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What do we know about technology and rights? This article provides a fairly comprehensive overview of current issues regarding this topic. We explore and analyse a wide spectrum of rights that are challenged in this current era of technological convergence. We use the United States Bill of Rights as an example of the vulnerability of legal protections for rights against particular political and technological changes in this post 9-11 climate. New streams of rights acting as a safeguard against further incursions of technology into civil liberties are explored. We also address intellectual property rights and international trends in copyright, patent and trademark laws. We question whether these issues of technology and rights have a place in current technological literacy scenarios.  相似文献   
Following a review of current research in children's learning in technology education, and an examination of the kinds of knowledge demanded in contemporary technology education programs in elementary schools, I argue that what is needed in early technology education programs is the scaffolding of what I am calling technological stance. This construct acknowledges the socio-cultural character of technology as a human endeavor. In contrast to programs which are oriented to application of conceptual and procedural knowledge or to programs in which knowledge is generated through interpretation of interactions with materials and tools, programs which support technological stance position learners as critical inquirers into both tool-related and discursive practices of technology.  相似文献   
在建筑工程施工新技术推广与应用现状宏观分析的基础上,以“2004年建设部科技示范工程项目”大连开发区文化中心施工新技术应用与推广为实例,分析了如何结合工程实际采用新技术来提高工程科技含量、保证工程质量,并提出了一些措施和对策。  相似文献   
We review developments in conducting inference for model parameters in the presence of intertemporal and cross‐sectional dependence with an emphasis on panel data applications. We review the use of heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation consistent (HAC) standard error estimators, which include the standard clustered and multiway clustered estimators, and discuss alternative sample‐splitting inference procedures, such as the Fama–Macbeth procedure, within this context. We outline pros and cons of the different procedures. We then illustrate the properties of the discussed procedures within a simulation experiment designed to mimic the type of firm‐level panel data that might be encountered in accounting and finance applications. Our conclusion, based on theoretical properties and simulation performance, is that sample‐splitting procedures with suitably chosen splits are the most likely to deliver robust inferential statements with approximately correct coverage properties in the types of large, heterogeneous panels many researchers are likely to face.  相似文献   
Using subjective well-being estimations, this study analyzes whether compensating variations vary across space using a cross-sectional data set from Chile. To achieve this goal, it describes and compares two econometric ways of modelling unobserved spatial heterogeneity. Both approaches allow compensating variations to vary across spatial units by assuming some distribution a priori. One method assumes that the spatial heterogeneity can be represented by a discrete distribution (a group of regions that share the same coefficient) and the other that the preferences can be represented by a continuous distribution (each region has a different coefficient). The results show that focusing just on the average estimates of compensating variations, as the applied studies have done so far, masks useful local variation. More empirical studies are needed to assess the advantages and disadvantages of both econometric approaches and how their results compare across a wide range of conditions and samples.  相似文献   
气候变化和快速城镇化所引致的各种自然灾害等突发事件时有发生,为减缓这些突发事件带来的后果或损失,需要构建有效的应急管理体系和应急物资储备。针对江西省重要应急物资储备库的布局建设,考虑布局建设多个省级区域库,采用规划布局和优化布局的方式对其进行布局研究,分别应用规划服务指派和优化服务指派两种方式实现重要应急物资的服务指派。研究结果表明,江西省省级区域库的优化布局和优化服务指派方案能有效缩减平均服务距离和最远服务距离,提升应急服务的均衡性和可及性。  相似文献   
地区经济增长的主要动力是建立在技术创新基础上的产业结构调整.文章首先分析技术创新与经济增长的关系,接着通过三次产业劳动生产率的转变以及重点企业和企业集团研发费用的投入分析安徽技术创新的基本现状.为了进一步了解安徽技术创新对经济增长的影响,运用实证研究的方法,将中部六省的技术创新情况加以对比,具体说明技术创新与经济增长的关系.最后结合实际,提出了利用区域创新促进经济增长的一些建议.  相似文献   
[目的]为了解山东省新型城镇化总体发展水平,构建指标评价体系,研究了山东省17个地级市人口、土地、经济、社会、环境及综合城镇化发展水平空间分布特征,以期为山东省新型城镇化评估、加快新型城镇化建设、保证各市均衡发展、提升市民生活质量提供借鉴。[方法]该文利用熵值法计算山东省新型城镇化发展水平各评价指标权重,运用Arc-GIS12.0软件对山东省新型城镇化发展水平的空间格局进行分析。[结果]山东省新型城镇化发展整体呈现出"东北和西南高、西北和东南低"的特点。其中,经济城镇化表现为"东北、西南和中部城市突出、西北和东南城市发展较落后"的特点,与山东省新型城镇化总体发展特征相吻合;社会城镇化表现出中部、西南高,西北、东南低的特点;土地城镇化体现出以莱芜为最高值中心,以青岛、潍坊、淄博、济宁为第二高值的倒"C"型特点;人口城镇化则以济南为最高值,以菏泽、济宁、淄博、潍坊、青岛为第二高值;环境城镇化表现出"沿海城市高、中部城市低"的特征。[结论]山东省市域之间新型城镇化发展水平极不平衡,且经济在山东省新型城镇化进程中起着直接决定性作用。山东省在统筹全省新型城镇化平衡发展过程中,注重当地经济建设是根本。  相似文献   
[目的]对甘孜州各县市的发展状况进行研究探讨,为区域可持续发展策略的制定实施提供科学依据,对提升县域发展水平和发展质量具有重要意义。[方法]建立涵盖经济、社会、资源环境三大模块共计24项指标的评价体系,选取发展较快的2007—2014年为研究时段,运用极差法、改进熵值法、耦合协调度模型与GIS工具,对甘孜州各县市的发展水平进行综合评价与分析。[结果](1)全州综合发展水平指数平均值为0. 500 8,发展水平整体较低,其中康定市得分最高,石渠县最低,县市之间呈现两级分化。(2) 2007—2014年全州综合发展指数平均增幅0. 262 6,年均增速13. 77%,所有县市均处于上升过程,但县市之间增速不一,发展差距逐步扩大。(3)全州发展协调度平均值为0. 390 5,协调度较低,各县市均处于轻度失调或濒临失调水平。(4)发展水平、活力、协调度较高县市均集聚于州东部和南部,尤以东路片区最为典型。[结论]下一阶段需依据各县市实际,立足优势,制定实施合理的发展规划,缩小区域差异,提升综合发展水平。  相似文献   
[目的]深入分析江西省休闲农业示范点空间分布特征,进而可以提出促进区域休闲农业提升发展的对策建议。[方法]选取2010—2016年江西省国家级和省级休闲农业示范点作为数据,基于最邻近点指数、核密度估计法、不均衡指数和数量类型评价的方法,研究江西省休闲农业示范点的空间分布、类型构成与发展水平。[结果]江西休闲农业示范点空间上呈现聚集型分布特点,主要分布于中心城市、大型景区周边和交通干线沿线,以休闲农园、观光农园和生态农园等类型为主,存在空间分布不均衡、类型结构不合理等问题。[结论]以区域中心城市为中心,建设五大主题功能片区,优化多层级交通游线组织,加强城市、景区与农业资源丰富、生态环境优越区域的交通联系,并充分发挥休闲农业示范点的辐射带动作用,大力扶持培育休闲农业新业态,可以促进区域休闲农业的全面均衡发展。  相似文献   
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