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论城市化进程中的低端需求——以城市摊贩问题为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市摊贩问题已经成为近年来城市管理中十分棘手的问题.对城市化进程中的人口流动趋势以及城市定位的问题进行分析得出,摊贩问题的出现,一方面反应了城市中有一个庞大的低端需求群体,另一方面说明城市常常忽视这种需求,将城市现代化与高端化等同.大量流动人口的涌现有利于城市竞争力的发展,加上城市中原有的低收入人群,使得城市必须保留一个能够满足这些人口消费的市场.城市化不是以排斥低端收入的人群为代价,而是要为低端需求留有充分的生存和发展的空间.  相似文献   

Major change is always costly, but when maintaining the status quo is even more expensive, a strategic imperative for change has been created. The process of managing change is not focused on what to change, but how change decisions can be implemented successfully. Successful organizations achieve their change objectives (human and technical) on time and within budget. Unsuccessful organizations either never accomplish what they plan or do so only after consuming a great deal more time and money than they anticipated. This article introduces an abbreviated review of the ten best practices associated with change management. The reader will recognize the multitude of variables that can be relevant to any change effort and begin to assess the matrix relationship between these interdependent variables.  相似文献   

There has been a pronounced reluctance to experiment with flexible work schedules in so-called production areas, because of fears that the discretion granted individuals in their use of time would result in a fall in productivity. This article describes a first approach to calculating the amount of flexibility that can be given a group of employees in a production unit, in order to ensure that, even when they exploit the discretion to the full extent, there will always be work for everyone and other, interdependent, production units (or customers) do not suffer.  相似文献   

保险作为现代服务行业之一,服务质量问题始终贯穿其中。其中,“理赔难”的现象层出不穷。从1929年11月在中国上海成立第一家保险公司太平保险,到目前保险行业已发展90余年,中国的车险理赔还难吗?依然难,只是难点变了,老矛盾得到部分解决,新矛盾层出不穷,唯独对理赔服务质量的评价参差不齐是永恒的。  相似文献   

李连芝  马强 《价值工程》2012,31(34):289-291
中国的体育健儿在北京奥运会上取得了空前绝后的成绩。奥运会不仅仅能够使世界更加了解中国,同时也能够促进了中国文化以及经济的发展。中国在进入了"后奥运时代"后,我国的体育经济时代已经开始了大步发展,目前已经步入了一个新的台阶,为今后的体育经济时代提供了一个千载难逢的机会。而对于目前我国如何应对"后奥运时代"的中国体育经济的发展和其中可能发生的问题,作者对此尝试着进行讨论和总结。本文主要讨论的内容是后奥运时代的中国体育经济的发展方向。  相似文献   

退市难一直是A股的难题,退市率极低。由于退市制度设计缺陷、IPO非市场化及监管不到位等原因,致使“垃圾股”的“壳”价值高,上市公司保“壳”冲动高。在当前IPO加速的背景下,科学合理地提高退市率,积极完善退市制度,使A股形成“有进有出”的良性生态环境是亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   


This article reviews the New Public Management (NPM) literature in central and eastern Europe (CEE) with the aim of assessing whether reforms have ‘worked’. Increasingly, academics have tended to argue against the suitability of NPM instruments in this region. To understand the impact of this much-debated policy, we first propose a classification of the impacts of NPM geared to the realities of central and eastern European states. Then, we use this classification to carefully review empirical studies across the region over the past 10 years. Unlike much of the recent academic literature, we suggest that NPM can work. NPM policy has not always been successful to the extent expected and promoted, but there is enough evidence to show that some of the central ideas in NPM have led to improvements in public service organization or provision across different organizational settings. An adequate degree of administrative capacity, sustained reform over time and a ‘fitting context’ are the main factors that can tip the scale for the success of these management instruments. The article provides a fresh and transparent assessment of a major administrative development in a growing region with implications for other parts of the world that experience similar challenges and opportunities.  相似文献   

文章利用优化方法讨论了供应链中由零售商向供应商订购货物,同时又要满足顾客的不确定性需求的物流网络设计问题。文中引入了顾客服务水平的概念,通过顾客的服务水平来控制库存,从而影响每次货物的订货量,并讨论了顾客需求的概率在已知和未知两种情况下,如何来确定零售商的订货量和供应商的批发价从而使得共同获利最大。此外,对顾客服务水平和零售价进行了分析,找出两者之间的关系。  相似文献   

企业合并中负商誉的会计处理问题在各国会计界一直是一个争议的问题,目前国际上共有四种处理惯例,我国在新会计准则中关于负商誉的规定也体现了向国际趋同的目标。本文旨在列示这四种处理方法,并对其进行简略分析,试指出其中存在的不合理之处。  相似文献   

黄秋丽  赵奕  房煜  马钺 《中国企业家》2012,(6):46-47,12
这是一个群体的光荣与梦想。20年大浪淘沙,当年闻道而鸣的群体,如今似强弩末。热议之后,谁能为他们卸下枷锁?  相似文献   

The core of a market in indivisible goods can be defined in terms of strong domination or weak domination. The core defined by strong domination is always non-empty, but may contain points which are unstable in a dynamic sense. However, it is shown that there are always stable points in the core, and a characterization is obtained. The core defined by weak domination is always non-empty when there is no indifference, and has no instability problems. In this case, the core coincides with the unique competitive allocation.  相似文献   

李鹏 《物流科技》2012,(1):40-45
20世纪末,第三方物流迅速发展,由传统第三方物流逐渐向现代整合性第三方物流过渡,相应的,第三方物流合同也逐渐从传统的运输、仓储合同向类型结合型的第三方物流合同转化。这种类型结合型的第三方物流合同系无名合同,其裁判依据包括双方之间订立的第三方物流合同本身(包括补充协议、体系解释、交易习惯)和民事法律规范。从双方之间订立的第三方物流合同角度而言,其违约责任多采用的是严格责任归责原则。从民事法律规范的角度来说,基于个案中能否确认货损发生的区间,第三方物流合同适用不同的违约责任的归责原则,或适用《合同法》总则的严格责任原则,或适用损失确认区间适用法律的违约责任的归责原则。  相似文献   

王力平 《价值工程》2012,31(13):91-92
物流企业员工在工作和生活中会对企业产生的某些期盼,由此形成"心理契约"。而员工所面临的环境和技术的变化,加之跨时空服务的行业特点,给员工带来诸如工作行为、工作态度以及情绪等方面不确定的心理因素也日益增加。因此,物流企业在管理过程中如何发挥"心理契约"的积极作用,实现人力资源管理的"心理契约"具有积极的现实意义。  相似文献   

经济全球化和经济结构调整将支配国际经济环境的变化,世界各国的市场开放程度将出现突破性进展,商品和资本要素将在更大范围内自由流动,全球性市场需求的变化直接影响各国的经济发展和资源配置。未来相当长时期,我国的经济发展将产生大量的国外资本和技术需求,利用外资战略具有诸多有利条件,同时仍将面临许多困难和更加激烈的竞争。本文从利用外资的理论和正负效应入手,分析了利用外资的现状,并提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

Market Morality: Robert Nozick and the Question of Economic Justice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A bstract . The study of markets and market prices has been a central feature of economic inquiry since the 18th Century. There have always been lingering questions on the meaning of market prices. Most moderneconomists argue that there are no normative implications to price analysis. The disclaimers of some economists about normative judgments ring hollow in the light of their vigorous advocacy of free market solutions to economic and other problems. Either free market solutions are superior alternatives or they are not; one cannot have a value free analysis and an ideological advocacy at the same time. The philosopher, Robert Nozick, in Anarchy, State, and Utopia , clearly finds meaning in the market place. His entitlement theory is predicated upon free exchange of goods and productive services. The normative use of free markets in general and of Robert Nozick's formulation in particular, it is contended, are inconsistent, illogical, and unscientific.  相似文献   

"物流",从简单定义上来说就是货物从A地到B地的基本流通,这中间包括了货物的包装、仓储、运输、配送等众多环节。对于有形商品来说仓储地点的选择和仓储量以及仓储效率是至关重要的,目前我国物流仓储业的技术和经验都处于快速发展阶段,但是在许多方面都存在着有待改革的弊端和瓶颈问题,这些问题制约着物流仓储的运行效率,我国对于物流仓储效率的提高研究从物流业兴起时就一直都在进行,相信在不久远的未来,我国的仓储业效率提高研究会有一个质的飞跃,能够具备足够的能力来引领世界物流产业和仓储产业的变革潮流。  相似文献   

This paper explores the implications of the interaction between interregional tax competition and intraregional political competition for the optimal provision of public goods under representative democracy à la (Osborne and Slivinski, 1996) and (Besley and Coate, 1997). As an extension of Hoyt’s (1991) finding that intensified tax competition is always harmful and aggravates the extent to which public goods are undersupplied in a region, we show that intensified tax competition can be beneficial if political as well as tax competition is considered. In particular, we identify plausible conditions under which (i) there is an optimal intensity of tax competition such that the interaction between interregional tax competition and intraregional political competition will result in the optimal provision of public goods and (ii) intensified tax competition will be beneficial if and only if the degree of tax competition is less than this optimal intensity.  相似文献   

This paper explores the implications of the interaction between interregional tax competition and intraregional political competition for the optimal provision of public goods under representative democracy à la Osborne and Slivinski, 1996, Besley and Coate, 1997. As an extension of Hoyt’s (1991) finding that intensified tax competition is always harmful and aggravates the extent to which public goods are undersupplied in a region, we show that intensified tax competition can be beneficial if political as well as tax competition is considered. In particular, we identify plausible conditions under which (i) there is an optimal intensity of tax competition such that the interaction between interregional tax competition and intraregional political competition will result in the optimal provision of public goods and (ii) intensified tax competition will be beneficial if and only if the degree of tax competition is less than this optimal intensity.  相似文献   

从2001年起,我国第一个"人肉搜索"事件出现后,这一新生事物已经在互联网上越来越被熟悉,并被越来越多的使用的。然而其法律层面的问题却未得到深入研究,文章将从法律层面分析"人肉搜索"的违法性与合理性,并探寻出一条能够通过法律合理规制并利用"人肉搜索"的途径。  相似文献   

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