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在旅游不断发展的今天,作为旅游三大支柱行业的酒店业已成为了越来越多学者关注的对象,如何提升酒店的服务,如何减轻酒店能耗,节约成本,如何让顾客的满意程度更高是现在酒店迫切需要解决的问题,随着技术的发展智慧酒店应运而生。本文将智慧酒店智慧化服务作为切入点,对杭州黄龙饭店的智慧化服务优化进行深入研究,针对问题提出相应对策,希望能对杭州黄龙饭店的发展起到一定借鉴作用。  相似文献   

重视饭店家具修理提高饭店经济效益靳振杰北京市旅游饭店家私维修中心我国旅游业近几年飞速发展,对饭店、酒店的设备系统的要求也越来越高。饭店软、硬件的服务水平,直接影响着饭店的经济效益,体现着现代饭店的等级标志。饭店家具约占饭店总投资8-12%,它是客人在...  相似文献   

本文选取美国康奈尔大学酒店学院和北京联大旅游学院两所具有代表性的院校为例 ,对饭店管理专业本科教育的课程体系设置、课程安排、教学内容、实践环节等方面进行了较为深入的对比分析。通过这一分析 ,为我国旅游饭店管理专业本科教育的进一步发展提供了参考。  相似文献   

旅游饭店在旅游业占有重要的地位,是旅游业存在和发展的重要支柱,体现的地区的投资环境以及国际化程度,如何通过使用比较优秀的管理方法,实现旅游饭店迅速发展的目的,不断的提升城市的接待水平,促进城市形象的改善有重要的作用,并且实现旅游饭店迅猛发展目标,促进旅游业的国际化标准实现,并且促进了社会以及经济的可持续发展,不断的提升城市的声誉以及知名度。本文分析了大连当前存在的问题而且提出了相关的对策,并且对旅游酒店未来的发展趋势进行了分析[1]。  相似文献   

伴随着我国旅游业的蓬勃发展,我国酒店行业也得到了前所未有的发展机遇,无论是经济型连锁酒店还是高星级酒店都实现了快速发展。不过酒店行业人才流失现象仍然是不可避免的实际问题,尤其是高星级酒店之间市场竞争日趋激烈,人才将成为高星级酒店市场竞争核心竞争力的重要因素。本文探讨了高星级酒店人才流失的现状,并针对高星级酒店人才流失的原因提出了相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

旅游企业报刊巡礼岷山雪值得注意的竞争建军在中国大陆国营酒店尚无联号酒店的今天,在中国西部的成都市却有一家由个体公司开办的联号饭店──万贯饭店。由于其灵活的经营,明智的市场定位,优质的服务,完善的管理,日益显示出强盛的生命力,开创了小饭店向大饭店竞争的...  相似文献   

依涧 《旅游学刊》2000,15(3):79
现代饭店的经营理念、经营方式、服务方式基本上是从西方引进的,就连铺床方式也是如此。但是,在国人旅游越来越频繁、中国人入住宾馆饭店的概率越来越高的时候,对现代饭店的一些经营与服务方式也提出了一些新的要求,这是饭店经营管理者不得不正视的问题。在最近的一些饭店店报上,我们看到了来自客人和店方对于西式铺床法应该改进的建议和行动。南京中心大酒店(中心导娜的一则短文介绍了济南某三星级饭店的经验。该饭店接待了一个老年人为主的旅游团,客人住了一天以后,便向酒店提出床包得太紧,睡得不舒服的意见。酒店听到客人反映后…  相似文献   

2006年7月5日.山西省旅游局和山西省旅游饭店管理协会联合向社会公布了2005年度全省最佳三、四星级酒店。我省的老字号品牌酒店榆次金融大酒店再次被评为山西省最佳三星级酒店。至此。榆次金融大酒店自2000年以来.已是第五次荣获此殊荣。金融大酒店是此次晋中唯一一家当选的星级酒店。  相似文献   

业界动向旅游企业 :从“触网”中品尝甜头人们普遍认为 ,旅游是最适宜发展电子商务的。在互联网和电子商务如火如荼的时候 ,旅游企业的“触网”情形如何 ?除了几家大型旅行社如青旅、国旅开设网站以外 ,一批饭店也纷纷迎头赶上 ,开办网站以抢占市场先机。目前 ,上海衡山集团与香港HOTELPLATFORM公司签订合作协议 ,衡山集团及所属上海大厦、衡山宾馆、扬子饭店、衡山度假村、浦江饭店等 5家饭店整体加入该公司的酒店应用服务平台ASP。ASP是服务供应商 (平台 )。该系统不同于一般的因特网网站 ,它是当前电子商务B2B中较…  相似文献   

吕梁大酒店位于吕梁市离石区中心,是吕梁市国家税务局所属的三星级涉外旅游饭店。拥有客房六十余间,餐位二百余个,服务功能齐全,是举办商务活动,会议旅游的理想之地。2004年、2005年连续两年被评为全省最佳三星级酒店。  相似文献   

中国旅游高等教育以平均每年 10 %的增幅迅速发展 ,但其毕业生的择业意向却不尽如人意 ,致使管理人员学历普遍不高的饭店业仍然承受着人才稀缺的巨大压力。供需的错位导致人才外流 ,资源浪费。本文以全国首家四年制旅游高校———北京联合大学旅游学院为研究对象 ,通过分析饭店专业高等教育现状 ,研究供需矛盾的成因 ,探讨饭店专业人才的培养方式 ,试图为中国旅游高校饭店专业教育教学的改革提供思路  相似文献   

The major objectives of this study were: (1) to discuss the impact of the SARS outbreak on the Korean hotel industry; (2) to explore how the crisis management contingency concept was implemented by the Korean hotel industry during this crisis; (3) to examine what the implications are for managers in the hotel industry. Results of this study indicate that the SARS outbreak had an adverse impact on the Korean hotel industry. During the six months affected by the SARS outbreak, the Korean hotel industry tried to minimize operating costs and offered employees education programs concerning health awareness, training and operating new hygiene equipment. This study is expected to provide lessons from the experience of the Korean hotel industry during the SARS-affected period.  相似文献   

The increasing trend in social media changes the landscape of crisis communication and thus, calls for innovation in hotel crisis management practices. This research examined how New York City hotels responded to recent issues surrounding the bed bug crisis on the social media site TripAdviosr. This study adopted a mixed methods research design. The quantitative findings revealed that hotels’ response behaviors were associated with organizational factors (e.g. hotel's popularity, average rating, and star rating) and the rating of online reviews. The qualitative findings indicated that hotels employed various types of strategies in the response, which were dominated by strategies of bolstering and enhancing. In conclusion, this study addressed the need for a proactive approach in hotel crisis management and provided practical implications.  相似文献   

During the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, some hotels have engaged in corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities to help overcome the crisis. Given that most existing research examines the impact of hotel CSR on a single stakeholder, how hotel CSR activities in a crisis are perceived by multiple stakeholders is unknown. Drawing on the concept of strategic philanthropy, this study examines the impact of hotel CSR activities during the pandemic, such as providing accommodations to healthcare workers, on hotel firms' market value and prospective hotel customers’ booking behavior. Adopting mixed-methods approach, this study finds negative impacts of hotel CSR for strategic philanthropy on firm market value and customer booking behavior. The study result indicates that the value of hotel CSR depends on the nature and environmental contexts of CSR. Specific theoretical and practical implications are provided.  相似文献   

The main objectives of this study are (1) to identify the factors that influence the demand for hotel rooms in Hong Kong and (2) to generate quarterly forecasts of that demand to assess the impact of the ongoing financial/economic crisis. The demand for four types of hotel room from the residents of nine major origin countries is considered, and forecasts are generated from the first quarter of 2009 to the fourth quarter of 2015. Econometric approaches are employed to calculate the demand elasticities and their corresponding confidence intervals, which are then used to generate interval demand predictions. The empirical results reveal that the most important factors in determining the demand for hotel rooms in Hong Kong are the economic conditions (measured by income level) in the origin markets, the price of the hotel rooms and the ‘word of mouth’ effect. Demand for High Tariff A and Medium Tariff hotel rooms is estimated to have experienced negative annual growth in 2009 due to the influence of the financial/economic crisis, whereas that for High Tariff B hotel rooms is thought to have grown in 2009 after having decreased in 2008. The demand for tourist guesthouse rooms is expected to be the least affected by the crisis. Overall demand is predicted to recover gradually from 2010 onwards.  相似文献   

This study utilizes value enhancement theory, agency cost theory and crisis management theory to scrutinize the philanthropic giving (PG) of China’s listed hotel companies from 2003 to 2018. The results of dynamic panel regression tests reveal that state ownership (company character), corporate misconduct (crisis management determinant) and executive remuneration (agency cost determinant) are influential factors in hotel firms’ PG, but none of the value enhancement determinants can explain PG. Specifically, state ownership is negatively correlated with PG, reflecting low PG in government dominated hotel firms in China. PG is negatively associated with executive remuneration, indicating that hotel managers care more about self-interest than social responsibility. PG is also positively related to corporate misconduct, suggesting that hotel firms use philanthropy to manage a crisis. Finally, the lagged PG has a positive effect on PG, implying that PG is intended to avoid damage to social image and reputation of China’s hotel firms.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the effects of economic crises on tourism destinations from a city and regional point of view. The objective is to determine which kind of Spanish “Sun and Beach” tourism destinations, residential or hotel, has better weathered the most recent economic crisis in Spain, linked to the Global Financial Crisis of 2007/8. For this purpose, the authors have analysed the increases in the unemployment rates of a pool of 138 tourist destinations located on the Spanish Mediterranean coastline. The main finding of the paper is that during the crisis, residential destinations experienced a greater destruction of employment than hotel destinations. This result is consistent with previous literature that indicates a better economic performance of the hotel tourism development model.  相似文献   

Implicit psychological contract (PC) represents the dynamic employee–employer relationship, and unlike explicit human resource (HR) practices, PC is an underexplored topic in the crisis management literature. By capturing the dual perspective of hotel employers and employees through interviews, this study investigates the content of PCs and breaches of PCs during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. The study identifies salient dimensions of employer obligations such as safety assurance and of employee obligations such as personal protection. While employees emphasized the transactional contracts to protect their individual interests, the employers tried to balance the transactional and relational contracts. The study proposes a dynamic PC breach model that indicates contract breaches lead to varied responses through a complex interpretation process. In general, the study suggests that ensuring mutual consideration is the best way for hotel employees and employers to pull through a crisis.  相似文献   

The recent global financial crisis and the threat of a worldwide H1N1 influenza epidemic have greatly affected the tourism and hospitality industries around the world. Both hospitality practitioners and researchers are interested in finding analytical methods that enable forecasts to be made of hotel room demand under the uncertain conditions likely to affect the industry. In this article, a novel data mining technique called independent component analysis (ICA) is proposed to establish the major factors determining the hotel occupancy rate in Hong Kong. Then, extension of the model is suggested, incorporating these factors to decompose hotel occupancy rates and examine the effect of each factor on the hotel occupancy rate. Empirical findings show that outbreaks of infectious diseases, economic performance, and service price were the major determinants of the hotel occupancy rate in Hong Kong over the period studied.  相似文献   

This research note explores the evolutionary process of corporate crisis communication to understand how international hotel enterprises respond to the present pandemic. Corpus linguistics was used as a computer-aided approach in assessing a large collection of naturally occurring texts. Press releases from hotel corporations listed in Fortune 500 within the period of January to April 2020 were curated and built into three corpora. Lexical patterns that evolved over the course of the first quarter of 2020 reveal that the lodging industry did not fully prepare for the crisis until March, while management was still dwelling on their past achievements even in February 2020. The overall tone, pre-crisis, reflected top management's demonstration of success and performance, attributed to the CEOs themselves; while it completely changed during the crisis. This study draws upon crisis management and organizational communication streams of work to advance prevailing theoretical accounts of organizational crisis communication.  相似文献   

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