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Achieving partner acquiescence is critical in interfirm exchanges because it allows the focal firm to achieve its desired outcomes. Using a case study on dyadic relationships between inbound tour operators in Tanzania and their overseas outbound partners, this paper investigates the effect of partner irreplaceability and distributive fairness on acquiescence, and the subsequent effect that acquiescence has on conflict. The case study uses partial least squares structural equation modeling on data collected from 129 dyadic relationships. Results show that partner irreplaceability and distributive fairness are positively associated with acquiescence, which in turn reduces conflict. The effect of distributive fairness on acquiescence was found to be larger than that of irreplaceability. In addition, the direct effect of distributive fairness on conflict, although not hypothesised, was found to be significant. This emphasises the importance of distributive fairness, and its role as a possible buffer to conflict in less acquiescent exchanges.  相似文献   
东日本大地震以后,日本经济特别是产业经济出现了出人预料的迅速恢复,但是刚刚进入复苏通道的日本经济仍然面临各种难题,灾后重建资金筹措、生产设施与生活设施的恢复、国土开发整治、核事故处理、长期电力不足风险、国家长期能源战略调整、财政重建、日元急剧升值,特别是美国、欧洲主权债务危机可能引起的世界经济低迷,使日本经济的不确定性增强。在内外交困之际,新上台的野田内阁出台了若干经济政策,但却将政策重心置于参与TPP谈判、提高消费税等方面,与亟待解决的经济难题未免有些乖戾,其政策效果不容乐观。  相似文献   
The development of an effective spatial data infrastructure (SDI) often occurs in a fragmented organizational environment requiring a high level of inter-organizational collaboration. Different organizations from various jurisdictions need to work together closely when agreeing on how they will jointly register, store, use and share data and how they will make their data available to the wider society. However, this collaboration is generally regarded as very difficult. For example people often resist data sharing across organizational boundaries due to loss of control, power and independency. Organizational issues are thus considered one of the fundamental constraints to inter-organizational sharing of spatial data.  相似文献   
Using store-level scanner data, elasticity matrices are estimated using a twotiered demand system. Two basic models are estimated, one with promotion variables and one without. Differences between the estimates across the two models are statistically significant. However, when the elasticities are used as 'inputs' into several simulation exercises, there are only small differences in merger effects and patent damage estimates.The results suggest that the differences are not 'economically' significant.  相似文献   
The Internet and the Web are evolving to a platform for collaboration, sharing, innovation and user-created content—the so-called Web 2.0 environment. This environment includes social and business networks, and it is influencing what people do on the Web and intranets, individually and in groups. This paper describes the Web 2.0 environment, its tools, applications, characteristics. It also describes various types of online groups, especially social networks, and how they operate in the Web 2.0 environment. Of special interest is the way organization members communicate and collaborate mainly via wikis and blogs. In addition, the paper includes a proposed triad relational model (Technology–People–Community) of social/work life on the Internet. Particularly, social/work groups are becoming sustainable because of the incentives for participants to connect and network with other users. A discussion of group dynamics that is based on the human needs for trust, support, and sharing, regardless if the setting is a physical or virtual one, follows. Finally, future research directions are outlined.  相似文献   
权利归属是国防专利制度的核心问题,发明人的核心利益是智力成果收益问题。当前,国防领域职务发明权利归属不清,违背了智力财产私权性的法律原则,造成的结果是发明人失去了产权,国家损失了国防专利制度可能带来的收益,解决问题的关键是跳出"非此即彼"的权利归属思维定势,将国防专利权分为所有权、使用权、收益权和处置权,并在此基础上进行权利分割。国家拥有所有权,发明人拥有使用权和处置权,国家、单位和发明人共同拥有收益权,这既体现了法律的公平正义,又符合经济规律,做到了权、责、利相统一。  相似文献   
复杂产品研制具有周期较长、成本较高、产品设计过程复杂、跨学科交叉及融合等特征,在研制过程中需要企业、高校、科研院所等众多机构协同创新,众多产学研协同创新的复杂性导致了专利管理的复杂性。围绕复杂产品协同创新,以客机产品为例,对复杂产品专利体系构建、专利演化历程及专利管理策略等进行了研究。自顶向下划分复杂产品部件(子系统),自底向上围绕每一部件的核心技术产生系列专利,再与其它所需技术的专利持有人共同组建专利池,构建了客机产品专利体系;将复杂产品协同研制的专利演化历程划分为孕育期、创建期、成长期、成熟期和衰退期等阶段,根据不同阶段创新主体掌握专利技术的程度,提出了相应的专利策略或专利策略组合,研究成果可为我国复杂产品协同创新专利管理提供借鉴。  相似文献   
文章概括介绍了世界上标准化组织在其技术标准中融入专利技术的状况,侧重探讨了技术标准中的专利许可的四种许可模式,分析了中国国家标准有关专利许可的规定,并提出了有益的建议。  相似文献   
在市场经济的今天,只有掌握核心技术,注重技术创新的企业才能更好地生存和发展下去。专利技术不仅为企业创造竞争优势,而且作为知识经济时代新的生产要素从根本上影响着行业的竞争结构。我国企业尤其是大型国有企业的经营目的不只是营利,更在于引导我国产业结构升级和培育新兴产业,为此,在相关领域内需要起带头作用,在研发和创新方面投入大量人力、财力。如何在众多的研发领域中选择最优领域,如何评价相关技术创新活动,事关国有企业的发展和产业成果的转化,最终影响的是整个国家的经济发展。文章将探讨大型国有企业尤其是电力企业如何在众多专利评价指标体系和方法中选择最适合自身发展的体系和方法,利用专利形成抢先优势,带动相关行业的发展。  相似文献   
随着科学技术的迅速发展和经济全球化的不断深入,标准化水平已成为企业核心竞争力的基本要素。其中专利技术的标准化又使得技术标准的强势与专利权的优势相结合,使得知识产权权利人的市场优势倍增。"得标准者得市场",专利技术标准化已成为国际竞争中新的游戏规则,更是西方大国在国际贸易中的战略手段之一。目前,国外企业利用"技术专利化、专利标准化、标准国际化"的竞争路线取得了较大的技术和市场优势。而尚处于专利标准化起步阶段的我国企业却面临着极大挑战,尤其在技术密集型的电力行业,各个主要电力企业正在积极推进"走出去"战略,其面临来自国外企业专利标准的挑战更大。因此,本文首先分析了我国企业面临的挑战及外国企业实施专利标准化战略的成功经验,并结合电力行业的特点,提出专利标准化建设建议,构建电力行业专利标准化战略。  相似文献   
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