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民国时期灾害频仍,在西学东渐的影响下,政府和社会各界重新思考救灾问题,中国传统的救灾思想进一步转型,"变救为助"、"教养兼施"逐渐成为民国灾害救助的主导理念。这一理念在灾后重建的机制设计中得到充分体现,以工代赈、以贷代赈、以助代赈观念在救灾实践中脱颖而出,并作为1931年大水灾后重建的重点项目而得以优先运用,其运作机理和特点彰显了民国时期救助比例结构性的变化,以及重建机制在操作层面上的日渐成熟。  相似文献   

两宋时期,南京倚为东南重镇,受气候变迁影响,气候性灾害频繁,对于社会经济破坏巨大。灾害主要有:水灾、旱灾、蝗灾、寒灾、疾疫、饥荒等,而尤以旱灾与水灾发生的频率为最高。国家与地方政府对于该地区灾害比较重视,虽小必闻,采取的救灾措施也是多种多样:有灾前防灾也有灾后减灾;以灾中赈灾为主,具体包括赈济、平粜、蠲免、倚阁、代输、养恤、私捐等多种应急措施,也注重救灾管理,兼问吏政。种种不同举措,因赈情而异,因赈者而别,尤因赈力而殊。  相似文献   

华洋义赈会的农村赈灾思想及其实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘招成 《中国农史》2003,22(3):56-61
华洋义赈会成立于1920年赈济华北五省大灾荒之后,从实践中提出并实施了“建设救灾”、“防灾救灾”等颇有特色的指导思想与原则,发展、完善了一套赈灾运作机制,并在农村灾区实施了一系列赈务活动,对当时的中国社会产生了积极影响。  相似文献   

在灾害频仍、严重的乾隆时期,政府高度重视灾赈事宜。乾隆在即位后大约用了5年的时间,使灾赈对象的确定事宜走上了法制化轨道。政府将自耕农、佃农、屯丁、灶户和各直省下等旗人等力田之民视为灾赈对象主体、政策最为宽大,这正是清高宗"藏富于民"思想的具体表现;但与此同时,灾赈中对贫生、绿旗兵丁和无业贫民等其他社会群体未能适度统筹兼顾,政策规定极其苛刻,此亦为乾隆朝中后期流民、闹赈和起义等重大社会问题出现的重要动因。  相似文献   

中国是一个灾荒频发的国度,救灾救荒活动因而成为古代社会一项重要的社会管理工作。农业灾害史是中国经济史领域的重要研究内容之一,对农业灾害和减灾救灾方略的研究,早已受到学术界的广泛关注,新的研究成果不断涌现。  相似文献   

在县妇联的倡导下,浙江省天台县正掀起争当“代理家长”热。目前,共正式确定“代理家长”千余名,他们通过“一助一”、“一助多”、“多助一”等形式,与2000多名留守儿童结对,捐助物资、现金等共计人民币6万多元,并开展了各种亲情关怀活动,使留守儿童真切感受到社会大家庭温暖。  相似文献   

多元化:农村统一经营主体的裂变趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着农村市场经济的完善,社会分工的进一步扩大,家庭承包经营迫切需要各种各样的服务,而作为服务的法定主体——集体经济却日渐萎缩,无法承担统一经营的重任。因此,统一经营要求主体多元化、业务开放化和管理社会化来弥补集体经济在统一经营职能上的缺陷是势在必行。一、农村统一经营主体多元化是市场经济的客观要求1.产业多样化的要求。经营20年的改革与发展,农村打破了传统的“粮猪”产业格局,分散经营出现了许多变化,如产品结构多元化,产业布局专业化,产业分工精细化,产业经营社会化和农户生产规模化等都不同程度地得到了…  相似文献   

道光前期江苏的荒政积弊及其整治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
道光前期江苏水灾频仍,官府救灾任务较重,虽然就总体而言,官方的救济是富有成效的,但在嘉道时期国家荒政整体上趋于衰败,江苏的灾赈也显现出众多的弊端。对此,先后任职江苏的林则徐、陶澍等一批精干廉明的能支展开了切实有效的整顿,当时出现了“道路传言,皆谓之清赈”的难得景象。围绕这一现象,本文对目前学术界和社会上通行的看法提出了自己的思考。  相似文献   

(一)防洪经济效益有直接效益和间接效益两大部分直接经济效益主要为减轻有形资产的洪灾损失,即因修建防洪工程或非工程性措施所减少的洪水灾害损失。基本方法是将有工程(或措施)和无工程(或措施)情况下的灾害损失作对比,减少的灾害损失即为其效益。另一部分包括减少分洪溃口后增加的开支,如救灾费用等。  相似文献   

对森林灾害经济损失的补偿理论与保障体系的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
有灾害,就必然有损失。有损失,就需要进行相应的经济补偿,否则,受灾区或受灾主体就可能陷入非正常状态并最终影响整个社会经济的正常运行与发展。因此,灾害补偿构成了政府与社会乃至家庭用以解决灾害问题的基本对策。由于灾害的不可避免性与灾害的危害性,一个社会需要灾害保障就如  相似文献   

[目的]从体系的角度研究现代农业经营主体,通过实证试图探讨新型农业经营体系的建构方法。[方法]采用文献调查和实证分析法,以苏州市现代农业园区为实证对象,分析新型农业经营体系建构问题。[结果]新型农业经营体系是应用多元化的主体、制订标准化的质量体系、延伸产业链上的服务、提供多元化服务的一种经营系统。即:优化土地改革,使土地产权稳妥集中,然后平衡产权所有人的利益分配,建立多元化经营主体制度;以产业链发展为目标制订一套完善的产品质量标准,产业链上下游经营者都必须依此标准把关产品质量;结合产业链经营特点推出特色产品服务;打造多元化的经营平台,围绕特色产品开展全方位的服务。[结论]新型的农业经营体系的经营主体、经营模式、经营服务、经营监管与传统的农业经营体系不同,它具有经营主体多元化、经营模式市场化、经营服务多元化、经营监管标准化等4个特点,构建新型农业经营体系应着力于上述4个方面。  相似文献   

从资源的角度研究中国上市林业公司业务转型与业务多元化。在冗余资源分类的基础上采用meta方法研究冗余资源与业务多元化的关系,研究发现:从研究个体的角度分析,冗余资源与多元化存在着正相关、负相关和倒U型的关系,研究个体冗余资源和多元化之间的关系存在着异质性。  相似文献   

The UK Brexit vote triggered a new wave of policy developments for a future outside the EU. In this context, we analyse the business performance of English hill and upland farms, characterised by marginal economic conditions but also high nature value (HNV). The analysis aims to help identify farm-level management and policy options for greater economic, environmental and social sustainability. Business performance is measured as technical efficiency and the occurrence and persistence of abnormal profits, estimated through stochastic frontier analysis and static and dynamic panel-data methods. The results help indicate rationales for recent trends including farm enlargement, farm family diversification, and agri-environment scheme entry. The single farm payment is found to be negatively associated with farm technical efficiency while agri-environmental subsidies were positively associated to short-term farm profitability. Farm adaptation and resilience during a period of likely turbulence in external circumstances is discussed in light of these findings, as well as potential parallels with marginal HNV areas across Europe.  相似文献   

This article assembles data at the all‐India level and for the village of Palanpur, Uttar Pradesh, to document the growing importance, and influence, of the nonfarm sector in the rural economy between the early 1980s and late 2000s. The suggestion from the combined National Sample Survey and Palanpur data is of a slow process of nonfarm diversification, whose distributional incidence, on the margin, is increasingly pro‐poor. The village‐level analysis documents that the nonfarm sector is not only increasing incomes and reducing poverty, but appears as well to be breaking down long‐standing barriers to mobility among the poorest segments of rural society. Efforts by the government of India to accelerate the process of diversification could thus yield significant returns in terms of declining poverty and increased income mobility. The evidence from Palanpur also shows, however, that at the village‐level a significant increase in income inequality has accompanied diversification away from the farm. A growing literature argues that such a rise in inequality could affect the fabric of village society, the way in which village institutions function and evolve, and the scope for collective action at the village level. Failure to keep such inequalities in check could thus undermine the pro‐poor impacts from the process of structural transformation currently underway in rural India.  相似文献   

‘Low-cost specialization’, ‘differentiation’, and ‘diversification’ are three overarching business models of professional urban agriculture in developed countries. Manifold city-adjusted farm activities belong to these business models resulting in the characteristic farm heterogeneity of urban areas. This paper makes use of the business models as tool for a geo-statistical analysis to spatially investigate farming patterns in reference region Metropolis Ruhr, Germany. Additional farm interviews substantiate findings of the geo-statistical analysis by focusing on horticulture as a common farm activity towards ‘low-cost specialization’, direct marketing and participatory farming belonging to ‘differentiation’, and equestrian services as a representative of the ‘diversification’ business model. These farm activities and underlying business models concentrate and tend to spatially cluster in the metropolitan’s center where population density is highest and farmland proportion is lowest. Agriculture plays a significant role in Metropolis Ruhr cultivating about one-third of the metropolitan area, but on-going loss of farmland and short-term lease of land affect farms considerably by complicating access to land. Most differentiated and diversified farms require certain amount of farmland to be successful, which is threatened by further farmland losses along with increased competition for the remaining farmland. Long-term planning security is crucial for farms focusing on high added value crops and organic farming. Progressively emerging participatory farming activities demonstrate urban farms’ abilities to innovatively adapt to societal demands. Better knowledge on professional urban agriculture’s farm activities and business models is of importance for farms and their related advisory services to address the urban context in farm development strategies more accurately, but also for public authorities’ planning and policies in land-related decision making. Economic viability of professional urban agriculture is the key requirement for additional social, environmental, and landscape functions within urban areas.  相似文献   

集体林区灾后恢复重建配套政策调研报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
安徽省是我国重要的集体林区。安徽省林业受灾情况主要呈现以下特点:灾害程度深,受灾面积大,林业重点工程受灾严重,潜在影响、隐性损失将逐渐显现。此次灾害对林权制度改革造成严重影响,具体表现在:直接造成林农经济损失,挫伤了林农生产的积极性,对林权抵押信贷业务造成不利影响。抗灾救灾及灾后重建工作具体措施建议:确保救灾政策到位,坚定推进林权制度改革步伐,建立政策性森林保险制度,呼吁林业应享有与农业同等待遇政策。  相似文献   

Different forms of income diversification represent important strategies of farmers to either cope with the changing economic framework conditions or to valorise given territorial potentialities. Nevertheless, the decision to diversify economic activities on or off the farm will heavily depend on the agricultural business and household characteristics. Our study used a survey of 2154 farms from eleven European regions to identify distinct farm types in order to investigate differences regarding the willingness to diversify in the future. Two scenario situations with continuation (baseline) and without any market intervention (“No CAP”) were tested. A factor and cluster analysis depicted six farm types both previously described and novel. The typology proved validity across all case studies, whereas single types occurred more frequently under specific site conditions. The six farm types showed strong variations in the stated future diversification behaviour. Young farm households with organic production are most likely to diversify activities particularly on-farm, whereas farm types characterised by intensive livestock holding and also already diversified and part-time farm households are least likely to apply this strategy. Results have further shown that under hypothetical conditions of termination of economic support by the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) an increasing share of farmers – throughout all types – would apply income diversification, mainly off-farm diversification, as a survival strategy.  相似文献   

以江苏省淮安市金湖县为例,通过查阅政府报告及地方网站、发放调查问卷、实地调研等方法,研究当地的农家乐的发展现状,分析农家乐产业带来的惠民之处和发展过程中存在的问题,针对这些问题提出了完善监督体制、经营模式创新和提升农民电子商务意识,带动当地社会生态农业的发展,增加农民收入,带动地方发展的建议。  相似文献   

Among a number of households worldwide, forest use and income diversification have been seen as substitute livelihood strategies: farmers with more diverse income sources face a higher opportunity cost in harvesting forests and so tend to rely less on forestry resources. The current study uses rural household survey data captured in the Chinese provinces of Fujian, Shaanxi, Hunan, and Jiangxi. It applies a Heckman regression model and a quantile regression model to determine the effect of income diversification on forest dependence. The three main findings of this study are as follows. (1) The mean income diversification index values in Fujian, Shaanxi, Hunan, and Jiangxi are 1.81, 1.46, 1.63, and 2.00, respectively; this indicates that livelihood activities within the study areas are limited. (2) When the income diversification index increases by 10%, the proportion of forest income to total income within the study areas decreases by 4–8%; this indicates that income diversification can significantly reduce a household's dependence on forest resources, especially among the poorest households. (3) For the top 20% of high-income households, the effect of income diversification on forest dependence is insignificant, but for the bottom 20% of low-income households, income diversification has a major impact in terms of reducing their forest reliance (6–10%). The findings of this study will help inform the design of alternative policies that could alleviate pressure relating to forest-resource protection.  相似文献   

Researchers in economics and strategy have long been interested in understanding the determinants of firm performance. We apply the relatively novel approach of hierarchical linear modelling (HLM) to a large panel of food economy firms to shed new light on the long‐standing debate about the relative importance of industry, corporate parent and business unit effects on firm profits. Our results suggest that business unit and corporate effects are more relevant than industry effects in explaining firm performance differences in the food economy. In addition, we also explore the effect of specific strategic factors on performance within each level of analysis. In particular, we find that business‐segment size, industry barriers to entry, corporate diversification, R&D intensity, capital intensity and resource availability are significant predictor variables that explain firm performance differences. Given the relatively important role of corporate effects and the positive influence of corporate strategic variables on business unit performance, our findings suggest that the environment provided by corporate parents significantly affects business unit profitability. In other words, corporate strategy does matter and thus should continue to draw attention from scholars interested in explaining profitability in the food economy.  相似文献   

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