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研究目的:综述农地"三权分置"理论的研究现状,以期深化对农村土地"三权分置"改革理论研究和政策实施的认识,进而对中国农地制度变迁方向做出整体性判断和勾勒。研究方法:综合运用文献检索法和对比分析法。研究结果:学界对于三权分置改革的制度必然性、功能价值与积极效应的研究存在着共识,但是对于"三权分置"的政策表述、承包权和经营权的权源、性质和内容以及法律制度构建的研究却存在着分歧。研究结论:现阶段农地"三权分置"的政策逻辑和法律逻辑存在着违和性,学界对于"三权分置"的政策解读和法律解读存在着难以调和的矛盾。要想充分发挥"三权分置"政策的价值,就必须消除分歧,重叠共识,在总结实践经验的基础上进行法律调整和完善,最终实现政策安排和法律设计的完美相融。  相似文献   

Based on surveys on rural land-use change at village scale in Yucheng City, Shandong province, this paper presents how land-use change takes place in response to inhibitive institutional forces in light of an outmoded land ownership system and unreasonable land use rights administration, and discusses it in the broader social context of industrialization, rural depopulation, a dual-track land market, and land use legislation. Spatial comparison of land use maps interpreted from aerial photographs in different period unveils a decrease in arable land for farming, and an increase in rural settlements, facilities land and unused land. Despite rural depopulation, rural settlements area nearly tripled during 1967–2008. Nearly all newly gained non-agricultural land originated from farmland at the village fringe while formerly facilities land and unused land had been converted to residential use and it was abandoned later. Thus, the destructive farmland conversion from productive use to non-agricultural uses took place at multiple stages. Questionnaire survey of 1650 households in 48 villages in Yucheng City indicated that 41% of the households had multiple dwellings, even though some of them are not occupied or even ruined. This finding may damp the rosy picture of the reportedly slowdown in China's farmland reduction in recent years as these destructive changes are too small to detect from satellite imagery, and it will also provide a practical scientific basis for constituting more strict farmland protection objectives and strategies for China in the near future. In order to hold back the destructive conversion trend from farmland to non-agricultural uses, the authors argue that policy and institution innovation concerning land use and urban–rural development in China needs feature highly in the government's agenda.  相似文献   

研究目的:探究县域城乡融合发展与农村土地制度改革理论逻辑,为破解城乡发展困境、助力乡村振兴提供参考。研究方法:归纳演绎法与理论分析法。研究结果:城乡融合发展是城与乡在分工协作、生态宜居、要素流动、保障公平、服务均等、收入平衡6个方面的差距持续缩小的过程,具有土地要素流动受阻、人口外流与结构失衡、基层政府财力薄弱的县域问题表征,其关键在于围绕土地要素在城乡之间交换流动这一主线,深化农村土地制度改革。农村土地制度改革具有权益保障、激励约束和资源优化配置价值功能,对县域城乡融合发展具有木桶效应和联动效应。研究结论:推进县域城乡融合发展应围绕产权制度完善,以革新农地“三权分置”制度、宅基地使用制度、农村集体经营性建设用地入市制度补齐农村土地制度短板和完善农村土地市场机制为重点,从政府绩效考核、规划计划引领、财政金融支持、户籍制度保障等方面健全配套政策措施,实现县域城乡要素自由流动、功能深度耦合和权益均等化。  相似文献   

农地流转的差序格局化特征会怎样影响我国新型城镇化进程?本文以农地制度改革为着眼点,利用2015年CHFS微观数据,将农地确权、农地流转差序格局与新型城镇化三者置于同一框架下进行系统性分析。研究发现,农地确权与农地流转的亲缘化特征显著促进农业转移人口城镇化。进一步检验作用机制发现,二者在促进农业转移人口城镇化作用方面并行不悖,农村内部整合型社会资本能够弥补正式制度不足带来的农地产权风险。因此,本文认为应着力提升农地确权政策的执行效果,在构建起高效、合理、规范的农地流转制度的同时,促进农户间相互合作,加大力度培育以农户为主体的新型农业经营项目,平稳推进新型城镇化,实现城乡融合发展。  相似文献   

农地在农业生产和农村经济中的特殊地位,决定了农村土地制度是农业和农村经济制度的核心和重要基础。随着经济体制改革的不断深化和农村社会的持续发展,现有农地产权制度和使用制度的内在缺陷逐渐显露,已成为我国农村经济和社会发展的障碍。应创新农村土地产权制度,分三阶段逐步推进,以保持农村经济发展的生机和活力。  相似文献   

[目的]从新制度经济学视角梳理农村土地"三权分置"的制度变迁过程,并对"三权"各自的权能进行分析,针对现存集体所有权主体缺失、土地承包权权能混乱、土地经营权性质不清等问题解释其原因并提出对策建议。[方法]运用文献综述法、对比法对农村土地试行"三权分置"后集体所有权、农户承包权、土地经营权各自权能进行划分和界定,理顺三者关系。[结果](1)"三权分置"是农村土地产权权能的进一步分解与细化,集体所有权被赋予更完整的土地所有权能;(2)"三权分置"过程中承包地流转路径得到进一步强化,打破土地承包经营权的"成员权"限制;(3)土地经营权的市场性功能与农户承包权的福利性功能同时增强,进一步减少土地对农民的束缚。[结论]"三权分置"是解决农地无人耕种、推动农村土地适度规模经营的重要途径,合理界定"三权"的权能、理顺"三权"的经济学关系、破解法律制度障碍是"三权分置"的改革重点和方向。  相似文献   

目的 伴随着城镇化的快速发展、劳动力缺失、耕地效益低下等问题的出现,有效保护耕地和提高耕地利用率成为我国目前亟待解决的重要问题。方法 文章通过文献分析法和对比分析法,总结韩国乡村振兴地域制度建立的背景、主要框架和运行成效,提出对我国的启示。结果 为加强对农田的保护和利用,20世纪90年代韩国实施了农业振兴地域制度。该制度将农业振兴地域划分为农业振兴区和农业保护区,推行农业支援政策、实行人才培养和完善基础建设等一系列举措,在推进农业现代化、提高农民收入、保护耕地、保护农民权益等方面成效显著。结论 通过分析韩国农业振兴地域制度发展的经验,从健全法律体系、粮食主产区内划分现代农业重点区、实行粮食主产区的差异补贴政策、重视农业人才培养四个方面提出适合我国地区发展的农业振兴策略,以期为我国农业的持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

This article is intended to conduct a three-dimensional examination of China’s rural land rights and the complex dynamic among political power, economic capital, and farmers’ rights during the past seventy years. First, the study takes a close look at the historical changes in the nature, scope, and ownership of land property in rural China during four significant time periods from 1949 to 2019. Second, it uses Ronald Coase’s theory on property rights in dissecting the four paradoxes and dilemmas in China’s rural land ownership, including the extent of clarity and stability of land property rights, the “three rights system” (the rights to ownership, contracting and operation of land) and three stagnations in defining and exercising such three rights, the simultaneous shortage and waste of land resources, as well as the restrictions on land transactions and the requirement to protect collective property. With examples derived from selected evidence, the article documents how both political power and economic capital have worked together to deprive farmers’ land rights. It concludes with a critical analysis of the current status of China’s rural economy, the problem of applying Western economic theories to China’s reality, as well as the theoretical definition, legal protection and policy parameters of land property rights in China.  相似文献   

基于政府与市场关系,运用产权理论与新结构经济学理论,探讨农村土地要素市场化的政策史流变、经济学意涵和制度性创新。研究表明,第一,改革开放以来市场在土地资源配置中的作用经历了由辅助性到基础性再到决定性的历史转变,农村土地要素市场化也经历了改革探索期、改革发展期与改革深化期。第二,土地要素市场化的经济学本质是土地转让权的赋予,赋予农户充分、完整且有保障的土地转让权具有理论必要性和现实必然性。第三,未来的农村土地要素市场化改革,一方面要培育有效市场,以土地产权制度改革为主线,做好产权界定、产权配置和产权保护工作;另一方面要建设有为政府,以土地管理制度改革为依托,做好数量管控、用途管制和市场监管工作。  相似文献   

中国农村改革的未来方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文总结了我国农业农村发展新时代,深化改革,要准确把握农村未来方向,以土地制度改革为主线,聚焦土地制度、经营制度与产权制度三大问题。土地制度改革要在尊重农民意愿的基础上,推动土地经营权共享,通过土地经营权流转与不流转两种形式促进土地规模化、服务规模化;新型经营主体的培育要重点提升人力资本,注重职业农民的数量增长与质量提升,培养出一批真正有爱农情怀、工匠精神、创新意识、社会责任感的职业化农民;要充分理解农村集体产权制度改革的重大意义,把产权制度改革提升到第二次飞跃的高度来认识,并将改革与新产业新业态发展、农民就业增收、集体经济发展、乡村治理、党对基层基础工作领导等重大问题结合起来,充分发挥集体经济的优势,走出一条具有中国特色的现代农业发展道路,高质量完成全面建成小康社会的发展目标。  相似文献   

Tenure,land rights,and farmer investment incentives in China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The goal of this paper is to understand the nature of the property rights associated with China's land tenure systems and to study the impact of these property rights on agricultural production efficiency. The results show that land tenure and associated property rights in rural China affect the production behavior of farmers. The most robust finding is that the right to use land for long periods of time encourages the use of land-saving investments. While the results show that land tenure affects agricultural production decisions, the difference between collective and private plots, however, is small compared to the private plot - communal productivity gap that existed in the pre-reform period.  相似文献   

2021年土地科学研究重点进展评述及2022年展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究目的:总结 2021 年国内外土地科学研究的重点进展,展望 2022 年中国土地科学的发展趋势及《中国土地科学》重点关注方向。研究方法:文献调查法。研究结果:2021年国内研究重点关注百年土地制度变迁、土地要素市场化改革、自然资源资产产权制度改革、宅基地“三权分置”、农地产权制度改革、耕地资源保护、国土空间规划与生态修复、土地利用生态环境效应与低碳转型等科学问题;国外研究重点关注土地产权市场与农业生产效率、土地权利平等、农田保护与粮食安全、土地信息提取方法优化、土地利用的跨学科拓展等问题。研究结论:围绕土地资源服务乡村振兴、保障粮食安全、维护生态安全、落实“双碳”目标等战略需求,2022年《中国土地科学》将重点关注土地市场体系建设与制度变革、耕地资源用途管制与保护转型、国土空间格局优化与修复治理、自然资源资产管理与低碳利用等相关研究问题及选题方向。  相似文献   

Since the beginning of the 21st century, China has undergone a promotion of industrialisation, urbanisation and agricultural modernisation. This promotion has triggered the mass migration of rural labour forces into cities, leading to the virtual situation of the separation of farmland contract and operation rights. To respond to this issue, the central government proposed a strategy of farmland reform in China. Such reform aims to transform the former ‘Bipartite Entitlement System’ into a ‘Tripartite Entitlement System (TES)’.1 Land registration provides the means for recognising formalised property rights and regulating the characteristics and transfer of land-related rights. As for farmland registration in China, it serves as a basis to explore effective forms of collective farmland ownership by implementing collective farmland ownership, stabilising farmers’ contract rights and liberalising farmland operation rights. Thus, in this study, on the basis of the farmland tripartite entitlement (hereinafter referred to as ‘FTE’) reform in China, we develop a Land Administration Domain Model (LADM)-based TES model that will serve as the basis of subsequent system development. Specifically, first, we summarise the evolution process of China’s farmland rights system since the foundation of new China. Second, we propose a farmland rights system after the FTE reform. Then, the corresponding TES model is developed based on the LADM standard and some instance-level diagrams for farmland administration activities. The new functionality of the model includes improved structuring of farmland rights and restrictions (and related source documents) and improved expansion of the land information infrastructure to rural areas.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the spatio-temporal dynamic patterns of farmland and rural settlements from 1990 to 2006 in Su–Xi–Chang region of coastal China experienced dramatic economic and spatial restructuring, using high-resolution Landsat TM (Thematic Mapper) data in 1990, 1995, 2000 and 2006, and socio-economic data from both research institutes and government departments. To examine the spatial patterns of farmland and rural settlements and their change over time, a set of pattern metrics that capture different dimensions of land fragmentation was identified. The outcomes indicated that, to a large extent, land-use change from 1990 to 2006 in Su–Xi–Chang region was characterized by a serious replacement of farmland with urban and rural settlements, construction land, and artificial ponds. Population growth, rapid industrialization and urbanization are the major driving forces of farmland change, and China's economic reforms played an important role in the transformation of rural settlements. China's “building a new countryside” is an epoch-making countryside planning policy. The focuses of building a new countryside in coastal China need to be concentrated on protecting the farmland, developing modern agriculture, and building “clean and tidy villages.” Rural construction land consolidation and cultivated land consolidation are two important ways to achieve the building objectives. The authors argue that it is fundamental to lay out a scientific urban–rural integrated development planning for building a new countryside, which needs to pay more attention to making the rural have certain functions serving for the urban. In addition, the cultural elements of idyll and the rural landscape need to be reserved and respected in the process of building a new countryside in coastal China, instead of building a new countryside, which looks more like a city.  相似文献   

研究目的:对农村土地法律制度缺陷和中国农村土地是否可以大规模流转进行研究。研究方法:综述文献资料进行综合分析。研究结果:现有农村土地法律制度缺陷的相关研究,无益于中国农村人多地少主要矛盾的根本解决。以提高劳动生产率为目标的农村土地产权和流转改革,会产生大量的农村剩余劳动力,加剧农村矛盾和激活社会动荡。研究结论:基本保持现有农村土地制度,慎谈农村土地的大规模流转。  相似文献   

乡村振兴与农村土地制度改革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国正处于城乡中国的发展阶段,社会经济面临着转型升级的持续变迁,农业和乡村发展面临的环境条件发生了实质性变化,本文重点探讨如何通过农村土地制度创新以促进乡村振兴。研究结果表明,我国社会经济发展所处的特殊时代背景决定了我国乡村振兴的路径选择必须从乡村内部出发,寻找撬动实现乡村振兴的支点。要围绕"实权"与"流动"两个维度深化农村土地制度改革,为乡村振兴提供土地制度保障。"实权"是要将农地产权落到实处,相关的法律法规条文要明确农地各项产权权能的内含、外延,要把农地产权落实到具体的权利主体身上。"流动"是要在保证粮食安全和国家安全的前提下,在土地利用空间规划的管控下,实现土地资源的自由市场流动。  相似文献   

目的 耕地保护是维护国家社会安全、生态安全和粮食安全的重要基石,探讨中国耕地保护决策的演进历程及产权路径,以期为新时代完善耕地保护制度提供理论支撑。方法 文章基于渐进决策理论,运用文献研究法与系统分析法识别耕地保护决策变迁模式并分析路径依赖特征。结果 农地产权的排他性与激励性逐渐强化,有限性相对减弱,为保护耕地营造了安全稳定的产权环境;中国耕地保护经历了体系形成、逐步完善、趋向成熟的阶段,遵循渐进决策模式,在平稳过渡中不断优化;耕地保护渐进决策深受产权阶段性变迁的影响,主要体现在制度环境、市场管理与农户行为路径。在制度上表现为冲突、迁移、协同的效应演变,在市场上表现为滞后、服务与激励的特征变化,农户行为则反映了群体效应、外部效应、预期效应的变化。结论 随着产权变迁,产权效应耦合变化推动耕地保护决策发展。未来应优化农地产权制度结构、健全农地市场的公共服务管理、合理实现耕地生态产品的价值,以促进耕地保护决策良性发展。  相似文献   

目的 厘清农地流转风险形成机制,构建农地流转风险评估体系,量化评价农地流转风险,以便为农地流转风险防范和治理提供依据。方法 文章采用熵权法和莫兰指数对广东省21个地市的农地流转风险及其空间特征进行了定量评价和分析。结果 (1)信息不对称、道德风险及村集体强制介入是农地流转过程中农民权益受损的关键;(2)社会保障风险、自然灾害风险及社会稳定风险是当前广东省农地流转面临的主要风险;(3)广东省农地流转风险区域差异显著,全局莫兰指数为-0.03,空间上未呈明显集聚特征;(4)广东省各地市农地流转非粮化倾向高度趋同,值得警惕。结论 在当前中国农村社会保障制度仍不健全背景下,尊重农民意愿,审慎推进农地流转才是明智之举;法律和制度的完善、农业基础设施的加强、流转服务水平的提高,农业金融的支持以及粮食补贴政策的正向激励应是当前广东省实施差异化农地流转风险治理的政策支点。  相似文献   

研究目的:归纳分析2021年国内外土地管理领域研究进展,展望研究趋势。研究方法:文献研究法。研究结果:2021年,国内土地管理领域研究涉及国土空间内涵、中国共产党百年土地史、自然资源资产产权制度改革、农村土地管理法律以及存量低效用地利用等;在国际上,土地权利平等、农田保护、土地信息化管理等问题备受关注;土地制度历史变迁、土地市场管理、土地产权与农田保护是国内外研究共同关注的重点。研究结论:2021年土地管理研究紧扣理论问题与实践需求,在探索国土空间治理基本概念、土地制度历史变迁以及自然资源资产管理等方面取得了进展,但在土地管理基本理论、土地法解释论研究以及土地资源利用关键技术等方面仍有待加强。2022年土地管理领域或将重点关注土地管理基础理论探索、土地要素市场化改革与城乡土地收益分配、自然资源资产产权制度改革和治理体系构建、土地管理专项立法、面向双碳目标与生态保护修复的国土空间用途管控、城乡空间高质量发展、耕地资源长效保护、土地信息化管理等议题。  相似文献   

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