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专利市场化水平通过对专利权人预期收益率的影响与专利维持时间产生联系。对高校和企业发明专利维持时间及其影响因素进行比较,可为提升高校专利市场化水平提供借鉴。从专利市场化视角出发,以华为和华南理工大学(以下简称“华工”)为例,运用回归分析方法对发明专利维持时间影响因素进行研究。结果发现,华为发明专利维持时间较长,且在审查时间、发明人数和权利要求数方面存在较大差异;各自变量对二者发明专利维持时间的解释力度亦有区别。为提升高校专利市场化水平,提出应强化知识产权创造市场导向、优化发明专利性质布局、强化发明专利专业属性、促进校企科研合作等合理化建议。  相似文献   

除保护技术输出的传统职能外,专利在企业和利益相关者沟通中也发挥着重要的信号传递职能。其中,专利在资本市场上的信号价值近年来备受关注,已有研究指出专利作为质量信号有助于企业获得投资者认可,并且专利信号效果依赖于投资者获得企业信息的多少。在此基础上,进一步讨论了投资者获得企业信息的内容对信号价值的影响。具体地,在负面信号情境下(企业过去的财务绩效差、收益波动性大、未来不确定性高),专利的信号价值更强,而在正面信号情境专利信号效果减弱。利用来自深沪两市1 787家上市公司2000-2011年面板数据验证了以上假设,专利数量和外部融资之间存在正向关系,并且在负面信号情境下二者正向关系更强。稳健性检验进一步表明,发明专利的信号效应比非发明专利更强,而私企的专利信号效应比国企更强。  相似文献   

基于湖北省1993—2018年相关数据,运用VAR模型对绿色创新与经济增长的动态关系进行实证研究,同时将绿色创新分为发明专利授权和实用新型专利授权两个要素。研究发现,经济增长与发明专利授权、实用新型专利授权存在长期协整关系;发明专利授权对经济增长存在“扩散效应”,实用新型专利授权对经济增长先体现“扩散效应”,后体现“挤出效应”,而经济增长对两者均具有“扩散效应”;发明专利授权对经济增长的促进作用明显大于实用新型专利授权对经济增长的促进作用。因此,应积极构建绿色创新与经济增长的长效互动机制;加大绿色创新开发投入,完善绿色创新相关制度;提升绿色创新的投入效率,加速绿色创新成果转化率。  相似文献   

Firms protecting their invention by a patent have the legal right to exclude competitors from using the patented matter. However, despite patent protection, competitors could enter the market by ‘inventing around’. Provided that inventing around becomes more difficult the broader a patent is, the strength of protection against market entry increases in patent breadth. Building on a theoretical benchmark formalizing the relationship between varying patent breadth and the threat of market entry, our empirical analysis supports the prediction that inventors perceive broad patents as effective market entry barriers.  相似文献   

本文通过引入存续期未终止的专利,改进了传统以存续期为基础的专利价值模型,并使用该模型计算了我国1985—2009年间企业和研究机构的发明专利价值。通过对比发现,我国研究机构的平均专利价值显著低于企业。进一步回归分析发现,研究机构的研发资源占有量对专利价值并没有显著的正向作用,相反,企业占有较多的研发资源则有助于提高专利价值。在研发资源的联合配置方面,研究机构间合作研发下的专利价值也低于企业间的合作。  相似文献   

This paper connects ideas from recent literature on the economics of intellectual property (IP) to address the question: Did the strengthening and broadening of IP rights from important patent policy changes in the US promote greater innovation? The analysis rests on the theory of cumulative innovation, which shows that if IP rights on a pioneer invention extend to follow‐on research and impediments to contracting exist, then strengthening patents can actually reduce overall innovation. Recent empirical studies are consistent with the theory: patents can significantly deter follow‐on research in “complex” technology areas where contracting is difficult (computers, electronics, telecommunications) but not in drugs, chemicals and human genes. I outline remedies from court decisions and antitrust policy for addressing inefficiencies from patent trolling, patent thickets and the anti‐commons of fragmented ownership. I then apply the analysis to the antibiotics market, drawing on recent research, to examine how patent and competition policies can be used to improve incentives for drug development in the battle against antibiotic resistance. The literature provides persuasive evidence that the policy changes overreached in broadening and strengthening IP rights and reveals important patent reforms for improving the effectiveness of patent systems in the US and Canada.  相似文献   

Globalization, high growth rates in high-tech industries, growing emerging markets and harmonization of patent institutions across countries have stimulated patenting in foreign markets. We use a simple model of international patenting, where the decision to patent in a foreign country depends on country characteristics and the quality of the patented invention. With access to a detailed database on individual patents owned by small Swedish firms and inventors, we are able to estimate some of these relationships and test their validity. Our results indicate that the propensity to apply for international patent protection increases with indicators of the quality of the invention, technological rivalry and market size in the host market.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationships between corporate market value and four patent quality indicators - relative patent position (RPP), revealed technology advantage (RTA), Herfindahl-Hirschman Index of patents (HHI of patents), and patent citations - in the US pharmaceutical industry. The results showed that RPP and patent citations were positively associated with corporate market value, but HHI of patents was negatively associated with it, while RTA was not significantly related to it. Thus, if pharmaceutical companies want to enhance their market value, they should increase their leading positions in their most important technological fields, cultivate more diversity of technological capabilities, and raise innovative value of their patents. In addition, this study found that market value of pharmaceutical companies with high patent counts was higher than that of pharmaceutical companies with low patent counts, and suggested that pharmaceutical companies with low patent counts should increase RPP in their most technological fields, decrease HHI of patents, or raise patent citations to further enhance their market value. Furthermore, this study developed a classification for the pharmaceutical companies to divide them into four types, and provided some suggestions to them.  相似文献   

探讨前沿科技领域专利转化特征并对其进行精准识别与预测,对于我国破解“卡脖子”技术难题及实现科技自立自强具有重要意义。选取人工智能芯片专利领域,采用机器学习算法测度最优转化预测方案,分析全球范围内主要国家或地区专利成功转化影响因素,从企业/高校、国内/国际等不同层面总结专利成功转化的主要特征。结果发现:随机森林算法预测效果较好,人工智能芯片领域专利转化概率服从对数曲线分布,影响高校/企业、国内/国外专利转化特征的因素有所不同。最后,提出高校/科研机构应注重高价值专利维持和团队合作、企业应提升专利技术质量和撰写质量等政策建议。  相似文献   

近年来,中国专利申请量与授权量得到了快速飞跃,然而“专利泡沫”“专利沉睡”等问题也日益凸显,如何有效促进专利数量到专利质量的转变是实现专利强国的关键。本文基于信号传递理论,构建了市场信号与技术特征共同影响国际高质量专利形成的理论模型,并利用中国在美国专利与商标局(USPTO)申请的专利数据进行了实证检验。研究结果表明:市场信号有助于传递积极的专利信号与打破信息不对称,推动形成国际高质量专利;技术特征能够扩大专利自身的技术范围与技术合作空间,与国际高质量专利也存在显著正向关系;此外,技术特征能够产生技术噪音与技术竞争压力,弱化信号传递效率,从而负向调节市场信号对国际高质量专利的促进效应。本文认为与市场上的普通商品一样,专利存在“酒香也怕巷子深”问题,一方面企业应该加强专利国际推广;另一方面政府需要进一步完善市场机制与减弱信息不对称,共同塑造中国国际高质量专利。  相似文献   

“大众创业、万众创新”背景下,研究风险投资介入对企业创新绩效的影响具有重要理论与现实意义。以2010-2017年创业板公司为样本,采用倾向得分匹配法(PSM)模型,实证分析风险投资介入对企业创新绩效的影响,发现风险投资介入显著促进专利申请量,且对发明专利申请量和实用新型专利申请量有显著正向作用,而对外观设计专利影响并不显著。进一步考察不同背景和投资策略的风险投资对创新绩效的潜在影响,结果显示:与单独投资相比,联合投资对专利总申请量和发明专利申请量增加的促进作用更显著;与私营风险投资和外资风险投资相比,国有风险投资具有更强的发明取向和更长的投资时间,能显著促进发明专利等创新绩效提升,而私营和外资风险投资对公司创新绩效的影响不显著。  相似文献   

曾鹏  赵聪 《科技进步与对策》2016,33(21):117-125
对我国不同类型专利进行时空差异分析,有利于了解我国发明创新的特征、对经济发展的贡献点,以及专利发展程度的差异,突破专利促进经济发展的瓶颈,为不同地区经济发展提供针对性建议,寻求专利发展的新着力点。通过对我国省域专利类型密度时空差异的分析发现:从时间上看,我国三种专利类型发展程度不同,密度指数水平均有所提高,发明专利密度指数水平提升较快,且单位从业人员、产值和技术市场成交额与发明专利拥有量所占比例较均衡;实用新型专利密度指数发展一般,但均衡性较好;外观设计专利密度指数发展水平呈现波动性,均衡性降低;从空间上看,我国东部地区整体专利密度指数水平显著高于西部和中部地区,伴随发展的整个过程,因而不同专利类型和不同地区应区别对待。  相似文献   

In order to enhance the independent innovation capability and help China to become an “innovation-oriented country” this article compares the spatial distribution of innovative activities between China (representing a typical developing country) and the United States. We also provide some recommendations for China and other developing countries to optimize the spatial distribution of their innovative activities. Using invention patents as an indicator gathered from the websites of the CSIPO and the USPTO, this paper compares the spatial distribution of innovative activity in China and the U.S. by methods such as rank-frequency, concentration and classification. The results show that the invention patents have experienced rapid growth and significant fluctuation in recent years in China, while the United States has been relatively stable. The spatial diversity of patent distribution in China is more obvious than in the United States. There is a concentrated trend of innovative activities in both China and the United States from the inland areas to the coastal regions.  相似文献   

Patent databases contain a wealth of technical information, but only a fraction of innovative small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) use them as an information source. The characteristics of SMEs that use patent databases and the reasons why they do or do not use them are investigated in this study. Part of the analysis is based on the Community Innovation Survey results, which Is the largest survey to date of innovative European firms. The results show that the probability of using patent databases increases with firms size and is higher among firms that perform research and develobment or which and patents of value as an appropriation method. Furthermore, the percentage of firms in each of 14 sectors that and patents to be an important information source is correlated with the patent propensity rate in each sector. The second part of the study is based on a combined survey and interview study of Dutch SMEs in five high-technology sectors. The results show that SMEs mainly use patent databases to acquire information, often for legal purposes, that is not available from any other source. In contrast, these databases are seldom used to acquire technical data, largely because of the cost in terms of personnel time and expertise. This points to the need for simpler and more efficient methods of searching patent databases.  相似文献   

当前,人工智能发明对专利客体范围、专利“三性”审查标准及专利权属制度造成巨大冲击。就专利客体而言,在“算法+技术”规则的指引下,可将人工智能生成的技术方案明确为方法类专利客体;在专利“三性”审查方面,借鉴人工智能技术中立优势对相关发明进行“新式审查”,可以化解对传统审查方式的冲击;在专利权属制度设计上,基于产业政策和利益平衡考量,构建以人工智能投资者为核心、辅之以意思自治原则的专利权属制度成为必然。  相似文献   

Effects of blocking patents on R&D: a quantitative DGE analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
What are the effects of blocking patents on R&;D and consumption? This paper develops a quality-ladder growth model with overlapping intellectual property rights and capital accumulation to quantitatively evaluate the effects of blocking patents. The analysis focuses on two policy variables (a) patent breadth that determines the amount of profits created by an invention and (b) the profit-sharing rule that determines the distribution of profits between current and former inventors along the quality ladder. The model is calibrated to aggregate data of the US economy. Under parameter values that match key features of the US economy and show equilibrium R&;D underinvestment, I find that optimizing the profit-sharing rule of blocking patents would lead to a significant increase in R&;D, consumption and welfare. Also, the paper derives and quantifies a dynamic distortionary effect of patent policy on capital accumulation.  相似文献   

On the measurement of patent stock as knowledge indicators   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Most of the conventional indicators for measuring the amount of technological knowledge (TK) have so far been input-based indicators. Hence, there is growing need to develop output-based indicators, and accordingly some studies have been conducted thereon. However, previous research has adopted patent count or patent stock by simple count in measuring the amount of TK as output-based indicators. The principal problem with using this variable is that the value of individual patent is too heterogeneous. That is a large portion of these patent databases are either of little value or nothing at all. As a result, patent count or patent stock by simple count cannot be seen as a suitable measure of TK.In this study, we attempted to resolve the value-heterogeneity problem in measuring patent stock. The notion of citation-based patent stock (CPS) and valuation-based patent stock (VPS) is proposed in this paper and the calculation method is described in detail. In CPS, the economic value of individual patent is assumed to be proportional to the number of citations received from other patents. And in VPS, the economic value of individual patent is derived from the value distribution of patents registered in some cohort by manipulating the patent renewal data. We validated the indicators by comparing them with the usual input-based indicators and by analyzing the relationships between them and the productivity growth empirically.  相似文献   

我国信息通讯技术领域专利战略分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对我国信息通讯技术(ICT)领域在1985-2006年期间的发明专利申请情况进行了分析,重点研究了在华知名跨国公司与国内企业在15个最主要的ICT子领域的发明专利申请情况,计算了主要ICT子领域对各企业的技术重要性、各企业在ICT子领域及整体领域的技术竞争指数、各企业在ICT子领域的技术比较优势指数等。研究结果揭示了我国ICT的重要技术创新和竞争子领域;在我国整体ICT领域的竞争指数最大的公司依次为三星、华为、松下等,而国内其他公司的竞争指数都较低;在各ICT子领域最具技术竞争力的公司几乎都是发明专利申请量最多的公司。研究进一步表明,并非所有公司都能在对其最具技术重要性的领域保持技术竞争优势。本土ICT企业要缩小与跨国公司的技术差距,必须重视对重要技术领域的选择并加大创新投入,实施专利战略,以保持自身在这些领域的相对技术比较优势。  相似文献   


This study uses patent renewal information to estimate the private value of patents. Patent value refers to the economic reward that the inventor extracts from commercialising the patented invention. Our empirical analysis comprises 555 patents with applications filed between 1999 and 2002. The term of these patents either ended in 2018 or lapsed due to non-payment of the renewal fee. We model the renewal decision of patentee as ordered probit where patent renewal fee increases with the age of the patent. Variables, such as patent family size, technological scope, number of inventors and grant lag, are used as explanatory variables in the corresponding regression. Hence, this paper combines the patentee’s renewal decision along with patents’ characteristics and renewal cost schedule to estimate the initial rent distribution. We find that a large number of patents expire at an early stage leaving few patents with high value corroborating the results of studies using European, American and Chinese data. As expected, patents from certain technology class enjoy high valuation.  相似文献   

Empirical findings state that the disclosure requirement might be a reason for firms to rely on secrecy rather than patents to protect their inventions. We choose a dynamic framework in which we can explicitly analyze the patenting decision reflecting the tradeoff between a positive protective effect and a negative effect due to the required disclosure of the protected invention. In spite of a patent, the inventor's rival may still enter the market with a non-infringing product. Measuring the technological lead of the inventor by a time advantage he has compared with his rival, we show that if his headstart exceeds a critical threshold, he will not patent and rather rely on secrecy.  相似文献   

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