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文章通过对《旅游学刊》2000~2010年1373篇文章的共5205频次的关键词进行归并、排序、分组,提取出了162个核心关键词和8个基因词,以反映国内旅游研究的关注重点与研究进展,揭示旅游现象与本质之间的互动与交融。同时,基于关键词的分析,为旅游研究知识体系的解析提供了一个新视角。  相似文献   

随着网络信息化作用加强,网络游戏与旅游开发相结合成为可能并具有一定的可行性.网络游戏在旅游开发中运用必将成为一大趋势.网络游戏在旅游开发中的运用,是指将网络游戏中的元素与现代旅游业相结合.将网络游戏情景作为主题进行旅游开发.  相似文献   

旅游业是我国社会经济发展的必然产物,它不仅丰富了人们的生活,且给国家带来了可观的收益。是促进国家经济增长的一个重点项目。尤其是开发边境旅游还可以促进与他国的互动与交流,是一个很好的发展战略。本文描写了旅游及边境旅游的含义,特别对丹东边境旅游的发展进行了分析与研究,提供了一些参考。  相似文献   

文章以亲子旅游中围绕“乖小孩”展开的社会话语为切入点,以亲子互动过程为考察重心,探究亲子旅游体验与教育之间的实际关联。文章借鉴了教育现象学理论,采用了半结构式访谈和焦点访谈的调研方法,结合儿童绘画和作文、照片以及父母提供的朋友圈图文等材料,将亲子旅游中的基本行为互动结构梳理为:“好父母”的“轻学校”“见世面”“尊喜好”等行动以及“乖小孩”的“不乱跑”“敞开玩”“玩中学”“好状态”“给面子”等表现。由此进一步指出,亲子旅游中围绕儿童教育的核心互动形式——“双向性”情感互动,它既是实现儿童教育目标的手段,也理应成为教育目标之一。这种亲子旅游中“双向性”情感互动的意义首先在于,“乖小孩”与“好父母”在旅游语境中有机会更充分地表达差异化的诉求,突破日常生活互动中的惯例化与模糊性。其次,亲子间“双向性”情感互动的意义还在于,它揭示了以共同成长为要义的亲子教育的实质内涵。研究从“乖小孩”这一日常话语作为切入点的方法路径选择,有利于凸显人们习以为常的生活表象背后容易被忽视的教育意义;而对亲子旅游互动的“双向性”特征的强调,有利于将亲子旅游从一般性的“儿童教育”推进到富含情感意蕴的“亲子教育”,并为亲...  相似文献   

正承德地区不仅拥有丰富的旅游资源,也因其特殊的发展历史和地理位置积淀了众多非物质文化遗产,这些不仅是展示承德城市魅力的重要媒介,也是建设旅游城市的宝贵资源。怎样将地方旅游业发展与非物质文化遗产有机结合,形成良性互动,已成为承德市建设国际旅游城市必须直面的问题。因此,本论文在分析承德地区非物质文化遗产旅游现状和存在问题的基础之上,结合日本相关城市的发展经验,旨在为承德地区发展非遗文化旅游提供相关建议,以期实现非遗和地方旅游业的和谐发展。一、引言非物质文化遗产在大众领域的广泛传播,为非遗和旅游业的互动创造  相似文献   

世界博览会与城市旅游:互动中共创辉煌   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
王晓云 《旅游学刊》2004,19(2):70-75
从世界旅游发展角度看,一个半世纪的世博会发展轨迹,也是近现代城市旅游活动发展、成熟历程的缩影。世博会通过文化旅游活动、休闲娱乐活动、主题公园、旅游服务业和参观游览者等诸多方面,与城市旅游活动之间形成互相依赖、互相推动、共同成长、共铸辉煌的互动发展关系。  相似文献   

“第三届目的地品牌化与目的地营销国际会议”是由中国澳门旅游学院(IFT)、美国普渡大学消费和家庭科学学院(College of Consumerand Family Sciences)、美国南卡罗来纳大学酒店与旅游管理学院和广州中山大学旅游学院共同举办的一次国际学术会议。此次会议旨在为旅游目的地品牌化与目的地营销领域的最新发展、趋势和研究提供一个合作、互动的平台和讨论机会。这次会议邀请各位学者、研究者和从业人员提交与会议主题相关的应用研究或理论研究的论文。  相似文献   

本文主要探讨了河南省旅游产业与文化创意产业融合发展的相关问题。文章首先从动因、互动机制以及过程三个方面分析了旅游与文化产业融合的机制;然后在此基础上提出了构建互动协调机制、打造创意文化旅游品牌以及加强企业合作三个河南省旅游和文化创意产业融合发展的路径。  相似文献   

<正>贵州是旅游大省,旅游资源丰富,形式多种多样,得天独厚的资源优势对于贵州旅游业的发展具有很大的促进作用。自1985年贵州省把旅游业确定为支柱产业后,贵州省旅游业得到了快速的发展,并带动着贵州经济的发展。贵州的背包旅游还处于发展的初级阶段,但从贵州自身的条件来看,其具备发展背包旅游的条件和优势,这样一个自然风光优美的山区省份,是很多背包客向往的地方。文章在阐释国内背包旅游发展现状的基础上,研究贵州发展背包旅游的意义,并分析有利条件和面临的挑战与困难,最后提出应对策略和思路,以期为贵州背包旅游的发展提供建设性意见,助力贵州背包旅游发展。  相似文献   

深度旅游作为旅游开发体系中的一种新理论,对于我国很多地区的旅游业发展提供了一个很好的思路。尤其对于体验性较强的茶文化生态旅游发展更是提供了策略支持。深度旅游以消费者参与为支撑,为茶文化的传播与继承开发了更多可能性。深度旅游的提出可以帮助我国改善文化旅游滞后的问题,整合茶文化生态旅游的各类资源,并为此深入开发提供了理论指导。本文基于我国茶文化旅游开发现状,根据深度旅游理论,为不同地区开发茶文化生态特色旅游提供了策略引导,促进我国茶产业和旅游产业协同发展。  相似文献   

Metaverse is the next disruptive technology that will impact society in the coming decades, by enabling immersive experiences in both virtual and physical environments. Although still conceptual, Metaverse converges the physical and digital universe, allowing users to seamlessly traverse between them. Digital immersion offers opportunities for people to travel in time, supporting users to experience virtually ancient encounters, space explorations or dangerous natural phenomena, such as volcano eruptions. Users can explore immersive environments for working, learning, transacting, exploring interests and socialising with others. This is already evident in gaming ecosystems, where gamers effectively interact in the metaverse. Although still experimental, Metaverse is expected to revolutionize travel and tourism management and marketing. It empowers destination awareness, positioning and branding, as well as coordination and management, through digital twins. Metaverse provides opportunities to support trip planning, interaction and engagement, effectively transforming consumer behaviour. Visiting and engaging with destinations virtually is expected to motivate real travel, rather than replace it. This paper provides a vision of how Metaverse can revolutionize tourism experiences and transform tourism management and marketing. Drawing on a systematic review of scholarly works, articles from media and industry reports, this study defines and conceptualizes the Metaverse ecosystem for tourism and travel. It explores the foundations of the disruptions that Metaverse brings to tourism destinations and organisations and identifies the building blocks of Metaverse tourism. The study outlines research directions so that the tourism industry can take full advantage of the Metaverse capabilities and opportunities emerging as well as identify challenges for the future.  相似文献   

This study examines whether people with disabilities(PWD) participate in leisure and travel activities with their desired companions and if there are discrepancies between their social networks and real recreation companions. The recreation companionship and travel behaviour of PWD have not been thoroughly explored, particularly in non-Western contexts. Accordingly, data were collected from 494 respondents in South Korea, and findings suggest that there was a significant gap between companions PWD desire and those they actually maintain. Travel and tourism were the least frequent recreation activities for PWD. The results can provide managerial implications regarding practices of inclusive and accessible tourism.  相似文献   

Visitors’ activities tend to be spatially oriented in destinations. Mental mapping is a useful method for revealing how visitors spatially perceive tourism destinations. However, studies of this kind are under-researched in the tourism field. Therefore, this study investigates the ways in which visitors spatially perceive the World Heritage Sites (WHSs) of Macau through the use of mental maps drawn by a sample of 400 respondents. Comparisons of the mental maps revealed that respondents possessed a relatively limited spatial knowledge of the WHSs, and this recognition varied according to the gender, place of origin, travel mode, type of trip, social interaction with local people and length of stay. While the real-life world of visitors was identified by the mental mapping approach, some suggestions for formulating strategies are provided.  相似文献   

The experience of escaping the real world and losing oneself in a fictional one brings pleasure to many. We draw on the overarching theory of narrative transportation (see Gerrig, 1993) to advance knowledge in screen tourism. The aim is to develop and empirically test a conceptual model of TV series consumption, escapism, immersion, and travel intentions with partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). Results confirm that narrative transportation is a structured gradual process: TV series consumption first leads to escapism, escapism to immersion, immersion to travel intention. The mediated relationships (via escapism and immersion) between media consumption and travel intention are found to be significant. The novelty of our model lies in the travel-centred operationalizing of the narrative transportation theory. Based on our results, tourism marketers are advised to implement a tourism ad campaign building on the different stages of narrative transportation to create emotionally engaging tourism marketing products.Impact statementThe main contribution of this research to society in general is that it recognises the cultural phenomenon of TV series consumption and the benefits of narrative transportation as a kind of travel-experience into a fantasy world. We map the stages of narrative transportation, exploring the journey from media consumption to travel intention; the data obtained is of relevance because filming locations often become popular tourist destinations. Whether tourism planners aim to reduce or increase tourist flows awareness of (1) the process of narrative transportation experienced by viewers, and (2) how this process influences travel intentions is key to the effective management of media-induced tourism flows.  相似文献   

Why people conduct different sharing about their travel is unclear. Understudied areas include the roles of tourism activity type, tourist well-being, and social context. Under the framework of construal level theory, three studies which combined secondary data and experiments revealed that: 1) challenging (relaxing) tourism activities lead to more desirability (feasibility) sharing; 2) eudaimonia (hedonia) occupy the dominant position and mediate the relationship between challenging (relaxing) tourism activity and desirability (feasibility) sharing; and 3) social context induces the transformation of the relationship between eudaimonia and hedonia, and has a significant moderating impact on the mechanism of travel experience sharing type. Theoretical and managerial implications of travel experience sharing type and mutual transformation between eudaimonia and hedonia are discussed.  相似文献   

COVID-19 has generated an unprecedented level of public fear, likely impeding tourism industry recovery after the pandemic is over. This study explores what trigger the public's pandemic ‘travel fear’ and how people impose self-protection, coping and resilience related to travel. The study integrates theories including protection motivation theory, coping and resilience theories to address the research aim. Using a quota sampling, an online survey of 1208 respondents across mainland China was conducted. Results found that threat severity and susceptibility can cause ‘travel fear’, which leads to protection motivation and protective travel behaviors after the pandemic outbreak. Findings also revealed that ‘travel fear’ can evoke different coping strategies, which increases people's psychological resilience and adoption of cautious travel behaviors. Several strategies are provided on how to mitigate people's ‘travel fear’ and encourage travel in a post-COVID-19 world.  相似文献   

The virtual world of Second Life provides opportunities for companies in communicating marketing messages to targeted markets and capturing the attention of potential customers. Second Life has also been used by the travel and tourism industry as a collaborative and commercial tool for communicating with travelers in marketing tourism destinations (e.g. Tourism Ireland) as well as business management (e.g. Starwood Hotels; Crowne Plaza; STA travel agents). However, few studies have applied formal theory to understand the significance of virtual worlds to tourism destination marketing. The purpose of our study was to develop a research framework identifying the factors that affect tourists' experience and behavioral intentions within a 3D tourism destination by examining the applicability of the Technology Acceptance Model and Hedonic Theory. From a theoretical point of view, this study provides a research framework to capture the entertainment nature of virtual worlds and to reflect the concept that people in these worlds are technology users as well as potential consumers; it does so by extending the Technology Acceptance Model to incorporate the hedonic elements of enjoyment, emotional involvement, positive emotions, and flow experience for understanding the use of 3D virtual worlds within the context of travel and tourism. For destination managers, this study could help in designing engaging and interactive 3D tourism destination sites that contribute to an increase in people's interests in visiting the tourism destination in the future.  相似文献   

Following the decline of traditional agrarian industries, tourism has become one of the most popular rural development strategies adopted by destinations. Rural tourism has been regarded for years as a means of economic and social development in rural areas; particularly, in destinations where tourism has been concentrated in coastal areas, rural tourism development has been considered as a means of diversification of the tourism product. The popularity of tourism as a means of development in rural areas is reflected in academic research; nevertheless, vagueness still exists over what constitutes rural tourism. Whilst several studies have been undertaken investigating the reasons for rural tourism development, little is known about what attracts visitors to rural areas. The aim of this research paper is to enhance understanding of rural tourism by examining rural tourists' motivations. Qualitative research, in the form of unstructured interviews, was performed with both the supply-side and the demand-side sectors of the Cyprus tourism industry to identify the factors that motivate people to visit rural areas. Research findings reveal that different types of rural tourists exist as respondents expressed different levels of interaction with the rural environment and varying interest in rural activities. Also, it was found that people travel to rural areas for various reasons, whereby often the main motivation is not related to the rural setting. Hence, the findings verify the complexity of defining rural tourism and create implications for tourism planners and managers regarding the interaction of destination-specific and personal-specific attributes in attracting tourists to rural settings.  相似文献   

越南旅游业快速发展的基本现状分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨海燕 《旅游学刊》2003,18(2):77-80
越南自1986年改革开放以来,旅游业飞速发展,成为越南经济增长点,也是一个让越南进一步融入世界的桥梁。越南旅游业得到政府的高度重视,制定出一系列有效可行的旅游业发展的措施,并不断发展和完善旅游交通业、旅行社业和旅馆业,保障旅游业的稳定发展,目前虽仍有不少困难,但因拥有自身的发展优势,必将成为亚大地区重要国际旅游目的国之一。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the way in which language is used in contemporary Japanese travel brochures. What concepts do travel agencies use to attract tourists? What themes continually recur in the advertising literature? Many of these concepts and themes are the same as those important to tourism in the Western world, but there are certain cultural themes or ways of treating tourist attractions which are peculiar to Japanese tourism. A second aim is to consider the “keywords” of Japanese tourism: those stressed in the advertising for domestic tourism and those stressed for international tourism. The relation between these two possibly antagonistic sets of keywords is discussed in terms of the ideological principles around which Japanese society is organized, and it is hypothesized that keywords for international tourism portend great and long-term changes in the fabric of Japanese society.  相似文献   

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