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本文基于2017年中国家庭金融调查(CHFS)数据,运用Probit模型和Tobit模型实证检验了社会网络对农户借贷行为的影响。结果表明:(1)社会网络对农户借贷可得性、借贷规模均具有正向影响。(2)信息获取能力、风险偏好在社会网络对农户借贷可得性、借贷规模的影响中均起到中介作用。(3)异质性分析发现,与非正规借贷相比,社会网络对农户的正规借贷产生的影响更大;与不使用互联网型农户相比,社会网络对使用互联网型农户的借贷可得性以及借贷规模的影响更大;社会网络对西部地区农户的借贷可得性以及借贷规模影响最大;年龄越靠近中年的农户越倾向于选择参与金融借贷,借贷规模也越大。  相似文献   

本文在关系理论视角下,基于新疆省少数民族地区农村入户调查数据,分析了家庭关系资本、宗教关系资本、银行关系资本与农户贷款可得性之间关系的内在机理及其影响因素。研究结果表明:新疆少数民族农户贷款更多依赖于家庭关系网络的维护,尤其是关系质量对其非正式借贷获得性帮助更大。银行关系资本对农户获得贷款具有显著的正向影响,表明农户较好的银行关系对农户获得正规贷款有积极作用。此外,家庭经济决策、农户技能水平、文化程度等特征变量也显著影响其贷款可得性,说明其帮助农民获得更多借贷机会、更大的借贷额度并降低借贷风险。本文研究对于理解文化同质性下的关系资本在民族地区农村信贷配置的作用,且对进一步拓展民族地区农村信贷市场体制改革路径,具有积极的理论指导和实践价值。  相似文献   

本文运用新疆1726份农户调查数据,分析农户借贷行为;构建二元Logit模型和计数模型,分别分析农户借贷行为和借贷额度的影响因素。结果表明,少数民族地区农户借贷需求较高,且借款具有期限短、利率高、额度低等特点,农户偏好从农村信用社等正规金融机构借款。在影响农户借贷行为因素方面,性别、文化程度、是否务农和种植年限分别在5%、1%、10%和1%水平上显著正向影响,家庭劳动力人数和家庭社会关系分别在5%和1%水平上显著负向影响;在影响农户借贷额度因素方面,种植规模和种植年限分别在1%和10%水平上显著正向影响。  相似文献   

农户正规借贷行为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于中国家庭金融调查数据,描述农户经营性的正规借贷需求并探讨农户家庭正规借贷需求可得性的决定因素,包括家庭特征、户主的年龄结构、承包的土地面积。研究结果表明:农户正规借贷需求与正规贷款可获得性均主要取决于其生产经营方面的收入水平。  相似文献   

小额信贷是我国农信社提供金融服务的重要方式,在缓解农村资金供求矛盾方面起着重要作用。本文通过对我国欠发达地区农户的调查,考察农户小额信贷特征,分析我国农村信用社农户小额信贷影响因素。研究发现,农户自身特征、家庭经济状况、农户对小额信贷的认知程度三类基本因素对农户小额借贷需求与决策行为产生重要影响。  相似文献   

本研究基于中国家庭金融调查(CHFS)最新2019年数据,以农户为调查对象,在提高农户借贷可得性问题的研究上,提出依靠农户的社会资本进而提高借贷可得性的方案,通过量化社会资本,并科学的有针对性的进行社会资本投资,以解决农户融资难困境的理念。对社会资本及其代理变量进行分析,根据准对则层级的代理变量影响权重对比分析发现,用社会网络衡量农户的无形资本是不准确的,相比之下,社会信任权重更高。根据农村中的农户现状问题,进一步对借贷部门提出了政策建议,以改善农村的借贷问题。  相似文献   

研究表明,农户户主的个人特征、家庭财务状况、信息不对称以及申请贷款的成本费用等因素都会影响贷款可得性。本文利用有序Logit模型对山东省最早设立村镇银行的三县市农户入户调查数据进行了实证分析,结果表明,农户家庭人均收入高、人均资产多、人均支出高、熟悉村镇银行以及距离村镇银行近都是提高农户贷款可得性重要因素,具有统计上的显著性;其他因素如人均债务、户主年龄和受教育程度的影响并不显著。最后,根据检验结果,提出了促进村镇银行更好为“三农”服务的建议。  相似文献   

利用山东省1440个农户的实地调研数据,通过建立二元Logit模型和计数模型分别考察了影响农户借贷可能性和实际借贷数额的因素。研究结果表明,户主的文化程度、家庭支出、家庭余钱使用、在正规金融机构办理业务的次数、借款用途均显著影响农户的借贷可能性和实际借贷数额;户主年龄与借贷可能性两者之间的关系呈现倒U形,表明受教育程度高且年富力强的户主更容易获得数额较大的借贷。此外,户主的打工经历、家庭人均收入、借贷利率和借贷规范仅对实际借贷数额有着显著的影响。  相似文献   

陈立 《甘肃金融》2013,(9):75-75
制约农村金融需求的非正式制度因素分析(一)传统的"小农意识"影响着农村金融需求。对甘肃省礼县的调查显示,贫困地区农村金融需求构成中,生活性借款比重较大,占比达到48%,一方面说明农户购买力过低,生活压力大,另一方面也表明农村生产经营性金融需求不高。农户及其借款行为带有明显的小农经济特色,农户拥有的财产、受教育程度和村镇富裕程度对金融需求影响显著,而且农户借贷偏好年利率低、担保抵押少、决策时间短、满足程度高和期限灵活的借贷资金,具体表现为农户对政府救助性资金的需求优于金融  相似文献   

最近我们组织了对西北农村金融的问卷调查,发现:(1)影响农民致富的因素除资金外,主要是缺乏技术、信息和产品;(2)农户资金需求的主要用途仍主要集中在生产用途上,其他用途需求较小;(3)农户与涉农企业、种养大户筹资的主要途径仍为信用社,其中农户筹资首选农信社和亲戚朋友的占90%以上,涉农企业从农信社贷款的约占70%;(4)农户之间的小额借贷以零利息居多,资金量大时利息大多以同期存贷款利率为标准;涉农企业及种养大户的民间借贷利率相对较高,影响利率水平的主要因素是对资金需求的紧迫程度;(5)无论是农户还是涉农企业、种养大户。对金融机构的服务需求集中体现在对贷款的服务需求上,这可能与农村强烈的资金需求和贷款服务相对薄弱有关;(6)从提供的贷款服务来看,信用社服务相对较好,而农行相对较差;农户和涉农企业、种养大户对信用社提供贷款的服务总体满意程度也较高;(7)农户和涉农企业、种养大户总体信用状况较好,农户主要依靠种养殖业收入还款。而生产经营状况不佳等客观因素是其无法及时还款的主要原因;(8)农村金融中存在的主要问题是金融机构贷款额度太小、期限太短,农行抵押、公证等额外费用太高、审批效率较低,信用社贷款利率偏高、手续较为繁琐。最后提出了相应的对策思路。  相似文献   

Loan pricing under Basel capital requirements   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We analyze the loan pricing implications of the reform of bank capital regulation known as Basel II. We consider a perfectly competitive market for business loans where, as in the model underlying the internal ratings based (IRB) approach of Basel II, a single risk factor explains the correlation in defaults across firms. Our loan pricing equation implies that low risk firms will achieve reductions in their loan rates by borrowing from banks adopting the IRB approach, while high risk firms will avoid increases in their loan rates by borrowing from banks that adopt the less risk-sensitive standardized approach of Basel II. We also show that only a very high social cost of bank failure might justify the proposed IRB capital charges, partly because the net interest income from performing loans is not counted as a buffer against credit losses. A net interest income correction for IRB capital requirements is proposed.  相似文献   

康书隆  王晓婷  余海跃 《金融研究》2022,501(3):115-134
研究制约住房公积金制度效率的因素及作用机制,对保障国民安居、推动经济高质量发展具有重要的现实意义。鉴于此,本文首先通过构建理论模型,阐述了流动性压力下,公积金对缴存家庭贷款决策与消费的影响及作用机制,并使用中国家庭金融调查数据(CHFS)对理论假说进行实证检验。研究结果表明:借贷约束会显著降低缴存家庭使用公积金贷款的概率;流动性压力是公积金管理机构提高贷款门槛,从而降低借贷受约束家庭使用公积金贷款概率的重要原因;未获得公积金贷款支持的缴存家庭因购房成本的增加,家庭的非耐用品消费受到显著抑制。本文进一步通过倾向得分匹配方法和两阶段最小二乘法处理内生性问题,识别结果显示上述结论稳健可靠。本文研究表明:改善运营资金流动性不仅有助于提高公积金制度的运行效率,完善我国的住房保障体系,还有助于促进居民消费,提振内需,并为企业减费降负提供有效支持。  相似文献   

Secondary market trading in loans elicits a significant positive stock price response by a borrowing firm's equity investors. We find the major reason for this response is the alleviation of borrowing firms’ financial constraints. We also find that new loan announcements are associated with a positive stock price effect even when prior loans made to the same borrower already trade on the secondary market. We conclude that the special role of banks has changed due to their ability to create an active secondary loan market while simultaneously maintaining their traditional role as information producers.  相似文献   

中国经济长期以来呈现出“重城轻乡”的二元制结构特点,在这种经济结构背景下的城乡个人信贷政策却没有实行差别化,这是造成我国农村个人信贷业务难以推进的主要障碍。目前银行在针对个人办理贷款时都有一些硬性条件,包括面临风险时贷款利率会适当上浮,个人贷款期限以年为单位,要求借款人一定时间内支出与收入比不得超过50%,这些政策和限制性条件对农户贷款并不适用,在为农户办理贷款时应适用新的信贷政策,使其更贴近农户的实际信贷需求。  相似文献   

This paper examines the relation between strategic alliances and non-financial firms’ bank loan financing. We construct several measures to capture firms’ alliance activities. The key finding is that borrowing firms with active alliance involvement experience lower cost of bank loans. The reduction of borrowing cost is strongest for financially unconstrained firms and firms with high G-index and intensive monitoring from institutional investors. We also relate various characteristics of alliance agreements to the cost of bank borrowing, and find evidence supporting market power hypothesis and organizational flexibility hypothesis. We further report that allying with a prestigious partner (i.e., S&P 1500 firms) provides certification effect that lowers bank loan cost. In addition, firms positioned in the center of the alliance network enjoy lower cost of bank loans. Lastly, we document that firms engaging in alliance activities expand their debt capacity and are less likely to use collaterals and covenants in their bank loan contracts.  相似文献   

By focusing on observable default risk's role in loan terms and the subsequent consequences for household behavior, this paper shows that lenders increasingly used risk-based pricing of interest rates in consumer loan markets during the mid-1990s. It tests three resulting predictions: First, the premium paid per unit of risk should have increased over this period. Second, debt levels should have reacted accordingly. Third, fewer high-risk households should have been denied credit, further contributing to the interest rate spread between the highest- and lowest-risk borrowers.For people obtaining loans, the premium paid per unit of risk did indeed become significantly larger after the mid-1990s. For example, for a 0.01 increase in the probability of bankruptcy, the corresponding interest-rate increase tripled for first mortgages, doubled for automobile loans and rose nearly six-fold for second mortgages. Additionally, changes in borrowing levels and debt access reflected these new pricing practices, particularly for secured debt. Borrowing increased most for the low-risk households who saw their relative borrowing costs fall. Furthermore, while very high-risk households gained expanded access to credit, the increases in their risk premiums implied that their borrowing as a whole either rose less or, sometimes, fell.  相似文献   

We identify a group of lenders specializing in syndicating tradable loans (referred to as transactional lenders [TLs]). We show that borrowers borrowing from TLs experience worse operating performance and more severe credit quality deterioration after loan origination compared to those borrowing from relationship lenders. This difference in the postloan issue performance remains robust after controlling for the potential self‐selection of the lender type, or using percentage of traded loans out of all syndicated loans to capture lenders’ propensity for syndicating tradable loans. Our results also remains qualitatively the same after we drop various types of risky loans.  相似文献   

Students entering college have limited financial experience while making complex borrowing decisions. This paper examines a policy lever that may improve these decisions: high school personal finance graduation requirements. We use a difference-in-difference strategy to determine their effects on financial aid decisions of incoming freshmen at 4-year institutions. Our results suggest financial education shifts students from high-cost to low-cost financing. The requirements increase aid applications and acceptance of federal loans, while decreasing the likelihood of holding credit card balances. Students from less affluent family backgrounds reduce their likelihoods of working and borrowers from more affluent backgrounds reduce private loan amounts.  相似文献   

廖红君  樊纲治  弋代春 《金融研究》2020,481(7):153-171
本文利用2017年中国家庭金融调查数据深入考察购房融资方式对家庭创业行为的影响。研究结果显示,相较于民间借贷购房的家庭,按揭贷款购房的家庭参与创业活动的可能性更高,且更倾向于主动创业。进一步机制分析发现,相较于民间借贷购房,按揭贷款购房能够降低家庭的流动性约束,缓解家庭的资金压力,从而促进创业。同时,按揭贷款购房能使家庭获得充足的贷款额度与较长的贷款期限,进而有助于家庭创业。而且在偿还按揭贷款的过程中,家庭能与银行建立长期良好的信贷关系,从而有助于提高家庭获得正规信贷的可能性,促进家庭创业。为了积极推进创业创新的战略部署,应进一步健全银行信贷体系,发展和完善住房金融制度,从而有利于缓解小微企业融资难、融资贵的问题,释放和激发家庭创业活力。  相似文献   

本文基于对山东省17地市农户的土地承包经营权抵押贷款需求状况的问卷调查数据,分析了当前农村地区的资金借贷现状及农村土地承包经营权抵押贷款意愿,并提出了规范和完善农村土地承包经营权抵押的对策建议。  相似文献   

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