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选取两所省属师范院校大学生为研究对象,采用编制的马惠霞2008年编制的大学生一般学业情绪问卷,共88条题目,4个维度,大学生一般学业情绪问卷对被试的学业情绪水平进行调查研究。研究发现:一是省属师范院校大学生的学业情绪略受专业类型、性别和是否师范方面影响。二是省属师范院校大学生的学业情绪在积极高唤醒、消极高唤醒学业情绪上存在显著的差异;在积极地唤醒和消极地唤醒学业情绪上差异不显著。  相似文献   

工作满意对情绪劳动策略影响实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
满意的员工会倾向采用什么情绪劳动策略?满意氛围是会显著加强或削弱员工情绪劳动策略对情绪耗竭的作用?文章试图去回答这两个问题。文章采用问卷调查法,对某市一家国有大型企业五县市的42个营业厅和呼叫中心进行调查,在412份有效问卷的基础上,采用SPSS、Amos和HLM软件对数据进行分析,结果显示:(1)工作满意对情绪劳动策略有显著影响,具体为:对表面行为存在显著负向影响;对深度行为存在显著正向影响;对中性调节存在显著正向影响。(2)情绪劳动策略对情绪耗竭有显著影响,具体为:表面行为对情绪耗竭存在显著正向影响;深度行为对情绪耗竭存在显著负向影响;中性调节对情绪耗竭存在显著负向影响。(3)满意氛围对情绪劳动策略与情绪耗竭之间的关系存在显著的微弱调节作用,具体为:满意氛围加强表面行为对情绪耗竭的正向作用;满意氛围对深度行为与情绪耗竭之间关系的调节作用不显著;满意氛围削弱中性调节对情绪耗竭的负向作用。最后文章认为:在这家国有大型企业中的42个服务团队,让员工快乐的工作不失为一个好策略。  相似文献   

文章对后进生存在问题及后进生学习问题影响因素进行了分析,通过分析采取了团体心理辅导进行干预,以《大学生学业情绪问卷》作为测量工具。从项目实施效果可以看出,团体心理辅导能够在一定程度上改善后进生的课程学习能力,降低后进生的学业情绪问题。  相似文献   

本文采用向量自回归模型VAR方法分别研究了我国主板市场与创业板市场投资者情绪与收益率之间影响是系。研究发现我国主板市场中投资者情绪对收益率有显著影响,而收益率对投资者情绪无显著影响;而创业板市场表现不同,投资者情绪对收益率无显著相关影响。研究表明:出现上述现象的原因是由于两市场的投资者结构存在差异,创业板市场投资者更成熟、创业板政策及监管更为全面等原因。  相似文献   

姚莉华 《价值工程》2014,(27):326-328
为了解大学生网络成瘾状况并对网络成瘾大学生的情绪特征进行分析,采用Young网络成瘾诊断问卷、抑郁自评量表、焦虑自评量表以及UCLA孤独量表对810名大学生的网络成瘾状况和情绪特征进行调查。结果发现:810名被试中网络成瘾率为6.5%;男生网络成瘾率高于女生;网络成瘾组的网络游戏和网络聊天的人数比例显著高于非网络成瘾组;在情绪特征上,网络成瘾组的抑郁、焦虑、孤独量表得分显著高于非成瘾组。提示网络成瘾大学生存在更多的情绪困扰。  相似文献   

基于对京沪两地360名饭店员工的问卷调查,本文对饭店员工主观幸福感、情绪智力、情绪劳动策略和离职倾向之间的关系进了实证研究,重点考察了情绪劳动策略在情绪智力和离职倾向之间的中介作用以及主观幸福感在情绪劳动策略和离职倾向之间的调节作用.本研究的主要结论:(1)情绪智力、情绪劳动策略、主观幸福感均与离职倾向具有显著的相关关系.(2)情绪劳动策略的表层行为、深层行为在情绪智力对离职倾向的影响中起到了完全的中介作用.(3)情绪劳动策略的表层行为对离职倾向具有极其显著的正向影响,但主观幸福感在其中没有调节作用;深层行为和自然调节策略本身并不能直接负向影响离职倾向,这两种策略通过主观幸福感的调节作用而对离职倾向产生负向影响.  相似文献   

中职学生作为未来社会的建设主体,其具备更强的知识和能力储备,还会形成个性化的意识。情绪是复杂程度较高的心理活动,对学生的心理健康状况会产生直接的影响。面对多样化的社会压力,学生的情绪也会受到相应的影响。其情绪更为丰富、冲动,稳定性不足,上述负面情绪均会对学生的正常学习、生活及身心发展产生影响,因此侧重提升中职学生的情绪管理能力也尤为必要。  相似文献   

已有研究集中于检验消费者年龄、收入等表层个体特征对国货意识的调节作用,忽视了社会情绪等深层个体特质的影响。本文通过问卷调查和实证分析证实,正面社会情绪对国家自豪感、民族经济忧患意识、国家集体自尊、"大我"动机、自我肯定程度、本土品牌认同度以及国货意识具有显著的正向调节;对民族经济忧患意识与"大我"动机之间,以及"大我"动机、自我肯定与国货意识之间的相关关系也存在显著的正向调节。这表明,社会情绪是影响国货意识的重要调节变量;高国货意识消费者存在显著的正面社会情绪,相反,国货偏见消费者存在显著的负面社会情绪。因此,应引导和提高消费者正面社会情绪,增强个体的积极主观体验、营造积极社会环境,促进消费者形成国货意识和自主品牌情感。  相似文献   

本文基于221位服务型企业全职员工的调查数据,从资源保存理论的视角探讨情绪劳动对员工离职意愿的影响,并运用层级回归模型检验情绪耗竭在情绪劳动影响员工离职意愿过程中的中介效应,以及员工主观体验到的组织支持在情绪耗竭与员工离职意愿间的调节效应。实证研究结果表明:在情绪劳动工作中,员工采用的表层扮演对离职意愿具有显著的正向预测作用;情绪耗竭部分中介了表层扮演与员工离职意愿之间的关系;组织支持感负向调节情绪耗竭与员工离职意愿之间的关系。  相似文献   

员工离职与企业生存和发展息息相关,然而情绪管理是影响员工离职倾向的重要因素之一。本文对组织情绪管理内涵进行界定,通过因子分析、回归分析等实证研究方法对组织情绪管理和工作满意度之间的关系进行了研究,并进一步分析了其对员工离职倾向的影响。研究表明:组织情绪管理的三个纬度分别对工作满意度起到显著的正向影响作用,对离职倾向起到显著的负向影响作用;工作满意度的四个纬度分别对离职倾向起到显著的负向影响;工作满意度的四个纬度在组织情绪管理对离职倾向的影响中起到中介作用。  相似文献   

大学生是我国的重要人才资源,中流砥柱,群体的健康与否直接关系到国家的明天。负性情绪一直困扰着当代大学生的生活、学习,如果调节不好,必然会对大学生的生活、学习产生影响。当代大学生应可如何在体育运动中调节负性情绪对自身的影响力是本研究欲解决的主要问题。  相似文献   

Special charity events are an important source of revenue for non-profit organisations in cancer control yet volunteering is declining and turnover is high. Experiences at cause-related events may influence retention, particularly emotions connected to the cause and ceremonies which honour cancer survivors and remember loved ones. We explore the degree to which emotions associated with cause-related volunteering and collective action in the literature are felt in response to Relay For Life and what emotions predict three indicators of retention: intention to return for future events, satisfaction with volunteering, and organisational commitment. Volunteers (n = 410) completed a cross-sectional survey at Relay For Life events in Queensland, Australia. Multiple regression analyses examined whether emotions associated with events predicted each indicator of retention, adjusting for number of years spent volunteering for events. Sixty-two percent reported an intention to return the following year. The most commonly reported event-related emotions were hope, pride, and empathy (62–69%). Intention to return, satisfaction, and commitment were each significantly predicted by hope and pride. The findings suggest special charity events in cancer control could retain volunteers by fostering pride and hope (e.g., for a cancer free future); however, future prospective research which examines the mechanisms of these relationships is warranted.  相似文献   

Why would an academic project incentivized towards scientific publications be repurposed to become a medical platform for responsible innovation? Patient Innovation, a non-profit medical platform that focuses on the sharing and dissemination of innovations to find solutions for rare and chronic diseases, was initially set up as an academic research project. However, team members reframed their core purpose from conducting research on user innovation to providing global access to these innovations and creating societal impact. Using a framing lens to understand organizational repurposing, we illuminate how serendipitous inspiration, moral emotions and the power of socially conscious users and catalysts drove this emergent reframing of core purpose and develop a model of organizational repurposing. We show how a frame drift towards a change in purpose occurs spontaneously in interactions, as actors frame and reframe situations and feel inspired and morally motivated to transcend their immediate self-interests and serve collective goals.  相似文献   

We studied the discursive institutional work written by pharmacy leaders as part of a larger institutional project to preserve the institution of pharmacy. Our analysis of monthly editorials printed in the Journal of the American Pharmacists Association from 1960 to 2003 shows how different discrete emotions were systematically incorporated in specific rhetorical argument structures over the course of an institutional project. In contrast to previous research, we show how discursive institutional work that is directed to members of the same specific social group (e.g., a profession) can vary over time in response to significant events and changes in practices of the target audience. Our longitudinal study shows that the relative frequency of argument types, the incorporation of emotion, and the content of rhetorical argumentation changed over time. We contribute to theory about the role of emotions in discursive institutional work by unpacking the role of discrete emotions and showing how such discourse evolves over time in concert with field conditions.  相似文献   

This exemplar case study demonstrates that, under some circumstances, staff may be encouraged by a hostile workplace to use their feelings in order to survive. This case study was undertaken as part of a larger phenomenological study of emotions in organisational life. This particular case was chosen as it depicts the story of emotions being used as strategic tools of defence against a vindictive, aggressive and hostile work place. The increase in abusive organisations has been noted in the literature: this was one person's protective response to it. The strategic gamesmanship used to positive effect included the hiding of emotions, emotional acting and the deliberate expression of emotions. Unfortunately, negative outcomes were also reported.  相似文献   

情绪是一种心理活动,是人们对认识事物所抱态度的体验,是对客观事物的一种特殊反映形式。教师在体育课教学中必须加强对学生的心理调整,控制学生在课中的情绪变化,要善于激发学生的积极情绪,防止消极情绪,以提高教学质量和教学效果,确保教学任务的顺利完成。本文就如何激发学生在体育课中的情绪,提出相应的观点,以供鉴借。  相似文献   


This article examines the extent to which a proactive attitude can be considered a component of the entrepreneurial mindset and can be learned in the entrepreneurial classroom. We test the impact on students’ proactive attitude of two different teaching methods: a teacher-directed approach and a self-directed learning approach. We include group potency and emotions as variables that may moderate proactivity learning outcomes. Our sample is composed of 281 Master students in a French business school. Using a mixed methodological approach, the results demonstrate that the proactive attitude can be learned and that collaborative teamwork, a creative team spirit and positive emotions contribute to its development. We offer guidelines for the pedagogical design of EM education, an alternative tool to assess its impact, and a better understanding of emotional factors associated with group potency in student entrepreneurial teams.  相似文献   

Emotions are an important aspect of organizational life. However emotional issues, particularly negative emotions, have traditionally been largely neglected in organizational life. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire leadership styles, and leaders' negative emotions perceived by the subordinates. The aim is also to investigate the influence of leadership styles on the subordinates' overall psychological health and well-being. The result challenges some of the earlier findings, suggesting that there is a need for a better understanding of how contextual factors might intervene in the relation between leaders' negative emotions, leadership styles, and subordinates' well-being.  相似文献   

吕俊  李燕燕 《价值工程》2013,(36):166-168
"排队等待"是我们日常生活中不可避免的现象,顾客感知的长时间等待会引发焦虑和愤怒等负面情绪。本文阐述了排队等待负面情绪的产生,分析了顾客排队等待的心理,进而提出了缓解这种负面情绪的策略,有助于服务企业提升服务质量,赢得更多的忠诚顾客。  相似文献   

This study advances a theory of how different aspects of emotion regulation influence individual leader emergence in the intensely emotional context of nascent venture teams. Despite the growing amount of research on the role of leadership in the entrepreneurial process, the emergence of leaders in nascent venture teams has rarely been explored. Drawing on theories and research on leadership emergence and emotion regulation, we argue that the two aspects of emotion regulation (i.e., reappraisal and suppression) exert opposite effects on the degree to which nascent venture team members come to perceive an individual as a leader. We also theorize that team emotions arising from affective events moderate the relationship between reappraisal and leader emergence in such teams. Data from 103 nascent venture teams without prior leaders show a negative relationship between individuals’ trait disposition to suppress emotions and their emergence as leaders, and a positive relationship between their trait disposition to reappraise emotions and their emergence as leaders. Moreover, we find that negative team emotions magnify the positive association between reappraisal and leader emergence, while positive team emotions mitigate it. We discuss the implications of our findings for the literature on entrepreneurial leadership, entrepreneurial emotions, and leadership in general.  相似文献   

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