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我国正处在电力体制改革和能源价格形成机制转型的关键时期,选择合适的经济手段,进一步研究与能源价格形成机制和政策体系相协调和配合的可再生能源电能消纳市场模式,对促进我国可再生能源电能的发展至关重要。文章针对我国现行可再生能源电价政策的特点和问题,结合我国各类可再生能源发电技术的特点,提出了可再生能源电能消纳市场模式选择方案,并针对近期内完善风电、太阳能电能和生物质电能的现有价格机制和市场模式改革提出具体的建议。  相似文献   

目前许多国家实现可变可再生能源(包括风能和太阳能)大规模并网的同时,还确保了电力市场和电力系统的效率,能为我国可变可再生能源并网提供重要借鉴。本文将从引导公众参与、协调和并网规划、制定市场发展规范以确保系统灵活性、扩大多样化资源和各地域系统运行的接入范围、改善系统运行这五方面总结间歇性可再生能源大规模并网的国际经验,并结合我国具体的国情、电情分析对我国的启示。  相似文献   

郭维  徐雷 《广东经济》2016,(14):228-229
在可再生能源相关政策的支持下,中国的可再生能源企业获得了快速的发展,并在国际上处于领先地位.有必要探讨中国政府如何推动可再生能源产业显著的发展.本文系统分析了中国可再生能源发展的激励政策,分别阐述了三个方面的激励政策:财税激励政策、市场发展激励政策、研发激励政策、并网固定电价激励政.结果表明,这些激励政策在促进中国可再生能源发展中起到了重要的作用.  相似文献   

王宁 《经济纵横》2019,(2):111-120
丹麦为确保能源安全、应对气候变化和促进新兴产业发展,制定了明确的能源发展规划和目标,建立职责清晰、统筹各方的能源监管部门,为可再生能源开发利用提供有力的政策支持,同时推动能源供给的多元化,综合利用多种能源以提高能源效率,鼓励公众积极参与和促进可再生能源交易的国际化,有力推动了可再生能源的发展和能源结构的优化。我国与丹麦虽然国情不同、能源资源禀赋差别较大,但同样面临能源结构调整和发展可再生能源的迫切需求。借鉴丹麦经验,我国有必要加强对能源产业的统筹规划和协调,不断优化能源结构、促进能源的综合利用,完善电力系统和电力市场以适应可再生能源持续发展的需要,积极引导公众参与开发和利用可再生能源,加强对可再生能源技术研发的引导和支持。  相似文献   

我国可再生能源发展现状与政策取向   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国有丰富的可再生能源资源,发展可再生能源是确保我国能源资源安全和减少排放压力的重要举措。目前,我国新型可再生能源的开发利用进入了新阶段。我国新型可再生能源的发展分为四种情况:一是技术水平和利用规模居世界前列;二是技术比较成熟,进入产业化发展阶段;三是技术基本成熟,成本较高,市场开发相对滞后;四是正在进行技术探索和产业化试验。本文分析了我国可再生能源的发展阶段和特点、存在的主要问题,并提出有关建议。  相似文献   

大力发展可再生能源,是构建资源节约与环境友好型社会、实现我国能源可持续发展的重要战略选择。文章通过分析金融危机对我国可再生能源产业发展的正面和负面影响,提出了促进我国可再生能源产业发展的具体对策。  相似文献   

基于"低碳经济"发展的本质要求,减少对化石等高碳型能源的需求,增加对可再生能源(新能源)等低碳型能源的生产与消费,促使经济发展方式由"高碳经济"向"低碳经济"转型,这将具有重要的意义。文章分析了发展可再生能源产业对发展"低碳经济"的重要作用以及目前我国可再生能源产业发展存在的问题。据此,提出了符合低碳经济要求的我国可再生能源产业发展的政策建议,具体为:提高对发展可再生能源产业重要性的认识;促进可再生能源技术创新,增强企业自主创新能力,提高可再生能源产业的技术水平;组建可再生能源产业发展的协调机构,建立统一管理的协调机制;完善可再生能源产业政策与法规。  相似文献   

当前能源危机日益严重,特别是传统化石能源的短缺要求人们尽早开发利用可再生能源,从而保证社会经济持续、健康的发展,而在新型可再生能源中,最具开发利用前景之一的风能,备受人们关注.风电产业在近几年也得到了快速发展,尤其是在“两型”社会背景下,发展风电产业是对“资源节约”与“环境友好”的重要实践.结合湖南风能资源条件,从缓解能源压力、改善空气质量、增添特色旅游、促进经济发展等方面对湖南发展风电产业的必要性进行了分析,并阐述目前已开发利用的风电场建设情况和风电设备制造企业的状况.在此基础上,对湖南风电产业提出了相关发展策略:加强政策引导;增加财政投入;提升融资能力;建立服务体系;加强风电规划;制定消纳方案;做好安全工作和加强人才培养等,这对促进湖南进一步发展风电产业的可持续发展具有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

全球气候变化及能源危机是人类社会发展所面临的重要挑战,如何保障能源供给,促进经济、社会和环境的协调发展成为亟待解决的问题.电网企业作为能源消耗和污染物排放的主要产业,其节能减排效果将对我国节能减排措施的实施起着举足轻重的作用.近年来,智能电网的发展为清洁能源的接入并网与低碳用电技术的运用提供了重要支撑,它不仅能够实现发电侧的清洁生产,而且能够通过需求侧管理实现用户侧的节能减排.本文将从发电侧、供电侧及用电侧三个角度分析构建电网企业节能减排贡献效果的评价指标体系,利用熵权法修正指标权重,然后利用TOPSIS法构建了电网企业节能减排贡献效果评价模型,算例结果表明改进的TOPSIS法适用于从不同角度评价电网企业节能减排的贡献效果.  相似文献   

生物质能源作为源于植物的低碳、可再生能源已经成为我国新能源战略和战略性新兴产业的一个重要组成部分,但目前我国生物质能源产业及其企业却面临资源利用效率不高和产业吸引力不大等诸多挑战。文章采用企业资源生态分析与动态效率分析相结合的方法从微观视角分析生物质能源企业的资源与环境效率问题,通过对案例企业的资源构成以及生产效率、配置效率和资源利用的环境影响效率进行量化分析找出其中的主要影响因素,并由此提出了提高生物质能源企业的资源与环境效率以促进生物质能源产业持续健康发展的建议。  相似文献   

21世纪能源结构与可持续发展问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文论述了能源结构与可持续发展之间的关系.指出从长远利益看,必需大力开发新能源,改善能源结构。着重探讨了核能及可再生能源发展前景,并对如何改善我国能源结构提出了个人的看法。  相似文献   

能源建设是山区建设的一个重要组成部分,本文通过对鄂西山区秭归县生活耗能的调查与分析,展现了该区目前生活耗能的现状及其恶性效应,进而提出了耗能结构的转换思路及机制。  相似文献   

能源消费省区配置及节能潜力分析——以河北省为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,由于存在着能源供需矛盾加剧、能源利用效率低下、环境污染日益严重等问题,河北省面临严峻的节能降耗挑战,开展节能减排工作是河北省当务之急,而节能潜力的研究与测算是制定河北省具有预见性和针对性的能源发展政策实现节能减排目标的必要前提.本文在能源消费省区配置分析的基础上,分别测算出河北省绝对趋同务件下、相对趋同下的节能潜力,并得出相应结论:绝对趋同条件下河北省总体能源效率在全国范围内水平明显偏低,总体节能潜力达到63.05%;在东部地区及与河北省相邻省市相对趋同条件下,河北省能源效率水平也都处于落后水平,具有相当的综合节能潜力.  相似文献   

能源是有限的,所以能源消耗长期以来都是经济学家们所关注的热点问题,本文针对这一热点问题,对辽宁省的能源消耗与经济发展的问题进行了实证分析。本文首先对辽宁省能源分布、消耗与经济发展进行了简要的统计分析,得出辽宁省经济发展能源依赖程度高,且所依赖的能源绝大部分是不可再生的,辽宁省的经济发展面临发展瓶颈的初步结论。而后利用能源消耗强度指标,选取我国各省份能源消耗强度与人均GDP的面板数据,应用计量统计方法分析能源消耗强度与经济发展的收敛状况,进而分析辽宁省节能潜力,得出如下结论:地区经济发展水平与能源消耗强度存在负相关的关系;辽宁省能源消耗强度高、投入与产出比例大,能源利用率低,具有很大的节能空间。  相似文献   

The rebound effect: Microeconomic definitions, limitations and extensions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The rebound effect results in part from an increased consumption of energy services following an improvement in the technical efficiency of delivering those services. This increased consumption offsets the energy savings that may otherwise be achieved. If the rebound effect is sufficiently large it may undermine the rationale for policy measures to encourage energy efficiency.The nature and magnitude of the rebound effect is the focus of long-running dispute with energy economics. This paper brings together previous theoretical work to provide a rigorous definition of the rebound effect, to clarify key conceptual issues and to highlight the potential consequences of various assumptions for empirical estimates of the effect. The focus is on the direct rebound effect for a single energy service — indirect and economy-wide rebound effects are not discussed.Beginning with Khazzoom's original definition of the rebound effect, we expose the limitations of three simplifying assumptions on which this definition is based. First, we argue that capital costs form an important part of the total cost of providing energy services and that empirical studies that estimate rebound effects from variations in energy prices are prone to bias. Second, we argue that energy efficiency should be treated as an endogenous variable and that empirical estimates of the rebound effect may need to apply a simultaneous equation model to capture the joint determination of key variables. Third, we explore the implications of the opportunity costs of time in the production of energy services and highlight the consequences for energy use of improved ‘time efficiency’, the influence of time costs on the rebound effect and the existence of a parallel rebound effect with respect to time. Each of these considerations serves to highlight the difficulties in obtaining reliable estimates of the rebound effect and the different factors that need to be controlled for. We discuss the implications of these findings for econometric studies and argue that several existing studies may overestimate the magnitude of the effect.  相似文献   

姜磊  季民河 《财经科学》2012,(2):119-124
中国分省能源强度空间分布地图显示出较大的地理空间聚集,能源强度自东南向西北地区逐渐增大。能源强度空间分布与能源资源禀赋分布十分类似。因此,提出命题"能源资源越丰沛,能源强度越高"。空间自相关检验揭示了省域能源强度存在着显著的空间依赖性,Moran散点图显示了能源强度水平类似的省区有相对集中的趋势,形成一种高-高、低-低各自相互吸引,高-低、低-高相互排斥的空间联系结构。  相似文献   

This paper uses the historical experience of U.S. states to examine the reasons why energy intensity has declined in some places more than in others. In aggregate, U.S. energy per dollar of GDP declined 34 percent between 1997 and 2018, but across states the decline varied from 9 percent in Iowa to 52 percent in Washington State. I show that none of this variation is explained by either deindustrialization or the changing composition of states’ industrial sectors. Although some U.S. state policies are significantly correlated with these changes, they are not correlated in a way that explains the changing overall state energy intensities. Energy intensity declines do not appear to be a result of leakage to other states or countries and have not been associated with slower economic growth.  相似文献   

By the end of New Labour's first term four central objectivesof energy policy had become established: ‘cheap’energy, the relief of fuel poverty, a major reduction of carbondioxide emissions, and energy security through maintaining awide diversity of primary fuel supplies, all to be achievedthrough ‘competition’. After surveying New Labourenergy policy documents, the paper argues that New Labour failedto appreciate (i) the extent to which, under such a laissezfaire policy regime, these objectives were mutually inconsistent;(ii) that the apparent successes of energy market liberalisationduring the preceding Conservative Governments had little todo with ‘competition’; and (iii) that the transactioncosts of injecting increasing ‘competition’ intoboth British and European energy systems are likely to exacerbatethe growing threat to energy security. The paper concludes witha brief examination of the implications of transaction costeconomics for the organisational structure of the UK energysupply industry.  相似文献   

国内外能源相对价格与中国的能源效率   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
提高能源效率是实现经济可持续发展和减少污染排放的根本途径。基于非线性平滑转换模型的分析显示,能源价格对能源效率的影响机制存在非线性的平滑转换。机制转换的主要引导因素是国内外能源价格指数的相对变化,机制转换的阈值近似为1。目前我国能源价格对能源效率的影响比较接近高效机制运行,增强能源价格的灵活性,可以实现能源消费者的自我选择,是提高我国能源效率的可行选择。  相似文献   

Conventional energy security has been focused on the depletion of natural resources, particularly oil, natural gas and coal. More recently, the link between energy security and the military has been made, focused on the defence of international oil tanker chokepoints and the free flow of oil through these trade routes. This paper considers a possible future in which, the impacts of climate change have been realized far earlier than most experts have previously expected. This has promoted a transition to cleaner energy technologies long before the depletion of fossil fuel resources. In this scenario, the peak in demand for fossil fuels occurs before the peak in supply and some nations are strongly promoting the development and deployment of clean energy technologies. Some private companies developing and deploying these technologies benefit from sudden market expansion, fuelled largely by the world's richest nations struggling to reduce their carbon footprint.In this scenario the countries of the world would fall into one of the three categories: (1) the countries willing and readily able to adjust in response to rapid and serious climate change, (2) the countries willing to adjust, but facing significant economic hardship without external assistance and protection, (3) and those countries unwilling and, perhaps to their perception at least, unable to play a part in combating climate change. In this scenario, the Western Economies will likely fall under the first category while the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China) might fall into the second category. These nations together are needed to achieve a viable, powerful, and effective formal or informal “Clean Energy Alliance”. Some countries however will probably fall into the third category. This paper considers how countries in the first two categories could respond by adjusting their foreign, trade and even military policies.If climate change is as severe and as pressing as some fear, leadership will be needed from those nations who are most capable of responding to the crisis. Within a generation, the great powers might find themselves shifting from keeping trade routes open to constraining the same trade. Severe climate change impacts could even approach the timescale of technological innovation needed to respond to this crisis. This paper proposes that our world may need new military and foreign policy options as well as new energy technology options in the years to come. Parallels are drawn between the challenge of decarbonising the global energy systems in the early twenty-first century and the ethical imperative of ending slavery in the early nineteenth century.  相似文献   

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