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集中采购通过集中整个企业内部的市场和资源形成采购优势,从而有效的控制采购成本,是集团性大型企业采购战略的重要落脚点之一。在传统的供应商准入评价体系中,侧重对供应商的资格审查评价,而不针对其产品进行认证。供应商资格审查通过只是证明其具备生产出好的产品和提供良好服务的必要条件,而不能保证其产品一定符合采购者的要求。本文以石油行业发电设备集中采购为例,提出了一套适用于石油企业的供应商准入评价体系。该体系包含供应商资  相似文献   

供应商评估结果如何交流?采购组织会对供应商进行定期评估,根据评估结果决定下一年采购量的分配,并评定出优秀供应商、合格供应商和不合格供应商,以进一步激励优秀供应商、淘汰不合格者。在评估过程中会出现一些疑问:评估标准是否属于采购组织的内部保密信息?评定结果是否告知供应商?首先,多数组织并不赞成将供应商评估标准视为企业机密。因为当供应商不明确采购方具体提出了哪些要求,不清楚什么是好、什么不好时,其努力的方向也就无从获知。"想要什么才能得  相似文献   

从企业的长远发展和专业化分工等方面来做考虑,采购企业对供应商的依存度将会越来越高,采购企业与供应商之间既有紧密合作的关系,又充满了激烈的竞争.在采购企业与供应商建立了合作关系后,合作的双方还将面,临一系列问题,对于采购企业而言,就是如何建立对供应商的协调机制和激励机制,从而保证合作的顺利进行,使得合作的双方都能获得最大的收益.  相似文献   

供应商为了能保持与采购联盟长久合作,势必主动与采购联盟建立战略合作关系并共同制定采购和供应计划、积极向采购联盟提供物资信息。随着高校后勤应付采购成本不断增加,越来越多的高校开始考虑通过建立采购联盟以实施联合采购。采购  相似文献   

1 商家善待供应商 以前,为了挤进“门槛高筑”的商场,供应商经常会向商场意思一下。近日,有商场反过来拿出3万元奖励供应商。 其实,早在2001年4月“百太事件”后,商家与供应商的关系问题就成为讨论热点。去年,中百仓储率先打造良好的供销通道,承诺透明采购、开放接洽、共维纠错等,打响武汉商家改善与供应商关系的  相似文献   

电子采购招标拍卖与供应商管理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周蓉 《物流技术》2002,(2):14-15,31
介绍了电子采购的工作流程,在此基础上研究了电子采购招标与拍卖的博弈论模型及其赢者灾难现象;论述了虽然电子采购提高了工作效率,采购方享受了招标与拍卖带来的节约,介是它不仅有可能疏远了采购方供应商之间的关系,而且使得讨价还价的权力将最终转移到供应商这一方。  相似文献   

李硕  于涛 《价值工程》2012,31(35):15-17
供应商在供应链中起着举足轻重的作用,做好供应商的选择对于核心企业来说至关重要。在当今市场环境中,对供应商的选择不仅要考虑总成本最低,同时还要考虑供应商的信用风险。因此可以建立双层模型对供应商的选择进行优化,其中上层模型(U)以成本最低为目标,从而可以选择出费用小的供应商;下层模型(L)以供应商的金融风险为标准进行筛选,引入层次分析法(AHP)得到供应商综合信用指数。再将上层选择出的供应商进行重新选择,从而确定供应商及采购数量。  相似文献   

供应商是采购活动的核心参与者和主要风险来源,供应商全生命周期与采购全过程是一体两面。本文以供应商全生命周期风险管理为核心,详细分析了当前军工单位供应商管理存在的主要问题,综合考虑风险来源和影响、数据获取可行性、风险控制成本等要素,提出供应商全生命周期风险管理基本思路:以统一制度规范、统一应用平台、统一数据资源为支撑,以建立供应商全生命周期数据资源采集整合机制为核心,研究、开发供应商履约风险、关联关系、供应商能力评估、供应商寻源等关键应用模型,加强业务系统与风险控制系统融合,监管要求与业务操作融合,事前预测、事中管控、事后处理融合,强化风险管理全过程应用,持续优化供应商结构,提高采购竞争性,有效化解重大风险,实现各级各类风险可控在控,保障供应链安全。  相似文献   

采购成本居高不下成为制约中小企业发展的重要因素,采购联盟作为一种新型的采购方式,能够通过集中采购降低采购成本,提升中小企业的竞争力。文章根据联盟采购的形成关系,从中小企业、采购联盟和供应商3个主体考虑,建立多种采购联盟的模型,包括行业领头代理、行业协会代理和成立第三方代理3种采购联盟模式。  相似文献   

文中从电信运营商采购管理的全局出发,提出并构建了采购管理系统优化的概念框架,在此基础上分析了采购管理系统的构成、管理层次的划分、采购职能的分配,以及采购工作的具体流程。以集中化、精细化管理为指导原则,文中认为采购管理包括四方面核心内容,即供应商准入管理(SAM)、供应商选择管理(SSM)、供应商关系管理(SRM)和供应商监控管理(SMM)。建议电信运营商采购管理部门除应重视招标采购职能建设外,还应强化供应商准入管理、供应商关系管理和供应商监控管理三个管理职能,在采购流程中应增加供应商资源库的建设,中标供应商的分类管理,以及奖惩机制的建立等。  相似文献   

彭文清  汪霞 《价值工程》2007,26(2):68-70
在激烈的市场竞争条件下,企业选择供应商再也不是简单的对比价格和质量。慎重选择关键零部件的供应商可以使企业保持持续的竞争优势,与供应商一起在市场中共赢。企业如果对供应商有财务影响,可以促进双方信息互通、共担风险。因此建立的指标体系突出了财务影响因素,然后用层次分析法结合群组决策特征根法来建立选择模型,选择出的供应商可以与企业建立战略联盟、共同发展。  相似文献   

The purpose of the paper is to explore the way manufacturing firms use internal and external suppliers in the design and management of manufacturing networks. The main area of interest is to explore the similarities and differences between internal and external suppliers, with respect to their roles and the reasons for choosing a certain type of supplier. We base our analysis on data from 104 Swedish manufacturing plants and their corresponding manufacturing networks of internal and external suppliers. The results of the study show that there are significant differences between the criteria that are influential in choosing a certain type of supplier. The choice of an internal supplier is largely based on a single corporate decision, while an external supplier has to perform well on a number of criteria (primarily quality, cost, and delivery dependability). When comparing the selection criteria with competitive priorities and plant performance, we find that the criteria for selecting external suppliers has a better match than those for selecting internal suppliers. The sample contained plants having only external suppliers as well as plants having both internal and external suppliers, but the selection criteria for external suppliers are the same for both groups and not dependent upon the presence or absence of internal suppliers.  相似文献   

This study set out to understand the capabilities of suppliers of high-value products and services in Nigeria. Supplier capability data were collected from almost 500 potential suppliers across 28 product categories. The findings indicate that only a small minority of potential suppliers achieved the required levels of performance and that very few companies have suitable operational capabilities or corporate citizenship behaviour. Furthermore, significant differences were found between service suppliers and product suppliers with regard to performance. The findings suggest that the majority of suppliers of products and services in Nigeria need to improve their operational capabilities and corporate citizenship behaviours, or else risk losing their ability to compete in a changing market place with new barriers to entry.  相似文献   

对于两类不同质供应商与单制造商组成的供应链在订单分配方面的博弈行为,通过综合考虑部件价格、质量、交货期等构造订单质量指标,建立制造商和两类供应商的斯塔克尔伯格效用模型。模型显示,当两类供应商送交的订单质量相等时,制造商的效用可以达到最大;同时两类供应商对订单数量的需求均受到竞争对手对订单偏好的影响,由此可能导致供应商出现虚报自身信息的情况。制造商引入惩罚机制,并通过对惩罚进行适当限制,可实现让供应商实报私人信息的目标。  相似文献   

Suppliers face increasing pressure from their customers to improve their environmental performance. When firms downstream in the supply chain seek to achieve such improvements themselves, they frequently request that their suppliers adopt greener practices. This paper investigates the rationale for suppliers to comply with or resist the mandate of their customers to adopt the international environmental management standard ISO 14001 in the North American automotive industry. We argue that the effectiveness of such a mandate will vary according to the characteristics of the relationship between suppliers and customers. We contrast and test hypotheses based on both transaction cost and information theories to suggest that suppliers, whether in a dependent or distant relationship with their customers, have incentives to comply with the requests of their customers but through different mechanisms. Our study analyzed the characteristics of 3,152 automotive suppliers located in the United States, Canada, and Mexico over the 2000–2003 period. Findings indicate that suppliers with highly specialized assets, as well as younger suppliers, suppliers headquartered in Japan, and those reporting to the Toxic Release Inventory, are more likely to respond to their customers' pressures to adopt the certified management standard ISO 14001.  相似文献   

We show how a price analysis of stable relations between customer and supplier in the public procurement of homogeneous goods can help differentiate opportunistic from honest behaviour among economic agents. We consider two types of stable relations: repeated procurements and connections based on the state ownership of suppliers. On the basis of a large dataset on the procurement of granulated sugar in Russia from 2011 to 2013, we find that for private suppliers, prices of repeated contracts were lower compared to one-time deals when procured through more transparent procedures and higher when procured through non-transparent procedures. For non-transparent procedures, we observe significant overpricing of contracts with state-owned suppliers compared to private suppliers, especially in the case of repeated contracts, whereas for competitive e-auctions, there is only a small difference between the contract prices of state-owned suppliers and private suppliers.  相似文献   

This research explores if quality management practices are different among suppliers whose performance is rated high, medium, or low by a common buying company and identifies which specific practices contribute to the differences. The entire population of first-tier suppliers to a Korean auto assembler was surveyed to measure use of quality management practices. Useable returns were received from 25% of the suppliers surveyed. To measure conformance quality and overall rating, suppliers were categorized into high, medium, and low performing groups based on the buying company’s data. Multivariate analysis of variance was done using general linear model (GLM-MANOVA) to explore differences in the high-, medium-, and low-performing supplier groups based on their use of quality management practices. No statistically significant differences were found when suppliers were categorized based on conformance quality. However, when categorized based on overall rating, the highest rated suppliers were found to emphasize process management and employee satisfaction to a greater degree than the lowest rated suppliers.  相似文献   

模糊层次分析法(FAHP)在供应商评价选择中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张思颖  吴旻 《物流科技》2007,30(2):61-64
人在决策时常有模糊性.然而先前的供应商评价模型却常常忽略了这点.因此本文首先介绍了模糊层次分析法(Fuzzy AHP),然后提出了实际企业中选择供应商时考虑的因素,最后应用该方法建立了一个供应商模糊评价模型.该模型考虑了人判断的模糊性.在生产实践中,它可以帮助生产企业更准确地选择供应商.  相似文献   

朱桂平  白蕾 《物流技术》2010,29(13):84-87,96
为降低企业的生产成本和经营风险,整车制造企业将零配件外包给汽车零配件供应商,战略性供应商技术创新能力的选择则是其关键的环节。首先确定整车制造企业战略性供应商技术创新能力选择的指标,然后用主成份分析法确定指标体系结构、体系中各准则和各指标的权重,从而排列战略性供应商技术创新能力的次序,最后选定技术创新能力最强的战略性供应商。  相似文献   

本研究以关系生命周期理论为分析工具,构建了大型零售企业与供应商合作关系演进构念模型,探究了大型零售企业与供应商合作关系演进轨迹,并结合案例对零供合作关系不同生命周期阶段所呈现的特征进行了深入分析。本研究对改善目前国内零售企业与供应商的关系,引导零售企业和供应商更健康的发展,有典型的参考价值与普适的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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