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威廉姆森交易费用理论述评   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
通过对威廉姆森关于交易费用的界定、合同人的假设、交易维度及契约类型和治理结构等内容介绍和评价,并且概括了威廉姆森关于交易费用理论应用范围和领域,旨在客观地评价威廉姆森关于交易费用理论的学术贡献及其理论渊源及实质。  相似文献   
威廉姆森假说认为,空间集聚在经济发展初期能显著促进效率提升,但达到某一门槛值后,空间集聚对经济增长的影响变小,甚至不利于经济增长,拥挤外部性更倾向于分散的地理空间结构。本文基于巴罗(Barro)增长模型建立了门槛回归模型,利用中国30个省域1978—2008年的数据对威廉姆森假说进行了实证检验,考察了空间集聚与中国区域经济增长之间的关系。研究结果表明,空间集聚对经济增长具有非线性效应,即没有达到门槛值以前,集聚对经济增长具有正效应,但超出门槛值后,集聚会降低经济增长率,即威廉姆森假说在中国显著存在。研究同时还表明,中国经济发展呈现出趋同和发散并存的态势。最后,本文据此提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   
研究目的:应用1872份市场交易数据和372份调研数据,对南海区农村集体建设用地市场交易费用及影响因素进行实证分析。研究方法:Tobit模型。研究结果:从1872份市场交易数据归纳出市场特征:市场交易形式存在明显的偏向性,"以租代让"现状普遍存在;土地细碎化程度较强;契约期限大部分都在5年以下,交易周期较短,交易频率较高。根据372份调研数据对市场交易费用的研究结果表明,集体经济组织自组织化是市场有效交易的重要制度变迁;政府干预代表市场化程度,市场化程度越高,交易费用相对较低;交易双方信息越对称、信息透明度越高、市场越规范,市场的不确定性越低,集体经济组织将面临的市场风险越低,其交易费用将越低。研究结论:为了提高集体建设用地市场发展的有效性,交易标的产权清晰是前提,交易公开化、透明化,减少政府在市场交易过程中干预,降低交易的不确定性。  相似文献   
山东枣庄是我国较早开展土地产权制度改革的试点城市,其土地经营权抵押贷款的改革尤为突出。在实践过程中,通过剥离农地经营权、创建担保公司等改革手段,为农地规模化经营提供融资保障。但在实践过程中,混合治理结构带来的交易成本过高问题也渐渐显露。本文引入威廉姆森范式理论,对枣庄市农地经营权抵押贷款中的治理结构、交易性质以及交易频率等进行了分析,得出一体化的治理结构可有效降低交易成本,最后从一体化组织构建、行政关系、合作方式与原则以及风险防范等角度提出一体化治理结构的政策建议。  相似文献   
李桢业  汪贵浦 《财经研究》2006,32(10):134-143
20世纪90年代以来浙江省的县域经济迅速发展,但是这种发展带有明显的不均衡性。文章分析表明,浙江省内各地区的经济发展水平与县域差距变化大体上呈倒“U”型曲线关系,即经济发展水平较低地区的县域差距呈扩大趋势,而具有较高发展水平地区的县域差距则呈缩小趋势。而一个地区人口密度的大小(或者说农村城镇化水平)已成为决定县域差距变动的一个重要因素。政府部门缩小县域差距的各项政策性努力,特别是财政补贴在一定程度上减缓了浙江县域差距扩大的趋势。  相似文献   
不确定性分析是现代经济理论产生的前提.奈特是不确定性理论的开创者,在对风险和不确定性划分的基础上,奈特解释了利润的来源,并对企业的性质进行了界定.科斯在分析企业理论时,对奈特的不确定性理论进行了批判.威廉姆森是继科斯之后集交易成本理论之大成者.无论是奈特、科斯或是威廉姆森都重视不确定性对企业的影响,但他们三者在不确定性的内涵、理论地位及分析方法上都存在不同.  相似文献   
Two related goals are pursued. First, the development of, anddebates around Oliver Williamson's version of transaction costeconomics are organised in terms of an emerging metatheoreticalframework. It proposes looking at economic theorising and itschanges in terms of rival theoretical isolations which are oftenresponses to challenging explanatory questions. As a side product,Williamson's strategy of theorising is portrayed. Second, usingtransaction cost economics as an illustration and as a sourceof inspiration, the paper amends and refines the earlier frameworkof theoretical isolation by incorporating notions of explainingand explained items; notions of progress (in questions as wellas increased causal penetration and increased degree of unification);and the notion of the dynamics of dispute.  相似文献   
Transaction cost economics (TCE), as developed and operationalized by Oliver Williamson, is one of the most prominent and influential developments in the social sciences. In recent years, on the basis of many empirical studies, it has been claimed that the evidence has corroborated TCE. If so, this would have major implications for the debate between TCE and other approaches to understanding the nature of the firm. In this paper we submit the most prominent TCE empirical work to critical scrutiny, on the basis of the standards and predictions in Williamson's own writings. We find a much more mixed picture, with few studies giving unambiguous support to Williamson's TCE. Furthermore, a significant number of the studies can be reinterpreted in terms of a competence or capabilities approach. We conclude that the empirical evidence does not decisively support Williamson's TCE and we stress the importance of an empirical program of joint testing of rival theoretical approaches. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Measuring regional inequality: to weight or not to weight? Spatial Economic Analysis. When estimating regional inequality, many economists use inequality indices weighted by regions’ proportion of the national population. Although this approach is widespread, its adequacy has not received attention in the regional science literature. This paper proves that such an approach is conceptually inconsistent, yielding an estimate of interpersonal inequality among the whole population of the country rather than an estimate of regional inequality. Nevertheless, as a measure of interpersonal inequality, such an estimate is very rough (even misleading) and does not always have an intuitive interpretation. Moreover, population-weighted inequality indices do not meet the requirements for an adequate measure of inequality.  相似文献   
高珂  李晴 《改革与战略》2010,26(12):183-186
文章介绍了威廉姆森在交易成本经济学方面的主要贡献。在简要回顾交易成本经济学发展的基础上,重点介绍了威廉姆森对于交易成本经济学的基本思路和三大主要贡献。文章还讨论了交易成本经济学对于正处在变革时代中国经济的启示。文章认为,由威廉姆森开创的交易成本经济学对于我国市场体制改革等方面具有重要的理论指导意义。  相似文献   
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