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万军 《当代财经》2006,(12):101-104
由于巨大的国内市场需求、有竞争力的“制造成本”以及入世后服务业领域的相继开放,中国已经成为全球外商直接投资的主要吸收国,但各地区在利用外资能力上表现很不平衡,如何评价各地区利用外资的能力具有重要的政策含义。一个地区利用外资能力由其获取外资能力和运用外资能力两个层面决定,基于此,我们提出一套评估地区利用外资能力的指标体系,然后通过因子分析,对东部沿海地区8个省市利用FDI能力进行评估和比较,政策含义在于提升利用外资能力应当从获取外资能力和运用外资能力两个方面进行。  相似文献   

国际投资是推动经济全球化的主导力量,我国由于经济发展良好,投资环境优越等原因,已成为世界上利用外资最多的发展中国家。外资的利用,尤其是大量FDI的注入,对我国经济的发展起到了重大的推动作用。对我国金融业等五个行业近五年的FDI分析发现,我国利用外资呈现出新的特征,但仍存在一些问题,我国应寻求利用外资的新的突破口。  相似文献   

我国的对外经济主要体现在外贸、外资和外汇三个方面。本文分析了近年来我国外汇储备加速增长带来的日趋严重的负面影响及其背后的体制和政策性原因,同时指出,化解我国对外经济领域矛盾的关键在于调整外贸、外资和外汇战略和政策,即从单一追求外贸顺差的发展战略向实施开放式的综合平衡式的外贸发展战略转变,从过度依赖“引进来”的利用外资战略向“引进来”与“走出去”相结合的资本战略转变,从强制结汇制向意愿结汇制转变。  相似文献   

随着中国经济的全方位对外开放以及向市场经济体制的逐步转轨,中国大陆已成为全球理想的投资地点之一,外商投资在中国经济发展中的作用越来越重要。为了提升思路,早做准备,本文根据有关方面的调查,研究了2005—2007年外资对华直接投资(FDI)的变化趋势。  相似文献   

在建设美丽中国深化生态文明体制改革背景下,借助SVAR模型检验了FDI、经济增长与环境污染内在机制。实证表明:我国经济与环境延续了"先污染后治理"的国际道路,FDI短期刺激经济增长显著,同时也恶化了环境,长期不是经济增长的动力源泉,但FDI的溢出效应有利于改善环境污染。为了理论与实践上平衡FDI、经济增长与环境保护,提出了调整经济增长极、优化外资质量和结构等政策着力点。  相似文献   

国家信息中心资料表明 ,截止到 2 0 0 2年 8月底 ,我国共批准外商投资企业 4114 95个 ,合同外资 80 75 98亿美元 ,实际使用外资 42 96 65亿美元 ,中国CDP年均 9 7%的增长速度中 ,大约有 2 7个百分点来自于利用外资 ,我国已经连续 8年成为FDI(外商直接投资 )最多的国家。入世后 ,中国为寻求发展在不断更新投资开发模式 ,其中在利用FDI领域已取得了举世瞩目的成就 ,其战略实施对提升我国经济竞争力乃至为全球谋取长久经济利益都具有重要意义。1 FDI与东道国经济水平和发展模式的关系FDI优势的发挥与东道国经济水平与发展模式具有直接…  相似文献   

一、外资在我省经济增长中的重要作用  (一)利用外资对我省外贸具有显著的拉动效应。外贸与外资是相辅相成、互为促进的,计量统计分析,我省外贸出口净额与外商直接投资(FDI)的相关系数为0.313。大规模的外资流入,有力地推动了江苏对外贸易的增长,成为推动江苏经贸发展的重要动力。近10年来,外商投资企业进出口占全省进出口总额的比重,由1990年6.71%增加到1999年的62.8%,平均每年增加6.23个百分点。外商投资企业不仅刺激江苏外贸大幅增长,还大大优化我省出口产品的结构。  (二)利用外资对提高我省经济效率有明显拉动效应。计…  相似文献   

采用因子分析法对16个高技术行业利用外资质量进行评估与比较,结果表明,行业利用外资质量差距较大,且呈稳态趋势。行业利用外资质量的影响因素中,外资的数量贡献起决定性作用,外资在行业制度、技术水平、经济质量等方面的贡献对利用外资质量的作用有限。这说明高技术行业利用外资模式是数量型非质量型,总体质量低。但是不同因素对不同行业利用外资质量的相对作用不同,利用外资质量较低的行业,外资的数量贡献对利用外资质量的相对作用更大;反之,外资在其他方面的贡献对利用外资质量的相对作用更大。直接原因是行业利用外资水平决定了质量,深层次原因是外资企业通过进口包含核心技术的中间投入品来控制技术,进而限制了技术水平、投入产出率、技术溢出效应的提高。外资政策需要微调,鼓励外资投向高技术产业的政策应制定配套措施如规定外资企业生产的本地化程度,以提升外资技术水平,扩大技术溢出效应,促进结构优化与经济质量的提高。  相似文献   

中国的政策制定不应简单地立足于FDI对中国经济的单向影响,还要兼顾国内投资对FDI的引致效应.中国与其过度依赖FDI,不如把政策重心转向增加有效投资需求上来,实现国内储蓄有效地向投资转化.中国除了对某些亟需的科技技术和管理制度所依附的FDI实行特别的优惠政策外,应紧缩甚至取消针对一般FDI的优惠幅度.此外,中国必须调整现有的区域和产业投资政策,加大对中西部地区、基础产业和高新技术产业的投资力度,引导FDI流入上述领域,从而缓解区域和产业发展的不平衡压力.  相似文献   

新一轮外商直接投资政策取向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
改革开放初期,我国政府制定了许多优惠政策吸引外商直接投资,弥补了国内资金短缺,也提升了中国经济的品质。当前,面对巨大的外商直接投资、跨国公司投资战略变化以及外资存在的一些负面影响,新一轮外资政策争论正浮出水面。主要围绕三个问题:一是外资数量问题;二是外资对中国经济的利弊问题;三是如何提高利用外资的质量和水平同韪。  相似文献   

齐伟 《经济问题》2012,(9):66-69
利用2004~2008年间的动态面板数据模型,对开放因素为中国制造业部门所带来的技术溢出效应进行了实证分析。结果表明:(1)开放因素对制造业部门的总体技术溢出效应存在很大差异,出口贸易对中国制造业部门具有显著的正向技术溢出效应,而外商投资对制造业部门的技术进步则存在负面影响;(2)分部门看,外商投资的技术溢出效应主要体现在高技术制造业和中高技术制造业部门,而出口贸易对所有制造业部门都具有显著的正向技术溢出效应。  相似文献   

This paper uses regional panel data to investigate the mechanism whereby foreign direct investment (FDI) has contributed to China's regional development through quantifying regional marketization levels. It is found that FDI inflow generates a demonstration effect in identifying regional market conditions for investment in fixed assets and hence affects industrial location. In addition, its effects on regional export and regional income growth have varied across east, central and west China since the second half of the 1990s, depending on differences in FDI orientation between different regions. In east China, geographical advantage in exports attracts FDI inflow and FDI promotes exports. In addition, the rise of the FDI–GDP ratio increases east China's share in national industrial value added. These effects contribute positively to regional income growth in east China although there is a direct crowding‐out effect between FDI and domestic investment (as input) in growth. In contrast, the negative impact of FDI inflow on regional export orientation in central China weakens its contribution to regional income growth. Furthermore, the contribution of the improvement in the market mechanism to regional development is evidenced in attracting FDI, in promoting export and directly contributing to regional income growth.  相似文献   

The United States and China are at a turning point in their investment relationship. China’s previous investments in the United States were predominantly in government securities, while other holdings were negligible. Recently, the accumulation of treasury securities has slowed and direct investments by Chinese firms have risen steeply, with Beijing signaling greater support for portfolio investment outflows as well. This article describes the nascent shift in patterns of Chinese investment in the United States and uses the case of direct investment to examine the implications for US–China relations. We discuss current and future policy issues presented by Chinese foreign direct investment (FDI) in the United States, including national security, market access, and antitrust.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国实施“以市场换技术”的外资战略,吸引外资以期换来国外的先进技术,促进产业结构升级。时至今日,此举是否真正换来了技术与产业结构的升级,值得我们细分研究。本文选取1999—2009年我国实际利用外资金额和行业增加值数据,通过采用面板随机系数模型分析了FDI对三次产业中各个细分行业的影响,从而得出FDI对我国产业结构升级的影响。研究得出如下结论:FDI对第一产业(即农林牧渔业)增加值有影响,但不够显著;FDI对第二产业中的制造业增加值的影响显著;FDI对第三产业内绝大多数行业增加值的影响显著。进而表明FDI的流入能有效推动产业结构升级和优化。  相似文献   

《China Economic Journal》2013,6(2):133-158
The past 18 months have seen Chinese foreign direct investment (FDI) in the Australian resource sector become an issue of policy interest. There are two big questions that the prospects of a significant rise in FDI from China into the Australian resources sector have raised. Is the surge of FDI into Australian mining and energy consistent with achieving the traditional gains from foreign investment? And are there any particular problems associated with investment from foreign state-owned enterprises or state-managed sovereign wealth funds? These are among the questions addressed in this paper. The paper argues that there are no issues that cannot be dealt with under the umbrella of the established test of ‘national interest’ in managing the growth of Chinese FDI into the Australian minerals sector. It argues that a confusion has been introduced into policy over the questions of state ownership and supplier–buyer relations in respect of Chinese investments and that clarifying these issues is likely to be important to Australia's capturing the full benefits from the growth of Chinese resources demand and longer term economic and strategic interests in China.  相似文献   

中国对外直接投资对进出口贸易的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔者在分析对外直接投资对进出口贸易影响机制的基础上,使用1993年~2009年中国对105个国家(地区)直接投资和进出口贸易的面板数据,应用动态VAR模型和面板格兰杰因果检验方法对我国的情况进行实证研究。结果表明:我国对外直接投资与出口及进口之间均存在双向格兰杰因果关系,对外直接投资是贸易创造型的,但这种创造效应还较为有限。因此,应积极发展对外直接投资,并发挥其与贸易的良性互动关系。  相似文献   

This study addresses two questions: What are the determinants of foreign direct investment (FDI) location choice in China? What are the factors that determine investors’ choice between ‘Economic zones’ in China on one hand, and ‘other cities’ of China on the other hand? This study shows that FDI location choice is sensitive both on the endowment conditions in different regions/cities/economic zones in China as well as on the country of origin of the FDI. Based on a data set of 1218 observations, the results of the binary logit regressions indicate that the protection of intellectual rights, agglomeration economies, investments in education and gross regional product affect the location choice of FDI in China. This choices, however, varies depending on the origin of the FDI. Policy makers can use these findings to channel FDI to targeted regions/ cities.  相似文献   

Tidiane Kinda 《Applied economics》2013,45(25):3587-3598
This article uses firm-level data to analyse the drivers of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) to the manufacturing and services sectors of 30 Sub-Saharan African countries. It shows that improving the investment climate helps to attract aggregate FDI. By analysing disaggregate FDI data, the article establishes that there is considerable contrast in behaviour between vertical FDI (foreign firms producing for export) and horizontal FDI (foreign firms producing for local markets). In particular, the latter firms are attracted to areas with higher trade regulations, highlighting their interest in protected markets. Furthermore, horizontal FDI is more affected by financing and human capital constraints and less affected by infrastructure and institutional constraints than vertical FDI is.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to analyse the entry process of foreign direct investment (FDI) in Portuguese industrial sectors. Portugal presents an interesting case where firms enter to take advantage of export opportunities. The results suggest that foreign firms possess the ability to overcome existing entry barriers that affect domestic firms. Apparently, foreign firms have different expectations about profitability than domestic firms, possibly due to foreign firms’ export-orientation to the rest of the European Union (EU). They appear to desire industries where other foreign firms have clustered. Above all, it appears that these foreign firms enter industries to exploit Portugal's chief location advantage in Western Europe: low wages. Portugal's FDI experience is relevant to other countries that have opened their economies to greater trade and investment and attracted export-oriented firms.  相似文献   

We analyze the impact of China's integration into the global economy on other countries, Asian countries in particular. We first examine how the growth of China's exports is affecting the exports of other countries in Asia and the rest of the world. Our innovation is to distinguish exports of capital goods, consumer goods, and intermediates and to disaggregate textiles and consumer electronics, the most visible sectors where China's presence is felt. We next look to the impact of China on direct foreign investment flows. Here our innovation is to distinguish vertical and horizontal foreign direct investment (FDI) and to consider how they are affected by supply‐chain relationships. We then look more closely at factors influencing the articulation of these supply chains, the fragmentation of production, and the emerging international division of labor, focusing on two industries, electronics and autos, that exhibit very different responses. The results suggest that countries specializing in the production and export of components and raw materials feel positive effects from China's growth, while countries specializing in the production of consumer goods feel negative effects. Similarly, countries that compete with China for horizontal FDI find it more difficult to attract foreign investment as a result of that country's emergence, while countries that are potentially attractive destinations for vertical FDI find it easier to attract foreign investment as a result of trade links, especially in components and intermediates, that allow them to take advantage of supply chains involving their large and dynamically growing neighbor.  相似文献   

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