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生态文明建设评价和考核,要从生态文明建设的核心含义出发,依据生态文明建设理论,按照生态文明建设政策要求,理清生态文明建设基本内容,从自然资源(或生态承载)、生态环境、生态经济、生态社会(含生态文化)、生态制度(含生态政治)五方面进行评价和考核。  相似文献   

北京市生态文明建设评价研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生态文明建设是北京市社会经济发展的重要战略方向。通过专家咨询法,结合区域现状,建立了适用于北京市的生态文明建设水平评价指标体系,指标体系包含生态环境、生态经济、生态行为、生态安全、生态文化和生态社会六个方面。对北京市的生态文明建设水平进行了评价,并分析了其时间动态趋势。结果表明,北京市生态文明建设水平在2004年到2008年间呈稳步上升的趋势,其中生态环境、生态经济和生态安全的水平提高显著,而生态行为、生态文化和生态社会水平出现不同程度的起伏。北京市2007年以前处于生态文明建设的准备阶段,到2008年已经接近生态文明建设的中级阶段。此外,分析了北京市生态文明建设水平变化的影响因素,并提出了推进北京市生态文明建设的途径。  相似文献   

生态文明是人类文明发展的必然趋势,生态文明法治建设是生态文明建设的重中之重。党的十八届四中全会指出,用严格的法律制度保护生态环境,促进生态文明建设。我国应在以科学发展观为引领的基础上,完善生态环境立法、规范生态文明行政、司法关系、拓宽公众参与渠道等方面,加强生态文明法治建设,推进生态文明的顺利实施。  相似文献   

党的十七大报告明确提出,要"建设生态文明,基本形成节约能源资源和保护生态环境的产业结构、增长方式、消费模式。"作为贯彻落实好生态文明建设任务的重要环节,正确处理城镇发展与环境保护之间的关系,以统筹人与自然和谐发展为原则,加快生态文明城镇建设步伐,不断改善城镇人居环境,努力促进城镇生态文明系统良性循环,最终实现城乡经济社会的可持续发展就成为和谐社会构建的重要内容。  相似文献   

农村生态文明建设是我国生态文明建设的重要组成部分.随着农村城镇化进程的加快,农村生态环境积累了许多亟待解决的问题.本研究根据河北农村生态文明建设的实际,指出河北农村城镇化进程中生态环境存在的突出问题,从物质、制度、文化、行为四个层面分析探讨制约农村生态文明建设的因素,系统性地提出建设农村生态文明的对策措施.  相似文献   

云南是边疆多民族聚居地区,各民族在顺应、改造和利用自然的过程中,创造了种类繁多、形式各异的生态文化,积累了丰富的生态智慧,对云南生态环境治理和生态文明建设有着重要启发意义。然而,在少数民族地区的现代化进程中,民族生态文化面临着文化变迁等困境,影响着生态文明建设的进程。通过文献分析、理论研究与实证分析的结合,对生态文化、民族生态文化、生态文明三者之间的内涵和辩证关系进行了梳理,指出云南生态文明建设的现实背景。进而以元阳县、普者黑等少数民族地区为例,阐述了民族生态文化助力云南生态文明建设的现状和存在的问题,提出培育生态文化,加强生态文化教育等措施,以期为云南生态文明建设提供参考。  相似文献   

简论生态文明与科学发展观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨士恒 《经济师》2009,(11):34-35
资源和环境关系到我国经济和社会的发展。实现全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标,需要良好的生态环境和充足的自然资源作保证。生态文明是在可持续发展理论和实践基础上发展起来的一种文明形态,生态文明的建设是贯彻落实科学发展观的必然要求。以科学发展观为出发点,构建生态文明社会具有十分重要的社会经济和政治意义。  相似文献   

党的十七大报告将“建设生态文明”作为全面建设小康社会的新要求,明确提出要使主要污染物排放得到有效控制,生态环境质量明显改善,生态文明观念在全社会牢固树立。建设生态文明,是深入贯彻落实科学发展观、全面建设小康社会的必然要求和重大任务,为保护生态环境、实现可持续发展进一步指明了方向。  相似文献   

促进生态文明建设的海南产业结构调整探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
产业结构调整是生态文明从价值理念探讨向经济社会建设领域拓展的突破口之一,是海南省建设生态文明示范区的关键切入点。促进生态文明建设的产业结构,就是"节约能源资源和保护生态环境的产业结构"。文章对海南生态文明建设中产业结构进行详细分析,认为产业结构调整是海南生态文明建设的现实需要,并基于系统论方法建立了促进生态文明建设的产业结构体系。同时指出强化生态文明宣传教育,完善制度体系,资金渠道拓宽,环保技术创新升级等政策措施,是当前调整优化产业结构、建设生态文明的必要途径。  相似文献   

目前中国新农村建色中生态文明严重滞后,制约新农村建设的推进,要充分认识推进新农村建设注重生态文明的必要性,正确地分析农村生态文明建设滞后的原因,树立生态文明意识、转变农业经济发展方式、理顺农村生态环境管理体制。  相似文献   

Integrating ecosystem services into conservation assessments: A review   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A call has been made for conservation planners to include ecosystem services into their assessments of conservation priority areas. The need to develop an integrated approach to meeting different conservation objectives and a shift in focus towards human wellbeing are some of the motivations behind this call. There is currently no widely accepted approach to planning for ecosystem services. This study contributes towards the development of this approach through a review of conservation assessments and the extent to which they include ecosystem services. Of the 476 conservation assessments identified by a set of search terms on the Web of Science, 100 were randomly selected for this review. Of these only seven had included ecosystem services, while another 13 had referred to ecosystem services as a rationale for conservation without including them in the assessment. The majority of assessments were based on biodiversity pattern data while 19 used data on ecological processes. A total of 11 of these 19 assessments used processes, which could be linked to services. Ecosystem services have witnessed an increase in attention received in conservation assessments since the year 2000, however trends were not apparent beyond this date. In order to assess which types of ecosystem services and how they have been accounted for in conservation assessments, we extended our review to include an additional nine conservation assessments which included ecosystem services. The majority included cultural ecosystem services, followed by regulatory, provisioning and supporting services respectively. We conclude with an analysis of the constraints and opportunities for the integration of ecosystem services into conservation assessments and highlight the urgent need for an appropriate framework for planning for ecosystem services.  相似文献   

生态文明视角下的生态旅游实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建设生态文明,使生态文明观念在全社会牢固树立,这是对我国人口剧增、资源短缺、环境恶化的严峻形势进行深刻反省的一种明智选择,也是实现经济社会可持续发展的必由之路。生态文明建设是一个长期的渐进过程,而生态旅游是生态文明观指导下旅游产业发展的具体实践。本文在厘清生态文明与生态旅游的内涵的基础上,分析了我国生态旅游实践中存在的问题与约束性条件,并对生态文明视角下我国生态旅游的实践方式与途径进行了探讨。  相似文献   

《Ecological Economics》2000,32(1):91-106
The decline of Philippine mangroves from half a million hectares in 1918 to only 120 000 ha in 1994 may be traced to local exploitation for fuelwood and conversion to agriculture, salt beds, industry and settlements. But brackishwater pond culture, whose history is intertwined with that of mangroves, remains the major cause of loss. The paper discusses the institutional issues — aquaculture as development strategy, low economic rent of mangroves, overlapping bureaucracy and conflicting policies, corruption, weak law enforcement and lack of political will — relevant to this decline. Recommended policies are based on these institutional factors and the experiences in mangrove rehabilitation including community-based efforts and government programs such as the 1984 Central Visayas Regional Project. These recommendations include conservation of remaining mangroves, rehabilitation of degraded sites including abandoned ponds, mangrove-friendly aquaculture, community-based and integrated coastal area management, and provision of tenurial instruments.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the factors leading to the decline of utility participation in the energy conservation market over the past decade in California. The analysis finds that California's regulatory focus on mandating conservation program funding levels, rather than on measuring and rewarding the achievement of energy savings from utility conservation programs, has contributed to a decline in both program scope and program effectiveness. Other major reasons for this decline include potential revenue losses resulting from conservation programs on the generation side, a preoccupation with identifying winners and losers using benefit-cost tests, and a regulatory focus on "system" impacts from conservation programs that precluded a more direct marketing focus on utility customers' values and needs. The paper concludes that both regulators and utilities should work to develop new indicators of success in the conservation market. These should focus on achieving energy conservation results and rewarding the results with increased profits as opposed to rewarding just effort with expense recovery.  相似文献   

We analyze the problem of choosing sites through time to include in a network of biological reserves for species conservation. When sites cannot all be protected immediately, and excluded sites are threatened by development, planning should factor in both expected biodiversity benefits of sites and development risk. We formulate this problem as a stochastic dynamic integer-programming problem. We find that the timing of selections is critical; conservation budgets available up front yield significantly greater biodiversity protection. We also compare results using optimal and heuristic algorithms. The theory is applied to vertebrate and development threat data from southwestern California.  相似文献   

Climate change, uncertain future water supplies, growing population, and increased water demands continue to raise the importance of finding cost-effective water conservation measures. Irrigated agriculture is the world's largest water user, so governments, donor organizations, water suppliers, and farmers continue to look for measures that would produce more crop per drop. Despite the importance of promoting water conservation in agriculture, little work has been done that integrates hydrologic, economic, institutional, and policy dimensions of water conservation. This paper presents an integrated basin scale analysis of water conservation subsidies for irrigated agriculture. A dynamic, nonlinear programming model is developed and applied for the Upper Rio Grande Basin of Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas, USA. Several potential public subsidies of drip irrigation are analyzed for their economic and hydrologic impacts at both the farm and basin levels. Results indicate that water conservation subsidies for drip irrigation produce several effects. These include greater on-farm implementation of water-conserving technology, less water applied to crops, more water consumed by crops, increased farm income, greater crop production, more land irrigated, and increased total water-related economic benefits for the basin. Findings provide a framework for designing and implementing water conservation policies for irrigated agriculture.  相似文献   

张静 《经济地理》2007,27(4):603-606
伴随城市经济的迅速发展,我国许多城市都出现了城市化进程加剧的特点。在新一轮现代化建设高潮中,越来越多的历史文化名城都将重新审视如何实现更为有效的保护问题。文章以杭州作为研究样本,通过对比以苏州和杭州为代表的两种不同形式的保护途径,分析杭州在历史文化名城保护过程中曾经走过的弯路和教训,针对城市空间结构转变对于历史文化名城保护的现实意义,分层次讨论杭州通过借助新城发展得以保护老城现状的城市“理性增长”必然性,最终提出依托休闲经济发展实现杭州“以老城养老城”良性循环的解决思路。  相似文献   

Economic cost-effectiveness analysis is a systematic approach to assessing benefits and costs associated with different actions. This analysis, as applied to energy conservation programs, is complicated greatly by the existence of intangible benefits and costs. A further complication occurs when the input values are uncertain. Such inputs include the useful lives of measures installed, the appropriate discount rate, and the expected levels of savings. This paper shows how one can incorporate input uncertainty and some intangibles into the cost-effectiveness analysis calculations. The Hood River Conservation Experiment provides the framework for analyzing these issues and serves as a pilot program for future conservation implementation.  相似文献   

土家族文化以古文化的活化石、神秘的原始宗教、旷达的生活习性、独特的文学艺术著称,这条文化沉积带珍贵而且脆弱。土家族旅游资源开发应以文化保育为核心,在发展经济的同时,有策略地确保多元文化以活态的形式持续发展下去。  相似文献   

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