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本研究以"广虚二元价值容介态"理论为指导,在价值共创研究的基础上,对"中国好声音"的虚拟价值链进行深入的分析。研究结果表明,从虚拟价值共创的各个角色(制造方、播出方、广告赞助商、导师、学员和观众)都积极参与到以长期关系为导向的虚拟价值共创中,同时虚拟价值共创活动为共创各方创造了巨大的品牌效益。  相似文献   

关于商业地理学的研究对象和任务问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在古老的地理学萌芽中,商业地理知识曾是最重要的组成部分之一。经过三次社会大分工和劳动地域分工的进展,生产迅速发展,商品交换日益频繁和扩大范围,促使商业地理学的兴起和逐步形成。从12~16世纪欧洲汉撒同盟的商人学校就开设商业地理课程,其后,经过美国等资本主义国家学者的研究发展,至今这门学科仍为欧美各国所重视。  相似文献   

"中国从来就有轻商的传统",这似乎已成公论.时至今日,这一"公论"似乎要重新思考,在我看来,古往今来,中国轻视的是商人,而从来不轻视商业.  相似文献   

丝绸之路自开辟以后半通半停,奥斯曼帝国兴起后彻底中断;欧洲商人的"地理大发现"从南、西、北三个方向到达东方的同时,山西商人开辟"万里茶道"到达西方,说明晋商"万里茶道"与开创精神的重要世界地位. 通过"万里茶道"联合申遗,建设中蒙俄文化廊道,依托国际大通道,开展经贸文化旅游交流,展开"丝绸之路经济带"的"文化翼",对于建设"丝绸之路经济带"具有不可或缺的重大作用,在山西未来发展史上具有重要的战略意义.  相似文献   

商丘是商人、商业、商文化和商朝的发祥地.王亥曾在此进行商贸活动,被尊为"华商祖先",商汤在此创建了商王朝,故有"华商之都"之称.同时,商丘也是火的发源地,有"火都"之称.在文化搭台,旅游唱戏的背景下.利用"商、火"文化来打造商丘"商都"和"火都"旅游品牌有丰厚的资源和迫切的要求.  相似文献   

在一连串企业倒闭的寒流中,"倒闭潮"、"停工潮"、"民工返乡潮"是人们谈论最多的词语.期间,出于稳定大局的需要,珠三角和长三角的各级地方政府均站出来辟谣.认为"倒闭潮"的说法有夸大之嫌.当然,政府官员也没有否认,这一轮横扫全球的经济危机,对中国的民营企业,尤其是制造型企业带来了剧烈的冲击.并且,2009年的形势同样很不乐观.  相似文献   

世界上任何事物现象都是作为原因的结果而存在着的.中国古代悠久繁荣的商业史,证明中国传统商业文化必然包含优质的文化基因.但自近代以来,在与西方商业的竞争与碰撞中,中国商业一直处于下风,这说明,古老的中国商业文化也存在着劣质性的基因成分,尽管这种劣质性是隐性的和不占据中国商业文化的主流地位,但随着社会环境和商业环境的变化,其负面影响愈发突出和显现,中国商业文化基因改良已迫在眉睫.只有顺应历史潮流,重塑中国现代商业文化,中国商业才会早日复兴,中国商人才会迅速崛起.中国现代商业文化基因改良体现在三个方面,一是纠正轻商、贬商思想;二是培植义利并举的文化基因;三是克服中庸文化的负面作用,强化诚信文化基因.  相似文献   

"中国制造"的崛起是一种产业现象. 通过对产量居世界第一的中国制造企业的全面盘点,以及对世界第一的中国制造产品的市场分析,探寻"中国制造"崛起的核心企业势力.  相似文献   

越南是中国一衣带水的邻邦,越南和中国有着长达千年的历史与文化联系.通过调查研究,总结了越南商业文化在商业习俗、商业礼仪、语言沟通、非语言沟通、企业文化、团队精神、商业活动中礼物的选择、女性在商业活动中的地位等多方面的特征,提炼了越南中资企业语言文化服务的需求,提出了中国企业走出去的几点启示.  相似文献   

"中国制造"凭借自己的低成本优势风靡全球,使中国成为"世界工厂".但是随着中国经济的迅速发展和"中国制造"几何级速度的蔓延,"中国制造"面临着多重困境.中国企业要摆脱困局,在国际化道路上重新确立在全球市场的地位,必须走向"中国创造".  相似文献   

This paper examines intergenerational wealth mobility between fathers and children in France between 1848 and 1960. Considering wealth mobility in the long run requires taking into account not only positional mobility (that is, how families move within a given distribution of wealth), but also structural mobility induced by changes in the distribution of wealth. Such changes are related to two structural phenomena: in the nineteenth century, the rising number of individuals leaving no estate at death and, after World War I, the decline in the number of the very rich who could live off their wealth. The paper studies the movements between these groups and estimates the intergenerational elasticity of wealth, taking into account the persistence at the bottom and at the top.  相似文献   

The ideology of Progressivism that peaked in the early years of the 20th century brought with it the 16th amendment, which allowed the federal government to tax incomes, and the 17th amendment, which mandated direct elections of Senators. Both were ratified in 1913. The 16th amendment provided the financing for government to expand its scope, and the 17th amendment created more democratic accountability, which both were goals of the Progressive movement. An examination of House and Senate voting on these amendments suggests that those opposed to the amendments voted against them based on interests rather than ideology.  相似文献   

We present new evidence for elite violence using regicide, the killing of kings, and investigate the role of the state in European violence between the 6th and 19th centuries. First, regicide is critically assessed as a proxy for interpersonal elite violence. Second, we propose ‘territorial state capacity’ as a measure of states being able to keep or even expand their territories. We find a negative correlation between the changes in territorial state capacity and the changes in elite violence. This could be interpreted in two ways, either that growing territorial state capacity enabled human society to reduce violence, or that a higher regicide rate resulted in lower territorial state capacity. Another possibility would be a bidirectional mechanism that resulted in a co-evolution of the two variables.  相似文献   

This essay has both a general and a specific purpose. Its general purpose is to pose the question: Can neoclassical economics be social economics? Its answer to this general question is: Yes, but only if it abandons its methodological soul; that is, by abandoning methodological individualism, positivism, and ahistoricism, and expressly and systematically adopting a methodological perspective which is holistic, normative, and historical. Its specific purpose is to identify and examine the major elements in the economics of one leading figure in the historical development of neoclassical economics who self-consciously attempted to combine, to paraphrase Schumpeter, a neoclassical head with a social economics heart: Alfred Marshall.  相似文献   

第四代技术展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着技术与经济全球化,技术预测的合理性,有效性和可操作性等问题再一次提到议事日程上来。本文提出了一种在广义技术创新框架之下,社会,经济,环境的多层次上,硬技术与软技术并重的第四代技术展望理论。  相似文献   

Top Forum聚焦资本领域热门话题,探寻中国资本风向标Top Investor聚集投资业内精英,指点中国资本江山Top Event更多交流机会和社交活动,带来无限商机Top Company汇聚创业精英和优秀融资项目,促成融资成功Top Reward中国投资之最颁奖,见证中国投资强者辉煌  相似文献   

The papers in this issue study nine depressions—both from the interwar period in Europe and North America and from more recent times in Japan and Latin America—using a common framework. All of the papers rely on growth accounting to decompose changes in output into the portions due to changes in factor inputs and the portion due to the changes in efficiency with which these factors are used. All of the papers employ simple applied dynamic general equilibrium models. Collectively, these papers indicate that government policies that affect productivity and hours per working-age person are the crucial determinants of the great depressions of the 20th century. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: E32, N10, O40.  相似文献   

宏观调控目标的“十一五”分析与“十二五”展望   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
本文旨在对我国"十一五"时期宏观经济调控目标的实现情况进行分析,对"十二五"时期的经济增长目标提出相应的政策建议和论证。全文共分四部分:首先,回顾"十一五"规划中有关宏观调控的指导原则和主要目标。其次,说明这些宏观调控目标的实现情况。再次,对"十二五"时期经济增长目标提出政策建议:在"十二五"规划中,经济增长目标的设定可有三种方法:一种是,仍沿用过去的习惯,把目标值设定得比较低;另一种是,可以设定目标区间,即以潜在经济增长率为基准的适度经济增长区间;再一种是,不是设定单一的五年固定不变的目标值,也不是笼统地设定一个目标区间,而是对未来五年中的各年设定不同的、可以反映经济波动趋势的目标值。最后,本文对这些政策建议进行具体的测算与分析。  相似文献   

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