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卜亮  巩固 《经济论坛》2004,(22):112-113
比较广告是指经营者以营利为目的而发布的,通过与其他经营者的商品或服务的比较来宣传自我商品或服务的广告。比较广告在产品或服务宣传上的独特功能使其成为一种广为采用的竞争方式,但同样由于宣传方式的特殊性,使其在运用中更易产生问题。正因为如此,世界各国在立法上对比较广告态度不一。本文认为,作为一种有效的宣传和竞争方式,因为存在消极作用而予以全面禁止,无异于  相似文献   

旅游商品是旅游活动中的一个重要环节,本文结合实际在对湖北五峰的旅游商品开发意义、存在问题分析的基础上,分别从政策扶持、扩大生产、建立品牌、完善旅游商品市场机制、销售创新及加强宣传等方面提出了五峰旅游商品开发策略、以期对五峰地区旅游商品开发提供新思路。  相似文献   

当前,营销管理人员采用一种新的策略把他们与客户的关系建立在一种"个性化"的基础上。这种策略是按特定客 户的个人需要来定制商品和服务,而不是为所有客户提供同一种商品或服务。基于个性化的重要性,它应与产品、价格、渠道、 促销、人员、物质财富、计划等一起作为营销组合的元素,形成新的营销组合。  相似文献   

王梅  袁亚苹  方锦花 《时代经贸》2011,(10):235-235,237
目的:分析影响徐州市老年人选择养老方式的主要因素,理论和实践结合提出适合徐州市老年人的养老方式及其发展趋势,为徐州市卫生管理部门决策者采取相应的策略或措施提供依据。方法:应用自行设计的调查问卷,对徐州市黄山新村、湖滨小区、绿地小区三社区60岁及以上的550位老年人进行抽样调查,应logistic归分析等方法进行结果分析。结果:情感需求、养老费用、家庭成员、个人习惯、安全系数与徐州市老年人选择不同养老方式有密切联系。结论:家庭养老目前仍是徐州市老年人养老方式的首选,家庭养老与社会养老并举的模式崭露头角,社会养老理念与模式亟待形成和发展。  相似文献   

一、产生的原因 应收账款是在商品交易中。卖方以赊销方式将商品或劳务提供给买方而产生的一种债权,即是一种以商业信用给买方提供商品或劳务而应收未收的资金。  相似文献   

2008年全球金融海啸使得发达国家面对自上世纪30年代以来最大的衰退,但是发展中国家如金砖四国却依然持续发展。许多经济学家严厉地警告,家计单位及企业的消费支出减少,而对产出的影响更为严重,此举迫使台湾不得不通过扩大消费的方式,来挽回疲弱的经济力。本文针对此次全球金融危机对于台湾当局在因应策略上,关于全球金融体制的崩溃分析、有关当局的处理布局、国际经济组织及先进国家处理经验及建立新的清算机制等因应之道做分析与探讨,提供政策建议,希望封尔後的金融布局有所帮助。  相似文献   

一、功能与风险并存是强化应收账款管理的必然选择应收账款是企业因对外销售商品、材料或提供劳务等,而应向购货单位或接受劳务单位收取而尚未收取的款项。随着市场经济的发展,商业信用的推行,企业应收账款数额明显增多,据统计,我国约有80%的企业不同程度地采取赊销方式进行促销活动,产生数额较大的应收账款。对于一个企业来讲,应收账款的存在本身就是一个功能与风险并存的对立统一体,在生产经营过程中,企业一方面想借助于应收账款来促进销售,扩大销售收入,  相似文献   

应收账款是指企业因销售商品、提供劳务等业务,应向购货或接受劳务单位收取的款项,是企业因销售商品、提供劳务等经营活动所形成的债权,主要包括企业出售产品、商品、材料、提供劳务等等应向有关债务人收取的价款及代购货方垫付的运杂费等。一般来说,企业销售商品时,宁愿提供现金折扣以收回销售现款,而不愿意采用赊销。但是,随着市场经济的逐步建立和完善,以及市场竞争的日益加剧,迫使大部分企业不得不为对方提供商业信用,以赊销的形式来销售商品,并产生应收账款。  相似文献   

应收账款是指企业因销售商品、提供劳务等业务,应向购货或接受劳务单位收取的款项。是企业因销售商品、提供劳务等经营活动所形成的债权,主要包括企业出售产晶、商品、材料、提供劳务等等应向有关债务人收取的价款及代购货方垫付的运杂费等。一般来说,企业销售商品时,宁愿提供现金折扣以收回销售现款,而不愿意采用赊销。但是,随着市场经济的逐步建立和完善,以及市场竞争的日益加剧,迫使大部分企业不得不为对方提供商业信用,以赊销的形式来销售商品。并产生应收账款。如何监粹与管理应收账款已经成为企业管理中不容回避的一项重大课题。  相似文献   

应收账款是指企业因销售商品、提供劳务等业务,应向购货或接受劳务单位收取的款项,是企业因销售商品、提供劳务等经营活动所形成的债权,主要包括企业出售产品、商品、材料、提供劳务等等应向有关债务人收取的价款及代购货方垫付的运杂费等。一般来说,企业销售商品时,宁愿提供现金折扣以收回销售现款,而不愿意采用赊销。但是,随着市场经济的逐步建立和完善,以及市场竞争的日益加剧,迫使大部分企业不得不为对方提供商业信用,以赊销的形式来销售商品,并产生应收账款。应收账款的增加带来了企业销售额的增加,同时也带来了坏账的机会成本的增加。因此,作为企业的管理者应如何协调这两者之间的矛盾呢?这就要求我们首先对应收账款进行分析评估。  相似文献   

In a differentiated duopoly model of trade and FDI featuring both horizontal and vertical product differentiation, we examine whether globalization and trade policy measures can generate welfare gains by leading firms to change their mode of competition. We show that when a high-quality foreign variety is manufactured under large frictions due to upstream monopoly power, a foreign firm can become a Bertrand competitor against a Cournot local rival in equilibrium, especially when the relative product quality of the foreign variety is sufficiently high and trade costs are sufficiently low (implying higher input price distortions due to double marginalization). Our results suggest that such strategic asymmetry is welfare improving and that the availability of FDI as an alternative to trade can make welfare-enhancing strategic asymmetry even more likely, especially when both input trade costs and fixed investment costs are sufficiently low and trade costs in final goods are sufficiently large.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of a home firm's lobbying on a strategic export policy in a third market with a differentiated duopoly. We focus on its effect on domestic welfare under Bertrand and Cournot competition. Regardless of the mode of competition, the strategic export policy cannot improve domestic welfare in the presence of lobbying if the degree of product differentiation is high or the government is overly concerned with political contribution relative to domestic welfare. Moreover, for the same degree of product differentiation, the lobbying‐induced export policy is more likely to deteriorate domestic welfare relative to free trade under Cournot competition.  相似文献   

In this paper, we construct a political-economy model of strategic environmental policymaking with different degrees of product differentiation and different market structures, and examine how strategic voting decisions are affected by the choice of environmental policy instruments (tax or standard). We show that in a Cournot market structure, voters elect tax-setting policymakers who are more green than themselves when product differentiation and/or environmental externalities are more prominent. In a Bertrand market structure, they elect more green tax-setting policymakers than themselves. On the other hand, they elect standard-setting policymakers who are less green than themselves. The results confirm the advantage of the overall use of emission tax over that of emission standard regarding the welfare effect of strategic voting.  相似文献   

肖勠 《经济研究导刊》2014,(11):110-111
20世纪末以来,产品、消费同战略性的设计布局相生相伴。销售场所演变至今,已经发展到一个超越传统销售功能的阶段,转变成为支撑产品与品牌不可替代的重要工具。电商的进入使得市场变得更加绚烂缤纷,而实体店仍具有不可替代的一面。橱窗陈列又被称之为"视觉营销",它融合了视觉艺术、心理学、营销学等多门学科知识,在销售场所规划设计中的地位对于品牌的营销与推广显得尤为重要,也是服装企业"决胜网络终端"的重要营销手段之一。  相似文献   

We study product availability as a strategic variable in a sequential game between consumers and a monopolist. We use a perfect Bayesian equilibrium concept to solve the game under different regulatory regimes. We show that under certain assumptions about the regulatory environment, a two-price equilibrium in which the quantity of the lower-priced good is limited may exist even when a single retailer sells two brands that are perfect substitutes. The FTC Guides Against Bait Advertising are shown to be potentially welfare enhancing as they facilitate commitment on the part of a monopolist credibly to plan for stockouts. Paradoxically, our analysis suggests that the more stringent FTC regulation prohibiting stockouts by retail food stores from 1971 to 1988 was Pareto worsening, as it removed the monopolist's commitment mechanism.  相似文献   

Welfare effects of entry regulations are theoretically ambiguous in differentiated product markets. We use a dynamic oligopoly model of entry and exit with store‐type differentiation and static price setting to evaluate how entry regulations affect long‐run profitability, market structure, and welfare. Based on unique data for all retail food stores in Sweden, we estimate demand, recover variable profits, and estimate entry costs and fixed costs by store type. Counterfactual policy experiments show that welfare increases when competition is enhanced by lower entry costs. Protecting small stores by imposing licensing fees on large stores is not welfare enhancing.  相似文献   

We hypothesize that institutions such as agricultural cooperatives influence regional levels of variety diversity through input supply, processing or marketing functions. This diversity can also affect yield, a partial measure of crop productivity. We test these hypotheses with data from southern Italy, a mega-diversity spot and centre of diversity for durum wheat. Cooperatives in the southern regions of Italy process farmers’ harvests of durum wheat into bread, label it, and sell it locally. In this relatively marginalized region of the country, cooperatives enable farmers to capture more of the value of the final product and reduce marketing costs. To test the hypothesis, we apply a two-stage estimation approach with a Cobb-Douglas production function and panel data analysis. Findings suggest that the density of cooperatives in a region is associated with greater spatial diversity in wheat varieties grown, and that, over a 14-year period, this diversity positively affected crop yields.  相似文献   

In most macroeconomic models inflation tends to be harmful. In this article, we show that by simply changing the timing of production decisions by firms from “on demand” to “in advance,” some inflation can boost welfare as long as goods are sufficiently perishable. The main conclusion from this research is that by effectively hiding the strategic interaction between supply and demand, assuming production on demand is not without loss of generality.  相似文献   

中小医药企业在当前面临着严峻的市场竞争环境,而且普遍面对着各种各样的困境,如何成功突围就成了这些企业需要认真思考的问题。从营销的角度出发,中小医药企业应该重新思考自己的营销体系。要从优化产品线开始,然后构建高效的营销网络,同时进行深层次的战略思考,这样才能成功突围。  相似文献   

Multi-channel marketing is a popular research theme of marketing management. Studying multi-channel marketing is a popular research theme of marketing management. The studies emphasise the necessity and advantages of multi-channel marketing. Despite these advantages, multi-channel marketing is also a source of conflicts in supply chains because the coordination of supply chain ecosystem is challenging. This study is based on a questionnaire and interviews of entrepreneurs. The large significance of dealer, large turnover and the intention to bypass middlemen in the supply chain are sources of conflicts. Variables, which seem to have decreasing effects on conflicts are ‘large number of employees’, ‘intentions to sell different products via different channels’ and slightly in the case ‘to achieve competitive advantage via online shop’. Successful exploitation of e-commerce and multi-channel marketing needs intensive adaptation of entrepreneurs in each step. Each marketing channels need their own planning and sub-strategies. The strategic decisions of e-commerce are part of the whole strategy of the entrepreneurs and the firm.  相似文献   

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