance in China. Our results also indicate that the SSSREF in China has not fundamentally improved firms' quality of financial information. This may be because ownership concentration remains high. However, it is of interest that the reform has created an incentive alignment effect exogenously. We find that firms' use of discretionary accruals was constrained, and they have consequently shifted to less detectable and under-scrutinized real earnings activities after the reform. This shift is similar to that seen with the direct regulatory changes in accounting reporting rules on firms' earnings behaviors in developed countries where the investor protection environment is strong. We suggest that firms' shifting between the accrual and real-based earnings methods is an overlooked area for investors to consider in the emerging market context, and may require the attention of regulators.  相似文献   

投资者保护与财务会计信息质量   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
根据投资者保护的分析框架,不同地区对投资者的保护程度会对公司会计政策和行为产生影响,对于投资者保护较弱的地区,财务会计系统可能成为补偿弱投资者保护负面影响的一种替代机制。本文使用来自我国内地31个地区911家A股上市公司2001—2004年的数据为样本进行考察,利用各地区市场化进程数据构建各地区的投资者保护程度变量,使用会计盈余反映经济收益的非对称及时性衡量财务会计信息的质量,证据一定程度上表明来自投资者保护较弱地区的上市公司更愿意提供较高质量的财务会计信息,以补偿弱投资者保护带来的负面效应。  相似文献   

通过测度中国上市公司的会计信息可比性值,实证考察了投资者保护对可比性的影响.结果显示:投资者保护程度与会计信息可比性显著正相关,即在我国投资者保护程度较强的地区,企业管理层能更严格遵守会计准则规定,会计信息可比性较高.进一步检验发现,相对于国有控股公司,投资者保护程度与会计信息可比性的正相关关系在非国有控股公司中更加显著,因此,投资者保护制度对国有控股公司管理层会计行为的约束能力较弱.稳健性检验结果发现,这种正相关关系在中央政府控股公司与地方政府控股公司间不存在显著差别.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This study examines the interactive influence of corporate ownership, corporate governance and investor protection on the incorporation of current value shocks in the accounting earnings of European companies. This influence is investigated not only by means of the association between current news and current earnings but also with respect to the association of the same news with expected future earnings, and its persistence. Consistent with the contractual explanation of accounting conservatism, it is shown that the accounting behaviour examined is a function of the demand created by shareholders, and that the institutional arrangements in force are of lesser significance in the presence of widely held ownership. On the other hand, greater separation between supervision and management and stronger investor protection are seen to be influential under close ownership, as these are shown to curb aggressive accounting in the form of a persistently lower recognition of bad news in earnings. Evidence is also provided that stricter corporate governance practices in Europe can substitute for weaknesses in investor protection provisions in law.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of mandatory IFRS adoption and investor protection on the quality of accounting earnings in forty-six countries around the globe. The results suggest that earnings quality increases for mandatory IFRS adoption when a country's investor protection regime provides stronger protection. This study extends the current literature that shows that accounting practices are influenced by country-level macro settings. The results highlight the importance of investor protection for financial reporting quality and the need for regulators to design mechanisms that limit managers' earnings management practices.  相似文献   

会计制度变迁与盈余稳健性:一项理论分析   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:13  
本文从制度层面对会计制度变迁与盈余稳健性进行了理论分析,并着重从我国的制度背景分析了我国会计制度中稳健性原则强化的原因,西方国家会计稳健性提高的主要因素很难为其提供解释。以盈余为基础的监管和评价制度是我国会计制度中稳健性原则强化的外在制度原因,而根本原因是稳健性原则的运用作为一种财务报告机制可以改善公司的盈余质量,并强化对投资者利益的保护。  相似文献   

A growing body of literature investigates the interaction of changes in accounting standards with institutions such as investor protection laws and corporate governance mechanisms. We examine the unintended consequences of fair value accounting in determining mandated preferred dividends. We study the case of Russian energy conglomerate UES, which had a good corporate governance track record and a consistent dividend history. Following its adoption of fair value accounting, UES reported the highest quarterly profit in world corporate history, but it subsequently omitted dividends for all its shareholders. The case analysis suggests that the transitory nature of fair value adjustments and the interaction with the investment policy were important considerations in justifying the dividend omission. The reduction in preferred dividends was not offset by any capital gains, and led to a wealth transfer from preferred to ordinary shareholders. Thus, requiring the use of fair value accounting when determining the dividend distribution base can lead to unintended consequences and increase agency costs for minority shareholders.  相似文献   

投资者法律保护、股权集中度与大股东行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵中伟 《上海金融》2008,94(5):73-78
在不同的法系和国家中,对投资者的法律保护存在很大的差异。作为对投资者法律保护的替代,在投资者法律保护薄弱的国家,股权结构相对集中。为了保护投资者的利益,我国应该完善对投资者的法律保护,提高执法质量和会计质量,促进股权的适度集中,限制控制股东的掠夺行为。  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship between the value relevance of earnings and earnings quality across countries. We find that there is a stronger relationship between earnings quality and the value relevance of earnings in countries with high investor protection than in countries with weak investor protection. We also find that the association between the value relevance of earnings and earnings quality is higher when a country’s information environment is less opaque. Overall, our study documents evidence on international differences in the ability of stock prices to capture useful accounting information, consistent with the notion that the returns-earnings association reflects not only the quality of accounting earnings but also the informativeness of stock prices.  相似文献   

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